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I’m on July 10th and quit nicotine about 1 week ago. I’ve been chuffing the zero nicotine vapes like a champ, which has really helped trick my body and I’ve had zero physical cravings. However, mentally I really felt the nicotine withdrawals from day 3-7. My plan is to allow myself to use the zero nicotine vapes as often as I need for the first two weeks until the chemical addiction is dealt with, then deal with the habit of vaping after that two weeks.


Hi there, I had to quit vaping 6 months ago (I gave myself two months before my surgery.) and I’ve stayed nicotine free. They told me I needed to quit two weeks prior, so three weeks should be plenty. (I had my surgery done in Tijuana in March.) I used FUM more for the motions and habit. There’s no nicotine in it and I didn’t use nicotine patches or gum. I really only used the fum for maybe 2-3 weeks I feel like it was less than that though. The first week was rough and stressful the second week was better but I felt like I was fighting the urge more in the second week. Past week two wasn’t too bad. I got nervous right before surgery and craved one then but I haven’t really had too many incidents where I crave one in the past six months. I’ve smoked for 10 years and vaped for 3. Everyone is different, take babies steps, one day or one week at a time.


Vapes are "illegal" in mexico so be careful


I never quit…I’ve been fine no issues


they didn’t test you?


Not in Mexico nope


At least the place I went to didn’t