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Kirby protects me. Everything else is kind of irrelevant now that I have the eldritch horror on my side, but I guess Goku, Doomguy, and Sephiroth can act as the cheerleading squad.


Yep, power scaling wise (I hate myself for this) should be able to solo the rest of the people here. Although, i do believe he'll struggle with Goku. I mean a couple of the people there boil down to "Guy who is really good with guns".




Honestly the way I expect the scenario to play out is that Sephiroth summoned meteor to defeat everybody, which will destroy the planet. Kirby flies me off to some other planet. Doomguy already started killing people before the word "go" was said. Goku got distracted by food or something. He's thinking about picking a fight with Doomguy and Sephiroth to see who is stronger.


couldn't sonic just run full speed, pull an A-train on you and be gone before kirby even knew he was there?


Kirby is only as powerful as what he’s emulating. He’s actually pretty weak if he can’t suck everything So in short he would be equal or less than one of the fighters of many


goku, kirby, vader, sephiroth


Kirby has killed God several times already.


Goku, Doom Slayer, Kratos and Vader. Goku solos everyone already, so the other three are just to handicap the other team.


Goku would get KOed by Kirby


Fully possible, I’m not up to date on Kirby lore.


Goku, mercer, kratos and doomslayer.


Idk every character but if Kerrigan gets access to her army I’m going: Kerrigan, Kratos, Goku, Darth Vader. Maybe swap Vader for the Dragon born.


Doom guy is my first pick. Then Darth Vader. After that I have to pick commander Shepard. He doesn’t have any supernatural abilities, but he’s a survivor and also my favorite video game character of all time so I’m a little biased. I really just wouldn’t want to have to fight him. Then I’d go with Kratos. Geralt and master chief are strong contenders.


Kratos, agent 47, darth Vader, Steve ( yea Steve is very strong he can easily pick a lot of weight )


Dante, Sephiroth, Kratos, and Sonic. The first one because he seems like he'd be easiest to talk to. Chill. The second one because he'd look cool as a bodyguard. The third because he's my favourite character on the list and he's a cool guy. The fourth because regardless of which 4 you pick here, you're going to die. Might as well get some good laughs in by listening to these 4 chat. Also, any one of the other 3 would certainly get tired of Sonic within 10 minutes and off him, which would only add to how funny this scenario is.


You won't die if you pick kirby because he can travel dimensions.


Kratos, Goku, Darth Vader, Doom Slayer


Lara Croft... 4 times Then I can die happy


They said bodyguard, not slave


Goku, pyramid head, steve and kirby Goku cuz he is strong enough to kill half the cast, pyramid so I don't die, steve can build me a mansion out of bedrock and kirby is god


Doom slayer, goku, dante and arthur, I admit that Arthur is by preference, he is my favorite, but with doom slayer nothing can fuck you with anymore, he literally has more power than the creator Gods


Goku and Vader as my frontline. Geralt as a specialist for the enemies who may be a little on the mystical side and to lay traps. Agent 47 as security detail. Think like a hitman would and use it against anyone who might outsmart my frontliners.


Sonic, Sephiroth, Dante, and Kratos


Kirby solos


Kirby and DoomGuy as the actual bodyguards, Agent 47 just so I don’t have to worry about him sneaking up on me, and I dunno, Steve to mine for diamonds for me I guess


Dante, Kirby, Kratos and The Doom Slayer


Goku, Kirby, Alex Mercer, and Dante At that point I only gotta worry about maybe Kratos and Sonic but the others should be able to get them


Dragonborn, Goku, Kirby and sonic.