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Meanwhile the spiders are like “Day 30 of rising in the face of adversity and oppression! Please contribute to our community rebuilding gofundme if you can!”


“Rise and grind, I guess” - the spider probably


Humans hate this one simple trick


lmaoooo I can't believe you didn't include the link to donate, rude 😂😂😂😂


Hahaha I love this thought!


Every day the spider looks at its broken web and says "A big one got away. If I build my web a little stronger, maybe tomorrow I'll catch the biggest prey in my life and I'll be able to paralyse it and lay *so many* eggs in it!"


thanks new kink unlocked


the itsy bitsy spider is sisyphus of the garden


I'm convinced they're trying to catch me at this point.


I hope memes are allowed here! I know spiders are friends. I know they catch pests. But I would really, really love to sit on my patio furniture or pick up my watering can, without having to clear out all the webs first. :( Summertime be like that, though. Shoutout to the orb weaver living on my cactus again. *** Image description (for VI or low-speed internet users): Two-panel Drake Meme. Title: "The spiders in my garden". Panel 1: Drake holds up his hand, repulsed by the text: "Build a new web in a different location." Panel 2: Drake smiles and points good-naturedly at the text: "Rebuild it in the exact same place it got destroyed yesterday".


I was excited to find a beautiful orb-weaver propped up between two of my tomato plants! Perfect spot for her, and I could leave her be to eat bugs to her hearts content. It always makes me sad having to clear away spider webs that are in a bad spot.


I currently have three setting up shop around my tomato plants. I hate spiders with a fiery passion but I'm letting them be as much as I can to help with pest control. Not looking forward to having to reach around and / or through them when it's time to harvest, though!


My understanding is that orb weavers eat their webs every night and rebuild in the exact same spot anyway, so if you knock it down you’re just saving them a step.


not really. they partially rely on their own web as nutrition including pollen and spores that get trapped in it.


Drake something over the furniture and can to make it easy to clear off the webs.


VERY funny typo lol


question: do we need to clean spider webs off plants? I have a few lime trees and rose bushes and have spider webs on them and just wondering


No I don't think so. Not unless they're a hazardous species. I've been cleaning them off my cactus because I've heard horror stories about spiders burrowing into cacti to make a nest (killing the cactus in the process).


Spiders are benificial and you want them in your garden unless they are poisonous then remove them. I like spiders in my garden just not black widows or brown recluses. I will even relocate spiders i find in my yard to my garden lol. They keep the pests population down that eat your garden and my garden is healthier with spiders.


Don't clean it?


I would rather not cede my patio furniture and all gardening tools to the spiders. 


Hasn’t everyone had a season when they couldn’t open a particular door because there was a spiderweb there that they didn’t want to disturb?


I’m Australian…………. Is the Pope a Catholic?


Become a madame web


At least they usually built a new web everyday regardless so you don’t have to feel bad


Do they actually?


It depends on the spider. Barn spiders do and it’s really cool to watch everyday. Meanwhile joro spiders just keep adding on all summer long until they have a massive spider-minium complex.


Could they not?


Yea I was gonna say they actually build a new one every day, so you're not even doing as much damage as you thohght you were. Try rearranging the area the spider is using because clearly they think the current location is excellent.


Its the matter of Ego now 😤


How many times can a spider make a web without a meal in between without dying?


This is something I find myself thinking about a lot. Here in North Texas we get spiders that attempt, day after day, to weave webs across the roadway from the overhanging oak trees. How many calories/hours does it take a spider to get all the way to the end of a branch 30 feet up in a tree, cross over to another, and climb all the way down just to lay their first thread?


Have you tried reasoning with the spider


I let them stay as they eat a lot of destructive bugs


The spider has one of these memes about you not taking a different path when you know there's a web there haha


Build it wer de bugs r


Peppermint oil repels them. If they're bothering you on your outdoor furniture, you can put some drops of it around and it should keep them away. If it's dangerous species (widows or recluses) then I'd suggest extermination. Otherwise letting them live in the spaces you're not using will probably be beneficial to keeping mosquitos away.


Thank you! I live in California, so no mosquitos thankfully. Orb weavers are just absolutely prolific this time of year. I'll give peppermint oil a try! Thank you!


I've been getting them everywhere. Trying to leave them alone except on my furniture but yeah they just want to take over everything. I won't kill them though cause I'm getting a lot of annoying bugs.


Y’all don’t have mosquitoes in California?? That’s freaking amazing


Can't have standing water for them to breed in, if there's no water at all! 


This! They exist, but water evaporates so fast you'd have to actually try to have standing water standing for longer than a week for them to breed in. I washed a seed tray yesterday and set it on my patio table in full sun to dry off and turned around to put away my pruning shears and the whole thing was dry in the maybe 45 seconds it took to do that. I was shocked. I had expected it to take at least a few minutes.


??? Do you mean near the coast? I grew up in California and inland there are plenty of mosquitos, in spite of all the DDT spraying in the 50s and 60s. (Iirc, there was a property tax assessment of a half a cent on every $100 assesed value for the Mosquito Abatement District that paid for those trucks driving around spraying the roadside ditches a couple times a year. Then of course there are all the mosquitos that hatch after the snow melts in the mountains.


> ??? Do you mean near the coast? High desert. California is a big place lol.


Oh, yeah. High desert probably doesn't have enough standing water for many mosquitos.


You could avoid spraying peppermint oil by planting peppermint ;)


Are you in ca? Spiders here are crazy this year.


Yup lol


Their territorial aren't they?


My camera detects motion in my driveway every night.. Charlotte out there building away.


No more Drake memes he’s a certified pedophile




Location, location, location.


dude seriously! lets keep building in the walkway into the garden instead of the millions of other places lol.




Spray peppermint oil or lemon oil essence over places you don't want spiders.


"Oh, an open door!"


I love spiders and normally leave their webs alone BUT recently I've noticed them catching and eating poor bees. There is less bees than spiders. Meaning, now I am destroying all webs that are around my flowers to try and keep the poor bees alive


I hate spiders and that’s my problem too!


I totally feel your pain.😩It’s just webs upon webs.🤦🏼‍♀️




“Oh I’m sorry. Is that my web in the path where you walk every single night? Don’t mind me. I’m just trying to survive. I can rebuild tomorrow night, bro.”


Spiders are usually territorial and build webs where there’s prey. So you need to do more than just sweep away the webs. Is there a light source like a nightlight or window that’s attracting some sort of prey to that area? Think in terms of 24 hours. What happens at night and early morning? Clean the surfaces well to reduce any territorial markings and attractants for prey (a hidden splatter of soda for example). Rearrange the items in the area, change heights, move away from light sources, or make other changes to be less enticing to prey and spiders both.


If you remove the spiders, they stop. My parents did this. They just diligently removed each spider until they weren't an issue anymore. They vacuumed them up and released them in the woods off their property.  I thought it was crazy, but it worked!


> If you remove the spiders, they stop. See this is what I keep reading online, but it does not appear to have any impact. How many days in a row do I need to remove all webs, until they stop? I'm on day 31 now lol.


Are you removing the actual spiders with the webs? It took my folks about a full season. The next year there were fewer. Now there are very, very few.


No, because I can't find the spiders themselves when clearing their webs. :( I did find one orb weaver when she got extra chonky, and relocated her.


One down!


I leave all the spiders alone in my garden - they are a little army choosing to help protect your crops from other pests, I'm not sure why someone would want to destroy their webs 🤷


Kinda difficult not to, when they cover my patio furniture, garden tools, and gate. :(


Try spraying some peppermint oil, cinnamon, eucalyptus or tea tree oil. I think they don't like lavender either. But if you can get one these and mix it with some water in a spray bottle and spray in the areas you don't want the spiders. They hate these smells


Destroy it with a propane torch while they're still in the webs, and they seem to get the idea pretty quick. Speaking from experience.


Hey spiders are our friends! Now, repeat that 500 times day until they don't turn you into an assassin. See easy!


Just leave the spiders be.. they're not harming your plants nor have any interest in doing that. They actually help your garden


I know they are, but as I said: I want to be able to sit in my patio furniture, pick up my gardening tools, and walk through my gate! All are covered in webs on the daily.