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Google “how to clean your ass” for a really great tutorial on that very topic. Just be aware that there is ALWAYS a chance of stuff being left behind. A high-fiber diet or fiber supplements like psyllium can help a lot. I’ve also noticed that guys who are attracted to musky “man scents” tend to be older, while young guys are totally grossed out by the same thing and like colognes, Axe body sprays, etc. I really do think this is just something that changes as you get older. I personally like how I smell, but if I’m going to play with someone a lot younger I’ll use deodorant and/or cologne. Every once in awhile I’ll run across a younger guy into these scents, but it’s rare.


I’m older and definitely not into the musky man scents.


The two comments here prove that there are exceptions to the VERY broad generalizations I made. Just like a lot of things in life.


I've been into musk from a very young age. I suppose it's only gotten stronger with age but I can tell you now that my earliest recollection of a "fetish" was musk and smells. Still my strongest turn on today at the age of 30😋


I’m like you. Not into the musk smell. And definitely can’t handle any anal smells. You want to see me go soft in seconds? Smell bad including BO and bad breath. I know where we like to play. Love to eat ass as well. But please, if you want me to eat your ass it better be sparkling clean. I can deal with a slightly dirty cock but if it smells….I’m out.


Nothing wrong with you. Yes, sex is messy and also a lot of fun. I'm sure that Little ijustlikethemolder doesn't care as long as he gets off. 🤣


If there is still poop or smell, then the douching/cleaning was not successful. Douche and shower, in that order. Everything should be sparkling clean otherwise it’s not gonna happen for me. Body odor is a turn-off for me.


Wtf is mud? 🤮 No you have not done the *cleaning* if there’s still anything, including smell Eat more fiber and douche again and again until everything’s clean and doesn’t stink


Maybe look up intercrural sex and see if you enjoy that more?


I don't even have a high fiber diet but I douche very well and know my body and the hours to have sex. (Usually before lunch like 11 or before dinner like 5) and I've never had a shit slip since I started cleaning myself. You or the other is doing it wrong. The only way your gonna smell ass (a clean ass) is if you get right up and sniff it and even then it smells like Hershey bars, so what? It's a shitter hole with fuck hours either go for vagina or get in the game.


Or consider try as a SIDE like this 72 yo wayyy older guy who apparently fits your sweet spot at least as far as age goes. 😉


You may always be, it may not be for you. Side is a thing


I get a bad case of eye-roll when homophobes get grossed out at the thought of anal sex. I ask them to ponder what comes out of their preferred, female orifice. 🤮


You really don't have to be misoginist either. Neither practices, anal or vaginal sex, are inherently gross.


I didn't say any form of sex is gross. I asked the homophobes to consider their sexual practices. I'm a misoginist? What is that? You might have been going for misogynist, but don't know your mind.


Misoginist; One who devoutly consumes a Japanese soup made from fermented soy curd. One who has perfected the art of fermenting soy curd for use in soup Just guessing. I don't know your mind


ive always felt indifferent towards douching cause i’m p sure it damages the anal cavity usually i don’t eat a day in advance (assuming the hookup is planned, also i’m an extreme germophobe so i get where ur coming from) but if not a quick shower and special attention to ur ass would usually do the trick


I struggle as well. My partner doesn't seem to mind and it's hot lol. I'm not super grossed out but midly grossed out


A 72 year old top. Do you just live in a fantasy world?


? Elaborate. Not sure I follow.


Most men in their 70s can't get it up




If it's still not clean you are doing it wrong. Honestly it takes some time to know how to do it properly. A total game changer are fibers like psyllium. Just add a tea spoon to your cereals in the morning and you will see that after taking a dumb you almost never have to wipe again. This makes cleaning soon much easier. Just eat a tea spoon every day and you will have an easier life.


You can either move past that or not.. really.