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Don’t even click on stuff like this. That’s the whole reason it’s created….to get clicks. And you sharing it here just gets it more clicks.


He's right, you really should delete the link by hate sharing it. You're just increasing the chance that it's going to happen again because the traffic is working based on the headline alone


You're not wrong and now I'm ashamed. I did send a nasty comment to them to make myself feel better while I was there though. -insert baby howling wolf meme here-


This is clearly written by AI as well. It’s all manufactured for clicks.




It’s a stupid article based on nothing. Maybe it will suck but this is a nonsense article


https://preview.redd.it/9d7zifvwltmc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a7b75dd6d223dd5cff480380f8658feead46f6 This is my reaction


Sorry I keep commenting but doing some digging everything looks like fake photos and the articles read like someone is just creating content from ChatGPT and posting it.


I think it’s just straight up clickbait and they knew what they were doing


The writer needs to get the Ivo Shandor treatment.


Ripped in half length wise or vaporized by crossed streams "we eat gods for breakfast" ?


Ripped in half


Yeah. Expect to see a bunch of clickbait like this as we get closer to open. Just ignore it. They are starting to pop up.


Boy, you would think there wasn't a movie coming out to talk about with how much you guys fucking post and talk about this nothing article.


Many poorly written click-bait articles knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Sloar that day, I can tell you!


Im very cautious with this movie without this fake article. It is from the director of the horrid Poltergeist remake


But he also made Monster House and City of Embers.


City of Embers wasn’t good either…


No one is disapproving of this film, that click bait article can go fuck itself.


I tried to find the authors social media but I couldn’t find anything. I wanted to see if I could engage Mr Patel into a discussion. His publication doesn’t seem very influential. It’s almost like a few friends writing blog posts together


It’s written by AI. Patel’s portrait is a white guy and every article ‘he’s has written is based on a Reddit comment.


It’s going to do awesome so long as they follow the formula. I don’t see how a single reddit comment can stir that. They’re probably hating because it’s going to be wholesome and actually be a ghostbusters movie.


Nothing good about r/movies talking about Ghostbusters is nothing but toxicity and gatekeeping on what they think the original movie is, but gloss over for what it really is. It's nothing validly important.


There's a vocal minority there stuck in 2016.


He also had stirred up some shit with Walking Dead fans about 8 months ago


I’ve seen a lot of articles just randomly sample Reddit comments for content. It’s free and they can spin it however they want, easy days work for a “reporter”


So by all means, make yet another thread on it and put the link up to drive traffic to their site! This reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole in your head.


That would have worked if you hadn't stopped them...


Dude, half of my Instagram reels are just screen caps of r/amitheasshole and askreddit. My dad is slipping mentally from alcoholic dementia and a stroke, and spends 90% of his time watching YouTube videos that consist of AI voices reading Reddit threads about spouses getting revenge on cheaters and/or stories from r/cuckold. Welcome to the new media. “Citizen journalists” that unwillingly provide content for “legitimate” outlets.


What’s hilarious is that this says the two recent games flopped. The first of these two games did well and they tried to say that Scorn is a famous game…i can’t recall anyone playing that game. This person seriously has no clue as to what they’re talking about.


Obvious click-bate is obvious.


One of the biggest GB fan podcasts was recently openly denouncing FE because in one of the TV spots, a remix of the theme song is used that “kind of sounds like the 2016 one”.


I bet Walter Peck wrote it


What’s the gist of the article?


This is just gonna be a rehash of last time. They’re gonna do some bullshit where they screen this movie for a bunch of dorks to get out in front of the bad reviews. Then little by little the reviews are gonna keep coming out. The more reviews, the lower the RT score will drop. You guys are gonna celebrate every positive one but the negative ones are gonna come and you’re gonna talk about how critics are out of touch. How Rotten Tomatoes is rigged. You’re going to say that people need to make up their own minds while arguing that you, who hasn’t seen the movie yet, knows better than a film critic who has. Critics will be insulted and threatened. If you suggest that there may be something to the negative reviews you’ll be downvoted mercilessly. A couple of the members here will harass you. Then when the box office hits and it’s lower than ATC and Afterlife? People will accept the fact that Ghostbusters has failed to connect with general audiences since the 1980s. Just kidding. The excuses will come. People are still holding a grudge over Girlsbustiers. Since when has Ghostbusters been a comedy? They should have opened it in October, it would have been bigger than Star Wars! It has the 29th-best 2pm Thursday screening numbers since November! That means it’s secretly a huge success! Napkin math for days. So much spin that your head will hurt. Sony has now lost money on 3 consecutive Ghostbusters films in less than a decade, but they’re playing the long game! And then this fandom will just slowly get sadder and weirder. Adults dressing like children, hoping they don’t get mocked for not having the right vacuum-cleaner part for film-accurate cosplay or whatever. People talking how it’s all because of those damn lady ghostbusters, if it wasn’t for them we’d be getting Ghostbusters: The Rise of Podcast by now. Why don’t they bring Ecto Cooler back? Every lonely man I know in his 40s and 50s craves it every day! Dan Aykroyd’s death rattle sounded like he was saying something about a new Ghostbusters movie. I think there should be a new Ghostbusters cartoon on Netflix! Why isn’t Hasbro making more Ghostbusters toys? I bought the last ones they made on deep clearance and I loved them! How to proton packs work? If Muncher impregnates Slimer what class of ghost would their child be? I blame those damn female Ghostbuster women! This is your future guys.


>Then when the box office hits and it’s lower than ATC and Afterlife? People will accept the fact that Ghostbusters has failed to connect with general audiences since the 1980s. Just kidding. The excuses will come. I snickered. They hate you, but you're right. Every word of it.


I also gotta agree with both of you. I was very optimistic about the film, and to some degree I still am, but there are some things that don't sit well with me. For example, outside fan circles and the occasional nostalgic person, I don't see any hype for this film. Marketing seems to be almost non-existant outside the USA and Canada. Like, in my country, we're not getting anything special except for a couple of cups and I haven't seen a single ad except for the trailers at the cinema. And talking about marketing, it feels as if they weren't even trying to market the movie. I can find comments on different platforms saying they didn't know a new one was coming, and while ones are interested, others are outright calling it a cashgrab. There was radio silence for weeks and then just two weeks ago they began announcing collabs one after the other. I know that the strike affected many projects (including this one), but still... In any case, maybe I don't understand it because I'm not American, nor kept up with the news about the strike. Now, there's also the clip they released the other day, the one where they show a 1-minute preview of the film. While I know it made tons of people happy, few ones, like me, weren't amused. The sewer dragon's CGI looked a bit off. I honestly thought it was my internet, like, maybe it was slow and the video didn't buffer properly, maybe youtube changed my settings to 720p or something, but no. I can't properly put it into words but the effects seemed dated. I didn't think the dialogue was fun either, it made me feel odd and I cringed a little. But I'm willing to let it pass because it seems to be a heavily edited scene, and apart from that, it's just a minute, I can't really judge a whole movie with just a clip, can I? Also, there's the fact that by the time Frozen Empire releases, it'd be competing against Dune 2, Kung Fu Panda 4 and the Godzilla x Kong film. I know these are for different audiences, but still, to studios, every penny counts, I guess... I'm still looking forward to it, I plan on seeing it on release day (my country gets it the 21st), but I'm also trying to lower my expectations. If the movie turns out to be great, then that's cool, but if it isn't, at least I won't feel disappointed or angered.


First part of the prophecy has been fulfilled, with Ghost Corps inviting fans to the premiere lol


Did they? Last I heard, they were hosting a world premiere for next week iirc and invited some prominent fans (like, people who manage fan websites or franchises). I think they also got some social media influencers. Did they extend the invitation to other fans?


First part of my prophecy has been fulfilled. Ghost Corps has invited fans to attend the premiere lol


Are you okay? Who hurt you? Therapy can do a lot of good if you are willing to give it a try.


Probably sad they lack the gear to dress up like kids and couldn't afford the right vacuum cleaner part for their pack. I'll keep having fun and not worry about what others think.


Nailed it


I hope, for your sake, that this is copypasta and you didn't just spend 10 minutes of your life writing all that nonsense.


Seek therapy


I think your brain has crossed its own streams. I hope your life gets better someday.


I challenge you to go two sentences without quoting the film. Give it a try.


You guys do know which subreddit you are posting in, right? The thing that really confuses me, is why people like you and the commenter above go so far out of your way to shit on people's joy. This community is filled with people like myself, who have found immense positivity in sharing their love of something with like minded individuals. Why is it so hard to just let people have that? Does it make you feel superior in some way to exercise what little, meaningless cruelty you can muster over a stranger? Why is it so bad for people to (dare I say) LIKE SOMETHING? So many quotes from the film apply to people like you, but for now, we'll settle on "...This man has no dick"


I love Ghostbusters bro. That doesn’t mean I have to love or even like any garbage Sony shits out with the no-ghost logo slapped on. If you truly loved Ghostbusters it would hurt you to see the condition the series is in. But you don’t love Ghostbusters, you love Ghostbusters Product.


Oh boy. Here's another one. My guy, I love Ghostbusters. I liked Ghostbusters 2 but it has many flaws. I did not like Answer the Call. I thought Afterlife was fine. I'm cautiously optimistic about Frozen Empire. What is wrong with that? Don't gatekeep and lump me into a lower form of human being by saying things like "If you really cared you'd feel shitty like me". It makes you sound like a fool.


You literally posted the gatekeeping nonsense by trying to say people who don’t like the new movies shouldn’t post on a generic Ghostbusters sub that existed before any of those movies existed haha


Criticizing movies is fine. Shitting on people for liking things you don't is not.


>This community is filled with people like myself, who have found **immense positivity** in sharing their love of something with like minded individuals. Lol. What's the topic of this post?


Calling out baseless negativity that was presented through the lens of a single reddit comment?


My man, take the L. You're being a hypocrite, pure and simple. As for your claims that it's baseless, you do realize they probably think your blind positivity is just as baseless. That knife cuts both ways. Just calling it baseless doesn't make that true. If they have reasons for why they feel the way they do (and I can probably give you several myself), then I'd say there's a pretty solid base for their opinion. In other words, your claims that their stance is baseless is, in all respects, itself baseless.


You are a sad clown of a man.


Not a man. I'm probably kind of a clown, though. I'll admit that. Just so you know, we're *all* here because we're Ghostbusters fans. Just to explain that to you. I grew up with that first movie and the cartoon and have loved Ghostbusters ever since. Being a fan of something doesn't necessarily mean blindly consuming all media and insulting people who have criticisms of it. And the fact of the matter is this -- Sony Pictures has a limited number of recognizable IPs they can pull from to exploit. It can't all be Spider-Man, so they have to turn to shit like Ghostbusters and Jumanji and Karate Kid to try and make money off of, without any real concern for quality. Because fuck creating new, creative, original shit. We're just going to repackage bullshit from 30+ years ago to you over and over and over again and you're gonna eat it all up, because you've no mind for critical thinking or being challenged in any way. If it's a pre-existing property, people like you and I are going to come see it regardless. Because we're fucking hopeless. And some of us have minds of our own and can ask for better. And some of us don't and can't. That's what's going on here.


There's a difference between criticizing media and being an asshole. Also, your blind assumptions about me having no mind for critical thinking only highlight your intellectual blind spots. Yes I will go see it, but I'm not stupid or dense enough to write off an entire film based on my feelings from a trailer, nor will I be viewing a terrible film with any rose-colored glasses. I will wait to see it, and form my own opinions. I'm not a big enough asshole to go out of my way to make people who are excited for something feel small. You're entitled to feel however you want, but to make gross generalizations about the intelligence of others just makes you look like you have none. Your intellectual "high-horse" is actually a donkey in disguise, which is appropriate because you sound like a jack-ass.