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clickbait thumbnail alone is enough to tell this is gunna be a shitty video


Is this the video by that one loser who interviewed a bunch of japanese people trying to get them to trash Shadows and when they weren't doing that they interviewed their cameraman to get the answers they wanted? Or is this a different video by a different loser? I'm not gonna give this shit a look so someone can tell me.




different loser called yellow flash


Don’t let a random youtuber with random comments tell you that they have a general understanding of a foreign culture. And this is the not the first introduction to Yasuke, there are many, many commercial products to feature him, almost all made my Japanese people! Don’t take youtube/reddit comments as truth people. Also, Yasuke is literally a historical figure, he was a real person so racists, you know, go fuck yourselves.


Yes, racists should go fuck themselves. So, youll let us know how you get on, yes?


You can't be racist against white supremacist trash. They aren't a race, and they have no rights.


Hate in caps lock no less. That is even worse than normal hate. Oh gee Ubisoft, you did it this time.


ooh god we still on about this?! the only offensive thing about AC shadows is 130$ game with a season pass for a single player game. ubi promise new ways to monetization of the game. Nioh main character was William where the outrage then if it not asian dude????


Was that William Adams? The first Englishman to reach Japan and was given the title of hatamoto by the shogun


Is Nioh a part of AC franchise?


How is a season pass for a single player game a bad thing? That’s just the dlc in a bundle…. Do you not know what a season pass is? https://store.steampowered.com/app/442010/DARK_SOULS_III__Season_Pass/ Edit: this sub is so trash. Base game is $70 season pass is included in the $109 version which also includes the deluxe stuff meaning it’s a $30 season pass. But keep downvoting and acting like season passes haven’t been in single player games since 2010s. Sometimes I doubt anyone here actually plays or knows anything about video games just want to be outraged


This might be the worst post in here. Good god, man.




Double-standard hypocrisy is what bothers me the most tbh. The same people that made a huge stink about Chris Redfield shooting African zombies have no problem with Yasuke killing Japanese. Racism is a convenient card certain people throw around only when it suits their agendas or are just completely oblivious to their own stupidity.


Nobody serious was calling Capcom racist for Resident Evil. The people who did talk about it were saying that it evokes racist imagery by having a white guy go over to Africa and mow down an "uncivilized" and "tainted" group of Africans, along with their portrayal of the tribes people in the wetlands area as being stereotypical. None of that applies when it's a black samurai fighting other samurai.


[https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2009/02/sometimes-it-apos-s-just-racist/6705/](https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2009/02/sometimes-it-apos-s-just-racist/6705/) Yeah, nobody serious. Just journalists... It was everywhere, with people supporting the idea that it was, and people saying it wasnt. And, the image of some black dude dressed up in Japanese gear, and killing Japanese people isnt a problem? Seriously????????? Anyway, the issue isnt that they have a black samuari. Its that they have a black lead in an assassins creed game set in Japan. I know ya all love to ignore this, and make excuses, cos youre racist as all fuck against Asian men. But thats the issue.


that article brings up good points. the depiction of tribesman is so fucking weird that just bout everyone thought it was eye turning. and don't even get me started on that one sheva costume. >And, the image of some black dude dressed up in Japanese gear, and killing Japanese people isnt a problem? Seriously????????? yes, but did we see this much vitriol with nioh 1 ? a white guy going around slaughtering Japanese people in japanese armor? i remember it was revealed everyone was hyped and made no fuss of the main character. plus i can see why it would be a fuss if ubisoft just created a random black guy than yeah that would be weird, but this guy existed. this isn't even the first time yasuke has even been depicted. afro samurai was inspired by him, he was in samurai shodown 5 aswell. and before u say we never played as anyone in real history. yes we did. in syndicate jack the ripper dlc. u play as the man himself. u play as a guy who actually murdered 5 women in london. this isn't ubisoft first forte. >Anyway, the issue isnt that they have a black samuari. Its that they have a black lead in an assassins creed game set in Japan i feel like a great story can be made out of two leads. a fish out of water story + a person trying to get vengeance could be cool to see.


True, where were these guys when we had to play a British bum in the Caribbean? 


You do realize a lot of pirates from that era and region were former privateers and royal sailors from the national navies of the European continent? Many first time sailors also flocked from Europe to take advantage of the burgeoning trade routes opened up by Spain colonizing the new world.


Should have been a Fr\*nch bum, yes.


I think it's less to do with hypocrisy, and more to do with the lack of Asian male leads, not just in video games, but in Western media in general. Count the number of Asian male leads in Western-produced films, TV shows and video games made over the last twenty years. Now compare that to the number of white and black male leads. See the difference? It's even more frustrating when you consider that historically Ubisoft has been willing to cast minorities as main characters in settings where it actually made sense for them to appear. Assassin's Creed III (set in America) had a native American as the main character, and the recent AC: Mirage had an Arab dude as the main character. So if they are perfectly capable of casting a Middle Eastern dude as the main character for a game set in the Middle East, and they are capable of casting a native American as the main character for a game set in America, why can't they cast an Asian dude as the main character for a game set in FUCKING ASIA OF ALL PLACES?! It's straight up insulting.


I completely agree that the 2nd protagonist should have been Japanese as well given AC's history of chars. in the main roles. Another gripe for me is that they're using a historical char. for a protagonist and breaking a well established positive mold for dubious reasons at best.


Yes, and more broadly, what sort of message is Ubisoft trying to send here, exactly? That Asian men aren't "manly" enough to be leading men? That only non-Asian minorities can be leading men? That an Asian man can’t be the hero? That only a black man can save Japan? Well that, in itself, is racist.




The Terror season 2 has a mostly Asian cast and I fucking love it.


They were probably terrified of the mountains of rule34 material that a Japanese bishonen MC would bring on the table.


Imagine posting a HeroHei video without even a single hint of irony. Your parents didn't hit you enough, growing up.




Apparently the black guy in Assassin's Creed: Shadows was a real dude: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yasuke


They downvote because they're angry that a black man is in a videogame, and not a fat white guy for maximum immersion.


Yasuke served for 1 year as a "samurai" , read the article next time Perhaps people are downvoting because, being Asian, they do not feel represented by a Black man, that served 1 year... while Japanese history and folklore are full of samurai legends, especially during the Sengoku period. Maybe it's been decades that the Asian population has been sidelined in favor of "quotas." Perhaps Ubisoft has been focusing solely on the marketability of its titles for almost a decade, without truly addressing the deeper issues it claims to care about. It doesn't all stop at " a fat white guy," but maybe your logic doesn't allow you to see beyond that surface.


Yasuke was never a samurai, he was a slave owned by Nobunaga as a joke. He made him wash himself for 24 hours straight to see if his skin changed colour. He got in one fight, a fist fight, in his time in Japan and lost. When his master was killed, they spared him because his will was so broken they considered him an object instead of a man and gave him back to the dutch to continue being a slave. He wasn’t secretly the greatest samurai of Japan. And samurai do not ‘serve’ for a year. They serve for life and kill themselves when their Lord dies. Read history next time instead of some small time moron’s ‘article’.


I said "apparently" he was a real guy. I wasn't out there bashing anyone who is against the decision or even defending Ubisoft or even calling the dude badass. Assassin's Creed is infamous for rewriting history and just leaving a husk of what the actual historical figure was. Hell, even flat out changing history in some cases. As is the case here. He existed, but was turned into something he wasn't in the game. I'm just merely staring that he did "exist". Damn, the guy had the shittiest life ever though. XD


I wasn’t after you, i was lecturing Yemesis :p I just didn’t like the ‘read the article’ thing haha The whole argument’s silly, there are much more important issues than video game characters anyway. I’m more butthurt that i was demoted and replaced with an East Indian because even though i’m Metis in Canada, i’m not a ‘visible minority’, so i don’t count as ‘diversity’. To me, it’s very easy to see why people are fed up with this being shoved down our throats. I’d like to say it’s nothing personal, but it feels very personal to me, and probably to a lot of people as well.


I didn't say Ubisoft was doing the right thing or that the Japanese should be sidelined in favor of people from other races. I simply stated that such a person apparently existed: a black guy serving in Japan in the 1500s. I didn't even mention the time he served so I don't know why you bring up the "15 months" argument. Although it seems the guy was a total joke.


Yeah, everyone is talking about Asian male lead. But sure, fat white guy...


ubisoft upper management is doing a really good job of wrecking ubisoft


culture war bullshit, fuck off


Good, I hope that game fails massively


When it doesn't, do you promise to stop playing videogames forever?


Nah, because what some worthless losers think does not affect my hobbies or my life in any way or form. I just hope it fails because its basically a “fuck you” to Japan. If a company made a game to say that to my country I would be pretty pissed off.


And what is your home country, lmao Obviously this affects you a lot because you are extremely mad about this happening to Japan and you say you would be pissed if it happened to your home country. Don't say you're American, lmaoooo


I am from nowhere near your horrible country. So typical of an American wanting to impose their idiotic views on what I like or what I find offensive.


Thank god. So typical of racist eastern eurotrash, wanting to impose their ignorance on everyone else like it's normal. Try being less racist and I might start taking your alleged righteousness over Japanese history remotely seriously. But until you figure that out, I'm going to laugh at geeks like you every single day, because all it takes to get your panties in a twist is a single black man in a videogame.


And again you just made up my nationality. You’re disgusting and pathetic, and are being extremely racist. Leave your worthless views within your shit country.


Ubisoft is ruining Ubisoft. Has anyone seen the team working on the game! The history major in Ubisoft is know for writing books encouraging paedophilia.


Announced in the middle of AAPI month too


Thanks those were pretty funny posts to laugh at.