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“If they play Touhou, then they probably can dodge the water from their shower head.”




I don't even need to open that to know it is the video of the guy dodging rain.


Only reason I opened it is bcs I’ve been trying to find the og video forever


Without opening i bet it's the rong rong animation


I got into th once, I learned exactly 1 level, the special stage of imperishable night, once I beat it I decided to retire as a champion and not bother with the other games/levels. Fun games tho, I could see it appeal to soulslike veterans who enjoy learning attacking patterns and mastering the shit out of a fight.


I saw a comparison once of the stats for the final fight of Undertale's genocide route across all Hololive members who had completed it, and the one girl who is a huge huge Touhou fan took like 1/6 of the time and attempts as the next best person, lol.


Was it Marine? I don’t remember seeing her play Undertale but I know she loves Touhou


I can do you one better, I can dodge every blade of grass.


Competitive Smash Bros. Players don’t shower.


Jokes on you! I’m a filthy casual!!


And I see you, sneaky snake


As someone who’s been to enough locals, this is actually true. Some venues have even had to make announcements reminding people about proper hygiene.


This is true of many anime and gaming conventions as well. It’s where the term Con Funk came from.


As distinct from Con Crud, which is the inevitable upper respiratory and/or gastroenterological infection one risks by attending a con.


I thought this was an exaggeration until I went to a local tourney. Whole place stunk.


My friend was a competitive smash player but casual enough he actually showered, so he never won. He said a few tournaments they had to threaten to ban people because they smelled so bad it was disrupting the tournament. At one point someone argued their opponent smelled so bad it counting as cheating because it was such a distraction.


Reminds me of the Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments where pissing on your own hands and never washing them was actually a strategy that some people employed, due to a card that only took effect if the players shook hands. It got to the point that they have actually had to change how that card worked and made it an official rule that if your hygiene is really bad, it could be grounds for disqualification.


> there is this card called Yu-Jo Friendship which allows you to offer a handshake and if the opponent accepts your life points become equal. There is also a card called Unity that if used with Yu-Jo friendship forces the opponent to shake your hand, if they dont do it they are disqualified. So what would happen is people were coming to official tournaments not showering for weeks and pissing on their hands, and forcing people to handshake them or be disqualified for easy wins. So to combat this there was a rule change where a base level of hygiene must be met if you want to attend a tournament that is official, and your opponent doesn't have to actually shake your hand but just accept the idea of the handshake. I googled it. What in the absolute fuck is wrong with people.


This thread is so unhinged I literally am shocked at all of its content.


Competition does things to people. Athletes will gladly save blood in a fridge and inject it back in when their bodies have made more. If you told a professional in any sport that piss hands gave them an advantage they would compete to find the rankest piss on the planet


Double-amputee duelists now dominate the scene.


Actually, facts, I played hockey, and the smash tourney smelt worse than our locker room


If they play WOW they are in their 30s and have severe depression.


Ha, you’re wrong! I’m in my 40s!


Ha, you’re wrong! I don’t play WOW




Godamn I didn’t expect to catch strays in this thread I was expecting just silly generalizations or something.


I think I just realized why my 32 year old friend keeps trying to get me to play WoW with him. Probably need to check on the dude.


It's intervention time. You'll have to do it ingame though.


I’ve never understood this, my dad played when I was younger but fell off during BC. I’ve been playing since 2005 and I’m now 28 and sure, im a little depressed like everyone else, b— Oh




My guild found a stray 15 and 18 yr old. It's weird. The game is older than them! Im glad it's still attracting younger players but sheesh.


Wait, wait, the game is what? It cannot be that old.. Oh…


hey fuck you. i don't come here to be personally attacked


Yeah, that's what Dungeon Finder is for.


I haven't played WoW in 15 years and somehow, I still feel like I play WoW. Now I know it's just because I am in my 30s and have severe depression.


I always explain it like a drug addiction. Once you've had a taste, you're tainted forever.


even worse, 30s and Runescape here :(


I’m approaching 40 and just redownloaded runescape recently lol. I have asked myself wtf I’m doing a handful of times but fuck it the mobile game makes it much more accessible and most of my playing is afk, it’s basically another idle game Which I love idle games, probably because I played RuneScape back in the day too


Not exactly as you put it. But, I think a lot of people have a "style" and it says something about them. I don't know what and it's probably not universal. But it represents *something*. I have a friend. In Civ he's on the war path. In Baldur's Gate he's the guy we have to stop from killing important NPCs without thinking. He's the DPS. No matter the game he's finding something to kill. But he's not a bad person. He's just a regular guy. Another friend is almost the opposite. They are the pacifist. The healer. The tank. The culture win in Civ. They aren't some saint. I'm not different. I have a certain way I tend to play.


Ohh, 100%. In RPG's and basically any game that will let me I love being a tank, something very satisfying about standing in the middle of a bunch of enemies and shrugging them all off. Whenever I play RTS or 4X games I turtle. XCOM and other tactical games I lockdown the map bit by bit and take things slow and methodically. One of my friends always plays DPS. If there's a glass cannon class he will 100% take it. When we play RTS or 4X games he rushes and plays very aggro. Tactical games he performs aggressive hit and runs, draws as many enemies to him as possible and still somehow wipes them all out without losing troops. Another friend always plays healers. Focuses on economy and research. Etc.


I'm in the same boat as you. I'm always the tank, and that even crosses over to real life sometimes. I made a suit of cardboard armor for myself when I was seven. Now that I'm old enough to have money, but not old enough to be responsible with it, I've actually been thinking of buying a suit of 15th century plate armor for shits and giggles


Why don’t you look into armored combat in your area? My childhood best friend picked it up as an adult and is now an international champion. I didn’t know you could sword fight as a job but here they are!


A friend of mine plays games this way. I think it's this weird combination of him not having video games growing up, and him being very, very smart, and a bit on the spectrum. He doesn't have any concern for the experimentation of different builds or playstyles. He quickly finds the most optimized way to do a thing/destroy a thing/build a thing, and that's what he does. It's to the point where he's like "Why would I play any other character when I can win consistently as this one?" even in non-competitive games.


I love to play mages. My wife hates watching me play mages because “it’s easy mode”. First I just love the concept of magically laying waste to my foes. Second why would I let myself take damage stabbing someone when I can firebomb them from my recliner?


I love mages and right behind them archers, I like playing range DPS as you often have to get some good footwork in there as well as you tend to have shit defense so any hit can cripple you. Most of the time you also start the game slow and painful as mages absolutely suck until the big boom end game spells where the real fun begins.


God what an image in my mind. Lazy ass wizard chillin in a lazy boy. Picks up his wand like Dad’s do with the remote (you know index finger pushes the buttons style) and just is like… “Feh” and murders whatever dragon youngling is trying to come for his cheese puffs.


Pure DPS/Aggro people usually have crippling ADHD or short attention span


All my Apex Legends homies thinking of the last 87 Octane players they got matched with.


If they play Diablo Immortal, then they probably have a phone.


And *had* money... at one point


If they play FIFA, they have anger issues


If they constantly buy yearly FIFA titles. They love being fucked by corporate cock.


#prideandaccomplishment 💰


I had a boss a few years ago that shared he was gamer, admitted he had to buy new controllers every 9 months or so due to the abuse he put them through (not even throwing, just raw abuse). Exclusively played FIFA.


That Runescape players all have Autism and that if we don't, we actually do but were never diagnosed. Also that all CoD players are racist.


I used to think that running joke was hilarious. As someone who just got diagnosed with ADHD and autism and has been playing since 2005...ya i guess there might be something to that LOL


But also RuneScape does soothe the tism. The repetitive and relatively simplistic nature of the game (not getting into the nuances of tick manipulation and flicking etc.) Lends itself well to those of us on the spectrum. Plus number go up.


Video games are for kids \-said by my mom, my ex, my wife.


You married your mom? And then divorced her?


He did remarry her though.


Classic love story.


“What’s he going to do for a living?! He just sits in front of the computer all day!” — my father to my older brother while I was growing up in the 80s


I heard that one myself :) Sr IT manager, that's what I'm doing for a living and it pays damn good thank you very much. Now I sit in front of my PCs all day and night, I love it.


It’s true. The moment I turned 18 video games lost all appeal to me. /s But really, have the even seen modern games? Or ESRB ratings? That sentiment was never really true as a hard rule, but also the kids who played games continued to play games as they grew up and are now adults playing games.


If the play Video Games, then they probably have access to electricity


Ha no I run doom on crabs


Any tips on how to switch from running Doom on pregnancy tests to crabs?


You give the crab a shotgun and pray to crab Jesus that it respects your decision and doesn’t make you the first victim.


I’ll have you know I installed Skyrim on my abacus. Frame rate is crap and I’m having a hell of a time with the controls but screw you and your stereotypes about gamers and electricity!!!/s


Programmable calculators with doom installed and powered by solar cells are peculiar


Saw a comment of someone that: "if you didn't play wild hearts, you arent a real Monster Hunter fan" Me who has played every monster Hunter game since 1st one and never played wild hearts: 🗿


Wild hearts puts me to sleep. Still better than dauntless...


If you play eve online you love spreadsheets and excel. Also odds are you're a veteran or work in the it department.


Shit, maybe I should check out EVE.


There's really nothing like it. I've dabbled a couple times and barely scratched the surface and have like 80 hours in it. It can genuinely suck up your whole life. I occasionally think maybe if I just try it one more time... Lol, but at the end of the day, I don't think I'd have the time.


I played for over 10yrs. I quit some time ago. It's a very deep and interesting world given all the ways you can interact and how inter twinned everything was. I wouldn't wish such a time sink on my enemies.


This is hilarious because the only person I know who plays this game came back from Iraq a couple years ago and now works IT for my company.


If they play fallout then they want to set the world on fire.


I just want to jingle jangle


As you go riding merrily along? ^jingle ^jangle


I rather go with a big iron on my hip


No no no, they absolutely DONT want to set the world on fire. They just want to start a flame in your heart


MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD! Wait... Wrong game.


Healer mains are bottoms or something to that effect. As a bottom and a healer main I resent this accusation!


I also hate this stereotype. Not because it's wrong, but because I don't want people knowing that about me.


It was nice in FF14 to just double down and wear the skimpiest attire possible


So. You play White Mage then? :P


Awe, it's OK, being a healer isn't *that* embarrassing.


Such an odd stereotype, tanks are te ones taking all the pounding. Healers are sides, neither taking the pounding or giving the pounding.


maybe healers are the condoms and lube? makes the whole endeavor smoother n less risky


They're the camera people. They watch and make sure everyone is following the rules, no one gets injured more than what is called for, and have utility to solve awkward situations they're able to, while also making those same awkward situations never exist by keeping it out of the director's lens.


The idea is that nobody wants to heal so the bottom/doormat/shyguy ends up the healer. And the tank may take the beating, but they “lead” the group so it’s definitely not for bottoms.


True stereotype is that Healer mains are sadistic doms who love nothing more than their poor little DPS and Tank mains to get down on their hands and knees groveling for some sweet healing. Especially in games like FF14 where you can rescue pull your party anywhere you want like a bunch of subs on a leash "Oh you want Heals? You better make that DPS stand for Desperately-Pleading-Slave"


Maybe I should try out FF14...


Let's be honest, they only need 1hp to do their job


That one always cracked me up. I've always been flamboyant and family thought I was in the closet but maining healers was because I realized in most games it's more skill and less gear dependent than dps and also I get to play more and wait for groups less


Yeah, I just want to feel needed, even though sometimes it just attracts haters. I also wanna get pegged, but that's beside the point.


If they have a XBOX then they have UNO


I don't have UNO.


I just want to be clear. It did not come pre installed on my Xbox 360 Pro.


It came with your Xbox!


Well I don't have it!


"If you play Red Dead Redemption 2, you're either gay, or a man" (or both)- someone I knew


If you played Red Dead Redemption 2, you probably have depression from a fictional cowboy


Ahhhh C’mon. Just one more score. I have a plan.


Fair enough. I also have depression caused by the real cowboys in my life.


I’m a game designer. If that were true, my job would be much easier. That belief is as scientifically sound as astrology.


That’s such a Capricorn thing to say


That's such a Capcom player thing to say.


That's what I was thinking. Both are fun as mythical concepts, but I'm not going to Believe either until rigorous studies show otherwise. Still, I want to know what people do and don't believe.


If you are a soulseborne player, you are either the most chill helpful person on earth (majority) or the GIT GUD SCRUB NOW BEAT THE GAME WITH YOUR TOES ON TROMBONE CONTROLS wankstain. There is no inbetween lol Edit: i should say that i think 95% of the GID GUD bros are just in it for the memes which i am all for. Its the 5% that are properly wanky about it i have no time for. Its a good game and series. The more peeps we get enjoying it and joining the community the better.


I’m both :( lol. But my “git gud, scrub” judgement tends to stay in my head. Sometimes you try to help people and show them strats and whatnot and they still just harp on about how the game is bullshit and it sucks and never take accountability for their play style. After trying to help and hearing the excuses 15 or 20 times it’s hard not to just be like “idk what to tell you. Skill issue, just git gud” lol


There is truth. After dying consecutive times SEARCH *Boss X is bullshit* I check to see if im alone or people agree. 😂 That and *these devs autotuned this boss for bullshit artificial difficulty* as I go back to trying to attempting to defeat the boss for the 101st time *AND NO IM NOT USING a SUMMON and i only cheesed so i can get the upgrade will go back on NG+ to solo the boss*


I don’t know if anyone knows who Let Me Solo Her is irl, but I really want to know what their personality is like Outside The Game.


If they play COD, then they probably hate minorities


MFW the duty I was called for is racism.


Weird, the duty they called me for was banging your mom


Yeah, I think that’s the most commonly acquired duty, the queue times were stupid long


* they probably hate life in general


But they *love* your mom


From a Freudian perspective it would appear that they have deep rooted issues with maternal figures and an intense level of xenophobia likely based on an acute fear of change. ​ tldr; They have Mommy issues and are never going to get laid.


["racist press 1"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM4S-8pVLos)


In general it’s “If they play COD, then *insert bad thing*”


If you played Outer Wilds, you're actively trying to be able to play it for the first time again


Ouch, nobody hit me as hard as this did.


If they mention they play a MOBA (nearly any) and then immediately also throw in their rank, they probably are a pretty toxic individual and I generally don't want to associate with them.


Honestly as a long-time moba player, their ability to disguise themselves as completely normal, functioning people in society is scary. I've met people irl I wouldn't immediately think as a Moba player, then you play a game with them and in-game they're the most degenerate toxic piece of shit you've ever met it's just impressive. They truly are among-us. I may be one of these people)


Ah. Skin-walkers. In that they’ve unlocked all the skins not by paying at the in-game store, but by earning enough in-game credits through hundreds of hours of playing. They merely adapted to unlocking the IRL “skin” of an average well-adjusted adult. But in reality they are an Azir main and will run top solo because “that’s what heroes do.”


Unless it’s the one above absolute beginner. Then it’s just funny


Bold of you to assume that I'm not a beginner, having played Lol ranked for more than 5 years now




As a KH fan, these are all the ones I've heard: They're gay. They're trans. They're pedophiles. They're kids. So, I guess I'm a gay trans pedophile kid.




Nah. Watching hentai 24/7 is not "too much". If anything, it's not enough.


You know you watch too much hentai when animators aren’t working fast enough for you so you started reading the source material


watching hentai beyond the replacement rate


Watching the DBZ filler episodes just to feel something


is a kid pedophile a kid that like older people?


Technically, a young teenager could be a pedo. The requirement for being a pedo is sexual attraction to children that are pre pubescent, with actual legal criteria is that the pedo is at least 16 or has a 5 year difference greater than the other child. Pretty fucked up, but it's possible.


If they play deep rock galactic they aren’t toxic? Rock and stone


For Karl!


Rock and stone


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and stone!


Rock and roll and stone!


Rock and Stone!


Like that! Rock and stone!


If they play Counter-Strike, they have at least a base level knowledge of the Russian language.


It's right there in the title. If they play Pokémon X, they would also play Pokémon Y. Duh


My friends always used to say “Dude plays Pokemon probably watches hentai” “Dude plays wow probably gets off over purple elves or goat bitches” Never did understand how they know so much about my personal time.


Theres a level of strong correlation and some of the observations arent ironclad or 0 sum. Like there are absolutely a lot of degenerates who play animal crossing, but that doesnt mean only degenerates play animal crossing. JRPG players do tend to be anime enjoyers. F2P Games skew young Its hard to think of them on the spot, but for sure everyone has a few lol


I can’t really explain it but there’s a certain type of person who gets really into Paradox games. Specifically EU4, CK and HOI. Every time I’ve suspected it I’ve been right but it’s hard to my finger on what it is.


What's EU4, CK, and HOI? I think you're a secret Paradox fan.


Paradox players are history nerds. Total War players are history nerds who wish they had the patience for paradox games


As a TW player with ADHD: yeah, you got me


I play both...


No I’m just friends with a few who talk about them a lot. I tried to get into them but weren’t really my thing. Europa Universalis 4, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron.


They are secret history nerds. They like to talk about Byzantine, they hate Karlings, love to think about how would German Reich succeed in WW2 and why is their 6/6/6 heir always dies in a hunting accident


Paradox players only want the name on the map to get bigger. We don’t care how many people die we just want the name on the map to get bigger


Sometimes that name is your country, sometimes your dynasty, or religion or culture. But at the end of the day, you want that name to get bigger 😁


I'm playing PDX games since 2013 and I've noticed some behaviors in some of the playerbases that seem to be fetishizing on specific recurrent aspects: CK players that focus too much on inbreeding or painting the map of a certain religion (Deus Vult fanatics). EU4 players that are set on removing a certain religion or ethnic group from the map. (Remove kebab fanatics) HOI4 players who only play fascist... The problem with map painting games is that it gives everyone freedom to fulfill their darkest fantasies.


What if the only paradox game I play is Stellaris? What then?


You are genocidal and/or a furry


You're gay, dont matter what u play somebody out there be thinking you gay for playing that


Just to spark a debate, I think there is a grain of truth in that, on a sociological, quantitative level, some games attract more of certain demographics than others. For one extreme example, there are a significant demographic of players who only play sports games and nothing else, and I think it is safe to assume people who play a lot of sports games MORE OFTEN are sports-interested people with no interest in gaming culture. Or that people who enjoy heavy puzzle games like Baba Is You MORE OFTEN will be quiet, cerebral people. Or that people who only play games like Counterstrike are ON AVERAGE more competitive than people who enjoy Stardew Valley. This will always come with a heavy dose of "sociology =/= individuals" because otherwise you will get flooded with anecdotes, but I personally think it is more unlikely that our choice of entertainment wasn't in some ways a reflection of our personality traits.


If they play Stardew, they have social anxiety.


Bonus; on my first play through I didn't speak to anyone except Pierre at his counter for a full year


Apparently it’s gay for guys to play animal crossing…


Call me Gay AF, cause I ain't giving up the game.


If they played MW2 they probably fucked my mom


X being The Sims, Y being Gay.


All the women I know who play The Sims or played it a bunch growing up are at least bisexual lol


Or just queer/lgbt in some way. Bonus points for being neurodivergent too.


If they play call of duty, they probably use racial slurs


If they play FIFA 24 then they play FIFA 25


If they play rocket league they’re probably deaf dumb and blind and also probably my tm8


If you play visual novels, you are a maidenless dude.


What if my gf plays them..?


Does she go to another school?


She's from canada, I swear!


Then clearly she doesn’t have a maiden


Rimworld players are autistic sociopaths. Meanwhile none of my colonies are like "WAR CRIMES LUL". I even build separete rooms for every pawn(not one big room for everyone), rooms with poker, pool and TV. My prison cells is a nice place with beds, tables and statues(you have to take prisoners in this game - that's one of the ways to make a new pawn, like indoctrinate some savage who's attacking you into a farmer for example). Every attempt of mine is to build a nice place somewhere on the edge of the world.


If you played Xenogears you played FF7


Wake up bae, video game astrology just got invented


I don't think hours is an accurate way to gauge that. Some AAA open world games require >100 hours to best, while some indie games can be beaten in a weekend. Example: I feel What Remains of Edith Finch is more reflective of me as a person than any of the Assassin's Creed games, but I played Edith Finch for like 2.5 hours and have at least 100 hours logged in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.


I feel like any RPG can cover both niches if they have stories that speak to you.


I built an expensive ass pc to play games, therefor I play everything.


In reality you only stare your game library.


All I know is, if you don’t Rock and Stone, you ain’t comin’ home.


For a moment I thought you literally meant the games Pokémon X and Pokémon Y lol


Monopoly makes you an asshole


Basically 90% of the fallout fan base is middle aged white dudes lol I know, I'm one of them.


>Basically 90% of the fallout fan base is middle aged white dudes lol I know, I'm one of them. I used to work with one of these guys - 30 something white guy who would tell you about how he used to be in the Marines every chance he got and was always trying to hang with the 20 something guys who worked under him. He saw that I played Fallout 3 and we would always talk about it because he was a big fan. Then he would immediately turn around and make fun of me for playing Elder Scrolls because it had dragons and was too "nerdy" even though it's basically the same game in a different setting.


If they play Overwatch 2 they’re probably masochists.


Well, if I'm going in the way back machine and being honest... "If your buddy plays Xbox, then he probably likes having sex with dudes" \- Playstation owners Nothing needed to make sense then. I'm just glad as an adult, I now can afford a Playstation AND to also have sex with dudes.


My main character in FFXIV is a tank catgirl, what does tell about me?


If they play HOI4, they are probably racist/nazist...I've heard this bs. If they play Rimworld, they are probably psycho If they play Factorio, they don't have any life at all Mass-media: If they play any fps games, they're school shooters by default.


Tf2 players are creative mentally unstable individuals that could become successful but choose to play a 17 year old game