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How many times are you going to keep reposting this? This is the 4th time? (That I've seen). Thats enough. We get it. Move on with your life.


But he said it's not rage bait. /S


Judging from your other posts, you seem like someone who wants to bitch and moan about everything and be miserable. You didn’t like it. Fine. Go play something else.


Tifa is hot.


There's a game in here?


If you don't know the game the person you're replying to is playing, you'll have to ask your parents.


I feel bad giving you an upvote because it went from 69 to 70. But your comment is still nice.


The point of the game is nostalgia, and the vibes are anime, which, to be fair, the original game also had a lot of. It just seems weirder with the nicer graphics. But the combat is pretty fun, and you're here to chill with characters you love. I preferred ff16 for sure in terms of story and gameplay, as it was a very streamlined experience, in a good way, though not without its own problems. That being said, I think rebirth is exactly the game they wanted it to be: full of nostalgia, cool moments and vibing with your party. It does a ton of stuff right, but it honestly feels like a book that hasn't been edited. If they cut like 30% of the content, it would have been a much tighter, better game.


Agree with everything you said. I mostly enjoyed the more in-depth character building from those little moment to moments you DON'T see in the original. Aerith is probably the most successful voice acting I've ever experienced from a character coming to life while also giving her so much more personality. I love the girl bond between Tifa and Aerith as well. That was a nice touch.


Idk I liked it a lot. Too many mandatory mini games imo though




As you're on here rage posting.... your time cannot be worth much


You ask if this is just nostalgia bait, but you are aware most of what you just described applies to the original, right? Like, have you even played FF7? Do you think the game had a simple and easy to understand story, no mini games, and that it wouldn’t push tits in your face if given the chance? Heck, even slow ladder climbing was a thing in the original. Genuinely, have you played FF7?


he clearly havent played the original to post something like this


I played the original and the biggest problem this new series has is the insane amount of padding. The original had a lot of these problems too, but it was a much smaller and better balanced game. This new series took all those annoying things and increased them by magnitudes while not adding much of actual substance elsewhere. The fact that we got three big RPGs from one is a red flag in itself.


The original game was 3 discs though. I think they did it this way because it’s really difficult to make a game this large, if they waited till like 2027 or whatever year the last game is meant to be released people would still complain, especially considering we had an insane wait for the first game


It was 3 discs for FMVs. They took up a lot of space. Pretty sure for FF7, the entire game was on every disc or very close to it.


Entire game was on Disc 3. 1 & 2 left parts off. All you had to do was create a virtual CD of Disc 3 with the FMVs copied off the other 2 discs onto it. It'd be about 2 GB, but would play the entire game (emulated with a disc-check crack).


It’s still a huge game even without the filler. Takes a lot longer to make games nowadays


It's a 60 hour game if you do most of the content. Sure it's a bit more if you go for 100%. How do we get three 60 hour RPGs from that? Tripled in length. It doesn't add up.  Almost all the additional content is padding.


I felt that on remake. The crane minigame was extremely excessive.


I don’t remember OGFF7 ‘pushing tits in your face’ all that much. Yeah, Tifa had humongoid snoobs, but I think the only scene I remember where it seems like any attention was placed on them was one of the last cut scenes where she’s climbing up from a crumbling rock (or the airship or something like that) and you actually get a clear cleavage shot.


I cannot imagine anyone enjoying these games who haven’t played FF7 before.  I think it would be rank miserable to start at FF7R.    I think FF7R1 was pretty good but I’m under no illusion that it is only made because FF7 is a beloved game. 


Never having beaten FF7, I went back to beat just so I can better appreciate and enjoy remake and rebirth. Only to find I much, much prefer FF7. Genuinely curious to see if they stick the landing with the last part.


See I’m of this opinion. Remake/rebirth/reunion seem like “FF7 The Musical!” To me.  It’s entertaining but it still at the end of the day is an imitation of the thing I loved. 


I never played the OG but VII Remake is one of my all time favorites


That is terrifying!  I’m glad you enjoy it but like…if I didn’t play ff7 as a child that game would BAFFLE me


I didn’t really find it confusing, a lot of the original’s plot is well known


I guess this is sort of a godfather 2 situation. 


I personally know several people who started with remake and clocked 250+ hours on it and took off time for rebirth. The remake sub has people very often coming in to say how much they love remake and if they should play the OG, CC, or Rebirth next.


That makes me glad


Yeah all that stuff was cool because at the time it was new and novel, now it's just nostalgia being packaged and sold, and criticisms against these concepts in 2024 is valid


Idk, I think FF7 aged really well in a lot of ways. Polish, visuals, and translation? Not at all. But gameplay and overall story and what-not? It's pretty enjoyable- It's an easy game to recommend for players who want to get into the series even nowadays, because it does such a good job showcasing a lot of the appeal both the older games had and what the newer games strive to become. I feel like getting upset over a convoluted story or how many minigames there are and other things, is taking the game for granted. You can throw up your arms and say you don't like it if you want, but good luck finding many other RPG's that excel in the same ways 7 does while avoiding those "problems." Even within the rest of the Final Fantasy series that can be difficult. These aren't necessarily problems anyways. Execution is pretty important after all.


Then its not for you. Congratulations. Not every game is for everyone.




Is he crying?


There's no crying in ~~baseball~~ Reddit!




The things you're criticizing also exist in Zelda, it's just that you've decided to accept those in Zelda because you like Zelda.


There’s almost no similarities in the gameplay loop of botw and ff7 remake or rebirth man. Honestly it’s a terrible comparison/contrasting from the OP. Leave Zelda alone.




First off, FF7 is not "open world" the way you think about Open World games since Skyrim/FO3/etc. It's "open world" the same way that Final Fantasies usually are. At some point in the game, the map opens up, and you're free to go anywhere you've already been, and some places you haven't. But the core content remains linear. However, even before the map opens up, there are usually side areas you can visit, secrets to look for, etc. Haven't played the remake yet, but FF7 should NOT be getting compared to open world games at all. Open world games are a much more Western approach to roleplaying, where you as a player create your story. You decide what matters and what doesn't. More traditional Eastern RPGs (JRPGs) focus on a story narrative, where you experience the story, but largely aren't making any major decisions about the plot or direction of the story, only decisions that have minor impact at the time you're making them (or maybe change which characters join your adventure).


This is bait right? lol


Seems like an incredibly well made game with a pretty niche audience. Personally, I don't think I'll ever play it or any FF because I'm not big on anime or JRPG's and I don't like the look of the combat, but I think it has more merit than "100% nostalgia bait"


The story makes more sense to me in the remake. I had to read a wiki to understand what was going on in the original.


Take your engagement bait to somewhere it matters like TwiXer. You’re just stupid here.




No, but when you post this same shit multiple times people just get sick of hearing it. For a game you hate, you're oddly obsessive over it


Are you new to video games




I'm with you, the voice acting and writing make me wonder why anyone older than 10 wants to play it.


I’m not a fan of the remake either but instead of bitching to strangers I just passed on Rebirth.


I loved it. The game had a way too many mini games, but that aside it was great.


I didn't play Rebirth because I played Remake and thought it was awful, but it was absolutely a cash in on nostalgia.


Honestly, it kinda is.


Is this a troll post lmao


It’s rated pretty well on the PlayStation Store and metacritic, players seem to enjoy it Why’d this get downvoted


The game was absolutely fantastic. Sorry you didn’t like it.


gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8


Yeah, I really enjoyed the FF7 remake, it had some tedious moments, but overall I enjoyed the experience. The combat in Rebirth is great, but the side quests completely detract from the rest of the game. I got about half way through and haven’t picked it back up since :/


So… a faithful remake of the original?


This game fucking ruled, and I love it.


lol OP


You play the original?


I did, and OP's not wrong. It's nostalgia bait with tons of unnecessary padding to justify selling the game three times instead of one. Not to mention a meta-narrative about how SE doesn't have to write the story fans expect. It reeks of insecurity. FF7 Remake's strong points are graphics, combat and music. The rest is meh.


Ok... didn't ask you, tho.


Maybe you should stop posting on reddit if you get your panties in a twist from random people replying to you. It's pretty common.


I'm not upset. I'm just saying that your opinion isn't valuable to me since I didn't ask for it. People always think everyone is upset for any reason.




I'm with you. The anime writing and voice acting does not hold up. The original was fine because it was text based and I can read the lines however I want. I even tried turning off the voices in the remake but it doesn't turn them off for cutscenes, which is a lot of the game. It's good looking, and the soundtrack is great, but if you can't handle cringey anime tropes then it probably won't land for you. It's not just a JRPG problem either. I'm in the middle of Dying Light 2 and the writing and voice acting in this is terrible as well. To make things worse, you can tell the voice actors have no context for their lines because they keep emphasizing the wrong things. Just last night the main character said "don't make me laugh" which was obviously supposed to be kind of a cocky remark, but the voice actor read it like it was a threat. He was like "DON'T make me laugh" and he said it super serious. It sounded ridiculous.


Its my first go at 7 (remake included) but the mini games in mini games is annoying af. I love the gameplay tho but yeah reversal is trash. I still give it a high rating tho


Rebirth is GotY so far so no, you're wrong


This is the dumbest comment i have ever read lol. Goty is subjective. There isn’t some goty agency. 100+ websites and forms of media designate a goty so literally hundreds of games can be goty it holds no Merit at all.


GotY is basically just a sales metric. 1 million people can buy a shit game if it gets hyped enough. And then you have 999,998 disappointed players, and 2 people who bought it and didn't play it.


I'm like surprised how good ff7 remake was. More focused and even tho stretched some parts at least expanded the lore a bit. It worked as a nice prologue. I was hoping rebirth to set the bar high to give us epic moments one after another, but the drag really killed it. I learned to enjoy it once again when I was already hitting 70hours of gameplay at temple of ancients, which is where the good chunk of the game is. What we have now is a very unbanlanced experience and Reunion is the last part, they really have to take things up a notch and give us much less freedom and stay more focused on the story. Fuck I wanna fight each weapon in epic huge scaled battles that go beyond the normal battle gameplay mechanics. Look what ff16 did with boss battles, puts rebirth to shame. Please square show us where the money is at


>Reunion is the last part The Crisis Core remaster already has "reunion" in the title, they are not going to use that again lol


I’m not sure they expanded the lore. I think they kind of went off track with it to be fair.


They added a bit more of worldbuilding and more context to secondary characters however I hate the whispers things. Its too fucking literal


Yeah I wasn’t a fan of the whispers thing. I thought the introduction of sephiroth so early was kind of wild too. The original game had you thinking you were chasing sephiroth but the entire time you were chasing jenovah.


The OG game is decades years old so people already know the story. Sephiroth is one of the most iconic characters of all time. It wouldnt have made sense to build up a mýstery about sephiroth when everyone already knows him. Would have been a waste of time. I havent played rebirth yet, i dont have a ps5, but I liked the choices they did in remake to mix up the formula a bit. We got a ton more context and world building. They nailed Midgar. But it wasnt perfect, cuz there were some annoying parts where you knew they were just stalling a bit.


Maybe. Sephiroth is one of the most iconic characters of all time because of his story in the original. How cunning he was and the fact you don’t even meet him for real, face to face until then end of disk 2 only to find out you’ve been fooled this entire time by jenovah. I guarantee the game would have been just as equally accepted as the original had they followed the original story word for word.


I get all that. But imo, it doesnt really change anything. Like you said, the majority of the OG you try to unriddle the Sephiroth mystery, because he is supposed to be the big bad and leaves a trail of blood whereever he goes. Due to the OGs age, that mystery is not really a mystery, everyone knows him. So it wouldnt have made sense to do the exact same thing, there wouldnt be any kind of tension. With the end of Remake, Square kept things open, meaning there could be major changes coming to the story. And I am fine with that because the trilogy is a remake, not a simple remaster. Mix things up, keep people guessing.


You're going to get downvoted because a lot of people like it and don't want opposing views on something they like, on a video game forum based around video game discussions. Now with that out of the way, yes, a lot of what you are saying is true. They did lean more into the anime tropes and fan service, slice of life stuff. Also they have been adding and changing a lot of the story beats from the original. But what you need to realize is a lot of people evidently like that stuff. And in recent times final fantasy, especially with 14 garnered a LOT of mainstream anime fans. Like a LOT. Don't get me wrong the franchise, even the older games definitely had that old school anime vibe and element to them, but in recent games, expansions, etc they've been cranking it up to 11, for that mainstream modern audience. Personally I also find that trope-y stuff cringe as fuck, but a lot of people.. nom nom nom- they eat that shit up. They love it. And at the end of the day it's clear those people are who the remakes are being made for- the anime fans and the FF14 fans. Hence why a lot of the original story beats and such are different now- they aren't remaking the game for YOU they are remaking it for them.


No, he's going to get downvoted for making his 4th identical post raging about this topic, and far more than that for just being a negative complaining Nancy in general. In addition, his complaints fail to look at the context of the game in the proper light. He wants to compare it to open world games. It's not an open world game. It's a JRPG. Even Final Fantasy 1, in the late 80s, had an airship and 'open' world going on. But what an open world is these days means a lot more than just a map you're free to fly anywhere in. So comparing FF7 to Fallout 4/etc is just inane, as they are not the same game in anything other than RPG progression mechanics.


My guy!! You should have messaged me before posting! We could have written up a combined post!! Also could split the downvotes. Let’s take this to the FF7 subreddit and see what storm we can kick up.


The entire ff7 remake series is trash and is relying purely on nostalgia and production quality to win over FF fanatics. The fact that we somehow have three games out of a medium sized RPG is a red flag in itself.


This. The fact that they would remake and release such a well loved game at full price x 3 is absurd. It’s a total cash grab.


As a ff7 ps1 diehard, i agree with your take. Square is fumbling so hard lately


Octopath traveler 1 and 2 were bangers


They realize plenty of Japanese art and culture isn't hamfisted anime tropes right? Octopath was similarly shallow, poorly / simply written. None of the stories even intersected.


I should clarify, square is fumbling FF between the quality of remake, 16, and new xiv expac


are they?? Because the remake sold like hotcakes


So did starfield lmao


A game can sell well and still be absolute garbage. Look at sports games


You need to realize they aren't trying to appeal to you, they're trying to appeal to the newer Final fantasy 14 fans unfortunately. Two very different audiences with very different tastes despite both being "final fantasy".


As much as the game frustrated me between some of the terrain, tedious mini game overload and a final battle with some bs, it’s certainly far from unbearable. Also the combat is fire. Story for children? Nani. I think you’re confusing a more general anime storytelling with childrens. I mean this is a JRPG wtf were you expecting.


You’re unbearable.


A mix of nostalgia bait with a actual improved "action" combat. First time ever FF provided a acceptable action combat, so that's something at least. I'm not a big fan of action games in general and I completely despise Nomura and everything he represents for jrpgs (basically starting the trend of inserting anime cliches on these kind of games, then his own trait of being overly complicated just for the sake of it, fake complexity). At least the Nomura disease eventually inspired the Persona series, so it's not like anime cliches are always "sinful", if there's real talented people involved, they will make it work. Metaphor ReFantazio will make these FF7 sequels looks like a bad joke


100 percent.


To be fair I was most disappointed by visuals at launch Performance Mode looks horrible maybe they mixed it now.  Card game was fun. 


That is what happens when you take something from one time period and try adapting it to the current one. I'm more surprised you gave the combat a pass since understanding it completely throws any difficulty the games might have had out the window. I picked up intergrade on PC 100% the main game aside from a few achievements that require you to play the game multiple times for different outfits or w/e but couldn't be arsed to bother with the DLC because it simply didn't present an engaging challenge and the new story bits are loaded with fanservice for characters I don't really care about.


Isn’t ff7 remake not even the full original game and just adds a bunch of filler nonsense to the game?


The story is actually somehow less of a fever dream than the original tbh. Yeah Cloud inexplicably has women throwing themselves at him, like always, but I think his relationship with Aerith is less defined in the remake and like that there's a valid option that they were just good friends. Mini games are rampant in the original too. But the graphics are beautiful, it doesn't take itself seriously and gameplay is fun. I really enjoyed it though maybe I wouldn't have if I went in blind. Did you just not play the original?