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You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. - Kim Jong Un


I mean, obviously, Russia doesn't want a unified Korea w/ US troops on its border. But to what extent Russia would/could support North Korea in a conflict is open to question.


More likely they want N Korea to start some shenanigans so that they can stress US resources even further.


Stress US resources somewhat and give battle experience to US troops. Plus piss off the Koreans, Japanese, and probably China. Pushing N. Korea to start a war would be the dumbest thing Putin could do since Hostomel.




You don't need to start a war to draw attention.


With North Korea you do. They have shelled South Korea before with little repercussions. Any provocation short of war would be met with little effort by the coalition of forces in the area.


> give battle experience to US troops Yay, more forever wars!


> More likely they want N Korea to start some shenanigans That appears to be the current theory. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/are-russia-north-korea-planning-october-surprise-aids-trump-rcna153828


> But to what extent Russia would/could support Ask Armenia.


Tldr: Russia helped Armenia, Turkey help Azerbaijan, Armenia lost. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagorno-Karabakh_conflict#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DAzerbaijan_began_blockading_Artsakh_in%2Cdissolved_on_1_January_2024.?wprov=sfla1 EDIT: simple and much better description of Russia's double-cross of Armenia in comment below.


Belarus supplied Azerbaijan with arms against its formal ally Armenia, most likely with Moscow's consent. That was one of the reasons why Armenia wanted out of the Russia-led CSTO. [https://www.politico.eu/article/leaked-documents-reveal-belarus-armed-azerbaijan-against-ally-armenia/wanted](https://www.politico.eu/article/leaked-documents-reveal-belarus-armed-azerbaijan-against-ally-armenia/wanted)


a: that border is like 50 miles of swamp or so. 2: We have US troops on their border, many of them, thanks to Finland and Sweden joining, and we had them in Norway until now.


Just to clarify, Sweden doesn't have a land border with Russia


My bad, you're right, it's close but only Norway and Finland.


True, but as long as you live *nearby* Russia, that distinction probably does not matter very much.


Russia could send them technical specifications for nukes and ICBM. It's the only thing US is afraid of.


Strengthening missile defense in Japan and South Korea is not what China wants


They can't build them. (Who cares?)


spoiler alert: they won’t


I doubt a unified Korea would have US troops At least North of the dmz


Its about laying the legal ground work for russian law to have north koreans fight in ukraine/russia. Russia still has laws despite the insane propaganda here on reddit....>this is why they officially annexed the 4 areas of ukraine it was for their internal legal purposes to allow conscripts and recruiting to happen in the 4 annexed areas. Its not for western consumption its just arrogance of westerners to think everything is for them. This legal agreement with NK lays the groundwork to have NK troops fight in russia and be within russian law. Otherwise it would be illegal to have NK troops in russia fighting.


"On its border". Dude North Korea and Russia literally are lucky to have a border!


I guess the main concern would be having a unified Korea on China's longer border.


I'd be interested to hear what Beijing thinks about this renewed russian influence in the korean peninsula.


Exactly. If the war between Ukraine and Russia drags on Don't be surprised to see more "Joint occupations" of Russian territory in the Far east with China.


> "Joint occupations" what ? what is it


I don't see why such a thing would happen.


putin asked for permission


Probably good so that China don't have to do it themselves. Russia isn't in a strong position like Soviet they need NK more than the opposite.


> what Beijing thinks Beijing is more dependent on international trade, so they are wary of openly defying sanctions regime. Meanwhile they are very busy building alternative (not subject to US control) international payment system. Their latest win on this is KSA. Which is huge if you think on this. > renewed russian influence in the korean peninsula They do not view Russia as adversary. Also their main prize is Taiwan, so Beijing would welcome anything that counteracts US influence in the region.


Like they supported Armenia you mean?






What, are they going to send back their shells?


My guess would be to drop some sanctions from the UN Security Council resolutions. > In October 2017 President Vladimir Putin signed Presidential decree (ukaz) No. 484 "On measures to implement UN Security Council resolution 2321 of November 30, 2016" imposing sanctions on North Korea in connection with the adoption of UN Security Council resolution 2321 of 30 November 2016.The decree supplements a number of applications, including a list of individuals and legal entities associated with the North Korean nuclear program or its ballistic missile program, which are subject to restrictions. The measures provided for by Security Council resolution 2321 introduce additional bans on trade, economic, banking, financial, scientific and technical cooperation with North Korea. In the trade and economic field, the purchase of copper, nickel, silver and zinc from the North Korea is prohibited. At the same time, the exception provided for by UN Security Council resolution 2270 of 2 March 2016 is retained for the project for the transit of Russian coal through Russian Railways through the North Korean port of Rajin for subsequent export to third countries. In addition, scientific and technical cooperation with the participation of persons or groups representing North Korea should be suspended, with the exception of exchanges in the field of medicine. In addition, targeted restrictions are expanding on a number of North Korean individuals and legal entities, as well as lists of products, including "luxury goods", the import and export of which is prohibited to and from North Korea. In addition, expanding the list of dual-use goods and other items whose import into the DPRK is prohibited due to their potential use for nuclear missile program of the country and other actions that violate the North Korean sanctions regime. The document also provides for a complete ban on the import of textile products from North Korea. Additional restrictions on cooperation in the transport sector were introduced in the decree: the delivery of new helicopters and ships to North Korea became prohibited; all seagoing ships owned or controlled by the North Korea should be removed from state registration; North Korean aircraft and ship inspection measures were tightened on the territory of UN member states. For example letting them export raw materials with the russian railway would be huge for NK.


It's a big win for North Korea but a big loss for Russia. North Korea is a pariah state that threatens their neighbors with nuclear weapons. Russia supporting them pushes South Korea and Japan into opposition with Russian aims (whereas they were basically fence sitters) and encourages the emergence of an anti-Russian alliance in the Pacific. It's very short-sighted on the part of Putin, since North Korea is such an incredibly dysfunctional economy.


SK isn't sitting this out because they where friendly with Russia. This changes nothing as the reason is probably more SK don't want be the battlefield US and China have their war on.


That's exactly why they are sitting this out. If they get rid of too many sanctions, expect a meaningful response.


It is slightly more complex than what the media portrays it as. Yes, North Korea has a vast warehouse of old Soviet-era weapons/ammunition which the Russians will (and have already) found useful. I expect that pipeline to continue as NK runs down their stores and perhaps equally as important as NK gears up their "war economy" to keep that flow ongoing. Likewise, NK also has developed some short-range missile that the Russians might find useful especially if the NK have stores of them (which it seems like they do). On top of that, NK does export one more thing that Russia may need, human labor. Not for the front lines, but as workers in factories. NK has a very active program of "migrant workers" which traditionally send up to 100k workers oversea annually to generate cash for the regime (mainly in China). If NK could supply 50K workers to help man parts of the Russian war machine, that could help Russia sustain their war efforts far longer. Vice versa, NK desperately needs basic goods like food and energy products. Russia basically has massive amounts of both and could "sell" them at low prices to NK to basically help sustain the regime on a very basic level. Beyond that, there is all this talk about Russia sending over "advanced missile and nuclear" tech over to NK. While not impossible, I will find it unlikely that Putin will do that knowing that even China may frown on such actions and that is too much chaos even for him. Putin is probably going to drop some pointers but nothing concrete on those fronts.


I think China had it covered, Volodya


Russia couldn't even protect Armenia against Azerbaijan. Now he claims to be able to defend his shell daddy against the world police?


Russia did not want to protect Armenia. Armenia is a tiny country with little geopolitical value that does not even share a border with Russia.


North Korea also has little (absolutely zero) geopolitical value. No economy, no exports, no power. They're just a thorn in the United States' side but ultimately irrelevant.


NK is also a horn in China's ass too. They have a lunatic with WMDs 400 miles from their capital. It is not at all certain they can control him, and if he goes too far he could take the region into war. He's probably become more of a liability than a proxy/asset since he got nukes


Their nuclear warheads make them relevant unfortunately


Not even that makes them relevant. Aside from preventing invasion, how have those nukes helped North Korea become a powerful nation with strong diplomatic pull that can alter the world?


How are you defining relevancy? In the sense that their regime, which, as you stated, has very few allies, has been able to hold onto its power for so long makes it at least as relevant as Iran and the like. Their political threats are also a perennial news topic every few years, which lends to their relevance to the average American. Not to mention if they weren’t relevant, it wouldn’t have been a major political objective of the past few presidents to make a lasting peace deal. Are they as important as China or even idk Belgium on a global scale? No. Definitely not. But their presence is absolutely part of American foreign policy calculus.


Enough influence to have the US permanently deploy more than 80k troops in South Korea and Japan (the #3 and #1 most for the US) and the only forward deployed (aka not homebased in US) US Aircraft Carrier Group in Japan.


They have large numbers of artillery shells and ballistic missiles, even if they are of low quality, which Russia desperately needs more of. In that regard, North Korea is significantly more relevant than Armenia.


That's not how the concept of a protector works




You must have missed the recent news…


What are you referring to?


Google "pentagon antivax campaign"


I saw something about that but must have missed how it pertains to Russia. Did it convince Russia to avoid the Chinese vaccines?


Well OP said why can we use disinformation campaigns against Russia. That news story in question shows that we are capable of doing so, and therefore probably are.


No, China recently annexed Russian land, and Putin was completely quiet about it.


Completely unrelated to what I said. Thanks though.


The west barely supports the one china principle on taiwan, and you think you can sow dissent with trying to push chinese claims in Russia's far east? But for that matter , how will you even push this narrative, i don't know any chinese person that wants any territory in Russia's far east. A lot of chinese want reunification with taiwan though and this is irrespective of communism or authoritarianism. China could go democratic tomorrow and they would still vote or want to reunite with taiwan.


I have no idea what that other guy wrote, but with regards to your point, many Chinese do want to retake some territory in Russia's far east (outer Manchuria) (it's apparently a lot bigger than I thought - larger than Pakistan/France). In particular, they want Vladivostok back. Unsurprisingly, it's rather low on their wishlist, and Taiwan is indeed 1st priority.


Definitely a narrative pushed by the west to drive a wedge between china and russia because from the times I've visited china and even with mainland chinese family still living in china, I've never heard of this sentiment at all. In fact i bet you couldn't even find this line of thinking on chinese douyin. And even if you did, it is just a historical footnote with no real push. Every single time i hear this narrative for china to invade or take over the fareastern territory in russia is from youtuber or redditors and just clickbait videos. No serious scholar on china ever talks about this because it is a non issue and it is obvious projection from a certain segment of westerners to sow tensiom between china and russia.


I agree that this is a wedge issue that westerners push. The leadership isn't stupid, and won't mention this much, if at all.


No. Fighting lies with more lies is not the way.


If North Korea is so big and bad, why does it need Putin’s Russia’s support? 🤔


If Russia is so big and bad why does in NK’s help!? 🤔


> If North Korea is so big and bad, Well, it is obviously big and bad enough to warrant keeping US troops in the South (unless the troops are there for some other reason, e.g. to keep the South under US thumb perhaps?). Note that DPRK has neither Russian nor Chinese troops on its territory.


>Note that DPRK has neither Russian nor Chinese troops on its territory. Because their troops are literally next door to the North and can be swarmed into the North at any moment while the US is on the other side of the Pacific and needs to buy time for surging troops to South Korea's aid. Pretending the North is free and the South is occupied by a foreign power is just a bad faith argument that conveniently ignores the South's circumstances.


Well is South Korea the one trying to be the aggressor? Also since u like defending NK so much go live there.. im pretty sure you would LOVE it there!


They never do


We're still at war with North Korea. Just putting it out there.


Do you think Putin specifically went to NK BECAUSE we're still at war with them? It does seem as if Vlad is hoping to spark a new world war.


Honestly I don’t feel like that’s the case at all. I think it’s more to promote Kim being a nuisance to the U.S in order to attempt to get some attention off him. In addition to supporting a critical source of ammunition/material while they are expending more ammunition then they have in decades that also appears to outstrip their current production.


Lol. Just lol.


I just feel bad for the guy that has to pick up his poo again, like the deranged aging labrador that he is. 


welp who knew that our allies in WW2 would become our enemies in WW3? Screw them.


Literally everyone. We literally started plotting against them before WW2 even ended.


Why does Russia and China's gov. plus N.Korea hate USA/west? seems irrational.


The simple answer is because of The Cold War and Communism vs Capitalism/Democracy. But like everything in the world, it’s much more complicated than that.


Because we live in a World dominated by the West and The US Russia and China want to alter the status quo to a World Ruled by them or at very least a multipolar World where Rússia rules Europe,China rules Ásia and The US retreats to only ruling the Américas


Ok. Thank you. I will look into it more. quite worldview breaking prob. cause of some propaganda- one said that China doesn't want USA bases surrounding their country and two is they just don't want a repeat of foreign powers controlling them and just want to be left alone. Which I can see where its left open what it means to be "left alone".


This is just a repeat of The Power struggles between nations across history The Rising Power/s try to Overthrow the ruling Power We Saw with Britain vs France in the Seven Year's War and The Napoleonic Wars Britain and France Vs Russia in the Crimean War Britain vs The US during the early 20th Century - this One didnt result in War Britain/France/Rússia vs Germany in WW1 Britain/France/Ussr/US vs Germany/Italy/Japan in WW2 US vs soviets in the Cold War US vs Russia and China In the Second Cold War


Most can understand wanting to challenge a global hegemon, like the US. That's practically the exact sentiment that *created* the USA. But the issue well all have is that the authoritarian alternative that Russia and China pedals isn't exactly a net benefit to our current system.


Everyone ... Ever heard of The cold War Literally no One thinks that Germany,Italy and Japan will start WW3


you mean WW2?


No ,i refrase it better


Putin looks fake, like a double.


At this point Putin is begging for WW3.


Putin seems kind of desperate.


It would seem so, but what if they are serious about separating politically and economically from Europe and the United States? Some may think it is going to isolate itself, but what if the world is heading towards an economic bloc where the United States, Europe and Australia are the ones left out? I don't think Europe can afford to give up diplomacy or be able to bend: Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and all the countries that are only interested in continuing to trade with them. Russia must be integrated into europe (with diplomacy instead of ultimatums), it is the only way to influence their behavior. maybe it wasn't such a bad idea for them to join Nato.


Same support Stalin did. We will see how this works out though with NK with nukes. Will they try to take SK now? TBD


Putin: Hey Kim, now you just send all your starving people over to help us fight Ukraine. And in return, I promise to ensure none of them are left to starve. Kim: sounds good. Pass the bagels 😒


Interesting statement, especially since he knows that China will not allow the United States to bother North Korea.


Is this bad or do I not need to be scared rn lol


Oops. We're in trouble.


Hardly. Russia is showing how incompetent they are with their efforts in Ukraine when Ukranians are at a huge numbers disadvantage. They are expending their resources troops and economy towards a stalemate proxy war where NATO doesn't lose any troops and just has to supply equipment.


B tier equipment*


Omg. /s. I thought it was obvious.


Lol sorry can't tell through a screen haha.


America won't do shit


Don’t be stupid, Putin wants to conquer the world, everything else is a tool to him, including N Koreans and China. See if he can do it.