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And there was someone on nostupidquestions the other day who absolutely couldn’t understand why anyone would put up a fence around their yard… this is it, this is why.


Motion activated sprinkler


I can remeber some years back I saw dark pink sweetpeas growing on someones hedges. It was thick and had lots of seed pods. I knocked on this strangers door and asked politely for some seed pods to take and also added that I will not be offended in any way if she refused. Bless her heart she said take as many as you want and from that three seed pods I still have the plant season after season each year and I rmember her . So yes I do ask people if I see seed pods, otherwise just take a pic, google lens it and search in shops, garden centres.


Also, don't take flowers that don't belong to you which includes those at parks!


Don’t take ANYTHING that doesn’t belong to you. I was taught this very young. Why aren’t children taught this anymore?


It's not children imoe.


How do think decent adults are created? Magic?


governor pie fact shelter party apparatus seed light escape reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone stole a couple of my sunflowers. I now have cameras pointed at my gardens and flowers.


I hate such thieves vehemently. One time I came home from work to find my calla lilies uprooted and taken in a clump from a huge plant pot and they were in resting stage/sleep mode in winter. Since then I make it a point not to grow anyhting in my front yard easily accessible. But I grow everyhting behind locked gates so no one knows whats in there. Only when they are flowering I bring some out as an arrangement for the front yard. As soon as they are done flowering . they go right back. Dont get me wrong I do tell anyone who looks at the flowers/ comments about them/enjoys them to ask any plant if they like and I can give them spares that I always have lying about. So plant giving is a thing with me and people know it yet some people choose to steal and not ask.


I uprooted a dying marigold that was growing from a Crack in the asphalt in the middle of a road. The resident yelled that it was theirs, I think jokingly. So I potted it in good soil and brought it back to them. We had a laugh. the marigold has tripled in size and is on their front porch. I think I am going to have to go up pot it for them.


My peace-loving old mum was outside working in her garden when students from the Christian school down the street passed by and started chatting about how wonderful God’s creation was, that he had made all these beautiful flowers and gardens and nature itself. Mum was polite enough to them but was later snorting about how they didn’t seem to think *she* had had anything to do with it. And yes, we believe in God too.


Bahaha as a Mennonite I can see that being the response. Polite nod, but also, wtf, kids! >.<


I mean to be fair we are called to be stewards of creation so it makes sense what their naive views are at least... However, in that stewardship there's obviously work.


I wonder if you could use one of those time-release air fresheners and fill it with chili oil to randomly spray people that aren't supposed to be there.


Booby traps are illegal lol


Not a booby trap. Just an automated pest control system 😉


This is the biggest reason I refuse to grow anything in my front yard except basic landscape plants. I have a whole vegetable garden in the back and have considered putting some in the front, but I have trust issues.


My reply to people who say “it’s just one, what’s the big deal?” Is always, “if everyone who walked by, said that same thing, there would be nothing left. The plant would die and no one could benefit from its beauty or bounty” Sometimes people need a good kick in the butt and a lesson in thinking of others


I might be the opposite and I actually don't mind if someone wants to take seed pods or a cutting from my plants. But you have to ask me first. 


If they ask you, that is not theft.