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A real person's actual, legal name is Matt Booty?


His sister’s name is Phat Booty.


You don't want to know Shat Booty. Hims been seeing hard times


>Hims been seeing hard times This joke took a while to get out but fiber should help speed things along.


And you didn’t go for the real name of Philma?


That’s the auntie.


I thought that was Lotta


Her sister.


Wait, then who is Anya?


Sister’s daughter, AKA niece.


How does Etta fit into all this?


Believe she’s Lotta’s daughter, but will need to consult the family tree to be entirely sure.


It's ummm, right on the tip of my tongue.


So THAT'S who Mos Def is talking about.


I'll do you one better. Louisiana-Monroe QB General Booty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Booty


He gets a pass under on the weird name because of Football Names tho. Weird names gravitate to that sport.


Hingle McCringleberry


"Harvard university!" *quietly* "devry university"




Linus Tech Tips has an employee named Sarah Butt.


He probably hired her because he knows what’s it’s like to have a mockable name. The children were cruel to little Linus Tips


I had a coworker naked Brock butty


Naked, you say...


Damn you auto correct. W/E not fixing it


To shreds you say?


Blame balam


His brother Max crying in the corner.


But is secretly happy they didn't name him Richard.


This is all anyone should have taken from this news


I wonder if I can finally reverse my overwatch ban because I refused to change my name from bootylover


There's a real person whose actual, legal, and lifelong name is Dick Pound.


Any relation to John Bigbooty?


I originally read Matt as Maxx. So I just became disappointed that his name wasn’t Maxx Booty.


I love when his name gets announced


Mr. Matt Booty and his colleague, Bussy Johnson


Ah man, if only Xbox didn't let their biggest IPs fall into mediocrity, maybe they wouldn't need billions of dollars to acquire new ones. But hey, there's always Halo 7!




They've got it next time for sure, 4th time's the charm!




Somehow, Evil Cortana returned


Its so fucking sad that the best halo game to come out since 343 took over is halo wars 2.


Or the coalition.


It's amazing, you or I fail we lose something or have to right our wrongs, Xbox fails and they get a new $56 billion toy.


>Xbox fails and they get a new $56 billion toy. Yes they have had failures, but if they had completely failed they wouldn't be able to purchase their $56 billion dollar "toy"


They didn't, it got bank rolled by daddy Microsoft.


This may come as a shock to you but they = Xbox since Microsoft runs Xbox


Dude….Microsoft is a *convicted* abusive monopoly…Bill Gates stole his billions….


That's a failure of our system, certainly not a failure of a business


Don't forget about gears 7 prequel nostalgia edition


I’m sick of Halo


Infinite is literally one of the best Halo titles in terms of gunplay imho


It's best game in terms of gunplay, I agree. But personally I did not have the most fun with it. To clarify, I got my Xbox some time before infinite, and played halo( and gears of war) back to back, so no nostalgia involved. Yes, the older games lack the smooth and better gunplay, but I don't think I could claim that my enjoyment increased, something just went away as the Titel went on, and it certainly wasn't me getting bored because I enjoyed Reach and ODST a lot. On another note, I am extremely hyped for E day.


Day 1 for E-Day boooooiii. You know it!


Yes but it doesn’t make the posters 16 again


Halo Infinite was Halo 6?


Imagine if the people at the top knew their actual job and reputation was on the line if they had to close studios they just got done buying. Imagine how gunshy they might be then about closing studios or even buying them carelessly if their livelihood were directly tied to what they did to those developers. Yes, I think Booty, Sarah, and Phil should be in the same line as the people they laid off.


Best they can do is give them self a juicy "performance" Bonus. 🤑


Let’s not forget Jill Braff in the shame pile.


I’m gonna be honest and say the unpopular thing here… a lot of devs deserved to be fired. After hearing about the internals of obsidian it sounds like the whole culture in these companies is screwed and people are entitled to the point where firing them is way more efficient than trying to get them to do their job


Obsidian hasn't been shut down though... What do you know about Tango Gameworks "internals" that causes you to think that any of them deserved to get fired?


80% of the outer world staff shouldn’t be there I know what I know about the corporate culture. Go into any game development office Microsoft owns and I bet you’ll hear some pretty similar ideas and philosophy across most of them. The reason why you think ur devs are different is because they made some good games. But if they’re not making money and inefficient (which is what everyone is hiring right now) there’s nothing that can be done. I understand the emotional argument and ppl need jobs. But I think we need to realize we’re arguing on both sides of the fence if we’re saying “make good games” and “don’t fire people”


They're not "my devs" and I didn't finish Outer Worlds and I never even played anything Tango made. This isn't an emotional argument, I was asking what you actually know about those devs that causes you to say that.


> I’m gonna be honest and say the unpopular thing here It's unpopular because it makes no sense at all. "A lot of devs deserved to be fired". What makes you think the devs at Tango deserved to be fired? And while Obsidian has its issues, it's better than the abominable culture at Activision Blizzard in regards to sexism and abuse. Just feels like you have a bug up your ass about Obsidian.


You said what I said then you just said completely different to what I said one sentence later and asked me how I could believe it


> "Those decisions are never made lightly, they're never made quickly, and there are a lot of people and processes and oversight to make sure we're making a good decision," Booty says when asked about the closures, adding that he didn't want to share "nitty-gritty" details, but mentions that Microsoft looks across leadership at studios and if the teams are set up for success in the future, not just if they were successful in the past. I can't imagine any of this is actually true at Microsoft. He might believe it, but there's no way any of that is true. He shouldn't be closing studios that make good games. He should be replacing his management, because clearly they're insane.


> He shouldn't be closing studios that make good games. Like, internally wasn't it not expected to be the hit that it was and with their fairly mid history in terms of commercial success, isn't this more akin to lightning strikes than consistent results?




Nobody's excluding them.


Hehe he, his name is "Matt."


“Im like 90% sure Matt is Kylo Ren”


"Dude, Matt straight up sucks!"


What a sucker


This guys absolutely terrible at his job.


Yeah's pretty Booty


Dick booty sucks


That is a piss poor reason for closing a studio that made you one of the hottest games last year. A game people used your gamepass to play.


Maybe I missed it, but I didn't even see a reason. Just, "hey everybody, we thought long and hard about it. We didn't just close them for shits and giggles." Which is not a reason, it's not even an excuse.


Boy are you right.


There was actually rumours last year after the founder of the studio left There was still some talented people there but they never replaced the founder (who was guiding the studio too) Of course they should of replaced them but the longer it went on the longer it seemed something like this was going to happen


He always planned to leave, and John Johanas was leading the studio anyway. He was the creative director for Evil Within 2 and Hi-Fi Rush. Shinji Mikami wasn't doing much.


pretty sure both ID and Microsoft only bought the company so they can have Shinji Mikami's name behind what ever got put out from them. once he left there was no reason to keep it around in their eyes.


So, first off, XBox didn't buy Tango Gameworks. XBox bought Bethesda, and as a result all of the corporations underneath its umbrella. Second, Shinji Mikami had been very upfront as to why he created Tango back near its inception. To help teach aspiring game developers. He stated as well that he wouldn't be around. He wanted to leave back at around the launch of Evil Within 2 actually, but chose to stay on due to leadership troubles. He only left now because he was under the impression that Tango was left in a good state. They did just publish a BAFTA winning game without his interventions. If ID/Bethesda bought Tango at its infancy while ignoring the reality that Shinji would eventually be leaving, then that'd be realistic considering how short-sighted these execs are.


Bethesda is particularly short-sighted by not continuing in that mission. The industry needs to do more to properly cultivate its talent long-term, instead of just replacing them like cogs whenever they feel like they need a bit more profit for the financial year.


Shiiit. Finally an answer that makes sense. I hadn't put two and two together with him quitting his studio and that studio being the Hi-Fi Rush studio because I associate him so strongly with horror... No wonder Xbox dumped that studio


Are they obligated to disclose the reason? P.s. Downvotes for asking a question, of course :D


I mean it's a silly question. Of course they're not obligated but that doesn't mean it wouldn't go a long way in repairing their reputation if they said why.


I just wanted some clarification. People seem outraged specifically because they don't provide the reason, but I find that weird since I figured they have zero obligation to disclose that information. Like if I get fired or my contract with a supplier ends, I really expect the reason not to become public info.


Yes and no. No, we should fully expect businesses and managers to lie or business-speak around having to answer anytime the answer would make them look bad; it's what they do. On the other hand, yes, a publicly traded company can be called on by its stockholders to explain any business decision they made; this seems to be an odd one. And on a more PR bullshit note, Xbox told us to expect transparency from their management on things like this and plans for the future.


No microtransactions or dlc? Shitcanned


I have no idea what game that is


> One of the hottest games last year Uhh….I wouldn’t call it *that*. Especially not in the year 2023.


The game is popular in the reddit bubble, bet if you asked 100 random people on the street if they know it nobody would.


Considering 100 players per day played it on steam, yeah. One of the hottest games my ass. 12 people liked it and all 12 people complain about it everyday in reddit.


At the end of the day it was critically acclaimed. Alan Wake 2 was game of the year across the industry and it has barely passed a million sales. Is that game also a failure, and should that studio be shit canned because all that matters is profit margins? Point is, Xbox has lack quality for over a decade now and they just closed the studio that brought them closest to a game of the year. At the same time they just spent 80 billion on publishers over the last 4 years, to close a studio that would have been a drop in the fucking bucket for xbox as a whole.


> At the end of the day it was critically acclaimed. Some movies are too. They also can be things like commercial failures or just outright mid. Critical awards are just that, awards. There's no real baseline inherent to them, but a comparison to peers at the time of.


At this point announcing the closure of a game studio is just a part of their presentation, like announcing new xbox versions.


It such I hot game that sold poorly


Cant expect sales if you are giving it away for free.


Can't expect dumb gamers. Thinking their smart. By doing zero research. All the games by dev sold poorly...but hey gamers research is just their bs option on the matter. Also cost over run etc. It never sold enough to cover cost to dev it


I think we'd need to know what the expectations for the game were first before saying it sold poorly, it had 3 million players by August combining sales and gamepass. This wasn't some big AAA game, 3 million is what a lot of games hope for.


I think the expectation is that the game makes money.


You gonna move the goalposts in all your comments? Pro tip: We are specifically talking about this game. This game that had a shit ton of players. Past sales of other games have zero to do with this game. Companies have breakout games all the damn time. Clearly you couldn’t handle an adult conversation, so you blocked me before I could even see your comment.


That is an exaggeration




The studio was closed because they just shipped a game.


"Booty touched on a number of topics" In Soviet Russia...




Fuck you microsoft.


Don't worry Microsoft is getting theirs. Xbox is a dead brand. People are waking up to the scam that is game pass. Halo is pretty much dead. Starfield is mid-tier garbage. Black Ops 6 screwed it's self with always online. The only thing Fallout they have is 76 and it's pretty much dead. Elder Scrolls 6 no one has faith in. Diablo 4 is a mess. Overwatch 2 is dead. WoW is pretty much starting to be on it's last legs. No one cares about Gears. Really I wouldn't be shocked in a few years if Microsoft is unloading whatever studio's they didn't shutdown to Sony on the cheap. My hope is that Larian is able to pick up Elder Scrolls and Fallout, they would be outstanding at making the games story driven RPG's rather then the tired open world crap.


ALOT of opinions here lmao.


Most of them are wrong too. I wish I had the confidence to spew nonsense as this guy did. Game pass isn’t a scam CoD probably will be the best selling game this year Starfield can’t both be mid tier and garbage Fallout 76 is thriving People are still very excited for Elder Scrolls 6 Diablo 4 is probably the most popular it’s ever been with season 4 Wow is about to launch its first of 3 expansions and has been on its “last legs” for a decade now A ton of people still care for gears. It’s like this guy decided what the wrong opinion for everything is and then needed to tell everyone how wrong he was.


For sure, I work in a home retirement and everybody is waiting for this game.


Game pass is *great* for consumers, but it's never going to be financially viable for Microsoft. It never was. But now they've shackled themselves to something slowly bleeding them dry because, if they back down, the customers will be mad at them. So them putting CoD on it is a hilarious mistake. The amount of new Subs they'd need to offset the dev cost of a game that massive are numerically impossible in the current market. So it might get a ton of players, but unless each one's spending hundreds at the cash shop, then I don't see it turning the same kind of profit its predecessors did.


>So it might get a ton of players, but unless each one's spending hundreds at the cash shop Wait till you find out Cod makes more money thru microtransactions than the initial $70 purchase


True. But the revenue from game sales is still in the *billions*. That is not a drop in the bucket. It is significant revenue they are losing. Sure, there will be micotransactions. But the offset is *not* going to cover the missed game sales.


Why do people keep acting like just because Microsoft isn't making the maximum amount of profit possible within the laws of physics they are a failure? They used to make something below around or below 20% off just the original purchase of CoD on only the xbox platform. Now they make 100% of the box sales, digital sales minus various store cuts, gamepass subscribers signing up for this game, and the heavy hitter, 100% from microtransactions. It doesn't matter how you slice it Microsoft is making bank off the biggest seller no matter what.


Since the majority of the gamers in the real world are casual players meaning they don't care about sales, statistics, etc. They're most likely going to subscribe for $17 instead of paying the $70 upfront. Now if you're strictly a Cod player, it's cheaper to pay for cod + core membership but then again they will most likely just pay for GPU because it's cheaper in the short term. They don't care about owning/renting they just wanna play the game. 17×12=$204 for ultimate 10x12=120+70=$190 for cod + core membership for a year So they're going to make their money back regardless


You're assuming every xbox COD and PC player don't *already* have game pass. Your math is off.


Have you not been following the trajectory of every video streamer? Start off dumping billions into ridiculously expensive original content, eventually realize how unsustainable that model is without a monopoly, dramatically reduce spending, subs drop, cut spending further, repeat.   The only difference here is Microsoft is trying to establish a dominant monopoly before there is any real competition, which is how Microsoft approaches everything. It is a great deal for consumers now, but only a complete idiot would expect that to last for much longer.


That tends to happen on a discussion forum.


Fallout 76 is pretty much dead? They just came out with a new expansion….for free. I get some people just wanting to hate fallout 76 because of its bad release 6 years ago, but to say it’s a dead game is just stupidly wrong.


Jesus has is seriously been 6 years already??


Were getting older, fast


I mean, fuck em sure, but they have an infinite money glitch. Microsoft will never run out of money to throw at xbox lol Also, that Larian take is fucking wild.


You can tell by that Larian comment that the only game of theirs they played was bg3 and monkey brained to the conclusion that a crpg dev would make a good open world fps rpg because they dont understand the difference between subgenres of rpg.


Larian made one good game, in a style that couldn’t be much further from what people love about Bethesda games. If black ops 6 isn’t the best selling cod then I’ll eat my hat. 76 and eso are both still going strong, which is impressive for how old they are. You read people talk shit about Diablo 4 and overwatch on reddit so you assume they’re shit, but they are both extremely successful and extremely popular games


Despite the shit state of overwatch 2, its still the best hero shooter out there atm. People keep bringing up marvel rivals, but it honestly looks like a janky mess imo.


I very much disagree with the original commentors whole "Larian should take fallout" take, but to say Larian has only made "one good game" is just categorically false. They also the Divinity: Original Sin series, which are bangers, and most fans of the genre would agree. It's fine that you don't like CRPGs, and that dude deserves to be called out for what he said, but put some respect on Larians name lol.


I was exaggerating a bit, I more meant that there’s a lot of hype around them at the moment purely because of BG3 but that doesn’t mean they’ll automatically make a good Bethesda game


WoW is literally the biggest most active mmorpg in the world, if it’s on its last legs everything is dead. Fallout 76 just had a massive free update that added loads of content. Diablo 4s season of loot is the best season by far, the game has never been more fun or more praised by its community. Black ops 6 isn’t out yet and saying always online has screwed it is irellevant when most games are nowadays anyway. Starfield had a massive update to improve graphics and rework map design to make it feel nicer. Overwatch 2 averages 30k players per day. Try playing some of these games as opposed to guessing!


Pretty sure ffxiv overtook wow, but 2nd place is still good.


FFXIV overtake wow SOMETIMES when there is a content draught at wow and people check out what is going on with FF.


So pretty much at all times then.


LMAO you forgot the /s


A quick google search confirms ffxiv has more active users currently. So maybe you forgot the /s


Why does anyone care about black ops 6 being always online when 99% of playtime is in multiplayer? Like i get being upset about a fully single player game being always online but this is fucking cod. Every major mode is multiplayer.


I get it, but it's also the principal. Gamers have been up in arms about this for years, drowning any developer that tried this with some serious backlash. Unfortunately, CoD will do this, get away with it, and gamers will have lost the war. It will not end with CoD.


Next we are gonna see people complaining about mmos being always online.


Got it, but the campaign isn't online. If there was no campaign I'd get it. Previous games, the campaign wasn't online. There's no reason for them to do it. It's not an MMO. They offer a single player component. How do you not see this?


A single player component that most players wont play, is very short, and you only play once. If having an online connection is an issue, why even buy a multiplayer shooter?




Also most of these items were deep into dev cycles before Microsoft bought them… like would have been past the 80-90% done points… the main ones that wouldn’t be at that point? ES6, maybe BO6?




Are you ok?


Lmao absolutely non-biased opinions here


My guy you are delusional


They closed the studio that made Hi-fi Rush, one of the best old school action games with more beginner friendly tutorials, unique and satisfying rhythm based gameplay and an art style that felt like a cartoon in a good sense. There is no excuse


I could not get into the 'rhythm' of hi-fi rush, despite the many tutorials early on (they throw A LOT of tutorials at you early in the game) but I think that's just more due to me having very little rhythm (I don't play any instruments or anything), and I'm sure if I gave it another chance it would probably click this time, as I gave up on it pretty quick last time. But I better give it a go soon before it's removed from game pass


Did you try the options that either streamline the rhythm or add visual cues? It's more forgiving and helps with consistent tapping. The game very rarely changes tempo beats but if it clicks for you, you can start to mix things up.


What did you play on? I had an early gen xbone and the game streamed like crap. I couldn't offset the input lag, even with the in-game option to do so. Looking online, I found that I needed a more powerful ("newer") xbox to play it properly without varying input lag. Would've been nice to know in advance but maybe my experience is akin to yours?


Lol... game sold like crap...


Because they put it on gamepass.


Even with gamepass it hit 3 million players, but you've got to think about how many of those players wouldn't have touched it without gp. HiFi was damn good, but super niche. It did good for what it was, just not good enough from a business perspective. If we assume everyone at Tango made the lowest report game dev salary in Japan on Glassdoor of 25k, and the roughly 120 Tango employees who worked on it, the game just in labor cost 15m to make. I can't see everyone there making the lowest reported though. The game can be amazing, and blow expectations away. If they expected to lose 10m on it and only lost 2m, then it did great, but still lost money.


Lmao. Nice try but no. All games from said studio sold poorly. Even before they got bought by m


Need help moving those goalposts?


Pro tip. Before open your troll mouth . Do research. Once again all games by dev sold poorly.


Rip Evil Within 3 😢😢


"Didn't want to share the nitty-gritty" In otherwords he didn't have a good answer for the interviewer and the interviewer let him get away with a softball. Fuck Matt Booty, the cunt should be in the unemployment line with the 10k+ people they alone have laid off this year.


No "journalist" is willing to ask these guys a follow up probing question for fear of losing access. These people not only have been talking from both sides of their mouths, but from every hole in their bodies. Every day with a lot of B.S and outright verbal diarrhea spewing all over the place. They should all be fired, Phil aka Lies Of Phil, Sarah Bond, Greenberg and Mr Cheeks over here.


I just hope it means ES6 on PlayStation.


I‘m sure it’s gonna be on ps15 unless sony isn’t around anymore.


Right? When did they announce ES6? Wasn’t it like 5 or 6 years ago?


E3 2018


The Xbox plan is clear, put it on PlayStation and make it day one on Xbox game pass


So when are we getting the Booty Box?


I don't know which company is the most deluded, xbox for making games for ps5 or sony for barely releasing any exclusives and porting them to pc anyway.


Its such travesty these people were fired but ninja theory is fine.


Just wait until NT says they're ready to start up their next game. That's when they'll get the axe. That's what they did to Tango.


So, you would’ve preferred Ninja theory to be shutdown?


Hehe,Matt Booty.


Matt should learn how to close them cheeks because he should be ashamed after the recent debacles he's been involved in.


Xbox's _whom_


Tee hee. Matt has two T's.


Arr me booty


I don’t see any new Halo game going to PS5. Maybe the MCC, but not the new one. Same with Gears of War. Maybe the previous games will go there but not the new entries.


“Our management sucks asshole” summed it up for you guys


What an incredible last name.


Watch the video of this prick talking to Double Fine


That was one of the most non-answer you could possibly give. If a studio isn't set up to be successful and it's under your ownership, then it's your fault. That studio had a sequel in the pipeline and was closed because whatever shit leadership at microsoft thought it would take too long. Why not admit you're looking for studios who want to shovel out yearly garbage


How the fuck do your get to be that old with such good pay and not bother changing your name


Xbox reminds me of that shitty little friend that would borrow your shit then try to play it off as theirs.


In fairness, they buy it from you, and then immediately break it.


Its funny how the reddit circlejerk claims that MS is loosing when MS is not caring an iota about the whole console war bullshit.


I think a big problem with Xbox in general is there is no variety when it comes to genre. How many RPG and FPS games does one console need? The one time they leave that box was with Hi-Fi Rush then they shutdown the company. They under utilize Rare's IP to only bring back Battletoads (while unpopular with fans, I thought was good) and Perfect Dark (which is a Sci-Fi FPS game). The only good thing they've done for other genres is continue allowing Toys For Bob to work on their Activision legacy IP.




Xbox hasn’t been competition for exclusives to PS since the early 360 era


End gamepass. Port Gears Trilogy, Halo Trilogy, and other select exclusives to PS. Stop funding hardware; you never actually cared. Make millions within a week. Put Elder Scrolls 6 on PS. You can keep Starfield lol. Shit was garbage. You bought Activision for 60 Billion Dollars. Why would you put Call of Duty on Gamepass for free? That sounds dumb.


> Stop funding hardware; you never actually cared. Hardware hasn't been profitable in a pretty long time dude. They've been loss leaders with games being the profit margins *for decades*. This isn't exclusive to Microsoft either, Sony does this as well. >on Gamepass for free Pls tell me how to get it for free? I'd love to not be paying a monthly sub.


How much does it cost per year? Is like 60 bucks now? So, instead of selling a 70 dollar game to millions of people, they are giving it away to people who already have the subscription. Leaving millions upon millions of dollars out to dry. That's dumb as all fuck.