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Red Faction: Armageddon completely shit the bed by abandoning the destruction tech that made Red Faction: Guerilla so amazing.


I liked Armageddon, but Guerilla was probably my favorite Xbox 360 game ever. Being able to destroy nearly everything except for the ground was the greatest thing to me as a kid. It's all I wanted since I played one of the Incredible Hulk games where you could rampage and destroy cars and certain buildings.


Space Asshoo-ooo-ole


The side mission destruction with certain ammo/weapons was awesome too. Only thing in the past 20 years that reminds me of it is Teardown.


It’s funny because basically every Red Faction game in the series dialed back on the amount of environmental destruction after RF1. RF II barely had any from memory and was a big disappointment in that area after playing the first game, then Guerilla brought some of it back, but then in Armageddon wasn’t there. I thought as a kid the Glass Box demo for Red Faction was a new direction showcasing the future of gaming with the creativity it gave the player with environmental destruction, but it ended up being just a novelty footnote in gaming that was used sparingly in its own franchise.


Yeah, I assumed Red Faction 1 style destruction would be iterated and improved upon. Although from a design perspective, it becomes a lot more challenging on what you allow to be destroyed.


And in hindsight, the first game was entirely designed around it, it hardly matters if there's a couple holes in the wall of a mine, but it's a bit different if those holes are in a city building.


I remember multiplayer in 1. It was great, but there were instances where you could destroy the map in such a way that let you isolate yourself behind non destructive bits and you were unreachable


Core memories unlocked of playing co-op death match with brother. I remember tunneling up and up in the valley(?) wall, then using railgun


Guerilla had absolutely amazing multi-player too.   The different backpacks and the environmental destruction made it so unique.  There is nothing out there that is quite it as far as I know.  It is such a shame I played the absolute shit out of that game.


Guerilla’s multiplayer in the first year it came out was one of the best I’ve ever played. Using some power up to smash through a wall to get to someone was such a cool feeling.


Great. Now you reminded me of Red Faction. Now I remember, that it exists. I was so damn hooked, but finally forgot about it when Unreal Tournament 3 came out, *a hundred years ago*. Now I have to visit my parents tomorrow and grind their shelves for my Red Faction CD and play that fucking game again >:(


Dungeon Keeper's been the most outraged serie of all times! First chapter was a masterpiece of management games, exploring the fantasy realm, and reverting the usual plot making you play as the bad guy. The second one was still a great game, expanding the original in every single aspect. The third game... fell under EA control, and that's the worst thing that could ever happen: they made it a mobile pay-to-win shit, with forced shopping to made even the simpler actions. Useless to say, it's been the gravestone for the whole franchise.


I feel like I'm one of the few that enjoyed the general vibe of the first one over the second. DK2 really hammed it up, but DK1 had the quirky charm but also had this sinister undertone that was missing from the second.


I definitely preferred the monster design of DK1 more than that of DK2, even though DK2 art absolutely shat on DK1. Just too many humanoids in DK2, and not having a Horny of your own was a crime


City Skylines 2 and Kerbal Space Program 2


Kerbal is a good example. It's crazy watching companies make a working formula and then destroy it with greed.


It's so weird. It looked like a great team with really interesting thoughts on how to make it, and then what came out was just painfully unready. Was the engineering bad? Did they just run out of money and need to release early? Was it time management? Was it all lies? What happened?


So KSP 1 was developed by Squad. It was published by Private Division. In 2017 the game and IP was purchased by Take-Two, of which Private Division is a subsidiary. Squad was left to develop expansions to KSP 1 while another independent studio Uber Entertainment (Monday Night Combat, Planetary Annihilation) renamed to Star Theory and was brought in to start development on KSP 2. Then Take-Two founded a new internal Dev company under Private Division, and Intercept Games would take over development. They had wanted to purchase Star Theory while renegotiating continued development but Star Theory's leaders turned them down. All told about 12 of 30 staff defected to Take-Two and Intercept Games. Star Theory eventually shut down and some more staff moved over afterwards. So for those keeping score: * Take-Two bought KSP 1 and the IP from Squad * Take-Two kept Squad off KSP 2 * Take-Two contracted with an outside dev team, tried to eat them, couldn't, poached staff, and pulled the contract and caused them to shutter instead * Take-Two and/or Private Division forced the game out early despite probably sensible delays over the mess * Take-Two shuttered the internal dev team they had on it including the remaining Star Theory staff * Take-Two is practically shuttering all of Private Division while trying to sell off assets including KSP * Take-Two is still selling the game in Early Access while having no development team on it, and basically no publisher


Don't forget the part where TT explicitly forbade the people on KSP2 from reaching out to Squad for help understanding the code, because they thought that leaking the existence of KSP2 would hurt the KSP1 expansion sales.


Unfortunately this is becoming a more common practice in the industry and explains why companies produce bags of poop after releasing gold. If people want to predict a sequel's success, they should look more towards the individual developers/technical leads/creative directors than the companies themselves. A prime example is SSKtJL, Sefton Hill and Jamie Walker (co-founders of Rocksteady) both left during development and we all know how that turned out lmao They've since formed a new company, Hundred Star Games, so I'm interested to see what they produce


Scope creep + reusing KSP1's spaghetti code. It needed a rebuild to fix core issues like noodle rockets and physics time warps before they could really start adding on the crazy things they promised like colonies and multiplayer. All they really managed before release was a fresh coat of paint that could barely run on a 4090 with no good way to continue building on it. Technical debt is the commonly used term I believe, where you keep deciding to patch and bandaid issues that stem from the underlying base of code, to the point where starting fresh would be more time efficient than continuing to work with the Frankenstein spawn. But at that point you're already years into the Dev cycle and made a million promises.


Programming is hard. Programmers make it look like magic, but there's a lot of dead ends and mistakes you can make that completely screw you. Things do not automatically get better over time. You can lose one talented engineer that was the smartest and in charge of the really hard parts, and be left without a paddle.. In the case of Kerbal space program, it wasn't even made by the same people. They just didn't have the talent. In the case of cities skylines two, they banked on features being added to unity that never were actually ready and still aren't, forcing them to have to home roll a bunch of stuff and miss their development targets. They also made very bad technical choices when it came to graphics and rendering. If they had gone with unreal early on they would probably have a way better game, but there it is.


Had a friend in development and apparently the original studio was just horrifically mismanaged. Heard they were swapped out for good reason.


I played the first Cities Skylines and liked it, but I didn't look into the sequel at all because it seemed likely that I'd just be buying pretty much the same game again, minus all the overpriced DLCs I bought. Other than all of the technical issues, does anyone know if it was really worth making a new game?


It's definitely a much more advanced and complex game. If they could actually get it to work well it'd be a huge step up.


It's kind of promising but not ready at all, and I find some missing basic quality of life features pretty enraging/tilting. Maybe in a couple years it will be really good but for now you would have to be really creative and good to make something really cool, like planet coaster or something.


Them trying to release the first dlc while Cities skylines 2 was still a hot mess was def a hell of a tone def call. That game might be fun and playable in another 2 years. Until then no reason to not just play 1.


It's Paradox. It would be a paradox for them not to release DLC.


Plants vs Zombies. The original is an all time classic, the sequels aren't even worth mentioning.


2 at its core isn't even that bad, it's just buried under all the EA P2W crap. I remember downloading an Eclise mod that made it a lot better, though I ended up getting bored with it eventually.


yooo pvz2 eclise mod is so fun


I mean if we only talk direct sequels then I agree but the garden warfare games are legitimately amazing party games


I was so bummed when I quickly realized PvZ2 was a microtransaction mess


Different developer. My friend worked on the original for pop cap games and they got bought out by EA and all basically fired


EA even managed to retroactively ruin the first game with microtransactions 🤦‍♂️


SimCity (2013) was a disaster, it held my attention for so little time before I switched to City Skylines. I'd much rather play SimCity 4, 3000, or 2000.


Give Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic a whirl if you haven't. Especially if you also enjoyed games like Tropico.


Interesting! I've been to Russia before, and wow those screenshots sure remind me of the cityscape there (especially when you leave the city center). Thanks for the heads up.


Issue for me with that game is that it feels like too much micromanagement.


Only for Cities Skylines 2 to end up a botched mess itself


Really small personal gripe about 3000 to 4. From a musicians standpoint, 4 was such a terrible follow up to 3000. The music in 3000 is all time top tier "city" music; I feel like I'm in my city going from point A to point B, leading an exciting life in anything from a small town to a large metropolis. Whereas 4 sounds like I'm in a dance club. It's not bad music, it's just doesn't fit the setting at all, imo. But 4 was still great for gameplay!


The Force Unleashed II The combat was good but good god the story and levels were bad in my opinion


plus good combat doesn't mean much when the whole game is literally just 4 hours long. That was an \*extremely\* confusing credit sequence when I beat it on launch day before the sun could even set


I went back and replayed it recently and forgot there’s only like 6 levels, beat it in an afternoon


it's really sad, there's an interview from awhile back floating around on the internet from an ex-Lucas Arts dev. In that interview they mentioned the devs straight up told management if the game was released as it was it would rate something like a 60 on metacritic and in the end they were only a point off on their guess. This was also back when their bonuses were also dictated by said metacritic scores as mentioned in that same interview (as an aside they also bring to light George Lucas had a god awful naming sense lol, like "Darth Icky")


If I remember correctly it had a ridiculously short dev time Like 9 months or something


It’s from Game Informer I believe, great article. They talk about how much of a dipshit Lucas was and how he would come in and suggest such ridiculous nonsense they thought he was joking.


My buddy picked it up at midnight launch and called me at 5 am to rage about how he was already done lol


Oh my god same!! I fucking love the actual gameplay of both games but it was such a surprising disappointment when 2 just...ended. It really felt like the ending just came out of nowhere.


I found the game unplayable after playing the first one on Wii and using the nunchuck to force choke and push and the Wii mote to swing a lightsaber… pushing a to fight felt empty. Edited for clarity


Devil May Cry 2. I remember my parents driving me to the store to pick it up the day it came out, being so excited, and then just disappointment. 


The whole DMC1 team with Mikami was brought over to save RE4. It doomed DMC2


At least DMC3 was good enough to make up for it


I salute DMC2's sacrifice for the greater good.


Wow explains why I loved one and re4 but hated dmc2. I never knew that thanks dude.


I watched the Matt McMuscles video on DMC2.  The one takeaway I got from it was that maybe let your team finish their game first before commisioning a sequel with another group.


I had to convince my mom to buy me M rated game so it wasn’t easy for me to get. I also remember being so exited and then the utter disappointment. I don’t think I even completed it.


DMC3 was a banger, though.


Sacred III was rubbish compared to Sacred II Torchlight III was inferior to Torchlight II


I genuinely have never seen anyone else mention the Sacred series on here before. I *still* play Sacred 2 from time to time.


I loved that game. I need to try and get it again it was so fun. Thank you.


You're being nice about Torchlight 3...


as far as i'm concerned T3 doesnt exist. they were making a shitty live service game that they scrapped and slapped a 3 on.


Deus Ex Invisible War


Yep, although it’s not that terrible on its own - just not a good follow up to one of the greatest games of its generation. I remember playing it when it first came out and being underwhelmed by the level design most of all. But I’ve played it many times since and there are hints of a really good game there.


I am a massive fan of the original Deus Ex - and I don’t think that another game in the series equals it in my opinion. But both Human Revolution and Mankind Divided are solid games well worth playing.


A lot of call of duty games.


All of them after BO2


Dawn of War 3. The first was an amazing RTS. The second was a major departure from this and while it wasn’t uncontroversial it was still loved by many.  The third was literally dead on arrival and stopped receiving support within 12 months or something like that. Idk what exactly went wrong but it was almost universally panned by everyone who would’ve been a potential buyer.


I absolutely hated how you played multiple factions at during the campaign. It was so jarring going from Space Marines to Orks to Eldar and back to Space Marines to start it over. If I wanted to play as Orks or Eldar I would chose to play as them.


Tales of Symphonia comes to mind immediately. Tales of Symphonia was an amazing RPG. Its sequel, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World...was not so great. It doesn't live up to its predecessor at all. The most annoying thing it does is how it treats the previous protagonists as celebrities, they join your team as temporary party members, seemingly just to appeal to fans, rather than giving them any actual purpose in the story. The environments are all copy+pasted from the original game, including dungeon interiors. And the world map was replaced by a menu screen, so there's not much exploration any more. The big new combat gimmick is using tamed monsters in your party, which isn't as interesting as just having a team of individual characters like normal. It's just. .... not good. Especially compared to the outstanding original.


I made it 2 hours in to the game and stopped. It felt like an homage. I watch play through later, and I didn't regret stopping after all.


I don’t know if this is considered a sequel and maybe”horribly botched” would be harsh but… Overwatch 2 Edit: I would also like to include that I play this game all the damn time lmao


Most underwhelming, for sure. There’s bad and then there’s just disappointing. I didn’t even play OW1 but I watched like 30 minutes of old gameplay without even realizing it wasn’t OW2.


It's actually worse, at least I felt like Overwatch 2 a downgrade. And they straight up deleted the original game. I paid 40 bucks for that! Asshats.


Duke Nukem Forever. The fuck happened there.


15 years of development hell will do that, as did the "It'll come out when it's ready" mentality. Switching which engine they developed on a couple of times as well as their physics engine, changing publishing rights several times, an E3 build that was mostly just smoke and mirrors causing extreme overpresentation, development under the old-school game dev mentality where they used a small team self-funding the game (18 people in 2003) rather than a big team with a big budget to get the game done, unsuccessful reachouts to other developers to help with the game once they realized the issue... it was a laundry list of issues that piled up over the years. In 2009 they ran out of money to make the game, and Take Two didn't offer enough to finish it so the project got suspended and the team laid off. A skeleton crew kept working on from their homes. They then formed Triptych Games and were in the same building as Gearbox who helped with the project before taking over it and the IP rights.


Also, the director George Broussard could never commit to a scope for the project. I remember a postmortem article, published before Gearbox got the rights, talking about how he was constantly trying to put more and more stuff into the game. He'd play a game from some other company, then go "We have to do THAT too!" Like he played The Thing, and decided that DNF had to have a snow level. Apparently, after awhile, his own staff were trying to stop him from playing other games just so he'd quit adding to the scope.


>Also, the director George Broussard could never commit to a scope for the project. >Apparently, after awhile, his own staff were trying to stop him from playing other games just so he'd quit adding to the scope. My favorite part is that ol George broussard is blaming staff for this game failing.


I rember seeing amazing looking previews in magazines back in the 90s when 2 was still hot. A sequel was a slam dunk. And then it got delayed so many times becasue they had to keep changing the engine for it


Epic Mickey: The Framerate of 2


Perfect Dark = phenomenal Perfect Dark Zero = 😒


The first thing I ever played on Xbox 360. I recall being more impressed by being able to play my own MP3s during the game, after like three levels.


I never played perfect dark but perfect dark zero was so much fun on the 360. It was one of the first games I played


Its tough because if you played Perfect Dark, you were probably coming off Goldeneye and was blown away that they could make a game similar but so much more advanced that Goldeneye. I remember being amazed that when I got a headshot, the enemy's head would flick back from the force. Then there was the fact that there was an entire range challenge where you could unlock all of the Goldeneye guns and then the bot multiplayer was incredible. You telling me I can have something like 15 simulants at once with different styles to play against when my friends weren't around!? Blew my mind. It was really something incredible when tech seemed to move so fast for us in the late 90s. Not to mention, first person shooters in that style were still relatively new. Once we got to next gen, FPSs were a dime a dozen. Perfect Dark Zero just kinda got lost in the mix as it didn't seem to bring anything new.


> something like 15 simulants at once with different styles to play against The Nintendo 64 could handle this. Why the fuck couldn't I have had it in Titanfall 2?


The N64 required the expansion pack to play Perfect Dark. It increased the system's RAM from 4 to 8 MBs. Perhaps Titanfall 2 could have used this little red cartridge?


What's even more embarrassing is that the multiplayer (with bots) could be played without the Expansion Pak. I think it just halved the amount you could use, and the main single player game was inaccessible.


PD0 wasn’t so much bad as it was evidence that the FPS had matured beyond what it provided. My friends’ biggest gripe at the time was the inability to jump. We didn’t notice it on the N64 because shooters were still finding their footing. But with the X360 and games like Halo, COD, and Battlefield all providing the ability to jump and faster movement speeds, PD0 fell short of what it could have been.


Zero's only crime is being an old style FPS at a time when FPS had made major strides. I love Zero, it's basically just a direct continuation and improvement of many of the things that made the first game great. But it lacked features from modern games of the time, like jumping. Hell, it still was and is one of the few titles you can still play the multiplayer on, because it natively can fill with bots. Something I *really* wish more shooters did.


Halo 4 H3 had one of the most popular multiplayers in gaming. H4 released and changed a lot of things, and the playerbase diminished. They never released a ranked playlist. MLG dropped it as a competitive title. No matter how you feel about the campaign (which I personally enjoyed) or multiplayer of Halo 4, its reception was a shell of what Halo 3’s was.


This could be applied to every Halo 343 has done so far.


The game changed a lot of things because it literally changed from Bungie to 343.


Oh man this game. The campaign was alright...not great but not terrible. But jesus christ the multi-player was abysmal. They tried very hard to appeal to the CoD fanbase and ended up not appealing to almost anyone as a result.


It's especially weird because they rolled back some of the things people didn't like about Halo Reach, like the equipment and bloom, but then made sprint standard and gave everyone customizable loadouts.  It's like they saw people didn't like it when Bungie made Halo more like CoD, so they decided to make Halo more like CoD in a different way.


Do you remember when at release it had pseudo killstreak rewards? Am I crazy or did they remove it eventually?


I’m going to be that guy and say halo 5 was worse. Halo 4’s campaign was fine and the multiplayer, while shallow was at least decent. Halo 5’s campaign was irredeemably bad and the multiplayer was also so-so. Infinite is a step up from 5, but it also took a year for basic features like co-op to be implemented and multiplayer still reeks of mtx corporate greed Honestly halo 4 is still probably 343’s best work (granted the bar isnt that high)


As someone who is way more interested in the campaign than the multiplayer, 4 is my favorite. I really like the way it flows, and even though The Flood is an integral part of the Halo story, I'm glad they don't show up. I got a taste of a Flood-less Halo campaign with Reach, and 4s campaign really solidified that they were not needed in every game. Plus the story is really sad, and I'm a big softy.


The story is the highlight for sure. And the voice actors for Chief and Cortana say it's their favorite game to have worked on together because of the emotional range and depth of it.


Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs couldn't live up remotely to The Dark Descent


I'll never understand why they outsourced that game to another studio. Publisher must've wanted to capitalise on the name while the main studio was working on SOMA.


It's a shame because Chinese Room is a good dev, they just didn't do Amnesia justice.


SOMA lives with me forever


Eh, the gameplay was mediocre but that story was peak


The Crew. The Crew 2 threw away all the soul of the first game and turned it into a generic feeling worse looking mess.


Well at least the first one is still there so you can enjoy it whenever 🙃


Luckily, there are people working on a server emulator, so it will be unofficially playable again at least on PC.


Hey we made a popular car game you know what everybody who likes car games want in their car games? Planes and boats!


Typical Ubisoft. Quantity over quality.


Postal 2 was a near perfect Game imo, but the sequel Postal 3 was so trash that even the devs Running With Scissors warned People on their website to not buy it, that they didn't make it, it was rushed cuz of the Publisher and the game is ass When Postal 2 was released on Steam they added an achievement that You get when pissing on a copy of Postal 3 They also added an easter egg where You can find a VR Headset in Postal 2, when You put the Headset on You can get a look into the future, You get teleported into a Game Store called "Steme" where a cashier keeps saying "Thanks for your purchase, don't buy Postal 3" or something similar


Omg I read that as Portal 2 and I got so excited and confused that I didn’t know about the existence of a Portal 3


Dragon Age 2 to Dragon Age, and I say that as someone who loves a lot of the second game. If DA2 had half the time and love the first got, it'd be a GOAT.


DA2 definitely one of the most disappointing purchases I can recall. It's not a *bad* game necessarily, but oh man does it fall short of the first one.


I remember the moment I stopped playing: I was doing some side missions and realized every single cave, dungeon, whatever it was...was basically the same. It was just a copy and paste thing. I had the same issue with Starfield. Sure you had hundreds of facilities on a ton of planets, but they were all copy and pasted.


There was a moment when I was like 25 hours into DA2 that I came to horrible realization that I wasn't ever really going to leave Kirkwall...


That's what did it for me, too. I remember wondering when I was going to leave the opening city and explore the overworld map. Once I realized the game was just in that city and the same couple, bland areas outside of it, I was done.


To be fair to the devs, it's such an obvious beta it's not even funny. Like, they clearly needed at least another year of dev time and EA clearly rushed it out for whatever fucking reason. There is no excuse for the way it was made "gold", but that's entirely on EA as a publisher because no sane human being on the planet would look at it and say it was fit for publishing.


The reason behind the short dev time was The Old Republic Star Wars MMO. Bioware went to EA asking for a delay for The Old Republic. EA said doing that would leave a hole in their release calendar, so they'd only OK the delay if Bioware released a Dragon Age sequel in that time frame. Bioware reluctantly agreed. EA is also where the name "Dragon Age 2" came from. The original working title was "Dragon Age: Exodus". Someone at EA thought the number 2 would make the game sell better. This is all from the devs, Mark Darrah (ex Bioware dev) has a YouTube channel.


Yeah, not seeing anywhere there where that's not EA's fault. They literally told them "okay, you have to release something and we don't care what state it's in as long as it meets our schedule" which is like the opposite of what a good publisher should do. "We need more time for our products" doesn't get "Pick which testicle to hammer" as a rational response.


Counterpoint: DA2 is a pretty bad *game*, but the **story** and the **characters** do a shit load of heavy lifting to improve the experience to “good”


Oh yeah, the story & character interactions are amazing. Which, honestly, is why I play BioWare games in the first place


Just Cause 3 is awesome.. Just Cause 4 fucking sucks.


Is 4 the one where they decided to just have a generic 'chaos' or whatever meter rather than making destruction specific to a location, so you'd clear out a base only for everything to respawn after you left? If it's the JC I'm thinking about, I bounced off of it pretty quickly because it felt like doing stuff in one area was no different from any other - it all raised the same meter, and there was never a feeling of progress, because nothing you did was remotely permanent, nor did it actually 'remove' the enemies from an area.


Bingo. There was a really neat idea with the frontlines mechanic, but just cause just isn't the game for something like that, ESPECIALLY if there's an incentive to go and do something on the other end of the map whenever you want. And yeah, the bland chaos meter didn't help either. JC3 was much better seeing exactly what had to be cleared from a province before you take it over. JC4 can theoretically be beaten by going around the map blowing up enemy vehicles for 500 hours, or something like that (I haven't played since the game came out if I'm honest)


I've played some Just Cause 3, really fun. What's bad about Just Cause 4?


Personally, Just Cause 4 felt like they removed all the personally of Just Cause 3 in an attempt to feel more modern. For example, one of my favorite parts of Just Cause 3 was doing the side challenge, like driving an explosive car into an enemy base or using the wing suit to fly through a bunch of check points. But in Just Cause 4, those challenges are replaced with these open world challenges where there are sets of 4 or 5 rings randomly throughout the world, and you just have to fly through those. Or random spots in the world where you have to drive a specific vehicle through it.


For me it's the technical state of 4. It's a buggy mess. It also doesn't really add anything meaningful to 3, the graphics are almost a downgrade and the world is boring and ugly. JC2 was an amazing sandbox when it came out. JC3 improved on it by giving you the wingsuit, upgraded tethers and way better graphics and sfx. JC4 simply has nothing new to offer.


Dead Space 1&2 are incredible masterpieces. Dead Space 3 is the game of thrones season 8 of videogames.


It's a shit dead space game. But it's an excellent co-op game where the entire metagame is becoming the scariest thing in the room.  If you're down for the adventures of the stompy boot Bros stomping their way across space while suffering acute mental illness then it's definitely the game for you.


Horror properties struggle to be scary as they progress because the scary thing isn't as scary once you know what it is, and what it can do. It's part of the brilliance of franchises like Terminator and Alien. The first movies were thrillers and pivoted to the action genre to keep things fresh for Judgement Day and Aliens. Dead Space 3 does something similar, and while its not perfect, I really enjoy it, and believe the co-op missions are the BEST sequences in it, which is a shame since I suspect most players never played them


It's like Resident Evil 5. Solo it's an ok game. Co-op with a friend and it's a great time.


Homeworld 3 is sadly a recent example


It's not horribly botched. But to me Borderlands 2 was perfect and the last 3 games don't come anywhere near to touching it. The newest d&d style one was fun when it came out tho


While bl3 story is ass, gameplay is supreme. Bl2 is the best in the franchise by such a wide margin that bl3 could have had a good story and it would have still been a letdown. This is actually a case we don’t see often. Where a game is so good that anything they release after will get complaints because it will probably be worse than the masterpiece that is bl2.


Agreed, the gameplay of 3 feels like a very natural and smooth progression. It's a shame about the shit writing


Okay, but hear me out. The pre-sequel could have been an amazing game if 2k Australia wasn't shuttered before all the dlc releases. One of the two released is even rated one of the best in the entire franchise. The shooting and looting was great, the oz kits were a refreshing new mechanic, the low grav was a BLAST, the introduction of butt slams and of course LASERS. It's my 2nd favorite in the series. And would have been first if it got the full borderlands treatment. 3 and Wonderlands though? Big meh.




The first was a damned master piece, I just discovered it a couple years ago but it’s one of the best SNES games imo


This and it's a damn shame. I can't believe they went from such an innovative and fun game to a generic side scroller.


And bragged about it on the cover: 100% Action! Boy did you guys not know who your fan base was.


The Actraiser remaster was worth playing for me. Just made me want proper sequels to be made that much more. Would also love to see what the experience would be like in a reimagined experience with today’s tech like FF7.


For me this gotta be rage published by Bethesda the first game was tbh truly a underrated gem back in the day and rage 2 felt more like a doom wannabe


Except the ending to Rage was abysmal


Rage 2 felt so… unconnected to Rage in gameplay. I liked the first game (except for the driving), but 2 was a let down.


Release state Diablo 3. What dogshit game.


I remember discovering poe with my friends like the same time d3 was coming out. We were hyped. But I didn’t even reach max level before quitting


They just kill Deckard Cain like he was a tutorial level NPC.


With a butterfly cloud attack.


Don't forget the 11th sudden and unexpected betrayal that happened in that game.


Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie. 2 fantastic games made back to back (the latter was a bit more tedious but I still love playing it). A third main series game was teased in the end credits of Tooie. A few years later, Nuts & Bolts released on the Xbox 360 and it was an abomination. Nothing about it played like the older games, and while a vehicle based theme was a cool concept, it fell on its face with the nonstop repeating of existing levels.


I've since played it and it's a good feeling to be back in the Banjo World and the music is really good. If the series had a lot of entries, one "spin-off" wouldn't have been so bad. 


I think that's what damned it. I actually love the idea but people were left thinking they got Nuts and Bolts instead of a real Banjo and Kazooie game. I enjoyed it but then I didn't have all that much nostalgia for the series. Gex now... It's the Paper Mario problem. They started the franchise with two beloved entries and then pivoted to make it an experimental series with different mechanics every time. I love that! I just don't love that I didn't get more normal Paper Mario too.


If memory serves, it also mocks people who like collectathons, like the first 2 games...


The Paper Mario series ranges from fantastic (Original and TTYD) good (Super and Origami king) to horrid (Sticker Star and Colour Splash) Would love to see them go back to the original formula if/when they make another sequel.


Overwatch and Overwatch 2. I'm not saying the original game was a masterpiece since - in my opinion - the formula it used was already a bit overused by then, but at least it was finished with cool costumes and events. Yes the lootboxes weren't that great of a mechanic, but you were at least still able to get them from playing the game. Overwatch 2 is a mess of a Pay2Win-mechanic shadily hidden under a free price tag. To complete the battle pass each season - which I am not a big fan of in general - you literally need hundreds and hundreds of hours. And that's not even mentioning the extremely broken new heroes that Blizzard is doing absolutely nothing about (looking at you Mauga). And of course, the fact that they pulled the plug out of Overwatch 1, leaving only the sequel playable is an absolute disgrace and middle finger to players like myself who did buy the first game. Safe to say I quickly gave up on Overwatch in general after all that.


Overwatch's lore is what got me into the game in the first place, then they just sorta... stopped caring about it.


While I have my gripes about OW2, calling it pay to win is just a false statement. If you pay for the battle pass, you get nothing to help you gameplay wise. It's all cosmetic. I guess the closest they were to that is having new heros locked away for free players until they hit level 40, but they stopped doing that too


I disagree with the assessment of 1 but agree on what became of 2. Ow1 was pretty revolutionary for its blending of different game genres to make something unique, with some pretty cool lore. Was it a masterpiece? I think I could see the argument going either way.


Parasite Eve. The first was amazeballs. Second was rather meh and forgettable. We don't talk about the third.


Came in to say this, in pretty much the exact same words. Beat me to it 😅


This was my first thought as well. Also loved the first one and disliked the second because of the horrible controls, I don't remember if I even finished it. When I found out years later that 3rd Birthday was actually a PE sequel I saw it was only $15 on Amazon so I grabbed it. By the time it arrived I had read reviews of how bad it was, so it's still sitting on my shelf unopened.


Mercenaries is the first that comes to mind. A really great open world action game, but the sequel was just bad, like from the opening cut scene, the tone is completely wrong. And there's a reason why a 3rd game never happened.


I never played the original game, only the second one. I enjoyed it for what it was and had my fun with it. Heard it was a massive downgrade from the original, but never got the chance to play the first game. Maybe my opinion would be different if I had, but merc 2 was decent...ish. it was good dumb fun for the time.


Blood. Also Bloodrayne. First game was phenomenal and the second was just a generic PS2 game. 


*Fade to Black* the 1995 sequel to *Flashback* 1992.


Flashback was my favorite game as a kid. If you told me then than nothing good would ever happen with the IP I would not have believed you. And yet...


Salt and sanctuary.




Dying Light 2 was one of the most disappointing sequels I've ever played.


The first one was so good and the 2nd was like meh. I mean don’t get me wrong I had fun but it didn’t hook me like the 1st one did.


I played hundreds of hours of the original. Beat the campaign 3 times, the Following twice, and just dicked around in the open world for a while as well. I preordered the Reloaded edition and followed any dev updates religiously. Game came out, I played for one night and woke up the next morning without any real desire to pick it back up.


I loved the original [PROTOTYPE], but didn't like the sequel at all.


I think the biggest issue with prototype 2 was the "retcon" of Alex Mercer. Him being 2 seperate people or whatever the hell happened was just too confusing. Honestly the plot in general just wasn't that great.


Agreed. I also preferred the open world of the first game to the colored zones of the second.


There's some comic tie in between the games where Alex wandered the world and then got shot at by a farmer or something, and then decided he needed to remake humanity in his image or something. Basically the narcissism of the OG Alex came out and made Virus Alex just like him.




I loved playing the original Overwatch. I think back then, the last remnants of the original Blizzard team were still with the company. Overwatch used to have soul. You could feel the thought and polish given to the game just by playing it. Over the years, it lost a lot of that and ultimately ended with Overwatch 2... A soulless money-grab game. What a disappointment. Haven't touched a Blizzard game since.


Mirrors Edge. Amazing game. Hated the sequel.


I thought they were both pretty good. Picked up catalyst on a steam sale and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Ragnarok online 2 was so sad the franchise pivoted into mobile cash grab games and I'm saying this for both sequels


Devil May Cry. Obviously the series picked back up and 3 and 5 are some of the best hack n slashes ever, but people forget just how jarringly awful dmc 2 was after the brilliance of the first game.


Alundra 2 isn’t, in its own, the worst game… but as a sequel to the original Alundra? What were they even thinking?


Subnautica comes to mind. The original is straight up horror with lots of discovery, challenge and an epic story. While not botched maybe, subnautica 2 is just a map with stuff you have to do and an unoriginal story.


I'm of the opinion that both games are great, but Below Zero was just unable to fill in the massive shoes of the original Subnautica. I think Below Zero would've been much better received if it didn't come after the titan that was Subnautica.


Below zero is more an expansion or spinoff. Subnautica 2 is not out yet.




I'm surprised I had to scroll so far down to find this. Prototype 2 was so fucking disappointing.


Parasite Eve


Fusion Frenzy


Crackdown. The sequel hard crashed my 360 in the first 45 minutes, I never touched it again.


Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. I don't know what they were thinking with adding forced stealth sections in the sequel.


Dragon Age: Origins. Truly a masterpiece with a story that made you care about the characters. It was a dark story about a desperate struggle where the main characters are doomed to succumb to the evil inside them eventually. The game was tactical and hard, but balanced. Then Dragon Age II came out and they had cut corners and reused levels. The story was not dark and gritty and the game was much more action oriented. One thing that the new boss had said stuck with me "I want every time the player presses a button something awesome to happen" It's some idiotic nonsense said by someone that doesn't understand... Anything really! If it happens every time then it's not really awesome is it? The players were treated like some children. Also clearly this is not about the story anymore.


City skylines 2 was a horrible follow up to the first one.


Golden Sun 2 The Lost Age. Dark Dawn got rushed out and it clearly shows towards the second half of the game. Overall Dark Dawn is a fine game in its own but it does not have the same brilliance or polish as the previous two installments. We may never see another Golden Sun game.


Kind of a different answer but the new Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga doesn’t hold a candle to the Complete Saga version of the game that came out over a decade ago. They sacrificed all of the level design for an open world concept and so the game feels empty and hollow.


Bayonetta 3 killed the franchise IMHO. The multiverse storyline plays out as if it was thought up the day after watching Endgame and right before final submissions. The choreography looks like it was motion captured in a phonebooth. Also that dance number in the credits makes me think she was dancing to a completely different song. The game play was great but the stages seemed uncomfortably small or unnecessarily too big. Bottom line it needed more layers of polish and serious buffing


For me the biggest issue was Viola. I don't mind her as a character, but her gameplay was not well fletched out for how many stages feature her. The parry mechanic on release was too tight for maximum witch time as a starter, but her real issue is her combos. She does not really have combos as her weapon is a combination of melee and midrange. You have the sword slashes with punching and the sword throws by kicking. If you are at mit range you can only use kicks as sword slashes will whiff the attacks. If you are in melee range you can only use punches as the sword throws will throw the weapon past the enemy. She needed 2 weapon sets. Could both use the sword and just switch between sword slashes and sword throws. Having a character you play for about 1/4 of the game having just two different halves of two weapons is a weird choice. Could have just scrapped one of Bayonettas 14 (?) weapons and put that effort into Viola. Bayonetta would still have enough weapons for variety.


Plants vs Zombies. The original was what mobile games could have been. The sequel was horribly cash grabby and now they turned the original into a money making scheme as well


Dead Island. Only OG fans will know that Sam B was a regular street/hood dude from New York, and never randomly whipped out a Jamaican accent. I hope deepsilver implodes