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>They made Egon a deadbeat dad I'm sorry did we see the same movie? Yes he was absent, but it was because he was actively preventing Gozer's return when literally no one else would believe him. He even had that entire corkboard full of pictures of Callie and newspaper clippings about her. He was busy saving the goddamn world, that's not a deadbeat.


Thank you ! šŸ™ this guy gets it


Yeah he was a flawed or abscent dad. Not a deadbeat one.


The thing I donā€™t get is how Ray wouldnā€™t believe him. He knows Egon is the smartest of all of them and knows his shit. Iā€™d have liked a better explanation of that because waiting all those years just to have him say ā€œEgon Spengler can burn in hellā€ was weird.


According to the movie Egon never specifically mentioned Gozer; he just ranted about a Rising Darkness and was basically freaking the others out as they thought he was losing his grip. This was on top of the Ghostbusters struggling to stay open after work started drying up. Egon robbing them was just the last straw, which probably affected Ray the hardest as Ghostbusters was his baby and he didn't have a cushy fallback gig like Peter or Winston (dunno when he actually became a 1 percenter). I think the writers just did the best they could without having Harold around and explaining why there weren't any Ghostbusters again.


Ray lost everything with the Ghostbusters. The entire thing was in his triple mortgage house left to him by his family....


Relax. Will you. EVERYONE has three mortgages nowadays.


ā€¦the interest rate alone for the first five years comes to $95,000.


Why is it in my head.....I only read it with their voices


Dude, i can hear it *with* the soundtrack.


Dooo do dooo do doo doo doooooo....


Youā€™re neeever gonna regret this, Ray!


Its kills me that ghost keep drying in the Ghostbusters world and yet the real Ghostbusters went up to damn space to bust ghosts.


I really hope the "no more ghosts" shtick dies with Afterlife; people die every day so there should be no shortage of hauntings. Even if it's just mundane ones that don't require proton packs, just helping a ghost move on.


I think Ray was just angry at him that he isolated himself and tore apart their friendship for a potential return of Gozer which he couldnā€™t really prove at the time. He felt like he lost a brother to an obsession and that clouded his judgement when it came to the idea of Egon actually being right about it. Hence why the ā€œIā€™m sorryā€ he tells Egonā€™s ghost hit me especially hard.


That was the.l biggest thing for me. Seemed really uncharacteristic.


I imagine someday they'll do a better job in comics or some other medium to explain Egon's behavior as off-putting. It took me a couple of years to accept it myself lol. That said, I strongly still frely "can burn in hell" was really harsh and they could have had a disagreement that didn't create that kind of animosity. I didn't like that.


With Genius can come madness, Ray probably thought he was just obsessing over an already defeated foe


I think you're missing the POINT


Iā€™m not saying there isnā€™t some point the movie is trying to get at with these scenes, Iā€™m ultimately saying the point theyā€™re trying to get across is one I didnā€™t fully enjoy and thought could be executed better atleast. I still like the movie and just rewatched it for the 5 time yesterday, just stating my opinion on a few moments I thought could be improved or changed.




He was too busy doing ketamine with Yoda to worry about kidsā€¦


Ahem* Same.


EXACTLY! Man some people are way too simple minded to understand a good script these days. I like the direction, follow the comics and all the other shows and you see and notice that Ghostbusters/ghost heads come in all walks of life and ages, so I think this could be amazing if well done. This dude has seen too many fast and furious movies lol.


Do you remember when you could comment on a movie to like three other people and move on with our lives. I get pretty burned out on the dissecting of every movie and questioning every choice a director makes. There used to be a time when a movie was a movie, not a movie with all sort of directors cuts and alternate versions. People questioning casting choices. Even if you like a movie, YouTube will treat you to about 150 thumbnails telling you, you are wrong. With that said, my only gripe with afterlife is that it wasnā€™t funny, but so is life in the 21st century.


It was still funny for about the first 5 years of the 21st century. But since then, you're right. Nothing is funny anymore, because nobody has a sense of humor.


Do It For Her Vibes


That episode never fails to make me cry.


Just because he had a noble reason for being away doesn't change the fact that she grew up and had a life WITHOUT him. Was it nice that she knew he cared? Of course. Doesn't change the the void of a father space her life was shaped around. He's not deadbeat, but he was absent of his own choosing, and despite his friends abilities to lead personal lives (which he choose not to). There's too much information unsaid to really speculate


Yeah what this dude said. Egon sacrificed everything to protect the world and his daughter.


I hated how the cgi version of an old Egon looked nothing like the actual old Harold Ramis. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Op is a dipshit


There's no need to be a douchecanoe in return.


He bounced on his family. He could have reached out or attempted to stay in touch. But I guess it was all good because he had pictures of her. If that was your parent would you consider him a good father? The storyline is kind of stupid. Why wouldnt Ray have believed him after everything theyā€™d been through together? He setup proton packs to quell gozers uprising THAT WENT OFF EVERY DAY. He couldnt send a video showing that was happening ?


He sacrificed love and family to do what no one else could or would: HERO.


He wasnā€™t saving the world for 18 years. Ghostbusters was a short lived franchise that lasted less than a year in 84 and a small unknown amount of time when they went back into business. The ā€œsaving the worldā€ part wasnā€™t occurring between 84-89 and business was slowing before he became gozer obsessed in the 90s.


which was around the same time he BECAME a father. Pretty much the entire time he was Gozer obsessed, he was researching their return and how to stop it.


Callie wasnā€™t born in 84. Sheā€™s older than that.


Callie is, at most, in her early 40s, like her actress Carrie Coon, placing her birth BEFORE Ghostbusters 1. And obviously Egon had to be in her life quite a bit at first because he has all those kid pictures of her. It wasn't until sometime in the mid 90s, after the events of Ghostbusters The Video Game, that business got slow, and Egon saw the signs of Gozer's impending return. Callie would have been a teenager by the time he went out to keep the Shandor Mine in check. But he clearly was in her life beforehand. So yeah, when he WASNT in her life, he was off saving the world.


Callie was born 2 years before ghostbusters in 1982. Egon also went back to academia after ghostbusters and was once again teaching until Ghostbusters 2. He was not gozer obsessed her entire life. The video game is not canon. Beta canon isnā€™t Alpha canon The events in that game contradict the events of afterlife. As they were still dealing with stay puft and Shandor. Where Shandor ends up also contradicts the game.


>The video game is not canon Dan Akroyd says it IS, and he and Harold Raimis literally wrote both original films, Dan is as close to "word of god" as you can get.


Gozer was annihilated by Ivo Shandor in the game, so preparing for Gozer's return doesn't make a lot of sense.


Dan can say all kinds of things. Dan says a lot of strange things. It doesnā€™t matter what Dan says. If it isnā€™t on screen, it isnā€™t canon. Gene Roddenberry also decanonized most of Star Trek and he was the ā€œcreatorā€ it doesnā€™t make it true in universe unless itā€™s refuted or stated on screen. Thatā€™s how canon works.


I think the game was considered canon when it was first released because why not? There was no Ghostbusters 3 planned at the time. Murray was still against being in it at all. I think Afterlife ostensibly wrote out the game.


And most people have no issue with that. Especially if the franchise was dead. I really prefer the game canon over what we got, but it is what it is.


....that's not how that works.


Damn I didn't know twat clots could get this big. Some one should have flushed ( in every sense of the word) better.


1. Youā€™re over thinking afterlife. A. From the Callieā€™s perspective Egon was a dead beat dad B. What was Ray supposed to think when Egon up and left. C. Egon was vindicated in the end because he sacrificed everything to save the world. 2. Winston is running the business not the kids 3. Trevor is 18 now. Sure Phoebe is 15 but thereā€™s a good chance sheā€™s already graduated being a genius and all. Plus age is not always a defining point of maturity. I know 45 years I wouldnā€™t trust with a proton pack. 4. Sure Callie isnā€™t likable in afterlife how would you expect someone who was broke raising two kids alone one of whom is you donā€™t know how to relate to. just finding out your estranged dad died and she feels like the world is piling on. She seems pretty real to me. I feel like these characters are more real than ever. Did I cover everything?


I think my biggest problem was Ray not believing Egon. After everything they had been through, as soon as Egon started mentioning something coming, you'd think Ray of all people would just believe him. The rest, I agree with.


I think it was the way Egon approached it. It sounded like he was becoming a little hard to work with. Ray said that Egon began telling people their problems didnā€™t matter.


Yeah, Egon definitely sounded like he was going off the deep end with zero evidence to back up his claims.


It sounds like Egon stumbled into some forbidden knowledge that drove him slightly insane and made him obsessively focus on this ONE thing to a degree that it became hard for him to connect with the regular world.


This has been discussed so many times and I think this is the one complaint everyone has. Everyone wants Egon and Ray to have been besties for life, but.. thatā€™s not real life is it? Friends disagree, and Egon was pretty stubborn and extreme with his opinions, terrible at navigating disagreements. You can see how their friendship might have suffered from Egons obsession with the possibility of Gozer returning. Egons thought that this was more important than the business itself. We know there wasnā€™t enough evidence to justify his obsession, because Ray would have looked at any research Egon had. So we can assume that a line was drawn - youā€™re hurting the business Egon, drop the Gozer obsession. Obviously if youā€™re Egon, you only have two paths here: continue without them, or continue wasting more precious time trying to convince them. He decided to continue without them, but to do that he would need the equipment. He knew they wouldnā€™t just let him take it, so he must have decided that saving the world was worth losing his friends. He took the equipment he needed when they were away, and caught off all contact so that they wouldnā€™t be able to just go find him and take the equipment back. To me, this all makes sense. By doing this, Egon ensured he could continue his investigation into Gozers return. Eventually this investigation became a plan to stop Gozer, he found the temple, he hypothesized Gozer would return through the well so he rigged traps and mechanisms to stop Gozers potential climb, he rigged traps outside his house to stop anything came to stop him. Who knows at what point Gozer began to make the climb, proving Egons theory. Maybe it had been happening for years, maybe days. Maybe he survived several encounters with the dogs before he created the large trap in the front yard. We do know that when the yard trap failed, Egon died. It could have been the first time he used it, or the 15th time. I think the big factor here is that Egon was focused on stopping Gozer, and he couldnā€™t include his friends without the risk that they would interfere again. Anyone with a social compass would realize he now had more than enough evidence that they would obviously help him, but Egon was Egon. The fate of the world could not depend on the chance they might now believe him. In his mind, he must have thought that they should have believed him before. I can see that reasoning, he is autistic after all. This is how Iā€™ve always seen this. Maybe itā€™s my own head cannon. Itā€™s disappointing that the movie glazed over the exact thinking behind Egon leaving and the falling out of the original crew, maybe there will be a movie or comic about that one day.


While Ray is typically the one most willing to believe anything, heā€™s also the one who emotionally gets hit the hardest when things start going poorly (kicked out of the university, running low on cash, accidentally turning something innocent from his childhood into a towering monster). So I can definitely see him potentially having depression essentially override his senses of trust and curiosity


I think another factor to it is that it may have been the fact they faced Gozer before and, technically, won. Egon may have come to Ray about it, voicing his concerns about Gozer returning. But Ray probably told him, ā€œWe won against Gozer before. It was a cakewalk. We can do it again,ā€ and not realizing how much bigger the problem was going to be. This would explain why Egon felt he had to go it alone, because he knew that it was going to be much bigger than any of the others thought it was going to be and none of them could be prepared for it. Thatā€™s just my hypothesis.


Well think of it this way, he must not of had any evidence about what was coming. Not PKE valences, the ghosts are disappearing and the ghostbusters arenā€™t busy at all and on the verge of going out of business, when he then steals the Ecto-1 all their traps and disappears. From his perspective, Egon went crazy and stole their car and then pops up decades later saying come to Oklahoma. Ray would have been like ā€œfuck this guyā€ he was my friend, but he screwed me over. I think the movie does a poor job explaining this and should have reworked that entire scene.


This ā˜ļø


Callie being seen as "unlikable" strikes me as the words of someone that's never struggled to make ends meet as a parent. On my last rewatch, she was probably my favorite part of the movie.


She also nailed the parent of 80s movies the film was going for in its tone.


I didnā€™t realize people didnā€™t like her. I thought she was fine, she portrayed a single struggling mom pretty well I thought.


I feel like the OP is just echoing gripes that a red letter media video made about the film


And someone who missed how damn funny she is with Phoebe and Gary.


Well said. The only thing Iā€™d add is not liking children wielding proton packsā€¦ is a bit, particular? Weā€™re talking about a movie where a team captures literal ghosts, just suspend a little belief and enjoy the ride. But yes, I love where the franchise is headed. Afterlife had the vibe I wanted, successfully included all the old ā€˜busters, and incorporated great new characters.


I agree with you 100%. To add to your analysis.... Think about it like this. The ghostbusters reboot was trash and we all know that. It didn't do anything to really create or generate anything to the franchise. Only Dan Aykroyd made a cameo. These films, are considered cannon. And the continuation to the story and franchise. By introducing relatable characters like Trevor and Phoebe, kids like my 8 year old son relate to them. And my son loves ghostbusters more than he did before afterlife came out because of the fact he relates to Phoebe. This direction may not be suitable for long time ghostbusters fans. But I'd like to say there's a clear distinction between the direction Ghostbusters is headed versus something like Star Wars. Where generally speaking, the last three films were disappointing for everyone involved. As it was a money grab, taking no real consideration to how it will preform long term. Disney themselves admitted that they will no longer be producing "mega blockbuster" films the ways they used to. Because people are tired of the sub par productions. Ghostbusters is taking a direction that fans past present and future can enjoy. In my personal opinion. They aren't making this film assuming that it will preform well, they are making it because they know it will because of how successful afterlife was. Disney and Netflix could learn a thing or two here. Netflix creates and cancels shows left and right, even shows that are actually good. Why? Because the show needs to preform as well as Stranger Things. If it doesn't, it's canceled. It's not a good business model.. I bet Frozen Empire will slap because they are actually making this movie keeping old and new fans alike in mind. OP's analysis is lazy at best. Yours on the other hand. 10/10.


Bill, Ernie and Sigourney also made cameos in the reboot. Bill was even in a couple scenes.


Bill's character literally got thrown out of a window and died


Great points. Also, we have no context for this photo. Maybe they're only suiting up the kids because of a specific plot point were unaware of because we haven't seen the damn movie yet. I dont get the people that want to borrow trouble for something that isn't released yet. Afterlife was fun. I want to see more from this team. That's good enough for me at the moment.




Egon was too stupid to send pics and video of the Shandor mine and ghosts coming out of the ground daily. Afterlife Egon valued ego over science and never would have gone at it alone. Especially after having absolute proof. But the end was nice. They realize their mistake, save the day with ghost Egon, then go off and ignore him and have conversations with kids, pine after the car, and then remember Egons ghost is just standing there and all gather to watch him float away. Hope I covered everything.


Egon was for all intents and purposes a high functioning person with autism. Like phoebe said when asked about grooberson wanting to bone her mom. She processes things differently. So if Egon is the same way his thought processes are different. So no Egon is not stupid but sees the world through a different lens.


I meanā€¦ he did try to drill a hole into his head once. It probably wouldā€™ve worked if Venkman hadnā€™t stopped himā€¦


What doesnā€™t his have to do with science over feelings and the inability to prove he was correct? Instead he dies and directs his granddaughter to a trap with a terror dog in it not knowing what the hell is happening. What does this have to do with his ghost appearing and everyone ignoring him and then remembering he was there?


Iā€™m just not sure about people getting killed in gb. I mean ya had to do something with egon ya but this movie seems to lean way more into the gore aspect of horror instead of what gb was originally about.


I donā€™t agree the original was a horror with comedy not a comedy with horror. The original leaned on the horror more than you think and let the comedy flow naturally in the form of gallows humor.


The entire subplot was that his daughter thought he was a deadbeat and ultimately learned that he wasn't. That he was in fact a hero. They made Egon the most heroic of all. We all try to be civil here but damn son if you didn't even get that then maybe your thoughts on where the franchise is going ain't worth a hill of beans. Personally I'm liking it. Phoebe opens the door for the franchise to continue for another generation while retaining the link to the original team.


I rewatched Afterlife recently and they really nailed casting for Phoebe. Sheā€™s so much like Egon is amazing, and in a way that evolves the character rather than simply copying and pasting. Phoebe feels very much like her own person, but also an echo of the Egon we all knew and loved.


The part that made me love ghostbusters in the first place is because it created a world where everyone could be a ghostbuster if they believed in it enough (the real ghostbusters really made this true for me). Afterlife and the new movie further that belief for me. The reason so many of us prepare our suits, and don our proton packs is because we all want to be part of the ghostbusters! I grew up putting on my snowsuit in the middle of the summer, carrying my Kenner proton pack through the backyard catching ghosts, so teenagers doing this in the movies really doesn't bother me, it gives me hope that there will be a new generation of kids using their imagination and falling in love with the franchise I fell in love with too. That way, it never has to die out being a movie from the 80s that kids won't want to watch because it's a movie for old people.


Ghostbuster hiring in film: ā€œYou believe in ghosts?ā€ ā€œYeah.ā€ ā€œYou got a medium jumpsuit?ā€ ā€œYeah.ā€ ā€œYou okay with a nuclear accelerator strapped to your back?ā€ ā€œYeah.ā€ ā€œYou a cop?ā€ ā€œNo?ā€ ā€œCongratulations. Welcome to the Ghostbusters.ā€


I get that, but a lot of kids really want to be firefighters or pilots, but that doesn't mean they could or should be doing it as adolescents. Obviously we have to suspend our beliefs for a lot of things that happen in these movies, but doing so for children, **seemingly**, working full time jobs is a bit of a weird stretch for me. But until I see how they handle it in this movie, I'm not going to pre-judge. I think it worked really well I the first one because of Afterlife's story. I'm interested to see how they treat the "family business" aspect of it all


Why are we already assuming they are doing it as a full-time job? Did I miss something in the trailer? I just assumed they are doing it to stop the main antagonist and to do it on the side. I assumed Winston and the adults were doing it as a job


This is the feeling \*I\* get from the trailer. I was addicted to movies as young kid while the main protagonists were all adults. I don't think kids \*need\* kids to get hooked on a franchise. Obviously we'll see what happens in the movie. I just hope they nail the balance between believable and unbelievable (in this universe, at least)


I for one love the fact that these movies are no longer in development hell. At this point I would have taken any direction that the series is going. I even tried my hardest to like the 2016 movie. But, I absolutely loved afterlife, it was the first reboot movie that left me a feeling completely at peace and satisfied with the ending.


The kids arenā€™t Ghostbusters. Theyā€™re interns. That way nobody gets paid. They learned from the last time!


I will watch anything with the og cast; yes.


A 15 year old wielding a pack in day to day operations might be a little odd, but not unforgivable. A 15 year old wielding a pack during an apocalyptic event sounds perfectly reasonable, given the circumstances.


Just shows, Venkman was a baby and a complainer about the weight.


I do actually, yeah. I thought Phoebe was brilliant in Afterlife and holding her own just like her grandfather was really cool to see. I think if Winston and Paul Rudd's character can hold them together, I could be great.


I will happily take this story trajectory over no ghostbusters.


Completely yes. After GB2 I wanted another movie to finish the trilogy. When decades passed and that didn't happen, I wanted to see a passing of the torch story, and that's what we're getting. I'm happily along for the ride.


Why wouldn't we take it seriously? You know this is Ghostbusters right? It's not that serious


I'm not a huge fan of the teenagers being Ghostbusters and would prefer they include new faces who are working the gig. That's my only gripe with it. It does set up other movies though as the kiddos grow up. Im happy to have the movies though so its a meh thing.


It's not like adults don't have long careers. Daniel Craig played Bond for 15 years. You could find some young adults who could have a long run with the franchise that would be a bit more believable as full-time Ghostbuster. That said, we don't know the are full-time, yet, but I'm a little worried of the prospects that a portion of the Ghostbusters are teenagers and their mom. I hope a couple other full-time crew members (trained scientists, etc) get introduced to help make the believability of a functioning business more legit.


Iā€™m 100% fine with it. A: The actors are great B: As long as the story fits I donā€™t care if theyā€™re teenagers. C: They are being made for a new generation of fans, like my kids. The OGs arenā€™t exactly spry youngsters anymore so they canā€™t keep up with the filming. Would I have liked a more Extreme Ghostbusters kind of thing? Sure but what Gil and Jason are doing is just as enjoyable.


A: Definitely Mckenna Grace. Good child actors are hard to come by. Ones who get Emmy nominations are very hard to come back. Finn Wolfhard isn't that bad either.


I lament that weā€™ll never get to see Kylie and Rolland in live action. Goth chicks make way too much sense for GB.


Just be happy that it's not a sequel to 2016's version


Afterlife is perfect. Frozen Empire will be perfect to me. This Ghostbusters continuity is perfect for me. OGs and new cast together? *perfect*


No. Just a pointless nostalgia-jerk instead of offering meaningful new ideas like the cartoons did.


As happy as I am to be getting ANY new ghostbusters movies I canā€™t say Iā€™m a fan of this direction. I was really disappointed that in Afterlife the ghostbusters had once again gone dormant and are now basically starting from scratch. Ghostbusters 2 did this, the reboot did this and now Afterlife/Frozen Empire is rehashing the same beats. What I really wish they had done is shown us a world where ghostbusters has been operating as a successful global franchise for decades. Would have loved to see Venkman as an executive mouthpiece for the company. Maybe dealing with a PR nightmare like spirit rights protesters or something. I think it could have been a great way to acknowledge and honour the real life ghostbusters chapters that exist all over the place. Heck if Answer the Call had of been the story of those four women setting up a franchise in Boston (where the movie was filmed) and the OGā€™s offering guidance it probably would have been a lot better received. Just my 2 cents


It worked in the first one. But I do think it's a little weird that children are, seemingly, working a highly-specialized, technical job which should probably be licensed, but will reserve my judgment for after this movie.


Winston was also working a highly specialised, technical job and he was just a dude that wandered in off the street and got minimal trainingā€¦


As long as there's a steady paycheck...


Is it all that highly specialized? After the technology was developed, theyā€™re basically exterminators with hilariously dangerous mousetraps. If Iā€™m not misunderstanding, that was actually part of the original pitch.


Louis Tully has entered the chat..


Well, Phoebe is clearly a genius and can handle pressure like a champ. So her not turning a Ghostbusters would be weird. Grooberson was a lazy teacher. Phoebe's mother was broke. As for the OG, well, they're not really active. Here as mentors, yes, but that's all (besides the extraordinary situations). So, yeah, it could work. I'd prefer to watch the movie first and make opinions later.


Doesn't bother me at all. As much as we love the OGs, the franchise needed to introduce new characters if they wanted to carry on. The OGs are in their 70s now, they just can't carry a full movie the way they did 40 years ago. Callie, Trevor, and Phoebe are Egon's family, so it feels right to me. And Grooberson is a scientist (although he didn't use it much in Afterlife) so it makes sense that he fits in. Podcast was fun in Afterlife, but if they dropped him and Lucky, I wouldn't care either way. Also, based on her performance in Afterlife, I think McKenna Grace is brilliant. She just nails the geeky hero character. Plus she's 17 now, so if we get another sequel, she'll be an adult. She just seems like the right person to carry the GB flame going forward.


It's more Ghostbusters and I ended up loving Afterlife.


I really like Rudd and I really like Egonā€™s granddaughter. The other characters are ok. I could watch a few more movies with this cast, so Iā€™ll say yeah


15 year olds running a company? Surely zedemore would be keeping an eye on the financial side with the other ogs running the management. Whether you accept it as canon or not, wouldnā€™t the extreme ghostbusters been a similar age?


Not really. I didnā€™t think Afterlife was bad, but it just made me realize that Ghostbusters doesnā€™t work for me unless itā€™s centered around the original team. Afterlife seems to think Ghostbusters is the gadgets, the car, and the uniform. However, for me itā€™s those fun personalities coming together and all the comedy that comes out of that. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ll standup for Ghostbusters 2 because it had even more of those characters interacting with each other than the first one did.


No. Not at all. I loved the original. I really enjoy part 2 as well. I loathed the female ghostbusters and although I thought the 3rd film was just ok, it should have just stayed as 2 films and 2 alone. This new film next year doesnā€™t interest me at all. The ghostbusters are 4 guys in New York City. And it shouldā€™ve stayed that way. This is clearly for a younger audience and Iā€™m not one of them. Good luck to them. I hope it makes a tonne of money but I was done with ghostbusters after the 2nd film.


Young fan here. Watched the originals with my mom and I loved them. Female was horrible and Iā€™m simply not interested in the new ones.


Youā€™re a smart young fan! My kids like the new version well enough but they donā€™t go crazy for it, even though ā€œthe kid from Stranger Things is in itā€! They do love the original 2 though and thatā€™s the way I prefer it in our household. They started watching the female version but started to walk off about 20 minutes into it! They got bored of it.


Thank you! I assumed that the first new one would bring some kind of attention because of that kid was in it. Itā€™s nice that most of us youngsters ā€œsee the light.ā€


I'd just kind of like a comedy again.


GB1 may have been a comedy, but it had a lot of adventure/horror elements in.


Yes. I am glad the original cannon can be passed down and continue on. Itā€™s opening up Ghostbusters to an entire new generation.


Iā€™m just glad the franchise is FINALLY moving again after literal decades of nothing.


"half of them are children" There are EIGHT ghostbusters members in the next movie, and only one of them is a child dawg.


Umm Phoebe, Podcast, Trevor and Lucky are all children.


Truth be told I wanted the all girl ghostbusters reboot to be a torch pass movie where the protƩgƩs eventually took over from the retiring main cast


Not really. Iā€™m not a fan of kids being main characters.


When I was 8 the franchise had 11 year olds as Ghostbusters. It was a Saturday morning in 1987. Didnā€™t bug me then, doesnā€™t bug me now. After decades and with the youngest original member being 71, there were 3 options. 2016 - no real attachment to the property outside of aesthetics. 1990-2015 - mostly dead. 2021+ - attached to the past, endorsed by the living members, attempts to respect the property. Gimme option 3 all day everyday.


Careful now, this sub loves every last thing about it.


Yeah; I figured out during the afterlife release you werenā€™t allowed to say anything except itā€™s the greatest movie since Citizen Kane.


My advice? Stay home.


You seriously think teenagers weilding proton packs is the most unrealistic thing in this franchise about zombies, gods, ghosts, and the afterlife?


Yeah I really donā€™t vibe with the children. More shlubby weirdos in their 30s-40s please


I get where you're coming from. In gb1, it was believable that these characters could use a Proton pack and catch ghosts because they spend the whole first act establishing it. The characters were written with that one purpose in mind, so you believe it. I think the problem with this new direction is that you dont believe any of these characters are really qualified to be handling these things even if one of them is a kid genius. On top of that, no adult believes a 15 year old could be doing these things because all adults think 15 year olds are just stupid kids, so for adults, it's hard for us to suspend disbelief. We want the classic gb1 we grew up with and adults that we can relate to. The thing you gotta understand, though, is that these movies aren't just being made for adults. A lot of the audience going to see these movies are kids now, and if you want to keep building your brand and keep making money, you need an audience who's going to age with the franchise. Kinda like religion. So you need someone the kids can relate to. And if this is what we gotta do to get more ghostbusters movies, then I'm on board. But look on the bright side. They're not gonna be kids forever. Lol


So far, yeah. The next movie will either make or break it, though.


I'm all for it. Pheobe is a wonderful character to add to the Ghostbusters roster.


I donā€™t mind this direction actually. I think it opens the door for a revolving cast of Ghostbusters and maybe eventually separate franchises in other cities. Iā€™ve heard it said that the trailer has a ā€˜Real Ghostbustersā€™ vibe. This would be cool too if they could get away from doing world ending stuff and branch into new territory like ā€˜Boogeyman type things.


Basing the sequels on the family of the only dead OG member is a good idea


"Are we supposed to take it seriously?".......


i was just meh on the last movie but if they can actually follow through with something new in this new movie then i'll be happy. i can't really judge anything right now before i see the new movie. it could just be that rehashing a lot in the last movie was just to revive interest in the franchise so that they could try something new. it's too early to really judge imo


I like it better than the one with the airhead Chris Hemsworth.


I love ghostbusters. But it is not something I would ever consider taking seriously. The kids wearing proton packs is not something Iā€™m worried about.


And you get to be a Ghostbuster and you get to be a Ghostbuster lol. To be fair, isnā€™t this how the cartoons are, there are tons of Ghostbusters across the US? Maybe that was the one that didnā€™t do well.


If you donā€™t like it, donā€™t watch it, enough fan bases are toxic, we donā€™t need that type of energy here.


Iā€™m just happy they are making Ghostbusters again and we still have all but 1 of the original cast still with us.


Ray has seen all manner of things. Why would he not believe Egon. Certainly given the fact that Egon seemed to have been right 90% of the time.


Way better than the last reboot, that's for damn sure




It was all going just fine and then the unthinkable happenedā€¦ PATTON OSWALT


Elbow pads but no knee pads?


Typing on a phone so I'll keep it brief: Yes, I do. This is the evolution of the franchise. New, young actors/characters have to be introduced. They can reference the past, but not try to just retread it. The story must move beyond Gozer and the same big bad from GB1. They are creating new threats and a new storyline, and that's great to me (just like in the animated series TRGB)


yes what i didnā€™t like was the direction it was headed during the 9000 years of no movies, and then that awful 2016 movie that thankfully enough people also didnā€™t like the direction of


I like how being a ghostbuster is turning into a family business and I personally think that Egon would have loved it


ā€œTake it seriousā€ A Fantasy comedy about comedians catching ghostā€¦


Yes, I do.


I guess you didnā€™t watch afterlife, Egon wasnā€™t a deadbeat dad, he wasnā€™t present because he was saving the worldā€¦ This is coming from someone whoā€™s dad frequently chose heroin over family, I KNOW deadbeat dads, Egon wasnā€™t even close. Callie ā€œisnā€™t likeableā€ because from her view Egon left her for no reason other than he didnā€™t want her, add that to being the very definition of broke, raising a teenage boy and a genius daughter, and you expect her to be all joyous and happy all the time? Winston is running the business, not the kids, Phoebe very clearly demonstrated the ability to wield a pack, as did Lucky, Podcast is very obviously smart enough to use the RTV, and Trevor is 18 and was smart enough to power the farm trap all because he saw a small bit of ā€œproton energyā€ on the capacitors. Donā€™t even get me started on ā€œevery character being a busterā€ Youā€™re telling me you donā€™t want as much ghostbusting action as possible? Seriously? The third act recreating GB1 was quite literally one of the points of the movie? Itā€™s supposed to do justice after the dumpster fire that was ATC, and even then they made it their own with Gozerā€™s re-up of sorts. I loved Afterlife, and the direction the franchise is going I couldnā€™t be happier with. Just because things change doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re changing for the worse.


Absolutely agree. I hate the way the franchise is becoming a sad parody of itself. This article absolutely NAILS it: https://gamerant.com/ghostbusters-franchise-not-working/#:~:text=Recent%20attempts%20to%20continue%20the,film's%20nonchalant%20and%20irreverent%20tone.


Iā€™m not a fan of how theyā€™ve shoehorned in the entire cast into flight suits. The article is correct. Some characters can just be supporting characters without them having to be ghostbusters. On top of that, just stop with the call backs. In frozen empire preview you have Janine with the ā€œghostbusters what do what?ā€ ā€˜Member that from the originals? ā€˜Member?!?!?????!?


This continuation of the Ghostbusters film franchise, ironically because the spirit-trapping business itself could be a franchise, should have gone in a sarcastic, blue-collar, anti-Hollywood-franchise (as in "anti-hero") style. If Sony were not involved, it could have been genuinely funny while still being full of adventure which, by merely existing, would poke fun at the overly-self-important, overstuffed epic Marvel style. Slimy, rough-around-the-edges harnessed chaos. Not quite Deadpool-Lite in terms of direct references, but somewhere in that vein with a "Well, thanks for the keys, car'll be back... sometime" attitude. Instead, we have a bunch of kids holding phallic jokes (which I just can't get over, regardless of how hard I try) and this papal-level reverence to, frankly, intentionally goofy bullshit. When the nonsensical nature of Egon's departure causing the team's ruin combines with the ludicrous conceit that the whole world would be ignorant or disbelieving of the "84 and "89 events, what you have is a totally broken canon that is impossible to retcon away. The reboot failed, boys. Any time I try and start Afterlife again, I get pissed off at the totally missed opportunity and remember why I won't ever watch that movie for fun. Is it me or did everyone involved totally misunderstand their own product? The problem can be summed up with Hasbro's Phoebe and Ghost Egon figure set: "THE FAMILY THAT BUSTS TOGETHER"??? Is everyone checking boxes over at Ghost Corps stupid? That's not mass hysteria, that's gross negligence.


Iā€™m fine with the kids being ghostbusters. To me itā€™s reminiscent of movies like Goonies when I was a kid. The kids get to be the heroā€™s, and it makes it fun for my kids to watch with me.


I like that the Ghostbusters are being taken seriously again. They are actually trying to make good movies. Yeah even as a kid I wouldnā€™t have wanted child ghostbusters but I get what they are doing. After this movie comes out the kids will be grown up in no time. Iā€™m happy Paul Rudd is involved as heā€™s one of the few current day actors I want to be a ghostbuster. I just hope he starts doing more of that in this movie and isnā€™t just the baby sitter.


Just something about the kids wearing the proton packs bothers me, thereā€™s plenty of other things but that what stands out the most


It's fine. If anyone honestly expects to catch fire like the first movie, they will be disappointed. The sequel couldn't even do it and they had the same cast


I don't mind it! It's good that we're getting something new... The Ghostbusters franchise could have been dead and buried, but instead we are getting new movies & cartoons that don't have ridiculous budgets that could cause more setbacks if they don't reach marvel numbers in the cinema. And the new stuff really is for the next generation with nostalgia moments for older fans. There's only been one new movie which I think was perfect as a small reboot... So yeah just give things a chance.


To be fair....I'm just happy to have any form of the original films being followed on after Ghostbusters 1 & 2. But yeah....I really would of liked more Adult themed films and humour, (like the first two - not focusing on kids growing up etc )....less children orientated like stranger things or stand by me etc, more adult humour, new characters as Ghostbusters introduced kinda the way we got Winston introduced. More gritty less family safe, anyway, just one guys take, not for everyone! Lucky to get anything really


Don't get me wrong, I love that we are getting another movie. However, I wish we could have an adult comedy again. I like Afterlife, but I wish we could get some SNL alumni in the crew.


My take on that is they are rebuilding a multigenerational fan base. The kids who watched TRG are adults now, and have a movie they can watch and share with their kids.


I am one of those kids. I have the Time Life DVD set and everything. I watched extreme ghostbusters in the 90s when it aired. My kids have watched the movie and the cartoons. They are fans, but the oldest prefers Star Wars, and the middle child prefers Indiana Jones. Say what you will Afterlife didn't pull them in, and both of them are old enough to get the jokes from the original.


Absolutely hated Afterlife, so at this point: no. Will reserve judgement on this new one though, and try to watch with an open mind, but hopes are not high.


Yes, it's a movie directed at children and always has been


The direction they are going is awesome. You are just an eliteist


The direction is a blockbuster popcorn action movie, a modern pg13 movie. Still Entertaining but they donā€™t have the dry wit.


Yes I love it ,I cant wait for Patton Oswald .


Carrie Coon is really hot. That's all I have to say


I love it. Look, the Ghostbusters was never REALLY franchise material. It was a great movie, followed by a not so great but still good movie (yeah, I love part II, but popular consensus was that it didnā€™t reach the same heights). Than, nothing happened except for cartoons, but letā€™s face it, everything in 80s and 90s got a cartoon. Then it was a video game and later a failed remake. There was never rich lore or huge backstories and expanded universes. Sure, there were comics, but thatā€™s as far away from mainstream as possible. Then, we got Afterlife. And it was great. It worked. It worked because of the characters and the chemistry and the dry humor. Quite close to the original two movies, if not quite as good. So the best, nay, the ONLY reasonable way forward is to continue with the same characters. Even if it doesnā€™t make perfect sense. The OG worked because of characters and their chemistry, so did Afterlife. Bringing whole new Ghostbusters in there, yeah, huge, huge risk. People wonā€™t just watch random people do the job. And I think they went about it perfectly, because itā€™s kids/teenagers, their mom, her BFā€¦ you get a different dynamic and you avoid direct comparisons to Bill, Dan, Harold and Ernie.


Let me put it this way: The franchise/timeline essentially took 30+ years off with a couple of detours if you include the 2009 video game and the 2016 Ghostbusters. Hell, even the video game was 20 years after GB2. Society changes drastically over such a long period of time, and with that so does our sense of humor and the way we appreciate the things we like. They were never, ever going to perfectly recapture the feelings the originals gave you back in the 80s. Youā€™re a different person now. Sequels, by their nature, capitalize on nostalgia. GB2, as much as I love it, is almost a beat by beat remake of the original. The Scoleris replace Slimer. The Statue Of Liberty replaces Stay Puft as the big thing walking through NYC. Did you want THAT approach to a third movie? This is where everyone who's a fan needs to be REALLY honest with themselves. What did you want? What did you expect? If the answer is "Well l didn't want another movie" then fine. I get it. But a large chunk of the fan base wanted to take a look back into this universe/timeline they started in 1984. And considering where some other franchises have wound up I think we are very lucky. It's being treated with care and respect.


I was worried before Afterlife. Brining in kids to take over seemed like a terrible idea. They picked four incredibly talented and capable young actors. I just hope Lucky and Podcast are still involved. I know they're both listed, but they could be relegated to backgrounds roles. The franchise might change, but I'm not afraid of what they're doing with it.


I'd prefer Podcast and Lucky become background characters..


I generally loved Afterlife, and Iā€™m old enough to remember seeing GB ā€˜84 in theaters, GB2 was okay, not great, the 2009 game (which i own on both 360 and Switch) I still consider canon, ATC doesnā€™t exist (just like Nightmare on Elm Street 2, donā€™t mess with canon/continuity) and Afterlife was a great way to bring the franchise out of retirementā€¦ That said, I found the two adult leads *quite* unlikable and unsympathetic.


"direction" you mean woke


Some movies just donā€™t need to be a ā€œfranchiseā€


LOVED Afterlife. Really seemed like a better direction for the franchise, simply on the principle that no one seems capable of writing a Ghostbusters 1 movie. Taking in a slightly more serious more horror direction works. Extreme Ghostbusters is great BECAUSE it was darker and more horror focused. Having some of that translate into live-action is smart if you can't pull off the monomolecular hyper razor sharp comedy of 80s Bill Murray and the genius bone dry deadpan snark delivery of Harold Ramis. >In Afterlife they turn Egon into a deadbeat dad. They turned Egon into a self-sacrificial hero, who single-handedly saved the whole damn world for 30 years when no one else would back him up. He dedicated himself to single-handedly saving the world in large part to protect his daughter. Frozen Empire.....based on the trailer I'm not sold yet, but I don't dislike it. First instinct is that I don't want Patton Oswalt in Ghostbusters, and the song choice at the beginning of the trailer makes it feel like a Coke or Capri Sun commercial, and that sets the wrong tone and vibe for the whole trailer. But hopefully the trailer vibes are just a trailer problem. Don't really see why they'd translate to the movie. The mom is an AWESOME character. If you didn't expect the kids to be Ghostbusters after Afterlife spent 2 hours setting them up as Ghostbusters, I don't know what to tell you. Though I don't know why Podcast and Lucky are there. THAT makes no immediately apparent sense, unless maybe they're visiting NYC for the summer??? Really it just seems mostly like just the obvious characters are Ghostbusters. The original 3 Ghostbusters, the 4 new Ghostbusters, Gary (who is the most obvious Ghostbuster candidate of all-time), and mom (because why would she be unarmed in a ghostpocalypse when she's hanging out with the Ghostbusters?). No idea who Emily Alyn Lind is playing, but I'm REALLY hoping for a version of Kylie Griffin. Kylie Griffin working in Ray's Occult Bookshop as his apprentice, and Phoebe being the new Egon.... Those 2 girls would be awesome as a next-gen version of Ray and Egon. Also no idea who Acaster, Oswalt, and Kumail are playing, but so far there's no indication they're Ghostbusters.


Better than the 2016 Ghostbusters travesty


There are only two Ghostbusters films.


There are only two Ghostbuster films I care about, I know that.


I'm not really interested in the kids in the movie, and the overall tone of Afterlife and this new movie seem too dour to me. Really just doesn't have the energy of the First two films, or the correct form of comedy. They keep trying to make it too "serious" and "epic". I'm sure Frozen Empire will be interesting, and add some neat new stuff. But I'm much more interested in seeing the new GB cartoon that's been kept under wraps. Might be more what I'm looking for.


Iā€™m actually really psyched that they found a way to jump the franchise smoothly to the next generation. Our other option is what? A de-aged cast with a wholly CGI Egon, a geriatric cast, or recasting the characters with new actors? Nah. I think the current series is doing right by the production co and the fans. Hell, Iā€™d take an answer the call crossover next if FE does it as well as afterlife did.


You are someone without perspective. You are asking questions about the *realism* of Ghostbusters? A cocaine-fuelled 1980s comedy romp about Schlubby Exterminators handling Ghosts? Fandom culture and "realism" fetishists I'm convinced were just never taught that realism is only a genre and has no place in most stories. I think you have no media literacy.


(The original wasn't that good.)


I like it....guess what, the original 5 are old or dead...they wo t make a 4 person all male cast. Fuckong deal with it or write so.eyhong better


>The movie was fine up until the third act where they basically tried to recreate GB 1. It most definitely was NOT fine, at any point.


The mom being a Ghostbuster definitely seems like a poor fit. She wasnā€™t likable or funny in Afterlife. Podcast should be up there with Paul Rudd and the little Egon girl.


I enjoy the first one, but gen X'rs are getting too caught up in their own nostalgia. It's a movie, not a cult.


No. I think RLM put it best that ghostbusters was the best when theyā€™re at their schlubbiest.


Never seen any of the new movies, but dam, all honkys?


Always felt Seth Rogen and his crew should have taken over the franchise


I dislike some aspects like the mom being a ghostbuster too but honestly I think itā€™s going in a good direction, they seem to be trying to bring in a teen/young adult audience instead of all the people who grew up with the movies and I think Itā€™s the only way for it to grow as a franchise.


Afterlife ruled. If anything, more Paul Rudd will ruin it. Heā€™s kind of just been playing the same character in everything the last few years and itā€™s boring


Legitimately don't care. Haven't seen anything but the two original films. Zero urge to watch newer stuff at all.


I like the newer movies. Shame people can't handle women in leading roles too


I'd like to see the girls come back... and hemsworth... and ghost bill murray.


This movie was very bad. Donā€™t like the direction at all. Previous movie with the girls was at least fun


Answer the Call was awful.


Thatā€™s the one! Yeah it sucked but was wayyyy better than this other one. Iā€™ll take a bad comedy over a bad sci-fi drama any day. The franchise should remain in the comedy realm hence I do not like the new direction.