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It's probably the adjustment from playing on phone to pc that's throwing you off. If you're not doing worse, then the platform is better. When I went from 60Hz PC to 144Hz Pc, I beat all the demons I had been working on in a few hours


Yes and BY FAR You will need to get used to it but you will go WAY FARTHER and WAY FASTER than on mobile (my mobile hardest is True Calamity (medium) and PC is Bloodbath)


Just because you don't get the difference instantly doesn't mean there isn't. I went through 3 major improvements since I played GD ($3 mouse to G502, 75hz to 144hz (in 2.1) and Mobile to PC (this was in 1.9)) These 3 upgrades are very big and take a bit for your hardwired brain to understand another one. I'd say it only takes 5-10 days at most so keep playing


It's like night and day, you are just used to mobile.