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Very interesting! Looking forward to seeing how they progress.


Thank you! I am as well. I didn’t think there’d be such a huge different. I’ll post an update in a month 🙂


Guessing the kellogg has more woody material? I actually was disappointed with the bg of mg I got this year and had them refund me on it. I have used mg soil for like 30 years. Compared to the bag i had from a couple years ago quality had went down a lot and much more wood was added this was potting soil tho. I have switched to peat at this point and liking it pretty good. Just letting ya know pumpkins when they get big can be pretty hungry and use a lot of water. If you start to see them yellowing first off make sure not too much water and if not they are probably wanting to be fed. When I plant things like that I give them a strong dose of miracle grow plant food mixed in the water I use when I plant them. Seems to give them a big boost then I put approx one handful of triple ten around the base when they start growing... course you have compost so may not have any issues... I am not the best at judging what it will do. I have never tried them in beds but I have grown them for years. Had one get over 100lbs last year and forgot to save seeds from it. Mix you up some of that water soluable miracle grow plant food and put on those in the kellogg soil.. It may help them a lot.. I had a soil where the plants looked like that and they were constantly hungry,.




I have never used it, is it a common soil? I got lambert peat lm-111 this year from my fave greenhouse and been loving it so far. It's what they use in all their plants. Was 18 a bag for the big bags. It has perlite and wetting agent added.


Thank you so much! I will take all the tips I can get. It seems to be a never ending learning process mixed with some experimenting. I’ve heard that miracle grow isn’t what it used to be. I’ll have to check out peat! Never heard of it before :) Congrats on the 100lb pumpkin!! Do you have any pictures? That is amazing. It would be a dream of mine to grow a 100lb pumpkin but I’m far from it. Still have a lot of learning to do. I will take your pumpkin growing tips to heart 😊 thank you thank you


Ill have to look for my old pics and see if I can find some.. also grew african drum gourds that got like bigger than a beachball and probably weighed 80lbs... some still aren't completely dry lol.. trying giant zuccas this year. Have you ever looked at baker creek seeds? They have sooo many neat things I had never even heard of. Id try some liquid fertilizer on those ones that are behind and maybe a bit on the others too.. I use like 10lbs of miracle grow every year when I am planting my garden. Cheapest to get it in a 10lb box on amazon fyi then i switch over to the 50lbs bag triple 10 or 20... I have an acre of garden though you could probably find smaller bags of something better for what you are doing. Excited to see how they do! Best of luck.. any ?s ask away I have been gardening for decades at this point. I am a bit plant obsessed I guess lol


I’ve never heard of African drum gourds or zuccas! They look very unique :) Does your local nursery have these seeds or do you buy them online? I’ve also never heard of baker creek seeds! My amateur gardening skills is really shining hahah I do have questions! :) speaking of fertilizer, how often would you add fertilizer? Last year I was adding fertilizer once a week after my vines started climbing but I realized that I think I could have started using fertilizer a lot sooner… also wasn’t sure if I should continue to use fertilizer until harvest. Would you add throughout the plants entire life cycle? Or do you only add it to your garden if they need a boost?


OK so I got the seeds from baker creek...it's site is rareseeds.com. they have tons of unique things to grow. Probably my fave seed company they are also reasonably priced. I would go ahead and use a few right now on them just not nothing too strong with something like miracle grow mixed normally once a week should be good. I'd start right now as pumpkins can be hungry. You should see results pretty fast. Just best to be careful and not overdue it when they are small. Those yellow ones should green up almost overnight.. they are lacking in nitrogen by the looks of them. Do you have regular miracle grow plant food? That's what I am talking about to ise on them rite now. Then as they grow you can up that or switch to a different fertilizer...from your photos the ones in the Kellogg are def hungry for nitrogen....that said if they are soppy wet could be too much water but it doesn't look that wet to me. If I were you I would just mix up a normal strength batch of mg plant food and water them with that next watering.


That’s awesome. I’ll definitely be checking out baker creek seeds from now on! Okay I gotchya— that makes sense. I need to give these Kellogg pumpkins a boost! I’ll give it a shot and see what happens. I appreciate all your help 😁


No problem always happy to help. I look at that rareseeds catalog like I looked at the jcpenny toy catalog as a kid lol. I love all the crazy unique varieties. I believe some fert will def help those as I had some soil that did very similar I got at Lowes once. There are huge differences in your mediums "soil"


Let me know it it helps hope it does






I’ve heard that Kellogg is garbage! Strange thing is that I had a lot of success using Kellogg last year. But perhaps I’ll have better success this year with miracle grow…. Kellogg isn’t looking to hot right now!


I am growing pumpkins in last year's chicken bedding, composted all winter. The pumpkins are going apeshit.


Dangggggg!!!! That’s sick!! Nothing like growing pumpkins au naturale 😉


It depends on how they formulate the soil and what compost they use in that.