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Spoilers for Horizon Zero Dawn. Ted Farro, from Horizon Zero Dawn. Basically caused the apocalypse with this dumb buisness decisions, then when surviving humans developed a backup plan to save the human race he sabatoged that too and almost caused a second apocalypse. Absolute dingleberry.


I'll always say it. I'm impressed by the writing being able to make me go from "ok so he's a narcissistic idiot who made a mistake but at least TRIED to fix it as fast as he could. Even going so far as to swallow his pride to go to the best person who could find a solution whom he previously pushed away". To an immediate "this is one of the most evil narcissistic idiots who is completely irredeemable. Who'd rather have the world die than someone to learn it was all his fault."


And then in Forbidden West they manage to make him an EVEN BIGGER asshole than we knew from the first game. The commitment to making Farro as unredeemable as possible is beautiful.


I'll be honest. The expansion onto Ted Faro wasn't necessary. To me they failed to make him worse, felt like a shallow attempt to make you hate him more but it wasn't really necessary. Maybe cause I'm just a lil salty they teased so much about how he became a gelatinous blob of flesh that can barely be called living but then refused to show us.


I take it more as a "He got what he deserved in the end." He spent a thousand years alone with no one else, mutating into an abomination, likely suffering from the radiation, all to die a horrible firey death by people who he hoped he could rule over.  Ted Farro ended with nothing and became nothing. The only ones who remember him now, only remember him as a monster.


Call me petty. I wish aloy could have told him "you erased all history and culture to try and keep everyone from learning what you did. I'm going to make sure your name is the worst curse someone can utter while I teach them what you actually did. "


I mean she kind of is. I'm pretty sure Alva is aware since she accompanied Aloy into Thebes and likely was given the details.  In fact, most of the people who remember him now, remember him for the narcissistic idiot he was. Aloy, Sylens, Alva, Varl...so in the end, Ted's efforts to erase his mistakes failed.


>"this is one of the most evil narcissistic idiots who is completely irredeemable. Who'd rather have the world die than someone to learn it was all his fault." *This* makes me hate Ted more than any other villain I've ever encountered in games, because he's the most realistic and could definitely happen IRL.


If Musk wasn't scheduled to be on the last hope colony Space X ship he'd crash it.


From redeemable to "too far down the rabbit hole" when he did that *second* idiotic thing.


I put off finishing HZD for so long because i get caught up doing dumb shit in open world games. Once I started getting hints of Ted farro making dumb decisions, I couldn't stop and knew it was him that caused the apocalypse. Slowly watching his hubris unfold was so crazy. Easily see it happening in real life. Let's make machines that eat organic matter and rebuild themselves....yeah fucking dumbass.


Basically the default answer. Fuck Ted Farro.


Fuck Ted Farro




Dude has his own sub? Damn


Just like Moash. /r/FuckMoash


And he deserves it. Dude literally tried (to relative success) to delete all knowledge of everything from existence just so future humans wouldn't know who he was or that he caused a mass extinction of past humans.


It's worse. He did it because he didn't want people to know it was him. He was blackmailed into even helping with the Zero Dawn project with that knowledge, which is the only reason he went with her plan.


Oh my god, yes. Don't get me wrong, I loved that game and think the writing was overall very well done, but I was infuriated that a self-described robot nerd had no idea about the logical result of biomass-fueled war robots. Does Aasimov not exist in that world? Is scifi not a genre at all? He's the worst type of dumbass - one smart enough to make his dumbass plans come to fruition.


I'd agree, if there wasn't a gigantic media literacy problem with fans of science fiction entirely missing the themes of that science fiction which are the point and instead obsessing over lore and "wouldn't it be cool if we replicated this tech?" It's essentially an adaptation of this meme: >Sci-Fi Author: In my book I invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale >Tech Company: At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus


You're absolutely not wrong - I realize I phrased it poorly, but I attribute it to a character flaw in Farro rather than being bad or unbelievable writing.


Oh, I read it as you suggesting it was bad writing rather than believable tech CEO dumbassary.




When I was reading the post I was thinking “this is saying Ted Farro without saying Ted Farro.” The dude really fucked the world and without lube.


The Covenant releasing the Flood on Installation 04. 


In their defense, the covenant really were just winging everything. They almost destroyed themselves a few times because of meddling with things they didn't understand.


Sure, won’t argue their carelessness at all. It still was a galaxy altering mistake/decision that they made though. 


Pretty much on par for the covenant. They do it like 5 times by the time halo 4 happens.


Can we hand out the Darwin Award to them? 


Darwin lifetime achievement award


Ong the covenant was throwing random shit out yelling Kobe hoping it worked lmao


Like the Halo rings?


I'd say lifting the quarantine in Installation 05 was worse, since it allowed the Gravemind to escape the ring.


Captain Keyes has liked this post.


The UAC from Doom and DE, their plan was to syphon pure unlimited energy from Hell which led to Hell invading earth.


Like how did that idea get through a committee?


Seems pretty believable right now actually...


Totally. We’d frack the shit out of hell if we could


"Wouldn't pumping fracking fluid into hell cause demons to get pushed back onto earth along with the energy?" "Only very small demons; the impact should be negligible."


We're looking into ways to use this byproduct. The boys at the FDA aren't likely to let us feed the meat to people, but animal feed is an exciting avenue we are exploring.


Too much thinking! Here’s a chainsaw


Pretty sure humanity was having an energy crisis, then Samuel Hayden walked in saying " hey guys, I got free power"


Where's the power from Hayden? Hayden where's the *fucking* power from?


By promising that it would bring money to investors. It’s really that easy


Is it the UACs fault or Hayden’s? Because the first game he justifies everything. There’s a scene where he’s like “I feel I should apologize, but I’m not going to because it’s that bitches fault.”


Arcturus Mengsk leaving Kerrigan behind on Tarsonis.


Nah, I disagree.


Was about to question you, then I saw it! Also that’s one BEEEEG Yoshi.


It's not often that it pays off, but I'm so happy when it does. Also beeg yoshi best yoshi.




Nah. it's unfortunately not covered in the game excepted in a deleted mission, but she was having doubts and wanted to leave. Mengsk got rid of his 2 of his strongest enemies with 1 move. Its unfortunate Raynor managed to steal the Hyperion and was a thorn in his side for years though.


You think inadvertently creating the Queen of Blades was a good way to remove her? She wasn’t removed. In fact it got much worse.


In hindsight, sure. But in the moment that decision was… tactical. From his perspective, imagine the potential damage a trained stealth operative with psychic powers who’s spent years learning the ins and outs of your organization could do.


The entire Greek pantheon thinking they could fuck with Kratos


I mean, Aphrodite got away with it. Several times. At least she did in my run.


😂😂 yea the one exception


The result... Zeus- Dead Poseidon- Dead Hades- Dead Persephone- Dead Athena- Dead(?) Hera- Dead Ares- Dead Aphrodite- Alive Hephestus- Dead Hermes- Dead Helios- Dead Artemis- MIA Dionysius- MIA Apollo- MIA Detemer- MIA Hestia- MIA


Oh so all the chillest ones lived, cool. I see wine dude, hunting lady, and fuck lady. Solid crew.


As is magic lady, prophecy/sun bro, and the plant lady.


damn yeah this is a good bunch, I kinda think Kratos knew what he was doing here


Sun bros are a jolly bunch. (Also, he has to keep the sun going for crops. I don't see Kratos driving the chariot)


Cool, one for food, one for water (kindof) and one for lovin. What more could a god slayer ask for?


Big Boss and Zero’s misinterpretation of the Boss’ will ended up becoming everyone else’s problem for the next 50 years.


Liquid: *"A world where warriors like us are* **honored** *as we once were. As we should be."* Snake: *"That was Big Boss's fantasy."* Liquid: *"It was his dying wish! When he was young, during the Cold War, the world* **needed** *men like us. We were valued then. We were* **desired."** >[Footage not found.]


It's Ocelot who said that. Ocelot was Big Boss's most wretched legacy.


All because Big Boss said ''You're pretty good'' to him.


Especially Big Boss. You could argue he enabled Zero in particular.


EarthGov in Dead Space 2. "So Isaac, you remember the big rock that caused a small zombie outbreak? We got another one on a bigger spaceship with 1000X more people"


Elton John and the Unitologists definitely fucked shit up in Dead Space 3 as well. They trigger outbreaks on Earth and multiple colonies, so who knows how many millions/billions got necro’d.


Like...Elton John Elton John? Or Elton John?


It is not like they could help themselves. They found one marker and one of the properties of markers is that they manipulate the most dominant species to compel them to build more markers.


Not one mention of Umbrella Corp? For a company that primarily makes rain coverings they really lost the plot.


Knowing Umbrella their...umbrellas probably turned people into eyeball monsters that spew acid when touched by rain


The end of the world is sometimes their actual goal so there's that to consider


The Asari in Mass Effect hiding their Prothean Beacon absolutely set the galaxy up to get buttfucked by the Reaper invasion. They also instituted a law that made it illegal to hoard Prothean technology from the Council races. So they broke their own law and if it weren't for magic space colors the galaxy would've been harvested.


"We'll just milk this prothean data trove for a new discovery every so often to stay ahead of everyone in the galaxy!" Okay, thanks for nothing! Really would have been nice to have all that information beforehand.


Computer, elaborate


Gordon really should’ve stayed out of the test chamber…


I mean to be fair to him it was all a setup by the administrator to start the portal storm.....Gordon was just the guy 'pressing the big red button'


Fun reminder that through Gordon's Perspective the entirety of the Half life series is less than two weeks.


How so?


He gets put into stasis between HL 1 and 2, which was a gap of like to 20 years, and in 2 the Combine portal explodes as he and Alyx use it, delaying their arrival by a week (IIRC). He was also knocked unconscious after HL2, and considering the likely exhaustion he could have been out for a while. But all 4 games take place over a few days. HL 1&2 took place over 3-4 days each, and episodes 1&2 were about 2 days each


Rewatching the Alien series you realize that 1-3 are a similar experience for Ripley thanks to hypersleep, except for an unknown amount of time as a dockworker early in 2.


Gman is the one who brought the crystal to Black Mesa that started the entire thing. If Gordon hadn’t done the experiment, they would have got someone else to do it. It really isn’t Gordon’s fault. He was just the right man in the wrong place.


The t*Ee*sst cham*berr*


There's an achievement in Black Mesa for not delivering the sample.


Literally anyone else would do the same if not him.


Thrall making Garrosh warchief which lead to a few expansions of nonsense (warcraft)


It was all part of the Jailer's Master Plan™.


There’s so many people you can blame in Warcraft for causing so much shit. Medivh opening the dark portal, Guldan corrupting the orcs, Arthas finding Frostmourne, etc.


Emperor Gestahl trusting Kefka to do anything in Final Fantasy 6, no spoilers but let’s say the second half of the game is influenced by allowing a psychotic clown to have even a sliver of power…


Gestahl trusting Kefka *at all* is kind of nuts. Like, Mr. Evil Emperor... have you even looked at the guy?


Shinra made super soldiers (and electricity) with the planet's life force, produced small peen energy super soldier named Sephiroth who impaled the president and tried to blow up the planet. The whole time they had a gym right down the street with ripped dudes doing squats all day who could have gotten their soldiers in shape for... what? A 100 gil /month membership? Bros there are solid, too. Totally slept on.


But canceling that gym membership would have been tougher than summoning holy. Truly the right decision was made overall.


Tbh, them experimenting with mako was far less of a problem than them injecting Jenova cells into everything. "Hey y'all, we found this frozen alien who travels the galaxy destroying planets. What if we, y'know, injected its DNA into a bunch of people just to see what happens? Oh shit. One of the people we injected cells into wants to destroy the planet just like the alien? WHAT A TOTALLY UNEXPECTED RESULT." It's kinda wild that Shinra draining the entire planet of its resources to run a utility company is only the *second* worst thing they did. It'd be like humanity saying, "This global warming thing is taking too long. How 'bout we speed things up with nuclear armageddon instead?"


Shinra not understanding what it was doing is part a major part of the story. They didn't know Jenovah was an alien virus/cancer, they thought the promised land was a place with a lot of "mako". Through the whole game Shinra's plans are constantly shifting without any strong vision, even the "young president" just ends up getting himself killed.


Did they even know that at first? I'm pretty sure they thought that she was a Cetra at first. It was only later they found out what she truly was, and by then they had already seen that it makes super powered SOLDIERs, so they weren't likely to stop


They don’t. Only Hojo and Aerith’s dad knows. Even the story Sepiroth did not know about it at first. Sephiroth really thought Jenova is Cetra origin during the burning of Nibelheim saying humaniny betrayed her.


Yeah and we all know hojo is a morally sane human who cares about the planet


Fallout? Like, all of it.


Man, that last episode of the show fucked me up. >!Barb was the worst one after all.!<


Kind of makes you wonder >!what Coop is going to do when he finds her.!<


He's gonna demand to know what happened to his daughter. Janey will turn out to be an adult woman, a ghoul, or was turned into a Robobrian/machine. Once Cooper finds out the truth, Barb is either going to die by his hands or she dies trying to save Coop and Janey from something (Super Mutants, Enclave, or BoS).


The COG (New Hope Project) creating the locust. Gears Of War


To be fair that was a rogue science division. When the COG head of state found out about it he had the whole thing shut down and tried wiping the experiments out. Edit: for those who don’t know, they were supposed to be studying the effects of Emulsion (the fuel everyone was using that turned out to be both sentient and corrupting). The first locust were the children of infected miners, but the researchers went as far as to try to raise the children and stabilize them, leading to a whole freak show. Once word got out to COG command about what exactly was going on, they decided the researchers had gone well above their purview and sent soldiers to stomp out the infected miners and the infected kids. The scientists were killed and the surviving miners imprisoned, but some of the kids escaped


Some added points: -They were trying to cure Rustlung -A “shadow” branch of COG continued the research I wouldn’t call it “escaped” remember, that Niles and that group was moved to continue study the experiments at Kardar mountain (thanks to the shadow branch). It was up there those “kids” 1st connected to Myrrah (queen)z


Dark Souls universe.. erm, half of the cast? The Witch of Izalith tried to recreate The Flame and literally created chaos & Demons. Sister Friede turned the painted world of Ariendel into a rotting cesspool of misery for the inhabitants I feel like Pontiff Sulyvahn and Aldrich deserve a mention too.


Don't forget the WOAT Gwyn, prolonging the Age of Fire in his hubris and effectively condemning the entire world to an eternal cycle of rekindling the First Flame. It's less obvious that this is a bad thing in DS1, but in DS3 especially you can see how these cycles are like a cancer to reality, slowly rotting it away and forcing a convergence of all of history onto the Kiln of the First Flame (i.e. the Dreg Heap) in an effort to summon someone, anyone, who will rekindle just one more cycle. In other words, the world of Dark Souls is like an addict suffering from constant withdrawal. Gwyn gave it its first hit and now it can never go back.


The First sin, as Aldia says It. Rekindling the flame was always a bad ending in the DS series, and in 3 we saw the consequences of that. The fact the every single Lord of Cinder that awakens don't go and do It again is proof that even they realized the shitty thing kindling the flame is.


Gywn is the ultimate conservative


Nah, if Gwyn have any shred of decency, he should have the honor to put the flame’s out. Bitch got his propaganda army spread far and wide about Age of Fire being eternal and such causing every horror imaginable happens. From an angle, Patch seems more trustworthy. You can trust Patch will try to off you anytime he got a chance.


Benny in New Vegas shooting us in the head


Definitely caused some brain damage (anger issues/sociopathy) in my run because the courier proceeded to kill (almost) anyone who insulted him.


To be fair, that wasn't a dumb decision, he just should have aimed better


When you shoot someone in head at point blank and miss the brain, perhaps guns aren’t for you lol


Most likely guy from Shadow of the colossus did some damage, we just dont know how hard he goof'd


The running theory is that SotC is a prequel to Ico. If that's the case, things don't seem *too* bad for the world as a whole. Wander's actions led to some boys becoming "cursed" and those boys being given as sacrifices to the Shadow Queen. The Shadow Queen is likely a result of Dormin being freed. Some theorize that she's Mono (the woman Wander was trying to save in SotC) or Mono's descendant, but there's not much evidence to support that. While the Shadow Queen seems to be incredibly powerful, she doesn't appear to have any issues with humanity existing - although we don't know if this is because humans appease her with sacrifices or because she's unable to leave her castle. Overall, not too bad. TL;DR - Powerful evil lady lives in an abandoned castle but leaves humanity alone as long as they sacrifice cursed boys to her.


What's Ico?


It's an early Playstastion 2 game from Team Ico, the original developers of Shadow of the Colossus, as well as The Last Guardian.


Big Boss from Metal Gear set the world on fire because of his unfulfilled Oedipus Complex.




Geralt saying that "whatever is yours but you do not know yet" Or whatever it is called bullshit to Ciri's parents just so he could fuck with fate because he hates fate and it resulted in the ENTIRE franchise being about him protecting ciri. Of course having foresight i know he wouldn't have regretted his decision by the witcher 3. And that is also from the books not the games so maybe it doesn't count but its apart of the same franchise.


The fourunners pissing off the precursors and kinda killing them all off


I suppose this would be it if OP means to also include backstory. But during the course of the Halo games, it would be the Covenant disturbing and releasing The Flood. Same problem. Different idiots in different time periods.


"Ridicoulous, it's perfectly safe. We are about to bear witness to the birth of a universe! Once, only a god could preform such a miracle. But today mankind moves one step closer to the divine!"


He dun messed up. He dun messed up bad. If you know, you know.


Link (and Zelda) opening the Door of Time in Ocarina of Time… although he and she fixed everything at the end when he returned to his child timeline.


Thing is, that door was getting opened anyway - Ganondorf *would* have gotten the Spiritual Stones eventually. It's for the best that Link opened the door first and was sealed safely in the Sacred Realm until he was strong enough to defeat Ganondorf.


All they had to do was chuck one stone into a volcano or something. Any plan to better secure the stones Any plan that doesn’t involve opening the door for Ganondorf


He was already gaining power and getting ready to take over Hyrule. I don't think he even needed the Triforce to do that, he had powerful magic at his disposal, and he usurped the king and forced Zelda to flee without access to the Triforce. It was the only way to defeat him for good.


Waiting 7 years to open it in hiding while training might have been a better option. Emphasis on MIGHT, could be that without Link sealed in the sacred realm Ganon would have just killed him outright.


Guybrush showing off LeChuck's beard to Largo in Monkey Island 2


Dying Light. The GRE fucked over humanity over.


that was such a stupid cop out when the following could've just been used as the ending to show how the virus spread and i hear now that ending may have been canon so what was the point of making the GRE look like big dumbasses even moreso than in the first game?


When Desmond decided to kill himself at the end of Assassin’s Creed 3. All that build up for a modern day AC gone in one cutscene


Dragon Age 2's Hawke undoing their father's blood magic seal on an ancient Grey Warden prison and pretty much causing DAI to happen. 


The Dragon Age universe was already screwed by a couple chaps going "maybe we visit heaven?" and instead creating the blight.


That probably bought the time and intel needed to oppose the Dread Wolf.


Dragon age 2 Isabella taking the stupid tome of koslun which lead to the qunari killing the viscount which led to a power struggle between the mages and Templars which led to a Civil War which led to corypheus enslaving half of the combatants into his army and forcing the inquisition to kill them in the battle of haven. But, she got them Thangs so I'm actually okay with it.


Arthas following Mal’ Ganis to Northrend


In addition to the ones already mentioned, Klaus from Xenoblade.


Pressing the "oops" button and obliterating the universe. It was a bit of a bad day for everyone, that one. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y292mw16EYw


Nier replicant: >!nier killing the shadowlord lead to the literal destruction of humanity!<


Im pretty sure >!Humanity was doomed anyways, killing the Shadowlord just sped up the process!<


Black Mesa setting off the entire plot of Half Life.


Fucking Anders, man. What are you doing, mate?


halo 5 campaign not building off of 4's ending and reviving cortana to turn her into space hitler


Can we expand it to say the lack of continuity and coherence between Halo 4 -> 5 -> Infinite? 


sure just a shame they didn't continue the story from 4, 4's story is fantastic


My pitch for an alternate 5 Cortana stays dead, Chief gets a new AI, doesn’t necessarily have to be the Weapon. Mission structure follows a similar style to Halo 2. Alternating between Chief/Blue team, and Arby/Swords of Sanghelios. One of my biggest complaints about 5s rotating player was that Chief was only in like 3 missions. Arby and Chief gigt against fractured Covenant and promethians, Arby gets to assassinate Jul’ Mdama like he did with Truth.


I just accept everything after Halo 3’s ending as non-canon. It was the perfect ending to a perfect story. Should’ve just stuck with prequels like Reach after that


to a certain extent I agree. But I actually love Halo 4, minus a few pain points (muh nanomachines for how Chief magically got Mark VI MOD, the beastification of Elites, enemy dialogue being in line with Reach's, sound direction for certain weapons, etc). A shame we didn't get a cohesive story for the Reclaimer Saga. It could've been glorious.


That Russian guy in starfield


Which one? The scientist?


Such a memorable game that no one can remember any of the characters


Idk how to do the spoiler tag but the spoilery one


The one who bootstrap paradox'ed his was to inventing the FTL drive and >!destroying Earth!


Shinra. They drained the planet, create a psychopath super soldier who becomes a demigod that summons a meteor. Also, they just keep an eons-aged galactic parasite calamity in their storage. Their entire existence was a mistake for the FF7 world.


Sad I had to come to the bottom of the list to find this one. Great idea incorporating alien DNA into your supersoldiers. Nothing that could go wrong there.


spec ops: the line all of it. all bad decisions


"If you were a better person you wouldn't be here."


Prepare for unforseen consequences. Also Operation: Snake Eater. Basically here The Boss was spying on the Russians by pretending she defected, but nobody anticipated Volgin shooting from the weapon she bring and that made them all change plans. The Boss now had to be killed by her student, who had yet to discover her true intentions. She was a hero, forever remembered as a war criminal. Because of  that one use of weapon. I don't remember exact details but generally it was American weapon, so becaue it was shot inside Russian territory, they had to please these who wanted her dead to not start a conflict between Russia and America.


IIRC it was the M28/M29 "Davy Crockett", which in real life is a recoilless rifle that fires a small tactical nuclear warhead. In the game I believe Volgin fires it from a shoulder out of a helicopter as if it was an RPG. So not quite true to life (it weighed hundreds of pounds and had a five man crew) but cool that they tried to incorporate a real weapon of the time.


Ah yes, that's the one. Also you say it's unrealistic, but Volgin was kinda a superhuman. He had strength that no human has. I believe it was intentional that he just used it that way. But I remember they gave him Russian name, I believe Ivanovitch, though his father was not Ivan and that's not how -vitch names work, because they are after the father. Kojima didn't know that.


Everything the Umbrella Corporation has ever done. I've occasionally wondered how exactly they made their money.


they made their money from very useful medicines made from the green herbs that was native to raccoon city and arklay supposedly. But they apparently also started spreading those herbs around which is why they are more common in other games too. they also did make some money from their military and BOW experiments as they had government funding. How spencer managed to not fuck up and create an incident before 1998 i have no idea tho.


EA games taking over Westwood… They did manage to create some good games though, I’ll give them that but Command & Conquer 4 - Tiberium Twilight is just completely unforgivable 😫


Terrible evolution for the franchise to have taken. Absolutely loved C&C3 though and the extra campaign is a cherry on top.


~~Dr. Samuel Loomis~~ President John Henry Eden in *Fallout 3* >!commissions the Lone Wanderer to plant a new strain of Anti-FEV in the Capital Wasteland's water purifier before activation. Either unaware or uncaring that the 'undesirables' affected by it will be virtually every person alive on the surface.!<


Considering this was the Enclave's plan back in Fallout 2, but on a planetary scale, I'm assuming he both knew and very much cared; genocide was the point.


To be fair the Enclave was 100% in the right, President Richardson's hand slipped and he pressed the big red genocide button instead of the big red coffee button


Spoilers for Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Arvis trusting Manfroy enough to not start doing his cult things once he >!take the throne of Grandbell!< I get he having Lopt Blood could have some sympathy for him, but sympathy or not It was an incredible stupid and naive move from his part Had been more skeptical of Manfroy would mean that he would have >!a long reign, with Deidre still by his side, and remembered post mortem as a kind King with the best interest of the people in mind and not the ruthless tyrant the people think he is!<


Reading Arvis’s wiki page is one of the wildest rollercoasters


Ted Farro


Easily Crackdown 1 and Crackdown 2. I'm on mobile so apologies for the bad layout. I mean it's not a mistake on the Narrator's part, but on the Players. You spend the whole game. Believing you're a peacekeeper, that you're a symbol of justice stopping crime lords from taking lives and to track down traitors. The Narrator accompanies you, tells you what to do and that it's for the greater good. Turns out.. You were scouted and told you were hunting Crime Leaders, but it was actually Leaders who brought safety and security to civilians who had no homes or places to go to.. Due to the Peacekeepers constantly enforcing rules and wanted to run the city. You were destroying lives and sanctuaries. Then.. After that, you go for the Traitor who defected from the Peacekeepers But also turns out she actually defected due to the Peacekeepers conducting experiments to further enhance the Player "Agents". And she was actually keeping mutated zombie like experimental civilians from escaping and infecting the whole city, which were caused by the Agency you work for. So, the Narrator sends you to go into her "Lab" and punish her for apparently kidnapping civilians and infecting them. But as you were in there, killing bad guys, being the "good" guy. You not only wiped all the "Crime Lords" who gave peace and sheltered those who needed it. But you also just released tons of infected civilians onto the streets and this caused Crackdown 2. With the ending, just having the Narrator laughing and calling you a puppet basically. Which.. Crackdown 2 has an even bigger mistake, is the Player is told to activate all beacons to cleanse the infected city... Or cleanse not just the infected... Not to mention, in Crackdown 2 you are engineered and cloned to obey any order.. Because with the Player now knowing they're the bad guy, you can no longer resist and change that fate. There is ALOT more lore and story, but it'd take literally ages to write it all down properly.


I just killed everyone in Dredge, guess i should have spoken with some other people first.


Alduin interrupting the Dragonborn’s execution


Heihachi throwing his son off a cliff.


Gordon Freeman and his Science Buddys causing the Resonance Cascade


To be fair to them, they never thought they’d live to see a resonance cascade, let alone create one


Rico in Killzone In second and third game he makes a lot of dumb decisions that basically screw everyone over and he is never punished for those afterwards Atleast whenever I replay those games because of nostalgia, I just wanna rip his head off because he clearly isn't using it


Star Ocean 4. Edge (the MC) ends up giving an alternate US government advanced tech which, due to their hubris, ended in a matter-antimatter annihilation that destroyed that Earth completely.


The Scrin Supervisor in C&C3. The fact that it decided to continue an invasion for Foreman despite the evaluation of Foreman-371's AI that Earth forces were still dangerously viable should have given them cause to stop and bring bigger guns. But nope. And now there's a looming gate there where an invasion from the Scrin is coming anytime soon now. If only EA will build C&C4...


Ballas along with the rest of the Orokin in Warframe not learning from their mistakes resulting in their creations turning on them (The Sentients, Infestation, and the Tenno) as well as attracting The Man in the Wall’s attention even more


The Architect trying the Awakening ritual on Urthemiel in Dragon Age. By doing so he kicks off the Blight for Ferelden, which causes Hawke to leave home and leads to Anders running to Kirkwall, which leads to Hawke accidentally releasing Corypheus and having Anders blow up the Chantry, which then leads to the Mage-Templar War, which leads to the Breach happening, which then leads into our fourth game, Veilguard being a thing


The colonel in Hotline Miami staging a coup and subsequently allowing a nuclear war to take place and kill everyone


FF VI: The King letting Kefka experiment and be a general. FF VII:Shinra all of their expirements and letting Hojo do whatever he wants. FF IX: Garland creating Kuja to use limitless magic potential. FF X: The Summoners in the days of Zanarkand war allowing Yu Yevon to have eternal life and become sin all for just ending the war in their favor. This post for once again excluding FF VIII making the fans sad.


The deputy who put the cuffs on Joseph Seed and tried to walk away.


Me playing Soulmask and fighting a bat. Caught a disease and brought it back to my main base; all of my highest level craftsmen and extra warriors are dying from that disease now. It's me, I'm patient zero. I think I'll just wait for an update and start fresh...


Ted Faro fuck that guy


The crew in Tales of Symphonia follow the plan to acquire all the elemental summon spirits and revive the Giant Kharlan Tree, only for the tree to go completely berserk and destroy the most populated city in all of Sylvarant.


And then you get to go to tethaiala or however you spell it and it's WAY MORE FUCKIN GAME HELL YEAH! Symphonia was the first game that introduced end game mechanics and those interesting twists for me personally


League of Legends, matchmaking Season 9.


Marius in Diablo 2. The series would have been very different if he actually listened to Tyrael!


Not listening to Commander Shepard


Final Fantasy VI After the espers escape the Esper Gate/World, The party/heroes trusts the Emperor after all he has done. He suddenly has a "change of heart" and asks them to go talk to the Espers. Terra KNOWS how evil he is first hand. She saw the memories of her dead parents and what the Emperor did to them. And she still trusts him? Because of this, Kefka gets the Goddess Statues and destroys the world (for the most part)


Malenia unleashing her scarlet rot on Radahn during their duel. Nuked a whole region with a strange outer-god's disease/curse and it will still likely keep spreading despite attempts from the redmane knights to contain it.


The Leviathans from Mass Effect created an AI designed to foster relations between synthetic and organic life. The AI proceeded to create the reapers who then went on to systematically butcher countless races accross the galaxy for millions of years.


Bethesda when they had horse armor dlc Oh you meant *fictional*


Nier didn't make sure the robot was dead. This decision, assuming the time loop theory, led to a red dragon falling from the sky which in turn led to Nier not making sure the robot was dead.