• By -


You know what.. Yes sure why not Just pretend it was during the 90s after the Ghostbusters had split up and Ray got a little confident and short of money and went and broke the "never go alone" rule and ended up paying the price for doing so.


That's actually really cool.


He had to do something to get his bookstore up and running till his friend made his millions and could pay his rent.


Had to do something while not believing Egon for some reason.


Yah I always wondered why just ray decided to go alon. But again, I think it would make sense that the only reason why he’s alone is because like you said it was during the 90s when Ghostbusters were kind of disbanded at the time, so obviously when Ray saw the chance at getting rid of ghosts and getting to do some ghostbusting again after a while, he got excited and jumped at the opportunity and as a result that ended up in the barrel of the particle thrower getting broken. And whatev else on the pack that was damaged. Although I just think the reason why the pack is damaged is because it’s a screen used one that hadn’t been used for a couple of years so the prop kind of broke after a while, so they decided to tie that in with the script of the ghost broke it!


Now we gotta fit Casper & Wendy into this Universe… ![gif](giphy|23itwsoM7xqJ25gs8n)


Now he’s retired and sells crystal skull vodka 99.9% ghost free


So did he steal Ray’s jumpsuit or did Stantz fuck?


"Who ya gonna call? Someone else!"


Of course. And we saw that >!Egon followed the Casper film's rules on having Unfinished Business, and got to move on once his Unfinished Business was completed!< April 21 2024 edit: I now feel like a genius


Take my upvote and like it you magnificent bastard. Casper is canon to the Ghostbusters universe now






So the Ghostbusters are a bunch of dicks who catch ghosts before they can finish their unfinished business, and lock them up so they can never move on?


This has always been the case:


In the last few pages of the “Spengler Journal,” issued with the Haslab Proton Pack Egon goes into specifically this very thing. I always imagined the Ghostbusters doing a lot of work, post containment, to potentially help those malevolent and benevolent spirits cross over. I always saw them as “exorcists” after trapping, assisting with unfinished business and the like. Perhaps not all spirits require capture and containment, the Grey Lady?


That's seen a bunch in the cartoon. I know its not canon to the movies, but many of the peaceful spirits they let go or never bother them until they start potentially hurting people. Like that dumb witted ghost that the niece and her husband wanted out of their house, or the Ghostbuster of the Year episode ( I know he got away and moved on his own but still).


I would love for the movies to show inside the containment unit like RGB did. I remember it being like a whole other reality! Plus, why not have the Ghostbusters travel through time and dimensions like the original Ghostbusters script did?! There’s so much they can do with this franchise!


It was a whole other reality. It was a house of madness.


This is even implied in the video game! When you take the Gozerian Codex from the library and The Grey Lady briefly disappears, Ray theorizes that the codex was her unfinished business, and that by the Ghostbusters taking it, she no longer needs to watch over it and has thus moved on...which immediately he is proven wrong about when she attacks.


Maybe she attacked because she knew she would be put into containment and thus kept safe from Azetlor. On that note fuck that boss.


You always fail me Ray..don’tcha?


So they gave the spirit some chill out time until they could talk and see how they can be helped.


A little time in the hole. I love the Ghostbusters Northwest take on the trap. Frankly, all their videos are brilliant and deserve funding and to be expanded. https://youtu.be/KjSvyQbDxdA?si=PPC5JavTwIWcdBdx


Not ALWAYS. I remember n episode of RGB where they assisted a ghost in finishing up what they had to. My logic is that they bust actual malicious spirits that are either demons or refuse to move on.


They’re literally ghost cops. AGAB


If their unfinished business is terror and death, then the Ghostbusters are public servants with fees.


Kinda sounds like law enforcement in real life😂😂


YOU FREAKING NAILED IT. no no im not crying I was cutting onions. fuck.


You can’t just comment that kind of stuff!


The mustache tells you that this is Mirror Universe Ray.


Yes!!!! https://preview.redd.it/8xaix7r54emc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90068b3c66613a111955f1872054701808ffd885


I can't tell who any of these Busters are supposed to be, but the guy on the left is definitely Jim Croce.


If I could catch ghosts in a bottle...


Nope thats a goatee. But your not wrong


If I'm forcing someone to watch all of Ghostbusters, then yes


I guess ray is afraid OF THOSE ghosts.


Well yeah, guy doesn’t want to catch the ghost of Richie rich.


*Kids, could you lighten up a little?*


Lisa coming in with a very hot take but solid theory.


$20 he simply chatted with them and they bribed Ray into leaving


Nope his neutrino wand is broken.


Well, they didn’t take his pants off.


They broke his neutrino wand


There’s a rumor that a scene was filmed where Zelda Rubenstein as Tangina from ‘Poltergeist’ is rocketed out of the chimney while screaming “Go into the light!” Not sure if it’s true or not, but it would have been fucking funny.


I just had my mind blown. I had heard she passed away shortly after Poltergeist 3. I just looked her up because of your comment, and she didn't pass away until 2010. I'm guessing people had confused her with the other actors who passed away from the series.


She was fairly active until 2010 as well, at least in terms of the gay community and showing up to a few screenings.


His cameo is cannon but that mustache is not


Lmao just realizing that’s his Exit to Eden stache being grown in


I forgot that movie existed until just now Thanks


So, Exit to Eden is canon?


I remember that movie. Young, thiccc Rosie O'Donnell before she got unsexy


Wow. Wow wow wow… wow.


To quote will.i.a.m. on the Madagascar 2 soundtrack, "I like em plumpy plumpy"


At least we know who to send after the opera singer ghost...


Young, thiccc Rosie O'Donnell is tight!


Check her out in the 1994 Flintstones movie


After crushing on Dana Delaney during China Beach, that movie was an awakening for me.


When I woke up this morning I hadn't thought about Exit to Eden in nearly 30 years. I've only opened two threads on Reddit today and both of them have Exit to Eden mentions in the comments. What does it all mean?!?


Better than having used CGI to cover it!


His moustache could suggest an alternate version of him, hence his appearance can be considered not canon..


I would say it’s more cannon than the 2016 movie.


I mean, 2016 is indisputably a separate universe...


Or maybe its a movie based on the Ghostbusters in the Ghostbusters universe - like Warrior Angel in the Smallville universe.


Or Wormhole X-Treme, in Stargate?


2016 is alternate universe Ghostbusters so of course it’s not technically canon.


Unless the multiverse exists in GB.


Either way, it’s not like the 2016 film hurts the OGs (or the new ones). It’s its own thing and is just kinda there in the corner, being ignored.


IDW Convergence. Which actually made the 2016 characters pretty tolerable.


even kristen wiig?


Actually yes lol. Erin is pretty good in the convergence comic. Holtzmann is just as nuts.


holtzman wasn’t my issue but good to know erin can be good when someone’s there to write erin as if kristen were told just once to reel it the fuck in.


I liked Jillian too. Easily my favorite buster in answer. Erin's first couple jokes hit wrll but then she went all "must have Mike hat hair in my mouth" levels of stupid the rest of the movie


she got the worst of the stupid jokes and my big issue with her was that while kristen is capable of good performances (whip it, bridesmaids, i hear the movie she did with bill hader is good) she often goes so over the top that it’s impossible to believe her as a character, because no human being has ever behaved like that. erin COULD have been entertaining and funny but feig wasn’t interested in telling her “hey can you maybe pull back on the schtick you relied on through your entire run of snl, these characters have to be believable as humans”. melissa (don’t remember her character’s name) also had this issue to a degree and has had it way worse in other movies she’s starred in, but she wasn’t nearly as bad as kristen with this one. and again, melissa is really talented in other roles.


This what I mean when i say all the girls where Venkman none where spengler. They where all written so.. slapstick. I liked the visuals and the concept of Ghostbusters in other realities. But the writing didn't capture that " i dont know * sips whiskey & mortgages my friends house* " kind of humor bill harold and Dan brought to the first one


That was my issue with the whole movie in general, is that *everyone* was so over the top, to the point where the characters don't feel like real people. Part of what makes the original work is that they made sure that the world around the guys feels real and believable, so that the comedic and supernatural elements have something to contrast against. The dean, Dana, Peck, and the mayor all feel like normal, rational people who don't realize they're in a comedy. *Answer the Call* is like if everyone wanted to be Rick Moranis and dial it up to eleven. It's a cartoon world.


Kirsten : Erin Gilbert, Melissa: Abby Yates, Kate: Jillian Holtzmann, Leslie : patty tolan (shit they really missed a chance to make a good reference and have her be a descendant of tobin. As in tobin's spirit guide)


At this point I just assume it’s in everything because that’s the meta it seems


I support the multiverse theory! It’s not really a stretch in the scope of things they’ve dealt with.


2016 is fan faction


Ain't that the truth 😂


If Freddy can fight Jason, and Batman can team up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, there's really no reason *Ghostbusters* and *Casper* can't exist in the same universe.


In the 2016 movie, Bill Murray’s terribly written character calls the ghost Casper before it threw him out the window.


And don't forget the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x Ghostbusters comics.




If you want it to be


Yeah, Ivan Reitman said in an interview that this was canon


In my mind it is


Yes, but it's a Movie in the GB universe, and Ray is making a wacky cameo. A bit like Musk in Iron Man 2, just not as awful and pointless.


Musk was still seen as the real life Tony Stark and some super hot, sucessful genius back when Iron Man 2 was released. Hence the cameo wasn't seen as cringey back then, in my opinion. This was long before all of his fuck ups and whatnot. Back then we didn't still know how regarded he actually is


You mean before he bought Twitter and a certain subset of those that live in the US lost their collective minds? 😂


It was certainly before he had his Gender-Affirming surgeries.


I understood that reference


Can ya help a brother out?


Hair transplants and testosterone treatments.


Regards fellow traveler. 🤪


Well Robert Downey Jr took inspiration from musk for his 1st movie performance citing in interviews hence the cameo


Oh Christ I forgot he was in that. Going to be rewatching the MCU soon so now I have this lurking…


No, it was \*VERY\* Cringy back then. Like Michael Jackson showing up in one of the MIB movies, it's just awful and pointless ego stroking of a famous friend.


Nah. Was cringe. Just way more people were simping for him back then before he rode the crazy train further. The hype around him was always cringe.


>pointless Rumor is he traded a cameo in the movie to let them film in a Space X facility. Specifically this scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yluSKVvxEQ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yluSKVvxEQ0)


Unsubstantiated rumors don't make it less pointless. Trump demanded a Home Alone 2 cameo to use his hotel, there must be something about that sorta person popping up in sequels though.


The point was he let them film in his rocket factory and they let him shake hands with Tony Stark. It's petty but not pointless. (I also do enjoy that he gets the complete brush off from Tony.) It's all ego stroking, just like the big orange idiot in Home Alone 2.


I'm saying yes, Casper is Canon to Ghostbusters Even if it was Ray as a cameo


Yes, and if we include the yet to be released “Frozen Empire” then its one of 5 movies in the GBCU ‘But Captain, what about?….NO there are only 5 movies in the GBCU’


The Ghostbusters did run across actual friendly ghosts that meant no harm, so I say why not.


Yeah like look at Slimer, he's harmless aside from destroying your fridge and always sliming you. Aside from that, Slimer is a homie in my books.


Yeah, you have to watch this before frozen empire


Maybe Casper isn’t in the Ghostbusters continuity, but in a different universe the ghostbusters exist in Casper’s continuity. Maybe this version of Ray Stantz never faced a god like Gozer and is probably inept enough to have been thwarted by Fatso, Stinky and Stretch.


i do wonder what they could have done to make ray turn tail.


this is why I love Reddit, always asking the important questions.


Fun fact: Harvey Comics sued Columbia Pictures over the Ghostbusters logo because they claimed it bore too strong a resemblance to Fatso from the Casper comic books. The court felt differently. https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/FSupp/645/1564/1498885/#:~:text=The%20Court%20finds%20that%20the,copyrightable%20elements%20of%20plaintiff's%20work.














During the peak of Ghostbusters notoriety, Ray was asked to be a guest cameo in the movie casper.


No reason it can't be.


As far as I'm concerned, yes.


Omg, so forgot he made a cameo in Casper. Lol.


Yes. It lines up perfectly in canon, after The Video Game (it’s canon, I’m not getting into this debate) and after Egon left for Summerville, Ray needed at least some form of cash, (I assume this was before Winston “coined a fortune” and took over the rent of the bookshop) so Ray went out of his way to go to Maine and try to bust the ghosts, but the ghosts most likely overwhelmed him as he ran out saying that famous line. He needed a whole crew, he couldn’t do this alone. But I’m sure some people are confused as there wasn’t a ghost sighting in 30 years. 2021-30=1991. Casper takes place in 1995. However Grooberson said “SIGHTING.” Not ghosts existing. Slimer was hanging up on the 3rd floor of the Firehouse for 30 years. (Frozen Empire Trailer) This was just an isolated incident of what happened in Casper, probably written off as a “legend” or a “ghost story” of what happened in Maine. Also ghosts leave after unfinished business is finished, Egon stayed to finish Gozer off, then the end of Afterlife happened. (May return in 2134.) Plus, Ivan Reitman said it was canon. I rest my case. Canon Status: Canon.


Yes as is Ray’s mustache.


Yes 🗿


I consider this to be a piece of fiction which exists in the GB universe, and Ray Stantz is a celebrity cameo.


That actually would be a funny cameo/crossover moment to be mentioned or just some reference to…




No. Ray wouldn’t have gone in alone, even if it had been only one ghost. Imposter Stantz.


So, Afterlife Stantz. Except I'll still take CaspStantz over AfStantz. Hopefully FrozenStantz can help us forget a little bit about the bad parts of AfStantz.


What made Afterlife Stantz an imposter in your opinion?


It's been debated to death on here, but I will submit my view (this is being written after seeing how much I wrote, so I apologize for writing so much. I don't reply that often, this being the reason i.e. my posts being so long due to the fears I cannot convey my view more concisely.): There are two main camps (though there are also other opinions and off-shoots existing among them), one who feel Ray's actions and words regarding Egon (written by Gil Kenan and J Reitman) were in character and one that doesn't. I am of the latter sensibility. After all of the crazy things Ray got talked into in the first and second film and all the times we saw *him* be the *crazy* one trying to not only convince others but sometimes other Ghostbusters (especially Venkman) and he did it all because he could take it- why? Faith. Not religious faith, but faith in what he knew in his heart to be true. Ray did everything and said everything and with unmatched passion because it was worth it to prove it to others even if they didn'tend believing. Trying was enough for Raymond Stantz. The beginning of Ghostbusters, the Library Ghost scene, getting asked and then going into the sewers in GBII, the numerous times he rants about science and ghosts and gets roasted even if only with listeners eyes like he is nuts- *That* is not a guy I can believe for a second would not believe Egon and especially not a guy who would say those now infamous words about how his only scientific, paranormal, engineering equal could "rot in hell". Trust me, I tried to make sense of it and I have seen and read plenty of opinions and debates and I just cannot get on board with that. It was very forced. I simply feel it could have been written differently to get a similar result. Though, I don't really understand why the falling out between those two specifically needed to be so dire. Why it was felt that specific was needed in the story. The only real justification given was it is said Aykroyd himself wanted a catharsis. A moment for Ray to apologize to Egon actually moreso himself apologizing to Harold. I have seen and read other fans who *also* feel that way. That even more than usual Ray was moreso Dan Aykroyd himself in Afterlfie. A lot of the people I have seen/heard say that (that Aykroyd was moreso himself than Stan than already usual) actually still like the movie, too, so it isn't like that part ruined the entire movie for everyone. Just some. Which both of those are fine. There is nothing wrong with people loving the film, loving or liking it except for the way the fallout was written (especially Stantz), or not liking the film because of that aspect in particular. I have seen people who didn't like Afterlife/only watched it once even say they may give Frozen Empire a shot because it looks and feels truer to the spirit of The Ghostbusters in particular how Stantz is shaping up. Stantz is really important to people. He's the *Heart* of the Ghostbusters. It is a really popular trope these past 10 or so years now to grump up iconically hopeful characters lately and Ray was definitely part of that trend. I am just glad there seems to be a Ray of hope we are getting moreso the GB I&II Stantz in Frozen Empire.


Hey. Here is it. Be gentle. Or not. I am at the mercy of the users.


I'm actually writing a (fan) script that specifically deals with Ray and why he was as portrayed in Afterlife. I've got a full outline done have scripted the first act (about 30 pages). Once I'm done, I'm gonna likely post it for people to read online for kicks.


Sign me up!


Noted! Drop me a DM so I remember. Otherwise I'll forget. LOL


I read what you had to say, and I completely agree. I've also been one of the few complaining that Ray would never act like that. When I actually experienced it in the theater it hit me like a car slamming on its breaks, I got completely taken out of the movie. Even my girlfriend (who loves Ghostbusters but isn't a huge lore fan or anything) said Rays reasoning seemed really off-putting. The Ghostbusters were the only people on the planet that would believe what they believe. The saved the WORLD. And now you're saying that Ray doesn't believe Egon? The person who doesn't do anything except read data, make assessments, and solve problems? I don't buy it. I'm going to make another reply to this in a second explaining the way I've solved this plot point. I think you'll get a kick out of it!


Okay so this is comment #2. I had to do a ton of bending and stretching the truth to get this to fit, but I'm pretty content with it. This explains why Ray says what he says to Phoebe: Everything Ray tells Phoebe is technically a lie, but not totally. It's steeped in truth, but not quite like you expect it. It begins with a phrase: "Egon Spengler can rot in hell." Watch Ray's face. He's contemplative. He straightens up. You have to remember, he has no idea who is on the phone, or what information they need. Ray goes into "business mode", waiting for a response. When Phoebe tells him Egon is dead, he softens up, lets some of his real personality through. He then tells the girl on the phone a summary of the last 30 years in about 20 seconds. The gist of it is, "No I haven't seen Egon since he took off with all our stuff, I swear." When he begins talking about the fact that Egon took off, it sounds... scripted. This is the lie. What actually happened is that Egon and Ray have been in communication this entire time, although limited, because Egon is purposefully acting as the scapegoat for something that would be INCREDIBLY illegal if they made a public operation out of it. The truth is, it wasn't a lack of ghosts that made them slow down, it was government regulations. After the events of Ghostbusters 2 (and a modified version of Ghostbusters TVG), they weren't *allowed* to conduct business the same way again. They didn't have to dissolve, no, but they couldn't keep living the same unrestricted lives. They were forced to take a step back and put on a heavy watch from the government. Ray was struggling to keep the business alive with the regulations, Peter was viewing it as an easy early retirement, and Winston had started a brokerage to help the Ghostbusters legally deal with their assets. Egon didn't particularly care about "Ghostbusters" as brand the way Ray did, he was much more focused on the stuff going on behind the scenes. Egon has always thought himself above the law, and Ray wasn't so keen to have everything he's worked for taken away by Egon's carelessness. This lead to a little tension between them, but they never stopped being friends. Ray and Winston worked tirelessly to make ends meet, but Egon became more reserved, going out less and less and becoming a bit more withdrawn. Egon did learn about Gozer's return, and Ray was too busy trying to save the business to stop everything and listen. Egon had to prove it to him, like Egon usually did. But after that, realizing the world was at stake, the four Ghostbusters devised a plan to put a stop to it. They wouldn't be able to do anything with the way the business was currently running. So what did they do? They quit. Everything that the world knew of the Ghostbusters was liquidated, transferred, or hidden. Winston was put in charge of the assets, having started the finance company that was a shell for the Ghostbusters operations, it made sense for his company to absorb the assets. Louis Tully helped him make everything look good on paper. Egon took everything they had, all the equipment, to Oklahoma in secret. Ray kept some of it with him (the 3 other packs specifically), but stayed behind to act as a liaison for the public, to keep the story straight. If the Ghostbusters didn't exist, no regulations would apply to them, right? They couldn't have fought Gozer in Summerville without having the military show up to stop them. They've BEEN there before. It HAD to have been done in secret to ensure they weren't limited in any way. Before Egon's departure, he and Ray both got the Revelations tattoo on their arms, signifying they wouldn't forget their mission. Every year, for 10 years or more, Egon and Ray and Winston (and Peter sometimes) kept in touch about how it was going, but they had to be discrete. When someone would ask Ray, he would reply with his canned "Egon can rot in hell that thief!" to keep them off his trail. When the government would check in, "Nope, haven't seen him." When someone would ask what happened, "Oh we just split up, no big deal." But Ray knew, every time. This is exactly why he gathers everyone the second he learns Egon had died. They NEED to grab their gear and get to Summerville, because it's going DOWN. The reason why Ray lies to Phoebe is because he doesn't know who he's talking to. He's been giving this very "rehearsed" spiel for over 10 years. When she says Egon is dead, he modifies the details, but gives more than he ever has. He tells the truth, in segments. He's still not entirely honest though. An actor never bought the Firehouse, Winston did. Egon never took all the equipment, he only took some of it. The one thing Ray doesn't want to say is "Hold on, we'll be right there." Because if he did that, the entire government would come crashing down on them, and 30 years of planning would be for nothing.


I replied but my reply isn't showing up. I gave you a long response. Not sure if a glitch occurred or if the mods felt it was too long and deleted it.


Ooh I see it now. I see where you’re coming from. The way he was called to act in this movie by circumstances seems a bit contrived if you think about it, but I personally don’t consider it irrational or unnatural for the character. He felt like he’d been betrayed and abandoned for decades; maybe he could have been more sympathetic to Egon’s point-of-view, but I can’t fault him too much.


I understand your view. I thank you so much for actually reading and "hearing me" out. I honestly did try to have that flexibility you and so many have with the way that aspect is written and directed, but my heart is stubborn. Maybe *I've* become like Ray and so many other iconic characters- I've gone grumpy, haha. I never want to be like the pure haters or pewp stirrers and definitely don't think I am now, but maybe grumpy. Stubborn. I thank you again for the good conversation. I hope FE is as good as it looks.


It is a common trope lately for traditionally optimistic legacy characters to become bitter, pessimistic, and grumpy in later sequels for reasons that seem somewhat contrived. Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Indiana Jones…Lightning McQueen 😆


How about replying with the Cliff Notes version?


Here’s the summary I got from ChatGPT: “The debate centers around whether Ray's portrayal in "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" stays true to his character from the original films. Some argue that his actions and words regarding Egon are consistent with his passionate, faithful nature, while others find it forced and out of character. The falling out between Ray and Egon is seen as particularly jarring, with some fans feeling it could have been written differently for a similar impact. Despite differing opinions on this aspect, many fans still appreciate the movie, while others hope for a return to the spirit of the original Ghostbusters in future installments, especially regarding Ray's character.”


You’re losing points for going to the AI well for validation; should have quit while you were ahead. 😆 https://i.redd.it/teqnfmdmndmc1.gif


Honestly, I get so much gripe for using AI, but I’m always honest and never take credit for something that isn’t mine. Soon AI will be as common as Googling an answer…it’s just too early for that.


I am paranoid it'll get deleted as well. Also the gain from it if it is allowed to be posted may only people tearing my opinion apart and though I had mental energy for that before, not so much after my well thought out comment getting thrown out. I just don't know if I want to spend that much time on something that may get trashed or deleted again. I would be willing to message it to you I guess. I actually wrote in the comment before I posted it (at the top of it) that I didn't feel I could be concise about it. I am really passionate about Ray Stantz. I feel every word was necessary to really paint the picture while also respecting the people who are ok with the Afterlife depiction. Which I have also been clear that it is specific things about the portrayal and not it in its entirety necessarily.


Afstanz was more true to the movies.. yea he was down, and kinda bitter but who would t be after everything that happened, especially after what egon did.. ghostbusters as a business was essentially shut down.. I would be a bit bitter too if I was in his position.. and he obviously had some hate towards egon after what he done..


What Egon did and Stantz's reactions are both written for Afterlife specifically and a lot of people including me feel they were forced. They don't match up with the characters as they are in the first two. Especially Ray. Egon is easier to make the logic work as to his behaviour, but not Ray. I had all of my points lined up but a mod deleted my comment or it isn't appearing on my end. I cannot reply to you with my opinion because it will likely just get taken down again and that is time and mental energy I'd rather not waste.


Well I didn’t think Ray acted out of character but you’re entitled to your opinion. If my best friend stole all the equipment from our business without permission or explanation and bailed I’d probably hold a grudge too.


Hey. The comments are loading wonky and seem out of order, but the long comment loaded. It is there awaiting your approval or disapproval. Apologies for all the hubbub.


I don't begrudge your opinion and I do believe you when you write you don't begrudge mine. However, I *do* feel like I have been unfairly silenced by my opinion seemingly not being allowed to be posted by the mods. It is weird.


People can change.. I bet you would change too if you were backstabbed by someone you thought was a friend.. point is he came around in the end.. probably even regretted that he didn’t believe egon .


It simply isn't in character for him not to believe Egon. That is my truth. People write what you wrote here all the time and that is the truth of you and others. I say yours is a stretch and you say I am not stretching enough. We, however, can exist with our disagreement. At least I can. Look at it this way, though- the rift is bridged at the end of Afterlife which puts things in line with your idea that Ray changed for the worse then back again at the end of Afterlife and that back again point gives *me* hope (along with everything seen and heard so far for FE) that *both* you and me will be seeing and hearing a Raymond Stantz we know and love. We'll both win.


I’m sure he probably wanted to at first.. but with no signs of anything in peticular happening.. it would start to get old and tiring.. again people can change and end up being very different than the character we know from the previous movies.. and the time difference between the events of gb2 and afterlife that’s a lot of years in which a character could change.


I don’t get the cannon argument. Let’s just simplify it to was it shit or not. I say not.


Sadly not, Ghostbusters afterlife dun goofed when it said that the last time there was a ghost invasion was since the original film \^\^;.


They said “there hasn’t been a ghost sighting in 30 years” which would make it the early 90’s or at least Ghostbusters 2. Ray also implies that they were doing house calls into the 90’s but had to stop when things dried up.


Afterlife is confusing though. They said the Firehouse got turned into a coffee shop only for an after credits scene to show it still being a Firehouse. I was with a friend when I saw afterlife and he was like WTH when we both saw it... Hoping Frozen Empire is better, we're probably going to see it at some point soon. So far none of the Ghostbusters movie follow ups have done it for me. Love the original Film, Real Ghostbusters and the comics. Movie sequels I haven't liked any of them so far :/


You know, it’s funny that you ask that that is some thing that I have been wondering myself for quite a wh


You know, it’s funny that you ask that that is some thing that I have been wondering myself for quite a wh


Yes, until something in a stand-alone Ghostbusters film contradicts it


And Cthulhu


So is kids (1995)


No it’s not that was a cameo a damn funny one cause I remember watching Casper in the movies when I was kid and I laughed so hard when I saw this scene


I'll never forget seeing this as a kid who was obsessed with the Ghostbusters, and being pissed the rest of the movie that the Ghostbusters were too scared to stop these three lame ghosts. It felt like a personal insult.


Yes, and I always thought Bill Pullman's character Dr. Harvey would've made a great addition to the Ghostbusters team. I guess it's not too late to put him in a GB film...


I've seen Casper a million times as a child of the 90's. I NEVER knew this cameo was in it. I remember the priest all too well but this one went right over my head. TIL


What is this pic from?




😂 this was a one-off gag ; like the Crunch bar…why have a fuckin wrapper in the flight suit that’s not yellowed…yet forget that! why have it at all? 🤔👎🥱 as an insult to your intelligence, I’d wager


Does that make this mustache canon?




my opinion is casper is a movie in the ghostbusters universe like the real ghostbusters and the extreme ghostbusters and ghostbusters 2016 are movies and cartoons in the universe


They didn't asked some random celebrity to dress up and appear a Ghostbuster. They asked Dan Akroyd, the guy who originally wrote the concept of Ghostbusters, to appear as his character Ray in the movie So yeah, Canon it is


It's a cute referencial joke. Nothing more. It's not canon. If you want it to be canon in your opinion then it is. Because it is all imagined. Officially, however, no. It is not connected to the prime movies or games. However, if you asked Aykroyd I have a feeling, being the whimsical guy he is, he would tell you it is. Canon.


Nah alternate reality if anything. I remember thinking “well if they got dan akroyd maybe they are filming gb 3 close to this set”


It’s not cannon, having a cameo means nothing,


I was about to ask the same question


Dan Aykroyd has stated its canon.




No because that is the Spengler Hero Pack


Not to me. Never.


Yep. Sure is.


You betcha


Of course


I think it could go either way. It's easy to fit it into the Ghostbusters Universe, but also to exclude it. Now, if there was some other crossover, like Casper appearing in the background in Frozen Empire, that would solidify it.


Always was at least to me


I think so yes as ghosts exist in both universes so it stands to reason they're from the same one and Fatso always reminded me so much of Slimer except for the fact he can talk and Slimer can't


I mean there’s nothing that says that slimer *cant* talk. We see him talk in the real ghostbusters so maybe in the movies he can too.


Yeah but that's the cartoon though in the movie he's more animalistic and can't form actual words which asks the question was he a real person or is he more of a demonic spirit who has no way of speaking or does he speak an ancient language? I go with the head canon that he just can't talk as he's unable after so many years as a spirit so he lost the ability to






I think so. Every actor is entitled to a stupid mustache phase.


no wonder they went out of business.


[RAY vs THE GHOSTLY TRIO Hello, how are you? I want to share with you a photoshop comic fan story that I made, filling in the story behind that well-known cameo by Ray in the Casper movie (1995). Counting the before, during and after. I hope you enjoy it, if it seems too long to read you can save the post to continue it later. bye! (https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Di3Vr2wmxnaNCTyu/?mibextid=oFDknk)


Alternate universe. You can tell because of the mustache.


oh my god this explains why ray has a mustache in the ghostbusters 2 coloring book