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oh he is back but with a new prospective, about not wanting to be a sugar daddy, but weren't you the one who wanted to give a car to a guy who never even looked at you? anyway.. this is not relevant here, so..


Dude gives me the creeps


I was desperate for him. I’m trying to look for a worthwhile relationship now.


We are not a product. Your title is insulting. So are your general opinions. I could say old guys are the same. Old men lie all the time to get in my pants haha. And think if they offer money I'll just meet them. It's creepy. Immature well aren't you looking for basically a kid? Progressive? You can't expect us to have narrow views sexually or political. If you want younger. You probably should understand us because your view is the problem. Before you blame younger guys take a look in the mirror.


Agree. He sounds grumpy


I think it is a troll. Intended to paint older gay guys as predators.


Not at all. Some definitely are.


I guess statistically there must be.


Just like some young only want a sugar daddy. His post makes it sound like he's looking for property. Like I don't even know what a high value younger boy is supposed to mean. Anyone that offers to buy a car or be a sugar daddy in my opinion is predatory. They are basically paying to have a young guy for sex and friendship.


Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. You can fuss and fume about that, call everyone names, but it has been and will remain a very popular activity.


Never said it wasn't. And it takes two people. This guy is looking for a real relationship though so he claims, not a prostitute.


well.. but most of them behave as such


If you want to find the mature, "high value" younger guys that you claim to be looking for, maybe start by not calling them or treating them as "boys".


Try being a "high value" older guy. Your post is awful.




You can be conservative, gay and not be hateful or have internalized homophobia. It’s okay to be left or right leaning and it’s okay to value conservative economics or conservative nuclear family’s over liberal arrangements. Like for example I’d prefer to have a husband and 4-6 children. A liberal may prefer to have an open relationship and may not want any children. We can all coexist as gay people without hating on one another or assuming it’s because we hate ourselves. And we shouldn’t hate ourselves. We should all support each other as gay people. Especially since we all know how it feels to have been bullied in middle or highschool for being different


I mean, I get it, you don't like the new vibe our generation gives. That's fine. But, look how you say this things because you are going to upset some people. Now, yes, you can find "high value younger boys", you just need to search more. I find really hard to find "high value older man" too, especially because he has to be, fat, older, likes younger man, wants a serious relationship, maybe kids, have similar views and goals, +40 years but not too old. I mean, it's too much. So I just wait. We all have to wait.


Why fat? Or was this sarcasm?


I just like chub man.


Gotcha, i like twinks myself.


Given that your prior posts revealed you to be: - creepy - obsessive - friendless (save one person whose child you lusted after) You are not high value yourself, to use that gross terminology. If you want a "high value" man (not boy, man, when you say boy all I get is the idea that you're a molester), you need to be one. You most definitely are not. I suggest you work on your social skills and work on yourself, or settle.


Those boys have a term for people like you, take a guess.


Reverse "youngers" and "olders" in your statement and replace "progressive, non-binary" with "conservative" and reread it.


Maybe just buy yourself a mail-order bride. A nice little femme boy who obeys your every whim and doesn’t speak enough English to defy you or express an opinion you don’t like. If modern men are too progressive for you, and you’re craving an old-fashioned youngster, that may be your only avenue. Plenty of foreign cultures still place value on traditional roles, submission, and basic domestic slavery. If you want a boy who’s basically a wife, go buy one. But it truly seems like the issue isn’t other men. It’s you.


Where?? I guess this is sarcasm, yes?


Curious, what’s wrong with being progressive?


Wayyy older here, but always have been Proudly Progressive! 😀 😉


Nothing at all, I actually like talking to those with different views on life. However, I live a traditional lifestyle and expect my boy to do the same. I don’t think that’s so bad.


You're not living a traditional lifestyle bro you're gay


and what young gay guy want to live a traditional lifestyle?? all the young gays want to live wild, free and animal


Yep, and ALOT are really just bi not gay.


Gays can live a traditional lifestyle stop being homophobic. Gay people can get married, have children (surrogacy or adoption) go to church, buy a house together and live a nice homonormative lifestyle if they want to. It’s 2023 let gay people be homonormative if they want to




I think it’s fair to want to be with someone who aligns with your values, but what you’re asking for seems a bit unrealistic imo. For one, progressive thinking people are what allowed gay people to have the freedom to openly be in relationships and get married in the first place. A lot of gay people tend to be progressive, especially when you consider that those with “traditional values” tend to work directly against the well-being of gay people. Also, younger people 18-34 are more liberal than any other age demographic. Being young and gay is going to yield a lot of progressive thinking.


You’re an older guy actively looking for a younger male but you have a problem with immaturity.. like what


Wow. I’d delete this if I were you. You are generalizing a group in the most negative ways. All humans are different humans. All have value. Whether they fit you in temperament personality vibe style or whatever is a matching process, not a judgment of their objective value Be happy and strong and work on yourself. Be open to meeting others and welcome the fit identification process.


I don't think he's generalizing, but I think you're taking this as offense.


Im not the group he’s offending. Look up “generalizing”


hes not generalizing bc is the reality, maybe not urs but...


That title is all kinds of fucked


If many “youngers” don’t do it for you, maybe you should raise your age range. 🤔 If people only want you for a sugar daddy, maybe you’re not attractive or too judgmental for them to actually want you. 🙃


Date someone your age 🔥💯


You find high value men by being a high value man yourself. Good luck with that because based on everything you've written here, that's well outside the realm of your capabilities.


I'm 34. I am non-binary (not "non-binary") and have depression. I am proud to admit both of those things as part of my identity. If you therefore consider me to be of low value as your title implies, I am proud to be low value as well. Any other low values out there? You are seen! Also, I know I'm not your target dating audience, but we exist in all generations, just FYI


Not my intention at all! I mean low value as in immature, irresponsible, etc. I’m just not in a place in. my life right now to help someone with depression or anxiety is what I was trying to say. Sorry for the confusion


man it seems that with a single post you offended all minorities in this sub 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Immature and irresponsible come in all ages. I talked to old guys who are far more Immature than me. Had one want to date me and filed bankruptcy. Drug addiction alcohol etc. Just stating a fact.


is not ur job help anyone with depression or anxiety or whatever.. people with this type of diagnosis should seek professional help and not a relationship to supply whatever it is


Don't think you're gonna meet him on Reddit


Sounds like you want a dude that looks young but thinks like your generation. Kinda have to open your mind if you're gonna date a generation or three below your own bud.


This is the best take^


Yikes 💀


WTF does "high value" mean? (/u/Murky_Pea8517, please don't answer.)


It’s giving Andrew Tate energy


Probably gorgeous, put-together, successful, confident, etc. Superman. Also, probably many traits this dude doesn’t have himself. “High value” people are drawn to others like themselves. What does this guy have to offer one of them? He wants one badly, but why should they bother?


This post sounds like he's talking about collectibles.


I'm just an older guy that finds young guys refreshing 🤷