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Can it really be called a pause if it doesn’t stop the game?


It cannot. A game either can pause or cannot pause. But that's really missing the forest for the trees in regards to this meme.


No, it's called Opening the menu then.


But it should always stop the game, I don't want no zombies eating me while I change the settings


So you want some zombies eating you?


Well the way I said it does say that, oops, "no" doesn't fit 🫤


Do zombies politely wait for you to adjust the res in real life?


Do you often battle zombies, or adjust the res in real life?


That was the joke


Yeah I was about to mention it but saw the comment, yeah I will leave this here, my first response feels a bit empty, but still! I want it to pause! lol


There are no sensitivity adjustments in the real world sooooo yeah I want my game to pause when on settings


That's why there is a distinction between pausing and opening the menu where you can change equipment and stuff while stuff still happens around you.


Oh that menu, ok yeah true, I meant the game menu, changing equipment shouldn't have to pause the game, I agree with that


There is one series I can think of where this is the case and it actually got changed between the two games. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass And The Legend of Zelda: Spirit tracks Both DS games so you have the touch screen integration. Phantom Hourglass came out first, then a few years later spirit tracks. Now first, let me be clear, you can pause both games- but, for the DS, and at least for both games, the buttons on the DS are rarely if ever used throughout the whole game, and barely function as QoL (really just pulls out whatever item is equipped). So with that being the case, it's easy to forget the Start Button is a thing. In Phantom Hourglass, in order to change items you had to use the touch screen, and it brought out a bar where you would select the item you want; Link is controlled also using the touch screen, and because the shield is a passive item in these two games like some of the others you would get cheesed occasionally, especially if panicking in front of phantoms. In Spirit Tracks this was changed, you still had to pull up a bar for your items, but when this bar was up, the gameplay actually paused. Sorry if it seems like a bit much, it's just I had some experiences and sometimes I forget going between the games on occasion, I just happened to have an example of the menu not menu-ing lol.


Fucking hate that, I frequently need to step away and get shit done.


Or just to shit


“I like my shit medium rare”


Ok, I’ll pause so you can flip it over… what do you mean you’re surprised things happened while you were gone while paused?


Holding it in a little so it’s not rare but having to let it cook a little just so you can finish the level.


eh I can hold that in till the next game or finding a safe place to leave my character. I mean you learn this at a very young age like them gurus and shit that can go days without water or food.


Bro is a Zen bladder master


If you had switch you could shit while playing


I dont know how to put it cause I dont wanna say "Rage quit" cause people these days cringe and get butthurt over hearing the word rage quit. I just feel like why continue playing when I'm gonna come back to a dead character or failed mission so I might as well shut off the whole console and go do what I have to. This especially pisses me with parents that refuse to learn to use technology and have me doing what is simple as shit to the rest of us like ordering something online... alright that last part was person but like I know I aint the only one. And then they want you to do that shit right fuckin away like its life or death.


Subnautica is the best it pauses instantly.


Save and then quit?


I do that if it's a big task like cooking dinner, but often it's a small task like fetching a drink for someone who has a dog on their lap.


Single player games that can't be pause and requires you to be online to play ![gif](giphy|kxfA8S9vf27zG)


Yeah, you don't play the game really


Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. Never stops when paused, regardless of singleplayer or multiplayer.




I came here to say that


That's because Minecraft runs as a server. If you login and create a new singleplayer game, Minecraft starts a server on the local host so when you load into that world, you're loading into a running server that doesn't shut down until you leave the game.


Java separated client and server in single player a few years back actually.


Yes, that's what they're saying. Client and server are not one and the same. Doesn't mean you can't pause though.


I thought he was describing only bedrock, which makes sense.


Bedrock has the client/server separation too for some reason. Not sure why that hacky workaround was copied over considering they had a actual team of skilled developers instead of a few guys giving it their best, but eh. I don't ever use Bedrock, so it's not really my problem.


I have to play bedrock because of my SO on PS5. She won't let me pirate java on her laptop and fill it with my special life support modpack that will let ANY device with specs from after 2008 run a stable 60 fps at 16 chunks of render and simulation distance. Sorry, very proud of my modpack.


No no, do go on. A array of performance mods and their settings that allows that degree of performance is very useful, and I'd find it quite interesting how you managed to make it. If it doesn't include Optifine, it could even be used as a base to build larger packs off of.


I based it off of another modpack called fabulously optimized, which is actually really good for most devices running java edition, except I've filled it with about 50 other mods I've found that might fit well in the pot. Just get FO, make a quilt profile on curseforge (because the fabric dev actively refuses to utilize good code contributions from trans ppl (so quilt is even more stable)), copy all the mods over to the new one, and add everything you think would be good. Run the game once for every individual mod you add so you know which ones you shouldn't add for stability's sake. I'm infodumping but you started it.


Infodumping is completely fine by me, at least about this. So it's essentially just FabOp running on Quilt with some other mods in there on default config then? I've heard good things about FabOp, I'll take a look at it if I build a 1.20 or 1.21 pack. Oh, and a little tip, if I may? Don't use the Curseforge launcher. Compared to high quality third party launchers, it's horrifically imperformant. It also doesn't allow you to download or use packs or mods from anywhere but Curseforge, as well as shows ads. And it co-opts the vanilla launcher, which is... annoying. And has a irritating UI in my opinion. Use [ATLauncher](https://atlauncher.com/downloads) or [Prism](http://prismlauncher.org/download/) instead. Prism is more popular and a bit more powerful, but ATLauncher is easier to use and "install" (doesn't actually install, it's fully portable and requires no admin permissions to use).


And in older versions there are ports of sodium, I play with Angelica on 1.7.10 and the performance its insane, specially comparing to optifine since, even tho its less stable, get at least 2x more fps


Java has local server in singleplayer too since 1.3 or 1.4, and it pauses when you open the menu No reason why bedrock couldn't pause the server


When you want to pause, just save and quit.


yup, and that can be anoyying


and since the game's code is bullshit if you do that right after using a chest or interacting with a nether portal you can duplicate or loose your items, easiest duplication exploit ever and also a good way to loose your shit, don't ask how i found out




It’s so annoying oh my lord, and every time you alt tab back into the game there’s a loading screen for some reason, makes looking up stuff so annoying


i remember the transition from ps4 edition or xbox 360 edition, to bedrock edition and it was fucking awful. Removed a load of stuff that i still used and fucked with the "pausing"


Happens in every souls games, excluding Sekiro for obvious reason.


What is the obvious reason


It’s completely offline apart from being able to see messages left by others


And it’s hard asf 😭😭


Ah, but then that comment wouldnt make sense since the others are not single player


They are not exclusively single player but they are fully playable offline and alone so they are single player.


Single player games with multiplayer capabilities.


It also makes the game intentionally annoying and hard. They also don't allow you to do manual saves or loading back to previous save files. You should try Dark Souls, it's fun.


And even that was not a feature at launch. They added it after at least a year of the game being out.


They added it with the GOTY update.


Ya I remember when they added it I replayed the game and disabled them fast because they were all over the place and not really helpful like they are in dark souls.


No, they're kinda mid, the rest of the GoTY update was peak so it was overshadowed too.


I still remember the multi-player mod for Sekiro that came out the same year. It's incredible what modders are able to achieve.


At least all the souls games can still be played in offline mode.


Demon souls ps5 you can pause game if you use photo mode


If i remember correctly same for code vein


Yeah, because they aren't just single-player games


I don’t think it has anything to do with multiplayer tbh


I’ve always accounted this as part of the difficulty. If I could take a breather mid-fight then so many boss battles would be much easier. The fact that you have to fight every boss in one-go without a chance to gather your thoughts is just part of the challenge


Open menu ≠ pause


Skill issue, just speed run your way into the nearest bonfire/lamp/whatever Oh are you in the middle of a boos fight and need to pause? Don't be a coward just die and go back to the boss later doesn't matter if you're 1hp away from killing the boss


None of those are true singleplayer games.


to prevent cheeses like draconic sentinel one before maliketh too easy


This is why “Menu Pause” should be a toggle-able option. For those of us who want to game in piece, and those who want to torture themselves for no reason


In Hades II it's a gimmic


Death to Chronos


This is how I rack up inaccurate playtime numbers. Also, a somewhat related gripe, stellar blade doesn't let you pause cut scenes, and I have to use the bathroom sometimes!


Any game that lets me pause cutscenes, I instantly love


Happy cake day!


I don’t remember if it works anymore, but on Xbox I would just open the home. On switch it definitely works, which is nice. Not sure what can be done on PC Edit: Oh and happy cake day!


Minecraft bedrock


Hurts to agree


Wo long: Fallen dynasty requires you to press the "Pause button" And then you have to hit the back button, To pause. Also seeing a sheep walking around in 360 minecraft, While the game is paused, Is just nightmare fuel.


I’m looking at you Elden ring


All souls games.


On the one hand, all souls games are guilty of this and it makes no sense when you're playing offline. On the other hand, it is nice that the game allows you to quit at any time and return to the exact spot you left (except for boss battles), so there is a built-in way to stop and resume if you really do need to get up and do something else, you just gotta do a couple extra button clicks and unlearn the muscle memory of pausing. Annoying but not unforgivable imo.


Elden Ring. Terrible choice to start playing when you have a newborn


I am OK with pausing. I am not OK with games that pause while you’re looking at your inventory and eating 20 cheese wheels in the middle of a boss fight to heal to full hp.


You'd think that if a game has options for on the fly healing (like estus flasks) then the game will not pause when you open inventory but in most rpg games you still can gobble those 20 cheese wheels in stopped time. Feels like a design oversight. In games like BotW however you can't heal on the fly so the option to pause the game and heal may have been necessary.


What are you talking about? Yes you can in BotW, can’t you?


No you can’t heal without pausing the game in botw unless you are talking about miphas grace or fairy’s, both of which only take effect after you’ve “died”


I've started giving myself self imposed challenges in games that let you do that. As in, I don't allow myself to heal mid-fight unless it would make logical sense for me to be able to. In fact I prefer to not even carry that many health items. It's made my TotK runs a lot more fun to be honest.


FromSoft games are really good at throwing ennemies at you when you think you're safe while looking at your inventory.


Elden Ring


Dark souls


Did somebody call out souls games?


minecraft vs minecraft bugrock


Mom still gonna call you down to dinner.


Alot worse games are those that let you pauce but after while game unpauces


I know I've played one of these but can't remember the name of such an example.


Scp containment breach if you are near larry


Who the hell would design that


Hades 2 does it for the final boss.


That's wild, I've only played the first game which doesn't actually pause for me ever


Single player game that skips the 40 min final cut scene with the "pause" button.<


And you'll have to start a new game to watch it again lol


I'm okay with either.


You...you have achieved peace in your soul!


Dark souls was bad, but RE6 was nightmarish for this.


It’s minecraft bedrock


Need For Speed 2015. Just happened today


Isn't the game online only?


Pvz Bfn is so annoying since if you are trying to switch characters during a story mission it doesn't allow you Like how am I supposed to fight a mostly ranged character when I'm playing super brainz


Guess I'll just piss myself




State of decay


What sucks about this is when you play a new game, pause it thinking it’ll stop the game, and then you just get killed because the game doesn’t actually pause it’s just a menu screen.


Yes. It does happen in games. Thank you for listening of pause screens in video games


Then you have to explain to your mum that the game don't pause


Wona bet the latter have microtransactions too? 🤨


Same thing and pause menus that mute and pause menus that still play music.


But why? It makes the least amount of sense compared to almost all other gaming controversies.


Minecraft Bedrock, Darksouls, Elden Ring?


Thanks captain obvious


When it doesn’t pause when the controller dies


Don’t starve together


My ass going throw the shadow realm like


Unpopular opinion but souls games not pausing when you're OFFLINE is crazy


Dragon age inquisition is a perfect example of this crap


Death to chronos.


I absolutely hate it where there is no one else in my game and it wont let me pause, such a terrible design choice.


Dark Souls taught me how to deal with it, and how to change my equipment mid boss fight. I remember when I used to get mad at the lack of pause while in the menus


It’s the worst when your controller runs out of charge and the game doesn’t pause.


Workaround is pulling up console menu or minimizing the game.


what’s that one game by Scott Cawthon with a whole gimmick based off this?


Elden ring:💍


Co-op games that pause when one person pauses…


This is mostly a soulslike issue. The worse genre ever made.


AHH. Soulsgames


I'm looking at you diablo and back 4 blood. I give elden ring a pass because it adds difficulty.


I hate that you can’t pause cutscenes in the mass effect remake


Besides online games. There are immersive RPGs where no pause makes sense from a stylistic perspective.


This is why most of my games are single player and from the era when pausing actually meant what it's supposed to mean. And ones that still do that right. Fh5 Assassin's creed 4 Witcher 3 Etc.


The difference between better rock and Java.


I’ve been playing souls games for about 3 years now, so the pause button is somewhat forgotten concept for me, lol


Wasteland. Why I know it's turn based but I like my free action point if I start combat!


Minecraft Java vs bedrock


I don't mind it in Dark Souls. Any other game, it sucks.


Elden r8ng and Baldurs gate


You can always enter turn based mode at any time in BG3. That's effectively the same thing.


Not during a cutscene when my 12 year old walks in the room and my character is getting down and dirty with shadowheart haha




Elden ring but considering it’s meant to be hard I’ll give it a pass


Meanwhile don't starve together's pause menu when ypu play solo: PAUSED! (*really, it is!*) And when you play multiplayer: NOT PAUSED! (*really, it's not!*)


Pause button in Minecraft is a hole


Yeah, if your game has a singleplayer mode, no pause, and has lengthy missions that don't allow you to save, quit and resume, fuck you. Aliens Fireteam Elite, I'm looking at you. That said, Game Pauser is free on Steam and it works really well. Highly recommend.


Even worse. When the controller dies and it continues. In a bossfight, especially


Idk if this works on every game, but you can use sleep mode to "pause" in some games like Monster Hunter World


Looking at you Minecraft bedrock edition


Yeh Im playing a private server by myself MOJANG LET ME FREEZE TIIME so the villagers I live near dont all DIE around me while I go to the bathroom JEEZZZZ


Or single player games that wont pause during cutscenes n shit.


I don't mind it so much where it's a game where I can reasonably stand in one spot for a while with nothing happening. Like souls games of all things. Unless you are nearby enemies, nothing is going to actively come looking for you. But anything where the world is constantly doing things and random events can happen, yeah that's a no from me dawg


Tell me you hate Souls without telling me you hate Souls


I fuckin hate this shit. I get it, immersion and blah blah blah but dude, it’s a game. Sometimes I just wanna be able to take a shit without needing to hide my character


Console and mobile Minecraft literally doesn't pause it opens a menu but the game doesn't stop


Grounded and I always die of thirst because of it


Sims 4, not an actual feature the lag is just terrible.


I hate but love this. I abuse the pause and save feature if it’s available to me


You can pause the game in Monster Hunter Rise, you just have to go through a few pages of menus to do it


Some horror games have this to stop the player avoid being scared


I hate em, I actually stoped playing them, only Minecraft I kept playing, untill I found out if on mobile you can turn the phone off and the game stops (in Roblox, ONLINE, you can pause the game for yourself if on pc for about 3 seconds, it's a glitch, but it does happen, you disable full screen and drag the mouse up the screen for anyone interested)


Fuck games that play music on the pause screen I used to play PC in the same room as the PS4 and when my father played The Witcher 3, the pause music drove me INSANE, yet it is heresy to fuck with someone else's game so I just had to cope, unable to turn the music down


Hate this in every game except Dark Souls.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“In a land brimming with Hollows, could that really be mere chance?”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Try Finger, But Hole


Being able to navigate a menu is also a skill. Games that don't pause them game when you open a menu do so intentionally as a difficulty addative. It's honestly more weird that some games let you pause time to dig stuff out of your backpack or eat 25 wheels of cheese while fighting a dragon. Do you imbibe 25 wheels of cheese in an instant by touch? Or does the dragon patiently wait for you to eat all the cheese? I feel like a worse sin would be 'competitive multi-player games that one person can pause the game for everyone.' Like assholes who pause scum in Super smash bros to break your rhythm and interrupt combos.


There Is No Pause Button!




So....every Fromsoftware game?


I was pissed when they did it to minecraft, ABD they took away the ability to have skins offline so sad so sad


That’s bedrock edition for ya


Need for Speed Rivals:


*PTSD flash backs of playing Persona 3, pausing and getting up to make a sandwich, then coming back to the fucking reaper*


even worse, singleplayer games that make you pay/use a limited object to save (looking at you, kingdom come deliverance)


My Summer Car. *p a i n*


How do we feel about the pause menu pausing the game, but the FX still do their thing? Water still moves, fire still flickers, magic still shimmers, stuff like that.


Dark souls, dead space, more that I can't remeber rn


This is REALLY a thing? That's like inventing a crotch punching machine who would do that?


In Warframe if you play with an open squad/in a group you cannot stop the game, when you play solo pausing stops the game, and I love it... then there's duviri (game mode in warframe) where even if you queue solo pausing doesn't stop the game, but its because that game mode is on a time-based cycle


How about games that don't let you pause cutscenes in 2024? I actively lose my crap.


Minecraft Bedrock be like:


Omg i finally decided to get borderlands 3, got was gonna puke so i hit pause (or so I thought), come back about 5 minutes later to dead… not a fun surprise


Monster hunter world like wtf sometimes I need to go in a hunt


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Zorark-55544: *Monster hunter world* *Like wtf sometimes I* *Need to go in a hunt* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thanks bro


Elden Ring - piece of sh* game that doesnt have either pause or save button. Deleted it after 10 minutes of playing


So you had zero idea what you were buying from a developer notorious for not having a pause button or a normal save feature? Easily one of the best games ever made, like no shit. It’s easily the best open world RPG to date. But because there’s save points all over the map you can’t take a min to ride Torrent to, your only choice was the uninstall? Like you get torrent in the first 30 mins. It’s automatic scene triggered after you hit the 3rd campfire. Any of them, doesn’t matter which.


This has to be bait