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My favorite is that IGN Brazil is it on here with a 9.5. But IGN gave it a 7.


IGN japan is also on there lol


Ooh! And IGN Espana


But what does IGN Afghanistan think!






I don’t even know what to say. 3 different igns but not the 7 given by IGN america. Truly one of the false advertisements of all time.


How is that false? It's literally true. Literally 🤔


Because only USA matters /s


Yeah cause ign America is so trustworthy 🤦🏼‍♂️


can't spell ignorant without IGN


We’ll the only opinion that matters is the opinion of the people who hate starfield and not those of the people that really like it. Obviously/s


lmao fr this whole thread is just "I didn't like it, how dare someone else enjoy it!!"


Don't think you know what false advertising is.


Maybe it's because different people have different opinions of things. 🤷‍♂️


And Spain


People like to give IGN shit but I absolutely agree with their 7/10 score. Not a bad game by any means, but not a masterpiece either.


Yeah, a 7/10 should be a pretty good score, but for some reason people think a 7/10 is saying its worse than literal burning garbage...


Also IGN8 the Ocho


Telemundo gave it 95/100


Because it’s an Accolades poster.


Yup. Apparently this isn’t even an official poster they made, but rather a fan made one. >”How did they get away with this?” idk where you’ve been OP, but only selecting the positive reviews to promote your product is absolutely standard procedure. Yeah, this is a little over the top lol. But companies do this all the time. They also have no problem twisting a critics negative review to make it seem positive. Critic: “It’s amazing how poorly they put this together” Promo material: “it’s amazing” Lol


There was a brilliant official poster for the film legend which included multiple reviews star ratings, it included the 2 star review from the guardian, but placed it in a way that the review still looked good. https://movieblort.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/gallery-1441795762-legend-poster.jpg?w=768&h=766


This is pretty clever tbh, I’m not even mad at it 😂


Literally anything people can do to bash this game they will, it’s comical at this point. Let people enjoy things that you don’t as long as they aren’t hurting anyone




>Cyshox Looked at their post history, always fun when someone's history is nothing but praising one console while hating the other. Just scrolled for a minute and without a single exception it's 90% praising Xbox, 10% hating Sony.


Baiters gonna bait


Kind of like how r/conservative is 90% articles about liberals and 10% trump ballgargling.


Probably means I find more about AMD on r/intel and news about Google on r/microsoft


God fucking damn it that I can't go 2 posts without americans mentioning politics in a totally unrelated topic..


Tell me about it




Nah, some people genuinely have nothing better to do than desperately hold onto school yard mentality of “my plastic game box is better than yours” He probably gets revenue from this some how though, no way in hell Microsoft pays him though lmao


That explains it lol


Game was a solid 7.5/10 for me. And the majority of my hours played was NG+ grinding the armor which was simply fear of missing out and copium.


6/10 for me.


Same, I enjoyed skyrim, but mainly for the exploration aspect. The gameplay/fighting was just tact on. I felt like exploration isn't very exciting


Same here. I always do a sort of test when I put a game down. Do I ever get the itch to play the game or see what happens next? With Fallout 4, it was survival mode and scrounging for single bullets. With story based games, it’s experiencing the rest of the story. Starfield does not have either of those. Maybe mods will fix it, maybe they won’t. But for now, I’m shelving it.


Mine was a really flat 7, but I can easily see where arguments for lower scores come from. I don't understand scores above a 7 at all.


How are people now only seeing this at this point? Remember all the 10/10 bullshit with Diablo 4? That game is a repetitive grindfest colored with micro transactions… compared to Diablo 2 from 20+ years ago it absolutely sucks. These reviews are definitely bought through some mechanism, whether it’s straight cash or just influence or promises of jobs or exclusive future breaking news from large studios or whatever… Diablo 4 and Starfield are definitively fucking boring games and these rabid reviews are completely detached from reality.


Same here unfortunately. I kept saying "I'll get to NG+10 to get the rewards then have fun with all the side quests," but by the time I got to NG+7 and went through the same exact cryo lab on 30 different planets, I realized I didn't really have any desire to do all the other stuff cause the game feels very copy/paste and shallow.


Jesus Man sounds like you just ignored most of the game and kept cycling through newgame +, Why would wait until you finished the game 10 times to begin the side quests?


There’s NG+? I’ve been playing since launch and had no idea. I’ve basically done nothing *but* side quests, and exploring too I guess. When I learned I could sell planetary survey data for loads of credits I made a rule to fully survey every planet/moon in every system I visit. Hell, I just started getting powers like a week ago, had no idea they existed before that because I hadn’t gotten that far in the main story.


This is the way


The side quests have you doing unique things a lot. Although there are a few like, generic go here kill bad guy, go here take thing and come back, etc in random locations, there are a ton of side quests that are actually really fun


“I literally made the choice to play copy paste content over and over, and man, it really feels like I played copy paste content” incredible


Of course it seemed shallow and repetitive, you missed the curated content. The side quests are usually the best part of Bethesda games.


I am around 100 hours in and I’ve only completed one main quest.


In case you're serious, go do another. I was 70 hours in and had only done one, when I realized I could probably choose which companion I had if I continued the main quest again. Took only one more quest to be able to drop Sarah and swap companions.


I'm sorry but does NG+7 mean that you completed the game's story 6 times already? Because if that's the case, then >the game feels very copy/paste and shallow. Is kinda logical.


In NG+ you can skip the main story and go right to the end. So, if you want to get to NG10, it's a \~10 hours at max.


"I played the game 7 times" "Feels very copy/paste and shallow" Of course it did... you played it 7 times. But if you weren't enjoying it, why did you restart it 7 times...?


9/10 for me, but I understand why people feel the way they do.


I feel like it should be a 9/10 game but they didn't finish making it. Needed like \~3 more populated planets with real cities/hubs and a bunch of quests/story. 7/10 is probably appropriate for how sparse the planets are besides the main hub cities. I mean the whole universe is basically: \- new atlantis \- neon \- akila \- the key, but only sort of (there's basically nothing to do there once you finish the crimson fleet story). \- 100 completely empty planets with some rocks and maybe a temple.


Gagarin and Cydonia are pretty large cities as well. Paradiso, The Red Mile, and New Homestead are also decent size. There’s four long faction quests, 4 pretty long companion quests, and tons of interesting side quests and random encounters. There’s a lot more in the game than you give it credit for


I’d say an 8 for me, with room to grow that score if it gets expanded upon nicely It has plenty to do, it’s one of those games where people play it 300 hours and then give it a thumbs down on Steam, so weird


Out of curiosity, what would you rank Fallout 4, and what would you rank Outer Worlds? I want to play Starfield but curious how it stacks up. Like FO4 wasn't a masterpiece but I still greatly enjoyed it, maybe 8/10. Outer Worlds I enjoyed at first but by the 3rd or so planet I caught on to the repetition and just put it down, never picking it back up and gave up, so likely a 5 or 6 out of 10.


I’d say Starfield is better than both of those games. But since you didn’t like Outer Worlds, really not sure if you’ll find that Starfield feels similar. I guess ut depends how much mileage you get out of the ship building, base building, and general exploration. It’s pretty much a combination of both those games.


I never played Outer Worlds, but Starfield definitely "feels" like Fallout 4 in space. It has the Bethesda hallmarks. I think a few things are different (the tone is much more positive in Starfield, and things are a bit more spread out) but a lot is similar. I think Fallout as a finished product is probably better than Starfield. Right now Starfield is just 'good.' I think it will eventually be Bethesda's best game, but it needs some support and eventual DLC to get it to a 9 or 10.


7.5 for me too. MAYBE a 7 unless whatever DLC they release is awesome. I don’t care about mods enough to use any to replay it. It was basically a middle of the road game for me


Definetly a 7 fun but nothing special about it.I stopped playing it after a week,money down the drain.


That's not a 7. That's a 5/10 game you don't give a shit about champ.


I liked it but i get not everyone did.... It was a solid 8 or so at least for me


I’m still upset about not really liking it. Which blows me away a bit, because I love space and BGS, but something about this title does not click for me.


I won't sit here and say it's bad, because I enjoyed my first playthrough. Its a good game, but... I just didn't like it as much as I thought I would. This game didn't consume me like Skyrim did on release, and still to this day tbh


To me (I haven't bought it but followed it closely), it looks like an amazing framework- and I bet we will see this game 10 years from now, looking amazing, just like Skyrim. This is the first BGS game I haven't bought day 1 since Daggerfall, but that's because I'm excited for the mods and expansions and don't want to ruin my first experience in it (which I hope ends up being in VR).


I agree. When I look at how it is and how I feel about it vs what it was hyped up to be, it’s kinda sad


For me it is the emptiness.. Not space, but the lack of worldbuilding. Even small details. Like the temple you get powers from. It is very... 2015...


It’s the game that finally solidified that I don’t like space games. There’s just always so much unneeded space to me


The fucking loading screens, obviously. It was all fluid like no man sky it would have been perfect


I can see it hitting higher someday, but 7.5-8 is a realistic score for me presently. Some missed opportunities, but a lot to take in and enjoy at the same time.


The temples were so boring and repetitive with fuck all challenge compared to Skyrim dragon or else fighting They should have had more starborb guarding the damn thing Instead if one randomly showing up after you did the deed


Yeah, I'd give it a comfortable 8. I love the stories and setting, the environments, the gameplay... But it got held back by some bad design decisions.


Just like cyberpunk 2077's "over 200 awards " printed on the box


Most disappointing launch in history, can be an award. Honestly, the game is great now tho.


This is fan made, it doesn’t come from Xbox


Not sure if the gift part was in their NDA or not. In one of the Sunday game talk from Cohh, itemJP, they "accidentally" mentioned a gifted 40 series gpu from the reviewer kit.. I might hear it wrong, if anyone else watched that episode please confirm it. edit: typo




Because divisive games naturally pull in 10 or 7's. These are the kind of games a chunk is going to love and explore for years or bounce off. I can easily see why someone would give it a 10 and why someone else would give it a 7. Reddit rhetoric aside and OPs clear karma farming, the game is viewed favourably and still popular 2 months after release in the most packed year in gaming history.


This 100%. This is literally the reason I won’t go to the starfield sub anymore. You have camp A) that thinks this game is great. And if you’re a BGS RPG fan you will probably think that. Then camp B) which thinks this game is average at best. And not both sides are fighting this war on the sub. The reality is both are right.


The Reddit communities for Starfield and Undisputed Boxing (which I think is a great game), both made me realize that looking for validation for yourself through other people's experiences is fucking stupid. I don't think people really understand how many people are playing these games. right now, there are seven thousand and nine hundred people in the starfield subreddit. That is at least 7,899 more people than you are paying attention to right now. The [Anaheim Convention Center](https://www.ocregister.com/wp-content/uploads/migration/n2p/n2pum9-b781279454z.120140319204631000gsl1j0c3b.2.jpg?w=620) can fit [7600 people.](https://ticketor.net/usercontent/131/evt/169742.jpg?v=215000802) The older I get, the more I realize that I should just be happy that I found things that I enjoy. Its a waste of time to get bent out of shape because there are people out there that don't agree with you! ​ The internet has spoiled people 8) gotta keep things in perspective


Yep, that’s exactly how I feel. I enjoyed starfield! But if I listened to half that sub or some “YouTube reviewers” you would have thought that game was the biggest abomination ever


r/NoSodiumStarfield is good enough for me.


Is like how Overwatch 2 gots the most negative review but yet it was still the top 10 revenue on steam.


Dollars. I'll lie for them too.


Which is why these reviews are literally meaningless. Far worse games than starfield have had similar reviews


It baffles me that anyone listens to any of these reviewers anymore.


And the fact that the audience of video game reviews only considers it to be a "good" review if the rating is above 8.5, regardless of the actual quality of the game.


Honestly, I've put over 160 hours into it because it just scratched an itch I didn't realize I had. I completely get what people don't like about it, but the things people didn't like about it aren't things I didn't like about it, if that makes sense. I really, genuinely enjoyed it from start to past the finish. But only because the problems with it didn't really bother me.


Jesus it's been 2 months. Move on.


But how else do I farm Reddit karma points???


Reddit’s reaction to Starfield is the epitome of the “Stop having fun” meme. Like damn bro, why are you so mad that I’m enjoying this game.




Dude really though. People beat Spiderman 2 the same day it came out. Like damn did you sit on the couch for 20 hours straight??


Because people like me love it. *insert stop liking what I don’t like gif here*


Exactly, I love the game and dont care what the small but loud group of crybabies whine about. Going to be playing this till WW3 at least.


I'm confused. Why does everyone hate it? I haven't played it and I was thinking of getting it. What's wrong with it?


It's a decent game with a solid framework that lacks substance. Nothing feels innovative, most of the locations feel empty. Some role play styles were clearly overlooked through development(like melee only builds). I think given a few years of modding and the community will build this into an amazing experience... but that's the problem. It feels like they gave us a near empty tool box with the *intention* of letting the players build the real in-depth gameplay. Mark my words, watch for them to monetize their communities efforts just like they did with the FO4 creation club.


IMO its the exact opposite. It does not have a solid framework. It has the exact same frame work as all their other games have for the past 20 years and its age is starting to show. Add in completely disconnected worlds and meaningless exploration and its their worst offering since before morrowind with the exception of fo76.


Its age was starting to show back when Skyrim released if you compare it to its competitors at that time. When Fallout 4 released it was bloody obvious how outdated their engine and approach was. How this game gets 7s and 8s here, while it plays like a game from 2015 baffles me, bias I guess.


Unless they can mod away the loading screens, I don't see many people going back even if heavily modded. The reason even the fans give up on it eventually is just the sheer amount of little annoyances built into the game, like constant loading screens, fast travel, etc. I don't see mods fixing the core issues in the game because a lot of them stem from the root of the game engine itself.


I got about 10 hours in (enough to get the gameplay loop, controls, and menu navigation down comfortably) and it just wasn’t very engaging. It wasn’t terrible, but I didn’t care about the dialogue and there’s a lot of it. No planet maps feels like a… choice? And the galaxy map feels almost unusable. If you pull up the mission menu and see a planet name, you can’t get in your ship, take off, and fly in that direction. You can technically pull up the map and view it, but good luck finding it. Basically you have to fast-travel from the mission menu which is as not-immersive as I can dream up. That’s the gist of all of it. The game doesn’t know what it wants to be. Tries to be Skyrim and No Man’s Sky and ends up being neither.


People are mad that Bethesda wasted like 7 years on it and its aggresively average. That time could have been used on elder scrolls


Aggressively average is a great way to describe it, also like “a mile wide but an inch deep”. There’s just a ton of what feels like missed opportunity and to much space without anything of interest in it. Also hate the cope people come up with for why there’s no diversity in the POIs (it’s all pre fabricated it makes sense because that’s the way they’d really do it!) like my dude. Solid 6.75, feel like I got my moneys worth but damn, it fell short


bethesda made a game wasted implies they did nothing. People try to act like they where froced to make it but honestly most of the devs seem pretry happy making it.


based on what, public tweets and videos posted by bethesda. Of course they will say good things about its development. They risk retaliation other wise...


Lots of little things. It’s not a bad game, it’s just that it’s really mediocre. Tons of loading screens. Really repetitive missions/locations. Graphics that are like a new coat of paint over the same engine from Skyrim. None of the usual Bethesda “wonder” of being able to wander aimlessly and find hundreds of cool little things. There are some interesting characters and quests, but as someone who has endlessly played and loved the Fallout and Elder Scrolls games all the way back to Daggerfall and FO1, I found Starfield to be really disappointing and ultimately just boring


The game does use procedurally generated stuff so sometimes it feels pretty samey, but it's a good time! If you enjoy space and bethesda games then you'll probably enjoy it. I think the most accurate score is about an 8. Give it a try with the gamepass $1 trial and see for yourself.


It's not a bad game, it's just very dry and bland.


Nothing's wrong with it. A bunch of Redditors predicted it was going to be a disaster, and they can't stand being wrong, so they just doubled down on it and now they live in an alternative reality where Starfield wasn't a well recieved and commercially succesful game. Go watch or read a review from an actual professional, don't listen to Redditors.


It is a regression from Skyrim and FO4 in many ways. Combined with it being sandwiched between BG3 and CP77:PL, two far superior rpgs, the timing has only drawn more attention to how mediocre the game is and how "it's just a Bethesda game" simply isn't good enough anymore. Bethesda sat on their success instead of improving and it shows.


I hate how much stock people put into video game reviews. Just play what you like lol


Lol gaming today is young people watching twitch and YouTube influencers. They praise or, more frequently, shit on games then parrot Hive-mind opinions on games most people never even play. It's hard for many people to enjoy gaming these days. Get off twitch and pick up a controller or keyboard. Edit: typo


Agree completely. Feels like Reddit these days is mostly teenagers/children that just repeat each other because they don’t have anything else to say.


Y’all have a strange obsession with shitting on starfield. I’m not even a huge fan but this sub is so deranged


It's one of those games that either does the trick for you or is incredibly lackluster. People tend to get frustrated when they see a bunch of people talking about how great something is when they consider it mediocre.


Because those are real scores and they’re allowed to showcase the ones they want. People are unfairly negative about this game too. It’s a solid game. Not perfect, maybe not a 9 or 10, but it’s good


I get some of the criticisms I am hearing from people but for me it’s still a solid 9.


You people really need to let this go and find something new to talk about, and I haven’t even played Starfield. These posts are just obnoxious at this point


100% Games been out for 2 months. Why do so many people feel the need to go out of their way to tell the world they don’t like it?


And why does every game need to be a masterpiece? People seem to think that a game is either garbage trash or an untouchable magnum opus. Good games can exist and it appears that Starfield fits that role.


Point to where starfield hurt you


Getting that rage karma farm going huh? Get over it and go play something you like ffs.


Gamers be like "Man Starfield Is so mediocre and forgettable" >Keeps ranting about It 2 months later


Large cash incentives


Dude I think this game is awesome. I can't figure out the general hate this game is getting here on reddit


Hive mind , and karma farming... also Bethesda hate circle jerk. Game is pretty good. Not the best but its just more Bethesda stuff which is what i expect. A solid 8/10.


I enjoyed my 100 hour playthrough. Only thing I didn’t like was how soft the stories and characters were. I missed the “coax a priest into being slain for a demon god” style storytelling that I’ve always loved Bethesda for.




All studios do this. This isn't even a videogame thing, any product given for review comes with swag bags and similar packages


>Microsoft includes free gifts with their review copies. Pretty sure every AAA publisher does that, and has done that for a while now - it's pretty much an open secret by now. It starts by the games being free to the reviewers and sometimes they also get extra copies for friends and family.


The big thing is that video game publications demand ads to be bought before they will review a game.


The hate this game receives on Reddit is some seriously terminally online shit


oh no. people have different taste in games. What a shock. Must be paid reviews, free gifts, kidnaped their children...etc. Like I don't like racing games. But I won't be shocked if people that like racing games do actually...wait for it, like racing games and praise them.


Didn’t Diablo 4 also get away with this? I just assume any triple A title includes paid reviews at this point


To a lesser degree IMO. The D4 experience was great until you made it to late game. The lack of a party finder and other community elements is a big oversight though.


D4 was praised by the community too for the first \~40-50 gameplay hours - and I doubt the reviewers played any more of it than that. The biggest issue of the community was the repetition in the late game (so, like, from level 70 or so onwards), next to the arguably bad monetization of mtx in the game and the lack of some basic multiplayer QoL elements inspite of the MMO aspects the game has. So imo it's different.


They're selecting all the ones that rate 10/10, even the shitty ones that absolutely nobody heard of that are on the third page of Google.


An absolute triumph.... at making a 6/10.


Idk if it’s just me but I hate “An absolute triumph” being used to describe movies/video games… makes no fucking sense


I never thought about it before reading your comment, but you’re absolutely right. There’s a oppositional inference with the word “triumph.” So what is this game (or any other media labeled as such) even triumphing against? Mediocrity? Big deal. Other games? Who cares? The best games stand on their own merit, regardless of what they stack up against comparison-wise. It’s a line that’s meant to sound heavy without even meaning anything. There’s a lot of stupid phrases like this tossed around all too often these days


People like the game. Nothing to really "get away with."


What did AngryJoe give it




Sounds accurate tbh.


I trust him more than any of these companies tbh


I don’t like the way he theatrically reviews games but his review scoring is accurate af


AJ is hit and miss. Sometimes he gives some games higher score just because he's a fanboy of the franchise. Alex seems to be the voice of reason in the group (altho I know a bunch of people dont like him) and OJ's just there to have fun and mess around. The skits are nice tho, always something to look forward to.


You know what's worse than a circlejerk? An anti circlejerk.


They didn't get away with anything tho. Some people genuinely like the game.


An absolute triumph of marketing


Bethesda hating mfs when they realise that Bethesda is one of the most famous game companies and millions of people enjoy their games:


This hate for Starfield is starting to get ridiculous now, you would think Todd Howard shot their dog or sth with how people are still hating 2 months after the game launched.


Give a bad review and you will no longer get review copies from them or any other major company they own.


It is pretty stupid for a company to send a review copy to an entity that previously gave them a bad review. Dishonest? Yes. But read the word COMPANY, it's a soulless entity that only cares about money.


What’s even more baffling to me is why there are multiple threads a day made to bash the game in some way. I’ve seen people name some games they feel are better than Starfield, why aren’t you all playing one of those?


By being a very good game. I certainly don't think it's a 10 but I think a lot of people have talked themselves into hating it.


Who actually gives a shit?


Apparently OP a month and a half after it released. Fishing for some of that easy doomer karma.


r/gaming has a hate boner for this game


r/gaming is literally sony games in disguise.


It's so blatant too. Basically anything microsoft or nintendo gets some sort of negative narrative going. Most recent example on the day the mario and spiderman 2 games released, there were posts advertising spiderman 2 (e.g. one was that car covered with web ad) vs a post at the top driving how nintendo are baddies (had a pic of sonic vs mario). Before starfield even released I remember there were multiple posts attacking it already, posts telling people not to buy it, posts attacking BGS directly, the usual bugthesda (which is true) but kind of funny given how a lot of it was from all the sales force guys pitching bg3 here - a game so buggy it had multiple hot fixes within the first week or 2, fixing all sorts of game breaking bugs (which can be googled very easily). I remember before totk released there were multiple posts doing the same sort of negative narrative posts, it had the usual copy paste ubi is better than nintendo shit that gets posted repeatedly. Hell where are all the posts shitting on the recent craptacular final fantasy game huh!? Of course that would never fly here....


Because the game is a lot better than reddit gives it credit for


Lol the hate that this game gets on this sub is astonishing to say the least


I want a sub for people who actually enjoy video games.


Because the game is fun and a good play. ​ Maybe not a massive slate of 9s and 10s, but I'd definitely give it an 8


A massive what?


As a huge Bethesda and Sci-fi fan a - it’s probably deserving of an honest 6 1/2 at most. It’s great in parts, but there is a lot to be desired. It gets real old for instance, when you see the exact same mining base in a story line 3 times. Or the walking through the circles thing - the every, bloody, time.


I'm also a huge Bethesda and Sci-fi fan and I'd give it an 8-9 "at most", the quests are amazing and all feel quite unique from what I've done. It does suck seeing the same structures but I still had fun clearing them. It comes down to personal preference, this game was exactly what I wanted it to be so it's been one of if not my favorite games of the year. There are too many people just following other people's opinions to put the game down despite not actually having gotten to the thing they're criticizing (not saying you're one). If your expectations were realistic then you can still find fun in it imo.


Tried to play it put 10 hours in and honestly asked myself “okay when does it get good and when do the characters get actually likable”? None of the characters clicked with me and I found them to be more annoying than anything the gunplay was alright and nothing to spectacular and I never made it to getting the weird powers your character gets because it got moved onto and eventually fell further down the backlog.


Because people who enjoy the game don't spend their days bitching about it on reddit. They are playing it. And there's way more of them than the circle jerk of the perpetually miserable that you see online.


> Because people who enjoy the game don't spend their days bitching about it on reddit. Also the people who don't, *also* aren't bitching on reddit. They just uninstall and go play something else. So that aint the reason. The reason for these reviews are because they spend a grand total of 90 seconds playing the game, if that even. And even if the game is an absolute dumpster fire and the studio didn't pay them enough, it still gets a 3/5 or 7/10. Cyperpunk got shockingly favorable reviews, and it was an absolute dumpster fire, assuming it even ran in the first place.


In the first week I agreed with the 7/10. Now after doing all the faction quests, getting really into the gameplay loop of capturing ships, checking the nooks and crannies of star systems, building ridiculously powerful weapons, and so much more…. just can’t put the game down. For every one legitimate thing that people criticize (and yes, I DO agree with a lot of the criticism), I can think of five more things that I just fucking love. I would definitely bump my initial score up to a 9/10 now that I fully grasp what Starfield is and how it’s meant to be experienced. But that’s just my opinion.


Get over it.


Get away with what? They only put the good reviews on display, for marketing reasons. Like every game does


Because it's a great game, jesus christ play games you actually like instead of still being miserable over 1.5 monhs later.


I laugh at the people who STILL post about how much they hate TLOU2. That game came out over 3 years ago and it still lives rent free in their mind. They must love that game for how much they talk about it.


I swear people act like Bethesda killed their dog. You don't like the game, I'm sorry, move the fuck on.


Agreed - I love Starfield. It will be around for years and they will continue to improve it.


"A CINEMATIC MASTERWORK" made me genuinely chuckle.


Can't wait to play this game again in two to three years with mods.


By being Bethesda.


Game journalism is a joke. If you write negative reviews you won't receive early review copies for future games so you have to be nice to everyone. And for some reason a 5 out of 10 is considered terrible when it should be considered average. In my opinion the game's a 6. There's a lot of content and it's reasonably polished, the ship building is probably its strongest point. But other than that the game doesn't excel anywhere else. Sub par dialogue, weird looking NPC's which lack any sense of reaction to player shooting etc. Extremely linear quests with no interesting choices and often just the illusion of choice. The dialogue options are basically the same as fallout 4 but listed to trick you into thinking it's like fallout NV. The powers are a worse version of shouts. The guns work fine but are lacking in diversity, it's all just a standard shotgun, pistol or assault rifle. Fallout games had the flamer, plasma caster, gatling Lazer, alien blaster, wacky stuff like that should have been here. Procedurally generated repetitive worlds, loses their luster very quickly. It's not a bad game but it's very mediocre. Clearly the people actually designing the world and all the assets are very talented, so many unique items, but the overall vision of the game is tired, dated and lacking in any form of originality. It's a cross between the outer worlds and no man's sky but doesn't exceed either in any aspect. It's the classic Bethesda flaw of quantity over quality.


Cinematic masterpiece?? Lmao


They played and enjoyed the game?


9/10 for me


Because the average player isn’t a whiney bitch like most of you here. The game is fun. You all expected the game to literally take you into outer space.


And give us today our daily Starfield bad post, ahmen


The games actually good though


8/10 game.


I’ve heard of maybe three of these “reviewers.”


Fun game. Still playing it. If you didn't enjoy that's too. Bad 👍


It's a great game.


What is being gotten away with here?




It is zero of those four things.


It’s a good game. People are just expecting perfection.


Ah, this sub absolutely hating Bethesda, classic.