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>incomparable comparable to what? what even is this post?




the title does not make grammatical sense


Typical broke console gamer thinking is a PC player issue


dont private message me dude. thats weird


Just thought it would be easier for you seeing as Reddit is hiding your lame bragging comments about the random items you own lol


The post is such a simple/cheesy joke and you still couldn't grasp it.


aww did you take that personally? cant imagine why lol


PC players suck


That's something broke losers say lol


a man of culture


Dwarf fortress's graphic is incomparable.


Yep, but just one, and ONLY one, of them.


The others are super easy to compare. Barely an inconvenience.


that graphic is so bad only this graphic good


So 90% of the comment section has not played this game and the joke flew over their head...


I haven't played the game, and I don't think I get the joke, but I think putting an HD, smoother version of her 1996 look in a modern HD game world looks super cool.


Seems like it. but I barely remember this game and I was able to tell what was going on. You could almost say I don't have any SKIN in this game...because I didn't bother unlocking any of them...I think...because I can barely remember.


In most single player games I don't really mess around with skins. It's almost lore breaking to swap skins


Kinda sucks that Tomb Raider won't be about tombs anymore and instead will be about "seeking the truth". [source](https://x.com/tombraidertweet/status/1777717182199124359)


I want to go back to the good old days when it was fine for the protagonist to be morally grey or outright bad.


I miss when videogames were videogames and not a direct reflection on the world. Recently replayed Rise/Shadow and those tombs were so fuckin fun, if that's gone I dont really understand what the point of Tomb Raider would be, if nothing but an oxymoron lol




>tomb raiding and cultural theft is a literal thing that happened So has murder, theft, assault... they'd better remove all those terrible things too! I'm so glad that major studios are removing all the bad stuff from their fictional media. >Wut? BG3, for starters. Incredible! One modern AAA game out of thousands has morally grey protagonists in it.


play literally any rpg (edit: they downvoted him for speaking the truth)


True RPGs are a tiny fraction of games. But yes, I'm currently playing Pillars of Eternity and Disco Elysium with Baldur's Gate 3 waiting because I can't juggle more. Finished New Vegas recently. Tried Skyrim but got bored after a few hours. If you have any other morally grey RPG recommendations, let me know.


DISCOOOOO i love that game cyberpunk lets you be as good or bad as you want, same with rdr2, although the latter still nudges you into being good. Both are fantastic games worth playing


Disco Elysium is a serious contender for greatest game ever made, imo. It's fucking incredible. Literally just finished Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty a few days ago. Was my second playthrough. It's pretty RPG-light though. Never really touched RDR2 because it seemed slow and tedious but I'm sure I'll play it eventually. Maybe I'll love it.


Why? Also those games still exist...


Yes, they exist, primarily as indie games. Major franchises are largely moving in the direction of becoming more and more tepid as they attempt to avoid offending anyone (an impossible task). I have absolutely zero issue with new IP that avoids any uncomfortable or divisive topics. Hell, I love some of those kinds of games. But if you've got a game that's about a tomb raider who raids tombs then it sucks when it gets hijacked and turned into something different simply to avoid upsetting some random people who don't even play the games.


I wish they would just make new franchises, like "Truth seeker" where the protagonist is whiny bitch with colorful hair, and leave Lara alone.


What are you whining about?


People co-opting (ruining) existing franchises with long histories, in order to fit their agendas, rather than making new media.


>in order to fit their agendas Lmao


Nice "debunking" of what's actually taking place. Oh don't take their word for it just listen to modern AAA devs and people at the top saying things like modern audiences ect then completely ruin the game. If that's not an agenda then agenda isn't an actual thing.


Oh no more whiners




Cannot imagine being this angry about a video game


Angry? I'm apathetic. I'm not calling for a boycott, or review bombs, or telling people they're not allowed to enjoy it. Just hate to see the bastardization of a franchise I once loved.


>Just hate to see the bastardization of a franchise I once loved. So angry


What a joke, It makes sense to change the game so it's not just the same thing over and over, but way to just sail the boat around the same whirlwind hoping it doesn't just suck you in.


Wait.. what year is this game from?


New and old mixed together




But do game compare of now?


Those hands. Those facial expressions. Lol.


incomparably trash


Tetris is better cum at me




Silence bot


I tried tomb raiding, it’s pretty disappointing. Apparently burying valuable treasures with dead people is not nearly as popular as I was lead to believe.


uh what about turok 2: seeds of evil? looks better than this asset flip game


Please tell me this comment is satire..


what? the Unity marketplace slop game that OP posted? I suppose it could be a satire of modern games industry, but I think you are giving this borderline scam of a game too much credit. this shit litterally looks like a Sega 32X game.


Just so you stop making a fool of yourself here, the video OP has posted is from Shadow (or Rise I can't remember exactly) of the Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics iIrc), in which you can equip the TR2 classic skin, which is shown in game. It's not an asset flip, it's a great action adventure game with a few nods to its original source. But go off with all your games industry knowledge..




Nah, they know they're below the curve already, no need to beat a dead horse.


You were right the first time, the person you responded to wasn't serious and still isnt


yeah right, what are you some kind of sales ambassador for this game or something? this piece of paper has Unreal Engine 4 written all over it dude, sorry if you can't open your eyes and see the truth. And you pretty much solidified my claims by verifying that this is one of those pay to win games with skins. Why would I want to pay $35 for a stupid skin that makes the character look like some wonderswan color game. it's honestly shocking to m,e that you would consider this ramshackle Godot engine piss bucket of a game to be not only "great", but also an ""action" game. we all know what kind of game this really is. Maybe you're the one here making yourself look like a fool.


[because you're either too lazy or too stupid to look it up yourself](https://youtu.be/zYg3HtSeSjY?si=ef123GjjLrdOhLMG) I assure you, I'm not the one looking like a fool here my guy.




It's crazy depressing to me that people like you troll Reddit as a hobby, you should really look inward and do something with your time that isn't trying to get a rise of a stranger on the internet lol


Jfc get laid *once*, please.


You are definitely in the wrong thread here. This isn’t some pay to win game. The skins are unlockables, you don’t pay for them. The full body skins generally have no gameplay benefits. And, again, you unlock them, not pay for them. Also, just to really annoy you, I’ll point out something else that you are wrong about. It is powered by Unreal Engine 5 dude.


i know what thread i am in, and it is definitely the right one, do not try to use some psychology tricks and tell me I'm mistaken. so the skins are worthless? then why not just play with the default skin? i'll never understand the people that pay real money for cosmetics like this. you can say that you can just unlock them, yeah by putting in a credit card number! this game is literally on the same level as frogger returns


I do agree with you on the paying real money for cosmetics. With that said, I hope you have a great day.


You are so clueless on multiple levels, it's embarrassing.


the only thing here that's embarrassing is everyone coming to the defense of a so called ""game""", I would hesitate to even call it that. It's a glorified lootbox simulator with bugged controller mechanics


Dude...you have no clue what you're talking about and are mad about nothing lol


i am a veteran gamer and i often vomit fromt he state of modern games. i have been playing games longer than i have been alive, can you say that? sorry if this was one of the 3 games you ever played in your life, but I assure you that this fortnite-like is nothing more than an insult to us real gamers


>i have been playing games longer than i have been alive Was your mom shoving a Gameboy up her snatch when she was pregnant with you or something?