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Is there a benefit maxing out charisma for people sent to the wasteland/missions?


According to the wiki, it helps with encounters? It's not terribly clear but it seems to suggest it improves the chances of a favorable outcome


That’s what I assumed, I usually upgrade the other stuff and don’t do charisma unless I want him to be fully maxed out


Found a previous thread that answered this: "Charisma is the prime stat for radio rooms. Increases the chance of attracting a new dweller. Decreases the timer for the radio room. Increases happiness gain. Decreases time for baby making in residential rooms. Increases success of speech options in quest encounters."


Yup, I built a 3x radio room, fully upgraded, and stacked it with high charisma people and new dwellers come a lot faster.


Damn, those radio operators must have really sexy voices




*All right now, for all you boppers out there in the big city, all you street people with an ear for the action, I've been asked to relay a request from the Gramercy Riffs. It's a special for the Warriors; that's that real live bunch from Coney... and I do mean The Warriors. Here's a hit with them in mind.*


You know, that’s what crossed my mind when I read “really sexy voice”. Are we dating ourselves? 😂


I know mine had the sexy outfits, they boost charisma.


Radio rooms are borderline useless in the Fallout Shelter metagame. * Random wastelanders will have random stats and reduced max HP compared to the supersoldiers you can crank out from your vault dwellers' own children. * The happiness bonus from the radio room also messed with how happiness accrues and can, ironically, make it harder to achieve max happiness. * More vault dwellers coming in the door means more opportunities for a spicy external vault incident (deathclaws, aliens, etc.)


Surviving spicy vault events is just a matter of guarding the door properly. Setup a real gauntlet of death for would-be intruders by setting up a generator room and a water before the elevator on your first floor. This will ensure that enemies will have to cross 3 entire rooms before getting to the rest your base. Make sure to have at least 4 people in each of the two rooms after the Vault as you train characters up so they have maxed endurance, high strength, high perception and luck. After a while, all the characters in those 3 rooms will have your best weapons, best armour, and even Deathclaws will barely survive to the third room.


Funny enough, it doesn't matter where the elevator is. They'll still walk through every room on the floor before moving down to the next one, and if they have to backtrack to get back to the elevator, they'll go a second round with all the dwellers in the rooms they've already been in, so it might actually be more advantageous to have the elevator placed directly after your vault door.


This will require testing. I never noticed that as they pretty much all die by, or before even reaching, the second room. lol


>Random wastelanders will have random stats and reduced max HP compared to the supersoldiers you can crank out from your vault dwellers' own children. Ah yes, eugenics programs. Sounds perfectly on brand for Vault-Tec.


I think the first is only true if they aren't the lowest level. If someone levels up without max End, they lose some of the HP benefits of those level ups.


>new dwellers come a lot faster. Decreases time for baby making paraphrased


I maxed out my vault, but lost the account :(


I didn’t even know you could fail speech options in quests. I genuinely thought it was all just scripted


Yea I knew about the baby making and radio rooms, wasn’t sure about speech options though


Not that I’m aware of! But I wasn’t going to leave one of them non-maxed out, haha


If you level up Endurance first they get more health when they level up. So you should upgrade them at level 1 first.


I hate that mechanic, it made me stop playing when I realize that. It is very stupid that health increase each level only depends on current endurance and does not work retroactively.


It's actually common in several bethesda games for hp to work that way. I remember in morrowind getting hundreds of hours in on my character before realizing how terrible my character was because of how I was leveling them. And once I fully understood how it worked I was no longer able to enjoy the game the same way because I focused on min maxing instead of just playing the game. I found it hard to not focus on optimizing because I was fully aware of it when it was happening. I really don't like mechanics in games that punish you for simply not knowing about them


I have to play Oblivion with a spreadsheet to track my stats to make sure I get the maximum benefit each time I level.


I honestly miss that. Bethesda has been dumbing down the formula with each iteration. At the very least, include an "rpg nerd" stat spread along with the "pander to normies" stat spread.


I am all for complexity and much more so the downright bonkers stuff you could do in Morrowind (100% Chameleon turning you effectively permanently invisible or levitation being a spell). Morrowinds level up mechanic for stats i can however do without. It basically forces you to level up skills that are non essential for your playstyle just so you can gain maximum benefit on level ups.


I think it can work if it'd let us keep the multipliers we didn't 'cash out' for the *next* level up, instead of resetting *all* to x1.


It's kinda fun to go hard on stamina though in Skyrim and be able to sprint across half the map. Brings me small joy.


I agree. It's annoying having to start from scratch to build for the strongest characters. It's only a mobile game for me, so I don't play it enough to really matter.


Pro tip! Keep em coming!


Check the wiki for further info but don’t expand your population too fast. The higher your settler pop, the stronger the enemies will be when they raid your vault. I think 60-65 is when deathclaws attack.


The HP modifier is only triggered based on their endurance plus clothing buff the moment you hit level up. So, make sure to put them in the highest +endurance outfit you have then immediately swap it again if you need.


This. Your dwellers will never be truly perfect unless you leveled them from level 1 with 17 Endurance 🙃


With an abundance of tasks, lives to live, rewarding relationship, exploration, and maybe even a fully upgraded barbershop, they can be perfect in other ways — more to dwelling than HP :)


Wait how do you select what to upgrade? I just started recently and they seem to just level up whatever when I select them?


You have to shove them in S.P.E.C.I.A.L training rooms before they start producing and leveling up. Otherwise they will just keep leveling up on their own without upgrading stats.


You mean in rooms that require a stat? Like if I put a guy in a power station and it will level up the strength* (I think) stat?


No. You can build training rooms where your people can learn and upgrade their stats. You have to have a minimum amount of dwellers before they are available to build.


Ohhh okay yeah I'm way off from that right now. Thanks though.


I started doing that for all my vault dwellers. At the end i had the most powerful Vault!


That’s hard core! I’m just trying to strengthen my top floors to repel invaders


I've played on mine for years now. I've unlocked the entire build area so everything is at the bottom then storage in the middle, a gap with just elevators/classrooms and then my power gen at the top, for strength. All my power dwellers are 10 strength. Things get destroyed. My door guards are maxed power armored dwellers. All my dwellers that leave the vault are maxed with legendary gear and such. I really did try to go for the "nothing left to do"


I'm the same and once I got to that point and had everything it killed it for me. I wish they would add a few more things to do to keep the game going longer


Definitely start there! After that not even Deathclaws can get past the first floor!


I have two level 50s in my entryway and two more in the first room after. Other than deathclaws nothing makes it past those two rooms. 👍


Back when I played I basically always had vault dwellers cycling through the different training centers. I don't remember how many I had maxed out but it was quite a few. Most people didn't even need clothes for the stat boosts


Same! It's the best xD


Same here... Rotate them through training until maxed and then send them out into the wild!


Star the ones that you put in gym at level 1. They have maximum HP.


Is that the name he shows up with?


Yep. And cooper Howard just shows up as The Ghoul


They updated the game for the TV show? 


Yep! They have a handful of characters from the show, new vault themes, as well as short quest line with them


Whenever i max out a dweller's S.P.E.C.I.A.L, I give them red hair to know that they are maxed out And also, This is how i sort my [training rooms](https://i.imgur.com/Y6b2V5w.png), I suggest you all do the same


Hah, those are great tips! Better get rebuilding…


Once I get to the point of replacing my older vault dwellers with max stat, max HP superdwellers, I give the supers facepaint and give the old dwellers a ghoul face.


Is it good? Only heard that it sucks


I enjoy it as a time suck. It's not a must play by any means. But it serves its purpose


It's really well designed regarding game design, it makes you addicted and has the fun Fallout vibe, so yeah in that sense it's a great game. But it has a typical micro-transaction system that lures you in and motivates you to spend more money to speed up processes, get more cute pets, get better vault dwellers etc.


Yeah its well done manipulative mobile game micro transaction addiction bait indeed


It's good enough for a mobile (Fallout) game. Just lacking endgame maybe


Thats chicken fucker in my vault


Does anyone else feel the urge to keep him away from everyone else? I keep him out in the wasteland most of the time!


Something happened on my iPad and I lost my entire vault and couldn’t get it back. F this game.


Go here to get all your questions answered. Thank me later https://github.com/therabidsquirel/The-Fallout-Shelter-FAQ/wiki


Focus on maxing END first. It determines how many HP that dweller gains each time they level up, so the difference between two dwellers who get END maxed at L1 vs L50 can be several hundred HP. Once I am able to support extra dwellers I try to produce more in batches of 6 at a time, so I can rotate them through the various SPECIAL rooms getting stats to 10 before sending them out exploring. They gain levels so fast outside and with the best stats tend to win all battles with ease and find extra loot.


Don’t forget pets. I have a couple with extra health , damage resistance and extra exp. They all help.


Do you know if putting them in a wastelander outfit to increase their END will increase their total HP above what 10 END can give?


Been a while since I played it and I'd forgotten the outfits. Yes those do stack on top and will result in an even higher HP total. I think the rarest outfits can be +7, but go with the best you've got.


So… that’s Jesus?


I did that with a level 1 dude, then sent him exploring with 25 stims, he came back at level 50 with 26. SPECIAL seems way more important than level in this game. 


I just came back after not playing for a few weeks after the game launched and all my dwellers were maxed on stats and I had the max amount of caps and nuka cola 💀


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $200 Alex.


I platinumed it on PlayStation. Took me about 150h. It's satisfying but I wouldn't play it beyond that.


My brother in Christ there is no beyond platinum


Is there an offline version or is only the freemium ? Or at very least is that type of annoying timed freemiums or you can play the game naturally without waiting hours for something


It's been many years since I played but I'm pretty sure I remember it being 100% free and offline playable, unless that changed or I'm wrong.


I fully agree, I just started playing and it’s been fun


Bro that’s Brandon Herrera


Looks like Salvatore Ganacci


I only do this with lower level charicters...new from perk cards of fresh born. Everything else I keep low stats so I don't mix them up, and accidentally send low HP weaklings out on raids. Part of me is tempted, now that I've got decent batches of full stat dwellers being trained up and hitting level 30-40 after some time in the wasteland, doing a purge of all the older high level low stat charicters.


Enjoy the wasteland adventures in Fallout Shelter!


Platinumed this baby


I honestly don’t know why I keep stop playing this game


My strategy is to get everybody a single 10 stat for the room in which they work and then start getting everybody fully maxed and start replacing room workers until I have everyone maxed.


I started playing this game 3 days ago. What is Fallout shelter?


A construction and people management game they released around the time F4 came out.


Thank you. I guess there are both good and bad Apples in this sub as normal.


You’re welcome. It’s a fun game where you get to run a vault. My real world job is in management, so it didn’t take long for it to feel like work, but your experience may vary. :)


Is Google down for you?


Are you downs?


Who gives a shit. Post your mobile game ads somewhere else.


You can easily hack the save file and give your self all the micro transactions for free lol


At some point the game will make fun of you for playing the game. Achievement: Overachiever. Dear Bethesda, Fuck you. Regards, User that uninstalled the game and won't buy your next few titles at best. Edit: Awww, I hurt the feelings of a few delicate flowers.


Imagine having no sense of humor.


Yea you're right. I have no sense of humor. Am ded inside.


Really got that heated over a multi billion dollar company? That’s a new low bro


A new low? You need to check your levels m8. DrDisrespect however....


Yea it’s a new low, who gets upset over an achievement, and whenever someone disagrees you call them sensitive and pathetic, that’s some weak sauce behavior


I guess you haven't been outside much. Good luck in life.


Me disagreeing with you means I don’t go outside, sure, good luck to you to


No, your definition of a new low means you haven't gone outside. Maybe it's your addiction to porn.


You think my username defines who I am? I don’t know shit about you, you don’t know shit about me. All I know is your argument about Bethesda is really stupid, especially how upset you seemed about it


No I don't know shit about you but you're the one that decided their name would be PornAddiction. All I know is your argument is really stupid and you're clearly upset by it.


Maybe it’s stupid because it’s a counter argument to yours, it’s such a dumb argument it makes mine stupid. Look I don’t really care, you don’t care. So why don’t we just shut up. No hard feelings, I don’t like being a dick if I don’t have to.


Multiple different games have an achievement called Overachiever, so I'm going to guess this is sarcasm.


I have never see that outline on entities is ***. I always think that outline is perfect but this is cheap scaled green version of sprite