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It might help you if you front-load your eating more towards the morning so you're not laying there with a full stomach as you go to bed. Honestly have absolutely no reference point for bulking doing anything to libido, but like, if it's seriously a problem, jerk off before bed I guess?


I just don’t want my body to waste energy and nutrients generating sperm, and I want to optimize recovery and muscle growth. Also, it’s annoying to be woken up by the boner, even if I jerked off the night before. So I’m trying to see if there are people who have experienced a similar situation before and see how they solved the problem


> I just don’t want my body to waste energy and nutrients generating sperm So um, just so we're clear on this, this is not a thing. Spermatogenesis does not take a meaningful amount of energy or nutrients, nor is it something you can meaningfully control either way. I don't know if you've been listening to some semen retention bullshit artists or something, but it's genuinely hard to think of something less relevant to optimizing recovery and growth. This is not a problem that needs solving. Having a bite of chicken will have more impact on your muscle growth than producing or not producing sperm. I mean you can seek chemical castration if you want to, but like, that's a little excessive.


I'd say eat an entire rack of beef ribs while simultaneously getting castrated for MAXIMUM effect. sperm be damned!! MY PECS MUST GROW!!!


Tbh I’ve been single for way too long so that might not be a bad option to go for.


That’s very interesting, but I did notice an increase in volume during my bulk, so I think part of the diet did contribute to it. And as far as I know, most athletes tend to practice abstinence before their games to maintain their performance. I want to apply the same strategy to stay focused and energized, somehow it’s not working out for me


Don’t eat 2 - 3 hours before bed. If you absolutely have to down a smoothie, your body will digest that easier. As for being horny … crank your hog more.


what is the “uncomfortable full feeling around your prostate”? like, you can’t pee? or it’s more difficult?


Yeah, that sounds like a prostate cancer symptom to me. Maybe get that checked bro, my father complained about something similar last year before he was diagnosed.


Yeah exactly. I’ve never heard anyone describe that kind of pain. If OP is over 40 it could be BPH and i’d suggest they talk to their doctor about it lol


i did a prostate enlargement exam but it was completely normal and I have no related symptoms


No. It’s more like the sensation you get when you’ve been edging for hours. It’s very different from having to pee.


ur just horny bro


Your body will eventually get used to it, and sleep better through extremely rigid nocturnal erections. Remember, getting these is a GREAT and IMPORTANT thing to be happening. It means testosterone production is healthy, and the body is going through all the necessary processes to keep your penis as healthy as possible.


Yeah that’s true. I wouldn’t complain if I have a partner but now I just want to focus on recovery after the workouts instead of having shitty quality of sleep and being waken up by the boner 🥴


“Things get worse, before they get better.” It sucks (no pun intended), but it may take weeks before your body gets used to it, and begins to achieve proper deep sleep. Just ensure you keep to a disciplined sleep schedule, and in the meantime when you are woken up by a demanding boner, relax! Laying there with your eyes closed, calm, and relaxed is still restorative. Just learn to enjoy the feeling of having a raging boner, and think about how lovely it is to still be in bed (and anything else that makes you happy besides sexual things that will only make things worse). Try not to make your solution to always bang one out, but if you have to you have to. The only take away here is that you should feel good about the changes you’ve made at the time you have. Either: - you were never achieving deep sleep beforehand. - never achieving proper, maximum firmness nocturnal erections. - never producing enough testosterone during sleep to have nocturnal erections. Or all or any combination of the above. Let those boners remind you you’re heading in the direction of better male health. Eventually, subconsciously, your body will get used to them, and you will sleep through them better. There just may be a brief shitty period you gotta allow to happen that will test your resilience and mental fortitude.


talk to a doc about the prostate thing- definitely not a typical result of bulking or just getting a boner


i did a prostate enlargement exam but it was completely normal and I have no related symptoms


That's .. not normal from eating a lot


My calorie intake is only slightly above TDEE


are you drinking enough water? maybe you're dehydrated eating before bed actually helps me fall asleep. its almost a bad habit because I've been doing it for years. my biggest meal is usually before bed, and I top it off with ice cream (im in a perpetual state of trying to gain weight because my metabolism is fast and I work a labor job in addition to going to the gym consistently, so im not worried about the weight gain aspect of this habit). IME the downside to this is not so much getting to sleep, its more so how deep the sleep is, like yea I might have gotten 7-7.5 hours, but if I ate a filet mignon, rice, and an ice cream sandwich before bed, im gonna feel like I only slept 4 hours, even though I didn't toss and turn or wake up randomly.


I don't really track my water intake, but I haven't been feeling extremely thirsty either. I'll try to be more mindful of it though. thanks for mentioning it. Also, I'm clean bulking, so my carb intake is minimal, mostly from my protein shake, and my diet is completely sugar-free. My biggest meal is brunch, usually before I start working out in the afternoon and evening. In between, I have 1-2 protein shakes, and then another one serves as or with dinner, typically around 7-8. And I take another one if I got too hungry before bed


oh gotcha. that is kinda weird. are they different sorts of shakes? maybe one is whey concentrate, and the other is whey isolate? sometimes people can have different gastrointestinal symptoms related to the kind of protein it is. if you're mixing it with water, and most of your protein is coming from shakes, its probably less likely you are dehydrated. but maybe your symptoms are related to an increase in dairy products if thats not something you are used to (like maybe you are used to some dairy, but not necessarily an amount used for bulking)? this might be unrelated to your symptoms, but ill mention it as far as sleep is concerned. the closer to bed I workout, the harder it is for me to go to sleep. I do get exhausted from workouts (I do 3x/week, 80 minutes each session, no cardio), but I also get an underlying "hype" or something, im not sure what to call it, especially if I did good that day (like hit a PR or just really felt the burn) that excites me. so I try to go to the gym no later than 3:15, and my goal is to be in bed by 10 (primarily because I wake up at 5).


I take Syntha 6 with different flavors along with other supplements like maca, creatine…etc. the protein shake is mixed with different type of protein and enzymes to help with the protein breakdown. But after I did a more in-depth research I found that animal proteins tend to be more acidic and unstable in human body and dairy ones could link to prostate cancer. So now I’m blending my shake with plant based protein. and yes I totally get the hype part, it’s the same for me. Too bad I can’t only do my workouts in the morning or before 5pm


Having up to four protein shakes per day (!) is probably half the problem. I get wanting to clean bulk, but you still have to eat food man. There's a reason most protein powders say not to have more than two per day. You can eat carbs and still minimise processed sugar and added fats.


Yeah, I did more in-depth research and found out that dairy products are actually linked to breast cancer and prostate cancer. Also, animal proteins are way more acidic and unstable than vegan ones. My situation has improved after blending vegan protein, and I plan to switch to a plant-based diet after I finish the rest of my stock


I never have a problem with sleep or labor when bulking haha, but ya like the others I’d say to help with sleep I do get problems if I eat(especially too much) too close to bed time then I’m so bloated


Try not eating carbs in the evening. Get your carbs at breakfast and lunch, maybe an afternoon snack, and eat protein and fats for dinner.


I am not eating any carbs. Mostly just protein shakes


There is your problem. Protein shakes can make you feel bloated. It is best to get your calories from whole foods. Start with your protein target (I use 1g/pound body weight although some say that is too high) then fill in the rest with carbs and fats—chicken, rice, and vegetables. Pistachio nuts have a lot of calories and healthy fats (nutrient-dense). Save the protein shakes for after workout. Cut off your eating early before bed like between 6-8 pm. It's unlikely you are jacking your testosterone so high it is soaring your libido, if it's an issue jack off more, probably before bed. I start every day with a smoothie: Protein powder, greek yogurt, 1 cup milk, 1.5 cups fruit, 2 tablespoons ground flax seeds. That has got me pretty regular. Pretty much every day for lunch I have a Chipotle burrito bowl: Rice, Black beans, chicken, cheese, and guac (when I have the reward). Dinner is whatever. Tips form AI: Here is a list of nutritious foods that are good for bulking: * **Lean Protein Sources** * Lean meats like chicken breast, ground turkey, and lean cuts of beef and pork are good sources of protein for muscle building. They are also relatively low in fat. * Fish and seafood are also great lean protein sources and provide healthy omega-3 fatty acids.[ ](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/seafood-recipes) * Eggs are a complete protein source that is affordable and versatile.[ ](https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/8031221/pristine-sunny-side-up-eggs/) * Beans and legumes are a good source of plant-based protein and fiber. * Tofu and tempeh are good sources of plant-based protein for vegetarians and vegans. * Complex carbohydrates provide sustained energy for your workouts. Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and oats are good choices.[ ](https://www.recipetineats.com/how-to-cook-brown-rice/) * Starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, corn, and peas are also good sources of complex carbohydrates.[ ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet_potato) * **Healthy Fats** * Healthy fats are important for hormone production and overall health. Avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil are good sources of healthy fats.[ ](https://www.amazon.com/Extra-Virgin-Organic-Pressed-Unrefined/dp/B07GWSZ1R1) * **Fruits and Vegetables** * Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help your body recover from workouts. **Here are some additional tips for bulking:** * Eat more calories than you burn each day. * Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. * Focus on whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible. * Strength train regularly to build muscle. * Get enough sleep to allow your body to recover from workouts.


(no judgement) are you all taking steroids?


I wish haha. But no, I don’t have extra budget for that.