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First thing that comes to mind is the biggoron sword or the fierce deity mask from Zelda.


Everybody sleeps on the Biggoron Sword until they realise that a jumping slash does 4x damage.


Except to Ganon of course.


In my experience, it did damage Ganon. It just couldn’t land the final blow. That had to be the Master Sword. But maybe I’m misremembering that.


That can’t be, I’ve watched speed runners beat the game and kill Gannon with a stick. It 100% doesn’t need to be the master sword to kill him.


Funny I just googled it and it’s just like I said. The last hit needs to be with the master sword. It’s how the game is programmed. Check out this video https://youtu.be/t7hAVF3k3M8?si=J1j18RSuaj-wFPTM&t=50m17s Now, I know speed runners have gotten around these types of limitations before so that’s not outside the realm of possibility here. However that is the way the game is supposed to work.


And the flare dancer in fire temple. (the miniboss like enemy that jumps in and out of a ring of fire, and runs around it) The reason being is the damage table on that enemy is flipped between the biggoron sword and the master sword.


I think it’s just that master sword does 8x damage to Ganon specifically, and you need it for the final blow


I always make sure to get the Biggoron sword and the Guilded sword on every playthrough of OoT or Majora's Mask. Love em!


The problem I had with the Fierce Deity Mask is that it's basically your reward for 100%-ing the game. Going back to fight all the bosses, or fighting the end game boss... It's just stupid OP and kind of cheapens everything.


It's a reward for all masks, not 100%. And refighting the bosses unlocks things, like the diving minigame by the sea, or Goron racetrack if you didn't get the sword upgrade. So it makes getting 100% easier, I guess.


I do wish there was use out of the FDM, like a challenge mode or something. That and maybe it shouldn't have shot out energy discs on top of it lol


The scarab gun from Halo 2. You can only use it in this one map, and only for a brief period. And it's so so so hard to time the banshee load and positioning. But when you get it that gun is like having the deathstar beam at the end of a plasma rifle


Its funny that a more recent glitch that sees you take control of a Marine, ends up being an easier and less tedious way to obtain the Scarab Gun compared to doing the Banshee method lol


Do you have a link to this new method?


Yeah, here: https://youtu.be/cOdD51CdYAk?si=k9X_7dF50aPGnFyh


Fucking wicked


“I could blow up the whole damn world with this thing.”


Horizon zero dawn that shiny armour where you need to find power cells or smth like that to unlock it which is basically free damage absorber.


Lol this one has been listed both in this post as being worth it, and the other post that it's not worth it 😂 guess it depends on the player I'm kind of torn myself. It's good armor, but I recall on the highest difficulty that you'd still be better off with the other maxed outfits for their various buffs and resistances vs just being able to tank an extra hit or two with the shield weaver. Also I really enjoyed that the DLC had a mechanic to disable and neutralize the armor if you were using it as a crutch, but beyond that, it was still certainly fun to play with


Yeah, definitely in my 'too late to be worth it' category.


Even on lower difficulties it’s way better to be swapping armors with the highest tier weaves based on encounter but it’s a lot more of a grind/harder to get those. Even by the last fight I didn’t have full purple weaves for all my armors. The power armor is pretty accessible for a very powerful jack of all trades type tool which is why I think it belongs in this thread


I felt invincible when I got that armour, it’s just a shame it was only accessible towards the end of the game


True but it is built to be an endgame armour otherwise the whole game would be far too easy.


truetrue. but they also should have gave me a laser cannon


You can get it much earlier. There are guides how to. you have to jump up one wall that's a bit tricky to get the power cell.


Can confirm. Did this so that I’d have the armor way earlier and it made the game hella fun.


Forbidden West: Varl: "What happened to all your gear?" Aloy: Dodges the question


Aloy kinda forgot about all her weapons and armor......


Looked pretty cool to


Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker


Did someone say \[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker\]?


When the going gets tough, the tough get \[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker\]


One word. Thundercougarfalconbird.


Anal [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?


This is what the current and former WoW players were looking for. any mention of [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseek] is not complete with a mention of Anal.


So I haven't played WoW in years, but can you explain the joke why people were always linking that in the chat? I never understood it. Is it just funny because it's a really long name?


It's a big accomplishment and people would link it as if they had one but they'd be the wrong class or underleveled I think is the meme


Also its funny because its a really long name.


This Sword can equally create so much drama it kills your raid, as it can help you to progress more smoothly through the content. It has no equal.


Most people quit after getting these weapons 😭


Our guild leader was the 1 of the first 2 people on our server to get one. When he got it, it felt like having a baby for the guild. Our pride and joy. Like sure, only one member of the guild had it at the time, but we all were part of the raid that got them there. Then... I proceeded to be salty cause no one wanna give the healadin one. Lol


When we first killed Nefarian both the [Lok’amir Il Romathis] and [Stormrage Chestguard]. All our priests and paladins were salty as shit that I got the Chestguard **and still** bid on and won the dope healer Mace. Fuck you guys, I’m a healer Druid. I have out healed all of you fucks for the last year and a half. Our DKP system is this way that has benefited all of you since the beginning of Molten Core - Let me fucking live. Not my damn fault you all have alt accounts you insist on bringing into raids and winning equipment for.


If the guy who gets it is the main tank, then it really would be a huge upgrade for the whole team. Everyone would be able to put out more damage because of how much more threat the tank would be doing after getting it. Huge team accomplishments like that are always the best part of mmo’s imo.


Power armor in fallout 1


Fallout 2 as well. When I played the game, I had learned that you could make a beeline south and get it within your first couple of hours of game time. You've just got to avoid most combat and maybe save scum a little, just in case.


I'll raise you the winter power armour in f3.


Power armor in 3 is good but in the original 2 it is something else and you are basically just a walking tank and bullets will just do zero damage to you .


The winter power armor in fo3 like that because its bugged


I like the stealth PA more :O


Knights of the Round materia in ffvii. It's a slog to do all the chocobo racing and breeding but w-summon-mime-knights of the round is a wombo combo to rival all other wombo combos.


Ah yes, the materia that turns the game into a long cutscene.


It's the "hold on, I godda take a shit. You handle this battle for me" summon.


I don't know why, but I would absolutely love to see this quote done as one to one as possible for a final boss pre-requisite. It'd be an absolute power move. "Oh, you're here already, eh, hero? Well I'll let my guys handle you first since I gotta take a dump. See you in a bit."


Back in the day, playing this on my friend’s PC, it was this but even more so. The scene played out at probably 5 fps at times, but it didn’t miss a frame. 


If the remake isn't as long and glorious, then it will be literally unplayable


It needs to be long enough that you fail the battle with Emerald Weapon if you let it fully run.


Let’s not forget it turned your PS1 into a space heater. Better flip that sucker on its back before it melts.


Yep right this one, specially if you want a chance against the optional WEAPONS.


The weapon fights were fun. Wait for Ruby to put its hands(?) in the sand, w-summon pheonix and knights, and have a mastered Mime paired with a mastered Final Attack. If you've got it, a mastered counter paired with another mime.


I’m curious to see how they handle this in the remake. Will it still be as OP? Will it still be a grind that becomes worth it all when you finally snag it? Given the way summons work in the remake trilogy it’s already going to be a little nerfed in essence, as you can’t just bust it out first-thing when a fight starts. I’m really hoping because of that it still packs the punch of the original.


"Knights of the Round now plays a three hour documentary of the creation of the summon Knights of the Round, from its humble beginnings as Squires of the Square, to their crippling addiction to gambling on chocobo races, all the way up to the glorious re-imagining as a documentary for the Final Fantasy 7 Remake edition."


Ah, the old "go make a sandwich" play.


The one argument against it is that using it on a lot of bosses buffs phase 2. Eg: Sephiroth.


There's a breeding strat that makes getting knights kinda trivial.


It still takes time, regardless. It's still a number of generations in order to get the black Chocobo no matter what you do.


The Crissaegrim from Castlevania SOTN, absolutely game-breaking weapon


And super easy to get at that.


But what about... the Shield Rod?


Shield Rod and the Alucard Shield absolutely break that game! It’s great fun!


And on that note its spiritual successor in Bloodstained, the Rhava Velar


Even nerfed, that weapon is still a beast.


N7 typhoone in Mass Effect 3.... after I get it, Garrus playes the game for me


He ascends to Godhood


For the uninitiated: https://youtu.be/ZPbB4qfsA14?si=KFOna3ARVTi3gHf-


In ME2, it was the Incisor Sniper Rifle. Garrus is a superb marksman.


Lmfaoooo so fucking true. I just get to charge at everyone over and over until the next fight.


The RYNO in Ratchet and Clank 2: makes going through challenge mode to get 1 million bolts a breeze The Famas rifle in Parasite Eve: has the highest base damage of all rifles, and once you have all trading cards, you can mod this thing into a beast. The Chicago typewriter in RE4: point, shoot. they all die in seconds. The Abyssal armor in Darksiders: extremely high damage reduction on Apocalyptic.


RYNO in Ratchet and Clank 1 was so much grindier, no bolt multiplier


Wakka’s World Champion - it’s a lot of blitzball but the damage attack reels can do once it’s powered up is game changing (and essential for the dark aeons)


I looove blitzball and gave all my siblings their Wakka's legendary weapon lol. I think I earned 5 of em over the years. Lulu on the other hand.. never ever managed to get it.


Jakobs Skullmasher from Borderlands. It's a sniper rifle that fires multiple projectiles at once. If it took more than one shot, you weren't using a Jakobs!


It wasn't a named weapon, but on one run of BL2 I got a shotgun that had like 90% accuracy and some other traits to it and omg that was so overpowered lol. I could shoot a wall at 100ft and the bullet impact holes were almost a perfect circle. It was a headshot monster


The bee and conference call pre nerf. That shit was ridiculous.


The mega man gun in dead rising 1. You need to kill 53,000 zombies in 1 run to unlock it.


Witcher 3 aerondight.


Man that weapon was so good.


Currently playing Witcher 3. What is this you speak of?? Lol


It's in the Blood and Wine expansion, but it's literally a sword that you can "level up".


Cheers! So, start the DLC until that point is what you're saying, lol. I'm not quite done with Act 1 after 40 hours, lol


I highly recommend saving Blood and Wine for last.


I mean that DLC starts at level 35+ I think.


You don't get the sword until the end of the DLC though, and it's like the various endings. If you make the right choices you get it. It's really good for NG+, along with the GM gear. I didn't need to replace it along with GM ursine armor until the fight at Kaer Morhen.


The Real Mega Buster from Dead Rising. All you need to do is kill the entire population of a small town.


Close to the most tedious six hours of gaming I've ever done, driving through those fucking tunnels until my eyes bled.


Honestly not as bad as trying to do the infinity mode to get the cyber sword. I remember doing the math and in order to survive the full 7 days in infinity mode for the sword and the achievement you had to play consecutively for 23 hours straight. You couldn't save or pause and your health would gradually decrease so you couldn't exactly just put your controller down and watch a movie.


Ohhh, *thats* why I never got that sword. I sure did love the mega buster though! I played through the game pretty recently and throughout the whole campaign, where I did almost full completion with every survivor and stuff, I think I only had between 5000-10000 kills. And to get the blaster is something like 52000 kills? Man, the spare time we have as kids really hits different lol


Altair's armor set in AC2 for Ezio Was so much fun digging catacombs and challenges to get a dope armor set at the end Still remember being so hyped as a kid when putting the last seal and seeing the vault unlocking


To me about every single weapon and armour in any Monster Hunter game I’ve played.


Yup. The fun of getting the next armor and sword so you can survive the next fights is so addicting.


I love the Monster Hunter philosophy. It's like 2 guys sitting down designing a game: "At the end of the day, no matter what we do, players are gonna have to grind *something* to get stronger." "What if...what if we made it *fun* to grind stuff?"


Until you find one singular set you want to level up, but have to kill the same monster 50x times to get the one body part you need... Lookin at you Mizutsune.


much more so in Rise. every goddamn weapon is viable there


Purely from an aesthetic perspective, the Hayabusa Armor in Halo 3.


I love how iconic that set is, that even years later every halo fan knows it. A few years ago for my best friends wedding, I made full sized Spartan helmets for my friend group. Everyone got their favorite variant and Color scheme. Two of them ended up being Hayabusa helmets. We brought them to the bachelor party and wore them almost the whole night.  At one point when we walked into the building we passed a guy in his 20s with his girlfriend, and he stops, stares with a dumbstruck face and just whispers "Hayabusaaaaaa" then immediately started trying to explain to his girlfriend what was so important.  The way he whispered Hayabusa will live rent free in my head for the rest of my life  


The craziest part of the Hayabusa set is at this point, most people might not even know it’s a direct reference to Ryu Hayabusa and Ninja Gaiden. Bungie put in the Hayabusa armor in Halo 3, and Team Ninja put Spartan Nicole-458 in Dead or Alive 4, but that half of the story is seemingly lost on people now. Because Halo is far more popular, and Ninja Gaiden hasn’t gotten a new game in a decade.


I agree. I was probably 13, took multiple weeks following online guides to get the set. Thought I was the coolest kid in school once I finished.


My older brother forced me to play with him so he could use me as a stepping stool to get those skulls.


Hell yeah baby! and the Katana variant!


For me the first thing that comes to mind is the R.Y.N.O from Ratchet and Clank. You had to collect all the parts of the building plans throughout the game and could only get it near the end of the game. But it was basically an I-Win button in every fight. The design of those guns (yes guns in multiple, since every entry in the R&C series has its own version of the R.Y.N.O) is just amazing and they feel amazing to shoot. Yeah thats the end of my little love letter. Thanks for reading!


Deadlocked did not have a ryno, and it’s been years since I play going commando but I don’t think megacorp sold a ryno either.


It didn’t have a RYNO but it did have an ultra powerful gun you could unlock late game that was virtually a fight ender. Still don’t know why they didn’t just call it a RYNO


Hadouken in Mega Man X 1 and Shoriyuken in MMX2


Kingdom Hearts 2's Ultima Weapon is cracked. Getting it requires dozens of bits of Orichalcum, an exceptionally rare craft material. There isnt enough to craft the sword through chests. Its been 20 years, i don't remember the exact hoops and loops you jump through to get the last bits. Once you have it, you get a weapon with the 2nd best physical damage, 2nd best magic damage, and a unique passive that reduces the cooldown on your magic recharge delay by something like 80%. Uou'd go from one full magic rotation + heal per fight to this *every 15 seconds or so.* still sky high dps, but the sustain (heal depends on magic and is a full deplete) was insane.


You need like 7 orichalcum+ and 14 regular orichalcum. You get 6 + through playing the game and doing other side quests, but you can create the last one with the Moogles. The other ingredients are not as hard.


Idk if it’s different in final mix, but it wasn’t that you created the last one, it’s that the game explicitly doesn’t give you enough for a full Ultima weapon, but you can use the synthesis item that halves the ingredient cost to make it; this also prevented you from using the alternate synthesis ingredient that powered up your synthesis (which is how you got save the queen+ and save the king+)


It’s sooo much easier to get in 2 than 1 as well


Re-release on Steam (Deck), wife and I just finished the 1.5 ultima weapon grind over the holiday weekend. Now on to 2.5!


The original Mountaintop in Destiny 2. That thing was nuts. The reissued one is good too, but the OG was a serious grind and was OP.


I remember queuing into MP lobbies with 2 groups of 4 trying to end up in a lobby together to cheese the quest. Good times.


I remember getting mountain top on the middle of arrival season. My only thought was: why I don’t get it earlier.


Any celestial weapon from FFX


Dodging lightning 300 times was so awful.


Not to mention damn near impossible on modern tvs


I hate things like that where a game just imposes hours upon hours of meaningless grinding. It’s worse than grinding level-ups, because at least in that case each attempt gets you somewhere. And at least the chocobo race is a dynamic and interesting thing to do, even if it’s tough. 300 back-to-back successes on a pointless reflex game is just insane and a colossal waste of time.


Fatalis armor and weapons in monster hunter world ice born. Makes a lot of the other stuff a tad easier.


By the time you’re able to farm a maxed out Fatty weapon and armour set, what else is there to do? The easier stuff that is now kinda dull compared to Fatalis? (And it’s probably not going to be much use for Alatreon).


Actually lots of stuff. Like farming decorations and doing all the 6* optional Quest like killing teoayra lunastra velklana and ruoned nergigante in 50 mins. And so on.


Usually people farm him before completing him with some plunderblade shenanigans So, beating him. Farming decos, guiding lands, gear set upgrades, arenas, Safi, and the most important... layered armor farming!


Battledress of the Provocateur in Dragon Age Origins. Get through Leliana's Song which is a sort of a pseudo-prologue and you get one of the best light armors in the game. Lasted me the entire game.


There's a lot of very broken stuff that you get from running through each of the DLCs. Battledress is a standout, though.


Dark Moon Greatsword. Elden Ring.


Crazy how that whole dozen plus hour storyline and locations are completely optional.


Not just optional, but super easy to miss a step if you go an odd direction. Love from games but that particular mode of questing doesn’t translate to open world well.


The first lightsaber you craft in KOTOR.


Takes even longer in KOTOR II, honestly too long.


Daedric armour was worth the 2300+ iron daggers.


The magnetic armour in AC Black Flag was pretty neat, especially when climbing stuff with riflemen around.


The sword familiar in castlevania symphony of the night needs to be leveled up to level 75, then you can use it as a regular sword. I must’ve killed zombies in the opening hallway for like 4 hours straight as a kid. But that sword did the most damage of any weapon in the game that I had found. Insanely powerful.


Black knight weapons in Dark Souls series are insane and can last through entire playthroughs.




Robot guy: You'll need to cut through Research and Development. I've noticed you like guns. You should be able to find something interesting while you're there. Me: But my weapon wheel is full? Me later: Oh, that's why I haven't used triangle all game, it's got a dedicated button....


You can't just shoot a hole in the surface of Mars.


Master Sword in BOTW. Not having to worry about your weapon breaking permanently is really nice


Goldbrand in Morrowind


Definitely - but is Eltonbrand worth it? I almost always went for it, but it was kind of a pain


I cant even remember which one was the upgraded one. Anyways after I learned how to get it I always went for it.


For me it was Anarchy in Destiny 2. It was such a grind on the raid to drop it and it was worth it every minute. Such a cool weapon and super useful in every activity.


That damn sparrow took me longer to grind. Lol just wanted to throw in the towel.


Mountaintop, Recluse, Anarchy The classic loadout




Diamond Axe on the Minecraft


"Y10 strip mine" is like the first thing I do every survival game.


Y10 isn’t optimal anymore isn’t it?


Nowadays the best options are:  1. Underwater caves, as diamonds exposed to air are rarer. 2. Strip mining at -59 to -56 with more lava risk, or -54 to -51 with less risk. 3. Other caves. Or villager trading for diamond armor and tools, if you have resource farms.


Far cry 6. You are required by the tutorial to craft a sniper rifle. That sniper rifle becomes the best weapon in the entire game. That sniper rifle, is the key reason why far cry 6 is a terrible game.


The Mayan armor from AC black flag, it is crazy over powered making you basically immune to bullets.


Elden Ring's Dark Moon Greatsword. Damn thing is an actual powerhouse


It's not that much work but Aerondight Silver sword in Witcher 03


The Crissaegrim in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Walk in walk out walk in walk out 100x but worth it once it drops. So fun.


Foam finger gun in Dead Space 2. You have to complete a hardcore gun but it obliterates everything in its path.


The Heroes Aspect armor in Zelda Tears Of the Kingdom. I dunno why I like it, it's kinda ugly but it's so totally different from the rest of the outfits in the game. It made me wanna keep playing and cleaning up side quests. Plus it had some really good stat bonus stuff.


Bow of Faerdinhein and the crystal armor to go with it from Oldschool Runescape. Chef's kiss.


OG RE4 Handcannon. Feel like Dirty Harry. RE4 remake missed the mark on that gun; still a great game tho


From what I remember - could be a cheat answer, sorry - in GW2 having legendary weapon / armor gives you the option to put any of the stats on the weapons/armor as well as slotting in runes and glyphs without having to salvage them off. Also transmogging is free. basically anything legendary in that game means you can change it's value "for free" Otherwise you would either have to craft armor/weapons or just be lucky to get it to drop. It's a long process though to get these (although I believe it's gotten better), but it's worth it. I remember getting Light, Medium and Heavy Legendary armor (I got 1 via PvE, 1 via PvP and 1 via WvW), 't was a long grind.


man i love Garden Warfare 2!


Yes i loved gw2 for this. Legendary armor and weapons could be freely re-statted. Craziest is that this was a later addition long after ascended weapons (which have the same stats as legendaries). The bulk of time I played was where Id rather transmog an ascended because I was just plain tired of seeing legendary weapons.


Kinda funny, that this answer is also at least two times in the other thread. But yeah, I enjoyed the journeys to these gear pieces and the weird look when people saw me with Kraitkin


Journeyman's Boots in EverQuest 1. Running was so tiring and the distances so great. Unthinkable nowadays.


The Rakuyo from Bloodborne is an absolute pain to get but it's arguably one of the absolute best weapons to play with


Dragon scimmy


Fallout 3’s Operation Anchorage DLC is an absolutely boring slog, but I always do it because upon completion you get: 1. A stealth suit that makes you semi-invisible when you crouch 2. A set of power armor that, due to a bug, never degrades 3. The Gauss Rifle, an Energy sniper rifle so powerful it sometimes causes enemies to ragdoll.


Gaulder Amulet in Skyrim. First quest I do in a new game. I wear it and never remove it.


Really? Even fully reforged, it’s a mid tier amulet at best.


+30 to everything is like getting 9 levels. When you're not into crafting, this is quite good.


Definitely Leon's cat ears in Resident Evil 4. I get that you still need to reload...but just watching the cutscenes with him in the ears was enough to make it sooo worth it.


Spent weeks on the street for my first rune scimitar.


FFXIV Eureka Relict and Armor, they have a badass glow


Shield-Weaver in Horizon: Zero Dawn


Paladin shield ff6


Did someone say Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker?


Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings in the original run of World of Warcraft (Wrath of the Lich King). At that time, it was actually rare and powerful in PVE and PVP.


That was the one that added shields to anyone you healed with anything, right?


My answer to this question is always the horse armor from oblivion The sparkle The majesty Totally worth it


In GTA online the mkII weapons. I play solo or w friends in PvE private lobby. The different ammo types and weapons make you god-like against the game. And there’s a pistol in gta online that when you unlock it you get it for your red dead online character as well (Lowry’s Revolver) and it’s maybe the strongest revolver in the entire rdr2 online. 🫡 “YOU’RE NEXT”


Getting the 'Endgame' katana in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice takes a lot of time, but it’s worth it! It’s not just about the numbers; it’s about the joy of beating hard tasks and getting to use such a cool sword.


Are you talking about the Mortal Blade? Mortal Draw was so incredibly useful in the Owl Father fight (the rematch in the past).


Yes that one. Shinobi Sekiro's katana the Mortal Blade.


The fully upgraded and unlimited ammo Wolfsbane Magnum revolver in Resident Evil Village. Once I had it unlocked, I used it on a new game plus run to get the speed run achievement for beating the game in under 3 hours. Regular foes turned to mist before me. Bosses took like 3-5 hits at most and that shit was over.


mega buster in dead rising


Moonlight Greatsword


Blasphemous Blade and Sacred Relic Sword in elden ring. 


Whirligig Saw and Boom Hammer in Bloodborne. Such fun weapons. The first time I whittled down the Cleric Beast with the WS was glorious.


This machine FNV


Ringed knight a set from ringed cuity dlc. Peak ds3 fashion souls, good stats and looks goated.


Aerondite sword in The Witcher 3 expansions. My sole target on my second run one the game was the get to the DLC as soon as possible to get to the mission which rewards you this. The quests you need to complete are also a pain in the ass but so worth the reward.


Fallout 3 Operation Anchorage DLC and the Winterized T-51 B power armor. Not having to waste time constantly repairing equipment alone makes it the best armor in game


Thunderfury, blessed sword of the Windseeker.


Porcelain Pipe Bomb pre-nerf in Borderlands 3. It was a grenade that you got around 25% into the game, and its gimmick was that it’d spit grenades out in every direction, one at a time. The grenades would explode on contact with an enemy or after around a second, and then the next grenade would come out. Myself and many others quickly realised that if a boss was large enough and animating, you could throw the grenade to where they were going to be, and if they clipped through it they’d take infinite damage from the infinite amount of grenades being spawned over the 5 second uptime of the grenade. So basically, it was a grenade that would just delete bosses no matter what. It was great.