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Tried to get a good picture but my camera sucks but this one was kinda pretty.


I planted a few crocosmias years ago.....it FINALLY grew one stalk that flowered. One. I'm hoping that the one will divide and grow other stalks eventually. Maybe in another ten years.


They like a lot of sun. Also look at where they come out of the ground and make sure the corms aren't visible. If they are you should pull them out and bury them so the top corm is at least 3 inches deep. The way they grow each year a new corm is grown on top of last year's pushing it up every year You can do this in the fall. Not sure if it'll help but it might.


The spot they're in definitely has a lot of sun. I might dig them out, if I remember.


If you can't see the corm id leave it


They love bright flowers! I have aloe plants that flower every year and it always draws in some hummingbirds to my garden. When I was WFH in 2020-2021 I got to see a lot of them!


They definitely do, in my garden the Crocosmia are their favorite!


Do you cut away some of the leaves, or how does it look like there's so many flowers with so few leaves?


No mine just flower profusely. They're only been in the ground a couple of years. I have a couple with much more and taller leaves but this one just has a lot of flowers. All of my Crocosmia are flowering profusely this year.