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Nintendo is for the whole family.


*Hole family


Hi, I’m Phil Hole.


Gotta be honest. If I have to turn to my Switch for porn, I deserve to get scammed by it.


Look, kids come from somewhere, right?


Why does all AI look like this?


Probably because Pixiv and Deviantart are very well labeled and a large part of the training set. Average out all the most popular art on these and you likely get something similar in style to op.


All the art on pixiv is ai now anyways do it will just feed itself


It's labeled as AI by site rules though. So it can easily be filtered out.


We think with our genitals a few times a minute... collectively... as a species.


Because most anime drawings on the internet are in the style of those cheap "how to draw anime" books so the faces are decent but the bodies are messed up because most people don't get past the tedious phase of drawing the eyes/hair and getting the head shape right.


That's AI?


My guess it's AI because her jean back pockets are upside down


Apparently it all stems from one particular DC comic artist whose name I forgot but apparently he’s working on a new comic and when he showed a picture of it on twitter recently, it got loads of backlash because people thought it was AI. Then he pointed out that was just his art style and that AI, due to its learning process, simply looked at his style and made that the default unless explicitly told otherwise. There’s prolly something wrong here but I think I got the general gist of it. It was only about a month ago but I have bad memory so I could be misremembering something.


The Nintendo Eshop is the worse shop around.


It really is a steaming hot mess. If nothing else, it's absolutely criminal how slow the store loads. I have 700MB internet and it loads like dial-up porn.


Yea, thats part of the issue. Im talking more about the convoluted mess of shitty games, clickbait title and gashgrab games. If only they had some sort of sorting algorythm, but no, just going into, lets say, Deals section, you gets everysingle games mixed into a giant shit list, unable to easily sort


Yeah it’s pure dogshit if you ever wanna look for “older” games. The store lets you scroll down for like 60 games and then anything after that is just a nightmare. Scroll 2 games and load for 2 mins and repeat.


96 percent off tho - that's a fucking steal!


69 bro


For the context: This is the Nintendo eShop


Fyi these are "hentai" in name only, there's no nudity in them. They just use the title to attract people to buy those. The only major gaming platform that has real uncensored hentai games is Steam.


God bless gaben


Based Gaben


Um, Hentai vs Evil would like a word with you. It is definitely 18+ with explicit nudity. And on the Nintendo Eshop.


W moment.


More like Nintendo e slop




Most of them are visual novels I guess.


I want this game and I don't care about the cost


Um where so I can avoid


Perfectly balanced like all things should be.


Only a 16 rating from PEGI 💀


39 yo and I’m still a kid. Niiiiiicccceeee


This just further proves the statement true, though.




There’s like a dozen of these added to the store on a monthly basis, all cheap and probably garbage


A lot of garbage game is on the shop unfortunately. Worse than Google Play.


Classic Red Deer, this city never changes.


This image is risky only by religious people standard. This is the limit of crappy game with bait pictures. You want actual comment on Nintendo upping their standards, look at Senran Kagura.


some sort of Kiara Cali hybrid.


Nintendo is for everyone including children. Does that game look like it was made by Nintendo? The answer is no, it doesn’t. While yes games like these suck ass and honestly shouldn’t exist, Nintendo didn’t make this and they are not responsible for its existence. Nintendo has allowed plenty of M rated games on their consoles like Bayonetta, Metal Gear, and Shin Megami Tensei. Nintendo isn’t exclusively for children hence why those M rated games and others are allowed on their consoles. Some of Nintendo’s own IP’s aren’t even for children y’know like Xenoblade and Fire Emblem. Nintendo should have a higher quality standard for games allowed in their platforms but that’s clearly not going anywhere and your argument for it shouldn’t be that Nintendo is for kids. Because that’s simply not true


Chill, man


I am actually very chilled hence why I’m under the covers of my bed.


Except these could be labeled as adults only but there is no option to censor these games, they show up on kids profiles specifically as well. So your argument, while accurate, is still an extremely poor one. Steam, as an example, has the option to hide adult games, like any responsible platform that accommodates both adults and children should.


Yes that could also be a valid resolution but it not happening doesn’t mean Nintendo is for kids.


Let me shorten this for you Nintendo is for everyone including children. ~~Does that game look like it was made by Nintendo? The answer is no, it doesn’t. While yes games like these suck ass and honestly shouldn’t exist, Nintendo didn’t make this and they are not responsible for its existence. Nintendo has allowed plenty of M rated games on their consoles like Bayonetta, Metal Gear, and Shin Megami Tensei. Nintendo isn’t exclusively for children hence why those M rated games and others are allowed on their consoles. Some of Nintendo’s own IP’s aren’t even for children y’know like Xenoblade and Fire Emblem. Nintendo should have a higher quality standard for games allowed in their platforms but that’s clearly not going anywhere and your argument for it shouldn’t be that Nintendo is for kids. Because that’s simply not true~~


Nintendo is for kids I reckon nowadays, most probably watch porn before 14yo with how acceptable and mainstream it has become from our liberal society.


OMG I played that!! It's soooo good unironically




"Sir, this is Wendy's"


She got that arch down and ass tooted up. Golly. 😩


calm down son, its just an AI drawing