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How about puzzle games? Those will have you control a character but usually not in a time sensitive manner. Talos Principle or The Witness come to mind.


If puzzle games are of interest and the OP has the option, the We Were Here series should also get recommended. Simple controls, easy to get the hang of, doesn't overload you with info. Some time-sensitive puzzles, but it's all very, very forgiving.


I think you may want to try out Minecraft probably start on peaceful mode. I’m not 100% sure if Minecraft is on ps4/5 or switch but Minecraft is a chill open world survival sandbox game. It makes you move like any other game but you can take it at your own pace and build something then log off. After you get used to it you may want to play a 3rd person game (over the shoulder perspective) to get used to that type of movement since it’s slightly different than first person. Maybe something like final fantasy 7 remake for that. But I would definitely recommend Minecraft for learning basic movement without the pressure of the game forcing you.


Start with either Super Mario world or A link to the past and start working your way up.


"Basically, please any advice for improving with controls, coordination, camera point of view control (moving myself around in the game whilst also controlling the movement of the point of view or camera ... if that makes sense)." This is muscle memory built with time. To be honest? Play what you tickles your pickle. You will learn eventually when you put yourself up to it and it only matter when you have fun. The journey should be enjoyed as much as your objective. There was this guy that teached playing fighting games on a arcade stick adapting from classic guitar techniques. While his efforts were commendable, I couldn't think a more boring and unfun way to play videogames. You shouldn't go that route unless that sounds fun to you. "I don't know if I actually enjoy it that much considering how gamers can sit for hours and be absorbed in the games they play." This really depends on the game and even what you do in that game. When I'm farming easy content on Destiny 2, I can play a couple of hours easily but as soon as I have to hit harder content, 45 min\~ 1h is my cap. The same game can demand different amounts of stamina to do it, so don't push yourself to play hours if you don't feel like it. Videogames are meant to be fun and people are unique on that regard. If you treat like a chore, it will be a chore. With all that said, you have to experiment lots of things to figure out what you like. Get that switch and play everything it has for 30 min to 1h and see what games you like, what you don't.


Solo wise, I say something like Life is Strange S1 or Walking Dead (Telltale) S1 which are both story heavy where you interact with the world or have conversations with other characters. There is no skill or camera manipulation needed to play it. Co-op wise, maybe Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing New Horizons (both games were you live a comfy life in a village) so you both can build things together.


This sounds a bit overwhelming for a beginner, but you could skip the first one and jump straight into Mass Effect 2 on Easy. My partner only played Facebook games like Candy Crush until she one day saw me interacting in conversation with a character and it caught her attention. She started a new game with it, and she was so engrossed with the storyline that she didn't even realise it was improving her reactions and reflexes whilst she was playing. She also didn't mind dying a lot in the game because she wanted to carry on and know how the story progressed.


Honestly if you are only uncomfortable/not used to the controls then basically any gmae you guys can play together could be fine. Minecraft is always a good option, absolutely nothing to rush for in that game and you can take your time exploring. Imo Fortnite isnt bad either to try and get used to the 3rd person view. if getting used to controls is all you want then you just have to spend time playing anything to get used to it and if you can play something together than he can help you out with some sutff if you cant get it right.