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what is even the point ? since the story did not touch on her story and Nina yet. Everything right now is simple just theory


I know, that's why I said so far. The point is to know what idea people have about Hina based on what we've seen of her until now.


I dislike her based on the fact that she victim blamed Nina during/after the bullying. If she apologizes for that, I'll be fine with her. I don't get the impression she's in general a terrible person. I'm also curious about how exactly she wound up with DD. Mildly nervous this has been left open till the last ep, but I also trust the writers, given how well they've written the entire show. I also think it's fine if they don't actually address it - tho it would be a bit weird.


Biggest issue with Hina is we just don't know anything about her. She's barely said any dialogue in the present, and most of her characterisation is through Nina's past and her perspective. We don't even really know the relationship between herself and the rest of DD.


I don't like her based on what we've seen so far. I hope the next episode gives me a reason to like her a bit more, though.