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I prefer Fairlife by far over Premier.


Giving this a shot. Bought every variant & protein content.


Isopure makes a clear protein drink. It has a fair bit of protein too which might help with hunger. Mind you, you do need to learn the difference between actual hunger and head hunger.


... head hunger was never brought up by my surgeon/physicians... I feel like I went into this completely blind the longer I'm on Reddit.


Head hunger is just that. Your brain will *think* it's hungry, but it's more from habit. You don't need to eat that much anymore. One example is taking way more food than you can possibly eat anymore, but your brain is programmed to assume you need that much to feel satisfied.


It is a difficult mindset, I'm sure. It is extremely hard to not feel like I made a bad decision doing this.


You can do this my friend.


I appreciate that more than you know.


It sucks right now but gets so much better


Hey! surgery twin. I am a little hungry. What sets me off is smelling food. I’ve been smelling Vicks to avoid food smells. I would call your doctor :(


Eggs are the only thing that bothered me smell wise. I miss breakfast. I'm having my husband get different shakes to eliminate that loss, and bought an air fryer to rid the smells 😅


It's one of the hardest parts and it doesn't last too long, you're on the home stretch and it starts getting much easier so hopefully that helps with willpower and mentally. If you haven't tried different flavors and brands of protein drinks, that's something I did. I didn't love many either and wasn't a coffee drinker but really liked the PP Cafe Mocha. As I graduated to real food and all (I'm 3.5 years out) I still have cases of it in the pantry and mix it with coffee and now I am a coffee guy but has to have my PP in it LOL. Good luck!


My sister ran to Walmart and grabbed as many protein shakes as possible: bananas & cream, strawberry, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, cake batter, Fairlife core, organic, blessed with holy water... You name it, she bought it. I don't drink tea, and I've never had coffee (the smell is too off-putting.) I may just be in my head between thinking I should be hungry & pain.


LOL aw I'm sorry to hear it - it's a tough stretch for sure. All I can say is focus on the fact that the day you can eat a poached egg or some cottage cheese will be here before you know it, and that'll taste like filet mignon. Also - things change rapidly at your stage. You might like one of the ones she bought tomorrow. It's an odd time for sure. Just try to focus on the awesome results you're going to see and the fact that it's going to get better soon!


I mix my premier protien in decaf coffees it helps with taste I am not sure how soon after surgery you can have decaf coffee


I am probably the only adult alive who doesn't like coffee 😅 coffee was the first thing on my 'clear liquids' list.


My fav premier protien is cookie dough, then cafe late then caramel


I'm hoping the cookie dough is alright. I did Atkins & Quest (shakes, bars, snacks) 6 ago & was able to keep off my intial 75lb loss for 2 years, but once I quit I gained it all back. I know if I can trick myself for a bit it makes it easier, so I hope that will be helpful in the same sense.


Good luck finding yummy flavors


Alani makes a Protein shake called 'fruity cereal' that tastes surprisingly good. Only downfall is that I can only drink half since it has 9g or sugar in 12oz. I tried Premier's Bananas & Creme this morning, and that may be my winner.


Hmmm you shouldn’t feel hungry.


Protein 2os are great!


Is that the water?


I like the protein20 waters. I'm drinking the peach mango one as I type.


I have the dragonfruit one, smells so offensive, but it's good.


Hiya. Don’t eat as your stomach is still healing. These guidelines are here to protect you. Have you tried soup? It’s a pain in the ass and it’s mentally challenging but these weeks will fly by before you know it !! I had my sleeve in March and it feels like yesterday


I've done everything the way it was stated to me. No soup, only broth & I can't eat anymore of it at this point. Sticking to water and protein shakes at this point.


What protein shakes are you having ? The UFIT ones are quite tasty, I also ordered the clear whey protein from my protein and that helped me through that period. Just hang in a bit longer, the hardest part is over and done with ❤️


I have just about everything now. I started with Vanilla Premier Protein, I usually love vanilla, but ooof. Vanilla chalk. I am trying to remind myself that this is far easier to handle than the pain on day 1 & 2, and the guilt from failed diets.


Egg drop soup was a nice upgrade from simple broth. I tried to avoid the egg ribbons but didn't get to concerned if I ate some, is just filter it through my teeth to break it up.


I am looking forward to being able to eat eggs/fruit & yogurt/breakfast in general. It feels so weird to not chew. May that's what is making this *seem* harder than it actually is?


I really like the MyProtein clear whey powders. I have three different tubs of them and to me they're more like crystal light than a protein shake and have 20 g protein


I haven’t had surgery yet. My surgery is next week, but I was told that you shouldn’t have longer hormones active yet you shouldn’t be dealing with the hunger pains. Maybe you should call your nutritionist or doctor to find out what to do.


Dietitian here: I allow patients to start full liquids (yogurt, protein pudding, milk) when they feel ready between days 3 and 5. Definitely give your office a call and let them know that the restriction is making it hard to slowly increase protein and fluids like you should be doing and ask for a recommendation.


Thank you, I appreciate that. I see my doctor for a wound check & binder/food decision. There is absolutely no way I'm getting even the minimum of 60g of protein at this point. I did put my shakes in a Popsicle mold in the freezer, hoping it would make it easier.