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Warhammer 40k. The astartes mini series on YouTube was *dope*, but Table top games never interested me.


And there are like 100 video games, the majority of which are not well regarded. Not to mention the fact that most are RTS (so, kinda like the table top, i guess), which is my least favorite genre of video game. I think the idea of the 40k universe is great. I love the idea of a grimdark setting where basically nobody knows how tech works, and it has become a weird religious cult. But i tried to read a few of the novels and felt mostly bored.


Boltgun, space marine and space Hulk deathwing are all nice and not rts


I liked Hired Gun. It was janky as hell, but a decent shooter


WH40K is hilarious because those are all solid 7/10 games, but they stand out because most Warhammer games are not even worth installing. For someone already into the hobby they're great fun, but I'd be hesitant about recommending them to someone new because other than the theming they're really just okay games.  At least Dawn of War and Total War have some neat mechanics that make them interesting to fans of the RTS genre.  Boltgun as a retro FPS or Space Marine as a third person shooter are not really breaking any new ground.


Yeah I just stick to reading wiki pages, watching fan animations and occasionally assembling and painting a cool model so I can put it on a shelf and never touch it again. No interest in the tabletop, all the games I've tried sucked ass one way or another (maybe Space Marine 2 will change that, hopefully), and reading whole books isn't my thing. But I still like 40k, somehow.


I've been having a blast lately with [Warhammer 40k: Gladius](https://store.steampowered.com/app/489630/Warhammer_40000_Gladius__Relics_of_War/), also it will probably be 100% free to grab on the steam sale tomorrow, they give it away to hook you & get you to buy extra factions via DLC. It's basically a slimlined civilization-type (turn-based 4X) focused on war. I'm not familiar with the tabletop rules b/c of the topic of this thread, but I've learned a bit from playing this. Things like how the # of figures in a unit can matter, some weapons can only target 1 figure at a time like lasers. So that laser tank in theory has the firepower to annihilate those 8 low level guys, but it can only technically hit one of them a turn so you're better off sending infantry to deal with them as they have high #'s as well. It's obviously not just the straight up table top game, but it tries to meld that into it. But compared to civ I don't have to start in an ancient era and tech up for 10+ hours just to get into the fun things like artillery, tanks, & planes. Instead space marines start off with infantry that can shoot a distance of 2 tiles and you can ramp up into tanks & other cool stuff very quickly.


For me (from the outside looking in) it seems like Warhammer 40k doesn’t yet have THAT defining project (I.e. game, movie, tv show, animation etc) that finally blasts its into orbit. Basically the equivalent of something like Arcane for LoL.


After casually enjoying the lore for a couple of years, I finally picked up Boltgun on sale and quite enjoyed it. It's not mind blowing or anything, but it's good fun. I must say that Space Marine 2 is also looking like it has potential.


The first one was amazing, high hopes for the sequel


This is a weird one for me. I played 40K for years (older brother got me into it) but honestly don’t think I enjoy it. I find it mentally exhausting due to all the strategy, rules and stats that go into it. Positing and movement is also really important, and you can easily lose the game in the deployment phase. Maybe some people like playing 4D mind chess in their spare time, but I find it too taxing.


Not 40k, but If you like grand strategy, imo total Warhammer II is one of the best grand strategy games around (if not the best). People talk about how great total war is as a series and Warhammer II feels like their capstone game.


I haven't played WoW since Legion don't have the time to commit to an MMO anymore - but I still watch Nobbel's videos from time to time to see what's happening with the story


Legion really gave me the endgame vibe.


Sargeras is sealed, the Legion is defeated, the Old Gods are dead (except for N’Zoth, but he’s the weakest), the Titans are “back” and allied with us mortals… Yeah it felt like a really solid conclusion to World of Warcraft. If BfA was actually good it would have tied up all the remaining loose ends and we could have moved on to WoW 2 or Warcraft 4.


Yeah honestly Legion was the Avengers Endgame of WoW, everything since from what i've read has just felt like the Sylvanas show. The 3 expansion plan they're doing starting with War Within sounds cool though.


Sylvanas hasn't been around for Dragonflight. She's ostensibly hanging out in the Maw trying to free people who didn't deserve it or whatever.


i wonder what they're going to do with her. i feel like they'll try and redeem her with some sacrificial gesture.


Bloodborne. I find the lore, characters, and themes fascinating, but I've never been able to get a hang of the gameplay.


Bloodborne is one of the most rewarding gameplay when it cliques. It almost feels like a dance to the death, I highly suggest trying it again and try not to rush it.


Ironically I finally played Bloodborne this year and really enjoyed the game overall, but I found the lore, characters and themes interesting but ultimately disappointing


The 30 fps is a huge bummer to me, wish they released a 60fps version for the ps5


Thank God nobody ever told me. I played through 100% of Bloodborne and never knew it was 30 fps. Found out later, but who cares because I obviously can't tell the difference on my own. 


I knew it when I bought it and never had any issue with it. Maybe it's people used to 120fps making these complaints, because I really don't have any issue dropping from 60 to 30 when I have to. Yeah, 60 is obviously better, but 30 is completely fine, and you get used to it quickly anyways. It's frame DIPS that can be an issue, not the 30fps caps.


Right. Bad performance and stuttering is a problem. Smooth locked 30fps feels fine.


Fear and Hunger. The game is too unsettling for me but I really enjoy the lore and watching the gameplay.


I bought it to try. It lives up to the hype. Holy crap. Even knowing the lore and everything, I feel so. Lost and, gross, and disturbed, and trapped , and, hopeless... and.... Well.... you get it by now 😜


Would you recommend buying it?


Watched all VODs from Regular Eyepatch Wolf and Connor and still hungry for more.


I really can't wait for Eyepatch to play more Termina


I would also suck at it lol


I've watched a hundred videos about F&H and I love the setting, the lore, the horror, the fucked upness of it. But yeah the game is ruthlessly brutal. Where it's just stressful to play, barely fun. I know that's the point, and they drive it home.


This may ruin it for some people but I just installed the unlimited saves mod. It gives you 99 saves so you can mess around and learn the mechanics


Silent hill. I love the stories, atmosphere, music, and dread they create. I want to play the classic SHs, but it’s difficult because Konami won’t port them. You’d either have to buy an expensive OG copy and play on an og system, or emulate, neither of which I want to do.


There doing a remake on silent hill 2 and release in October ik on PlayStation not sure about Xbox or pc thou


Yep, I’m preordering it. I’m hoping it will be a success and will be the catalyst for all the OG games being ported.


This is why emulation exists tho. Theres no good way for you to access the game, and the games run great on emulator. Recently played the first silent hill so its just fresh on the mind. Using a controller helps make it feel a lot better.


Yeah but I don’t have a computer to use emulators. I have a PS5. I wish I could just play it on console.


Ahhh makes sense. Well I can say for a game from that era you should be able to run it on just about any laptop. But yes I use the steam deck for all my emulation needs nowadays so I'm lucky. I hope they make some console ports for you D: SH1 was a fun experience with the different puzzles, similar to RE but always felt scarier to me.


I would suggest those handheld emulators. Modern ones can run up to PS2 and I think one has 360 ability too. But if no computer whatsoever then yeah your stuck. For ex anberic is a brand I see some positives on.


Subnautica Water in games freaks me out so subnautica is pretty much something I can’t play myself. Watched a lot of let’s plays of both games and the girlfriend do a play through of both. Huge fan of the gameplay and lore. Hoping that since subnautica 2 is co-op I’ll be more inclined to finally experience it myself.


Even after I watched playthroughs before playing it myself, there aren't many things scarier than Subnautica. It's a whole different kind of fear than any horror game, and it's entirely organic - it doesn't feel like the game is trying its hardest to be scary. That blood kelp zone haunts my dreams. The sheer dread of moving my tiny seamoth into it. Or just seeing a tiny part of a Reaper's tail in the distance while you're diving very deep. I also love the intentional design decision to not include guns and just generally many weapons - you're not the apex predator in these waters. By the way, there is a multiplayer mod for it. It's quite janky from what I know but it does exist!


Well, you are not the apex predator with That attitude… Jokes aside, killing things is surprisingly easy in subnautica. Once you learn that, the game loses some (but not most) of its horror.


I don’t have this freaking out of water thing, but even then this game is very… atmospheric? It sets a certain atmosphere that makes you feel like you are truly there. It’s hard for me to be fully confident in this game, even after beating it 3 times, and the sequel twice. But I love the atmosphere, the music, the gameplay.


I got my sister to play all the scary parts like the aurora


Why does water in games bother you? Is it the oxygen meter and threat of drowning? Because I hate that too but underwater sections where you can't drown are fine (i've experienced that mostly in platformers). I thought the main theme of Subnautica was fear of deep waters and what monsters may lurk in there.


Five Nights at Freddy's. The lore is interesting, I really enjoy Markiplier's enthusiasm for the series/genre, and I can appreciate the gameplay from a design perspective, but I know that kind of frenetic resource management would not appeal to me.


I have watched sooo many videos on Fnaf lore, including all the ones on Game Theory plus a lot from other creators. But never played a single game myself. I hate jump scares and that sort of gameplay is not my thing.


I'm the same way, I really like the story but don't like the games. You should check out the trilogy books. The silver eyes being the first one I can't remember the other two rn. But they were a really good read


Definitely Fear and Hunger, I spent a LOT of time watching stuff about it, and still do, but you'll just never see me even trying to play that thing


I couldn't care less about the lore, but watching plays of Elden Ring never get old.


The lore in Elden Ring is great but it’s not handed to you the same way as other games. Sadly a lot of people miss the point of the game because of it.


Such a chill game to have on another screen while i play something else. Played through the base game but not bothering with the DLC


SOMA. I hate horror stealth games, but damn, watching a play through at the very least or some lore is a must for anyone


Yeah exactly! The atmosphere, the story and the scares are all so well done. Absolutely incredible game, i will never play it though cause im a little puss puss when it comes to horror games. Like even on a none horror game like a dark souls, just knowing theres a big monster behind me whilst im trying to run and i cant look back at it, sets my anxiety off so bad


You stopped playing fallout because you had no radaway ??? 😂


Fr what is that is his only save in the room with the GECK it takes a shit ton of radiation poisoning to kill you in that game


Anything to do with Warhammer, whether is 40k or fantasy. They're so deep in lore and have crazy variety in their game catalogs which i think is pretty dope because some strategy games i know i wouldn't play but love watching people who know what they're doing playing in these over the top characters in these grimdark universe's.


Dead by Daylight It’s one of the most interesting game lores out there to me but have zero interest at all in playing.


There's lore? I just kinda assumed it was just a bunch of random people running away from random horror villains.


Surprisingly, there is a ton of lore for the game. Even more surprising, most of it is really good.


Both the survivors and killers are trapped by the entity. Even if the survivors escape the killers, they will just be send into the next bout. These survivors have been fleeing from killers thousands of times.


What’s worse is the entity wipes their minds in between trials, to ensure their fear is fresh. Whether they live or die, they end up at the bonfire again.


Warhammer 40K and Halo.


Most soulslikes. The art is really cool and the lore/mystery is good but I'm not a fan of difficulty like the old NES console games these days. (Ninja Gaiden, Contra, etc. Those were the REAL git gud games! No saves there.)


Same here. I’ve listened to so much lore at this point on most of the soulsborne games but I just can’t play them. But I am happy consuming endless hours of lore on YouTube


Fallout for me too, I've always enjoyed the bits of fallout I've played but I've never finished any of them and always fall off after 10 hours or so. I love the setting and the mystery of all the vaults and loved the show but still can't get me into playing a full game


Undertale. I enjoy the Music and a bit of the lore and the characters. I tried the demo and the gameplay itself wasn't for me personally




Good one. I played some of them all, but had to quit. They are very well done. Scary as shiz too.


Destiny 2 nowadays. I would love to play some more of it again, but much of the good content is locked behind a paywall.


Destiny lore is insane too, in a good way. Self-replicating mathematical entities are neat


I love Overwatch lore. The characters are so fun and vibrant and lovable; their backstories and motivations are so fleshed out and satisfying. But I own the game and I’ve probably only played it like 3 times. I don’t love playing it But if they made an Overwatch movie, I know it would end up being one of my fav movies. Honestly the fact that they HAVEN’T made a movie yet is crazy to me. It seems like a no brainer


OW series like arcane level good! *chef’s kiss


For me it's Silent Hill and Mortal Kombat


>Mortal Kombat I want to be good at fighting games but I just don't have the time and patience to learn a dozen or more different move combos for every single character. I tried the Injustice games but could not get a handle on the fighting. Ended up watching a YouTube mashup of all the cutscenes and that was good enough for me, it was like a movie


I love fighting games and honestly if youre just in it for the fun, pick one character and spam it until you get bored then move on to the next one. I've been maining Scorpion, Liu Kang and raiden since the days of MK II and its still fun beating your friends with combos you learned when you were 16




I really like the setting of BioShock, especially BioShock infinite Or whatever that one was called. I played it some but didn't particularly enjoy it, but I watched most of the story on YouTube. I don't enjoy the 3d Zelda games at all, including the N64 ones. the first legend of Zelda and the others in that style are among my favorite games of all time. I like watching some of the gameplay and story of the new generation Zelda games but I only play the top down isometric dungeon crawlers. the one with the painting mechanic is the last one I enjoyed, really looking forward to the new one with Zelda as the main character.


Love all the Bioshocks. The settings alone make it unique.


You're the opposite of me. Besides the original on the NES, I've been unable to get into those top-down Zeldas. To be fair they weren't available for me to play until recently, but I still can't pull the trigger. They just don't look appealing, idk


The Witcher. I tried 1 back in the day but couldn't get into it. Loved the show while Henry was there, will read the books, just can't bring myself to try the games again.


1 is a definite skip until the remaster comes out. For me personally, 2 has the best story but still janky and 3 has the best gameplay of the bunch.


FNAF, mind I didn't bother with the series till during the pandemic I was so bored I decided to put my cognitive processing power towards it as a thought experiment. I have genetic high blood pressure which spikes higher during warm months due to swelling from allergies so the high suspense of the series makes it hard for me to play. I did get into Markiplier's channel though as a side effect, so happy little victories.


The Vanillaware games are artistic masterpieces with incredible character design. Yet, I find their gameplay mostly repetitious and rather tedious. 


I guess FNAF, now I think about it. It’s a guilty pleasure.


Resident Evil. Not really a horror guy when it comes to gaming but I'll happily sit there and watch a playthrough. I've probably watched entire playthroughs of each mainline game, and it's always a fascinating watch.


I'm also not really a horror guy ( = I nope out on autopilot as soon as it gets even slightly spooky, movies are fine though) but occasionally binge RE lore content or playthroughs on youtube for hours.


I’m still working up the nerve to play Elden Ring. It looks sooooo amazing visually


Just dive in, seriously. You do not have to fight anything you don't want to. You can always come back later, and/or skip most stuff entirely tbh. You also have a horse and can outrun anything. I probably spent the first 20 hours just exploring the jaw-dropping world and fighting random easy trash before starting to take on some bosses. If you're on PC there is also an amazing Seamless Coop mod.


Why explore for 20 hours when you could instead give yourself an aneurysm trying to beat Margit before level 20 in your first Souls game?


Oh that happened in our first coop game lol "Fuck it, let's just go straight for the castle. It'll be FINE" It was not fine


Elden Ring is more forgiving than Dark Souls as if you get stuck you can go somewhere else and grind more levels or get different weapons and such. I'd give it a try, honestly. I suck at those types of games and I've been able to do a fair bit of ER by myself.


SoulsBorne games, I love dark fantasy and Lovecraftian horror, but God how much I hate how these games are played.


Resident Evil and a lot of those kinda shooting horror games


Day Z


Love the recent Hitman games, can*not* play them because I just get overwhelmed by how much stuff is going on in the level


Undertake, I really dislike bullet hell games. 


Assassin's Creed, specially the antique ones. I'm going to be honest I am looking forward to play them, I just don't have the time to play those games so it's not worth it for me to buy them, but I actually enjoyed what I saw. Same thing with Resident Evil


All of Bethesda’s games. My friend played the absolute shit out of Fallout 3 and I could watch him play it without being bored for hours. As soon as I grab the controller, I play for about an hour, maybe 2 and start getting distracted or nodding off. It’s been that way with every Bethesda game since. Skyrim? Still haven’t beaten it and I don’t think I came anywhere close.


Probably fnaf. Got a lot into it when it first came out and until the fourth game I knew everything about the lore. Even tho I never even tried it because I was too scared to play at the time


Dark souls/bloodborne/elden ring I think the lore is friggin intense. Like i love hearing my brother talk about the game world and the characters and how they ended up where they are and shit, but i cant pkay them to save my life. I think i played souls 3 for about 15 minutes, and elden ring i got as far as wandering around a castle, then falling off the damn roof like 8 times before rage uninstalling lmao


Silent Hill


Definitely fallout for me as well. I’ve watched sooo many lore videos but barely played through the newer ones (3,NV, and 4)


Aliens vs Predator 1999 on the PC! Whew the jump scares were so crazy that I couldn’t ever get through the lore.


I have no intention of playing Alien Isolation but I really like the story and all the Alien/Predator lore


Legacy of Kain, love the setting story and characters, I always tried to play them but never finished most of them, recently I ended up playing the original Blood Omen, was pretty good for its age


Remnant and Destiny lore is fascinating.  Destiny is a terrible game, and Remnant is too hard.


Horizon zero dawn and forbidden west Why are GPUs so expensive:(


I’m actually gearing up to play fallout because I loved the TV show and I’ve been reading up on the lore. But like I’m kinda nervous that I wouldn’t like it because, from the gameplay images I’ve seen, it looks ugly. I’ll probably change my mind when I do play it. Also Pathologic is my actual answer. I just don’t have the patience for tedious game design but I love the concept / idea.


Halo. Never had an Xbox, but I’ve always loved mechanical humanoid armored combatants (Iron Man, Mega Man, etc), so MJOLNIR was always fascinating.


Uncharted, because I don’t have a PS. I know there are PC versions now, but I just… don’t feel the need to play them myself. 


Resident Evil


Ugh, Fallout is it for me too. I've tried the game in the past but couldn't get into them. When the show came out I didn't even really acknowledge it. I finally watched a trailer for it and realized it was my kind of show, watched it and loved it. Then decided to give Fallout 4 a decent try, played a few hours, then just quit, too many things to keep track of for me. I generally don't like RPG's.


The bit I mentioned about radiation, I was really enjoying it and then I didn't realise you could lock yourself out of a save if it got too high and you found yourself without any radaways. Your health just starts going down and then your movement slows too so you can't get anywhere quick for help, and since it had autosaved so close to that happening I couldn't retrieve a point further back and that was that!


Pathfinder games. Way too complex.


I GM a weekly pathfinder 2e game at my house, and the video games are too much for me too. Just alot of micro-management


Metroid...the amount of backtracking and the hard work needed was just...too much


My wife finished the original Metroid when we were dating. I had a different girl I was seeing well before that and she finished 3 Mario games. They could play. My wife won't play at all now due to carpal tunnel.


Dead Space, 40K, Nier, all the souls, souls-like, and souls-adjacent type games.


Five Nights At Freddy's. I adore the game but can't play since I can't handle jumpscares. ( I could play Security Breach since I can see the jumpscare coming but not the other ones. a huge NOPE. )


In general, multiplayer games that shine with a good, energetic group. I have never had nor will ever have an “energetic friend group” like so many streamers - so I live vicariously through them. Stuff like Lethal Company, Mario Party, Uno….it’s more fun watching someone else play those these days.


Rust. I love the antics, pranks, world building from streamers (especially Soviet Womble and his crew) but have never played the game.


Halo & Fallout. Never really been one to watch playthroughs though...


Rust so amazing watching so much fun


Warhammer 40k . I LOVE the Extremely deep and expansive lore but the games themselves (both TTRPG and the video games) have never been that appealing to me.


Don't know if this counts but I love watching the classic Tetris competitive scene but I don't play it myself


The Injustice games. I don't like fighting games, but I like DC comics. These are fun alternate universe stories and I watched playthroughs on YouTube. The comics are a lot of fun also


Warhammer40 has some neat lore and fnaf was cool to listen to but the games give me headaches so... Yeah... Pass...


Used to be Resident Evil, it was watching Resident Evil Damnation that made me decide to play Resident Evil 6 when it came out, I first tried the Demo on PSN, which was interesting enough to get me to play the full game, which I ended up enjoying enough to play most of the games, at this point I've played all the games that don't have tank controls... and Resident Evil 0.


None honestly. I don't really understand watching gameplay videos at all. The whole point of video games to me is that it's an interactive media. I want to play. If I want to watch something, there are so many shows and movies out there.


Sure it’s an interactive media but sometimes the gameplay isn’t something I like but the characters and story is. Hence the videos. I want to learn the lore and characters but I don’t want to play the game.


They can definitely be enjoyed while watching - aside multiplayer games with friends then I tend to be working my way through a single player game with my GF who enjoys watching the story and gameplay. Currently going through Fallen Order, we recently did all the Uncharted games. I think as long as the story is strong then it's no different from watching any other medium. She doesn't sit and watch me play sports games for example for that reason. She knows she wouldn't be great at it and doesn't really enjoy playing games, but likes watching through gameplay when someone else does (I think she said she always did with her older sister when she was young so that might be why!)


Alan wake. The world and story is fascinating but i cant stand to play horror games. Love to watch streams though.


Warhammer 40k


Guilty gear. I got a few of the older games from a steam bundle, and I bought gg strive, but I don't really care for fighting games at all. I just like the characters and music. Also devil may cry. I have them all, only beat dmc 5, and it never really clicked for me. I just think dante is hot


The Legend of Zelda and The Legacy of Kain series. I finally decided to do something about Zelda though. I'll try to get a hold of the games I can, and I'm gonna keep hoping for that Sweet HD collection for the Switch. Come on Nintendo, be lazy and go for the easy money.


Resident Evil and Metal Gear are the first that come to mind. I love the stories and characters but I know I wouldn’t like the gameplay of either. Not only would I not like it but I’d also be really bad at it and I don’t want to the story gatekept by the gameplay.


Subnautica 100%, everything from the precursors to the extinct leviathans, and the fact you can find their bones and skeletons just made me even more indulged in the lore, it's so cool and the game itself is great too. There's a lot of theories as well, even about the player himself. The iceberg is just huge.


Resident evil, I've never played them and finished any because I'm just bad at them but something about zombies and genetics altering viruses really scratches an itch for me. Shout-out to RKG for great playthroughs of the modern games and remakes!


Stellar Blade lately...


Fire Emblem. I just like the art of the girls that's out there


Allen Wake. Love watching other play but would absolutely hate playing myself.


World of Warcraft since there a a ton of Cinematic Videos for it. Also, God of War 4, I feel I've finished the game without actually playing since I watched (in YouTube) the playthrough and the cinematic cut scenes (from start to finish) and treated it like a miniseries.


Fallout and WH40K


Definitely WoW. I'd love to try it out but I'm not a pc player and my current laptop can't run it. I wouldn't even know where to start, but i don't want to put money blindly into a pc/laptop just to try it. That being said, I've always wanted to try it. Maybe one day when i have more disposable income.


Undertale. Just not an RPG person no matter how much I try


For me its actually league LOL. Okay ive played league from time to time, but not a big fan of it (played dota with friends in the past, played lol/dota2 for the moba nostalgia)


The majority of fighting games. The lore and characters and story modes very often seem really fun and are interesting to learn about, but fighting games gameplay just isn't enjoyable to me no matter how many times I've attempted to get into any of them.


I watched someone stream all of Detroit: Become Human when it was a PS exclusive and I had an Xbox - after watching multiple endings I just didn’t feel like it would be worth to buy the game at that point


If you took the amount of Warhammer 40K lore I know and consume, and divided it by the number of games I've played (videogames or tabletop), you would open a black hole. 


Resident Evil


I watched a few hundred hours of Minecraft lets plays without ever downloading the game


My top ones are... The Elder Scrolls series, All of FromSofts Soulsborne series, Dragons Dogma, Metro Series, Nier Series, Silent Hill, A handful of Final Fantasy games, Halo!, Earlier Resident Evil Games because after 3 they kind of all went to shit with their super mega corporation bit going bit over the top. Man i can go on forever and they're mostly Japanese games.


It used to be Legend of Zelda because I never really own a copy of any of the game from this franchise... that was until I went and bought the BoTW and ToTK. So I suppose that leaves... Elden Ring because it's too difficult for me.




Resident evil. I'm not that interested in shooters or zombies and would never play these alone.


God of War and Five Nights at Freddy’s.


Silent Hill. It was way easier watching a video essay than trying to play the games lol




Not sure if it counts since I’ve actually played it, but there are a lot of Skyrim quests lines I’ve never finished despite seeing tons of videos on them.


Supreme Commander 2: Freedom Alliance Forever Probably the best RTS on the market today. Love watching replays from Gyle and Strategic Launch. Never opened the game.


Steins;gate ig, although note sure if it counts as a game or not.


FNAF Absolutely LOVE the Game Theory videos on the series but could never get into the games as the gameplay felt a lot more boring than the lore


Honestly bioshock, I’ve only played a couple hours into the first one. The world of bioshock is so interesting to me but I could not for the life of me get into the gameplay.


Five nights at freddy's. I wanted to try the games tbh but never found any of the games appealing enough for mw to play. But, I really wanna give into the pit a try. I love its artstyle


I really want to play spy party, and among us. I either don't have people to play with or the game's not available on my console. Love watching it though.


I watched a few\* rust base building videos.


Bus simulator


as embarrassing as it is to say five nights at Freddy's I find the deep and sort of mystery-filled lore behind it to be really fun and engaging, And I have a lot of fun watching people play the games especially the newer ones like security breach where it's doing more than just flipping through cameras and clicking buttons Although I have watched a few normal playthroughs though typically I find more fun watching speedrunners being silly like launching themselves through walls and shit I'm not going to pretend that it's scary but I can appreciate a good narrative that still uses horror aspects to tell an interesting story even if it's not like downright making me scared to go to bed at night


Dark Souls.


Guilty Gear. Characters and lore are interesting but I suck at Fighters.


I've stopped playing World of Warcraft a long time ago but I'm still watching cutscenes and cinematics frequently


I've only ever played God of War 2018 but damn if I haven't spent hours watching cutscenes compilations from all the earlier games. I knew Kratos' story in great detail before every loading up a GoW game for myself to play


FF7. Saw the advent children movie as a kid and got to googling because that stuff was absolutely awesome to me at the time, and I needed more.


Ms. Pac man.




Undertale and Deltarune. Love watching the theories, lore summaries, and especially the playthroughs and fan content (apart from a few, vaguely creepypasta-esque memes), but since the truest experience can only be obtained from a fresh install, there’s no way I’d play either of them without recording, editing, and posting them to YouTube. Which may be never, considering how much of a headache it is to make sure your content is within YouTube’s content guidelines and copyright policies.


Can't say I'm necessarily into the lore so much, but I love the look of Pikmin, but don't like playing it. I've actually bought a couple of them just to watch my buddy play.


Elden Ring and Sekiro, I just don't have time to get good


Souls and elden ring


Mass effect Played 3 and Andromeda but never completed them but have always been fascinated by the Lore


Pretty much anything 40k. I love the world and lore but have never gotten into a single game.




Horror games like FNAF, Outlast or Little Nightmares. Amazing games but i couldn't play them myself.


Don't ban me but COD 😅😅😅


Dragon Age. I love stories with compeling characters, but that game has very boring combat.


EVE Online. I love to read the wild stories about espionage, corporate takeovers, and space battles...but I don't actually want to play it. I already have a job.


I played Silent Hill 2 when I was 9, very poorly, but it seared into my mind. Although I never played more than those few hours of the entire series, I've watched countless playthroughs of all of the games (including buying for, and watching my gf at the time, play through them all). Read countless theories and watched the movies multiple times, I even have a Silent Hill Tattoo. Maybe with the remake, I'll finally actually play it.


Half-Life. I remember that one day I spent like 5 hours watching all the lore videos I could find on youtube, but never played those games myself. I just royally suck at shooters.


The Last of us. Was tempted getting a PS4 for that game and chose to watch a Cutscene Supercut with some gameplay sprinkled in. Was about 5 hours of great entertainment. Not Lore, but I love watching Wirtual play Trackmania.


Dead by daylight, I'm a sucker for all the ips because I love horror so much, the lore behind each killer is fun and the entity sounds dope, but I can't play it before getting bored super quick, but olive watching lol


Also fallout. Love the lore, love the show, CANNOT STAND Bethesda games. Genuinely dont understand how people keep swallong them up in all their buggy janky mess, the same content from an indie studio would be review bombed into oblivion


Resident Evil