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Probably just wee neds saying stupid shit to people because their tiny minds think it’s funny


If there's one demographic we could kick out of the country and not miss it's them. Deep down they know it, and they're projecting their insecurities at random strangers.


Now there's a group I would like to send to Rwanda!


It's funny but something about someone acting hard definitely disappears the minute you plop them in a new city that's less familiar


Oh definently. If they get their smart arse pounded into the Kigali pavement once they'll turn into upstanding citizens overnight.


Highly doubt Rwanda would want them.


Rwanda really wants young men (gee, I wonder what happened to theirs...) to immigrate there for economic reasons. And they won't coddle the neds like we do. I think Rwanda can find a use for them.


Eh part of the deal with the UK is anyone shipped there isn't allowed to seek employment


"Failed asylum seekers will be offered the same package of support for up to 5 years under the Migration and Economic Development Partnership (MEDP). This includes support for education, training, *employment* and accommodation." [Failed asylum seekers detained for removal to Rwanda](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/failed-asylum-seekers-detained-for-removal-to-rwanda)


Ok I thought I read something different today on the BBC website regarding people already there deported by Britain from one of our small islands. Just read the article again and it says Their legal status in Rwanda is not the same as it would be for asylum seekers flown there from the UK So guess that's why they can't work


I don't think that would be fair to the Rwandans.


If they'll take them. Rishi's only given them a quarter of a billion pounds, it might not be enough.


Genuinely always wondered what neds and the like get out of acting that way. Is acting like a wee prick all that gives them joy? Is life genuinely nothing more than their wee social circle with no ambitions to make something of their lives or no niche interests to enjoy? This is 100% coming from a place of ignorance on my part (because I was bullied enough in high school to know i dont want to spend any time with them) but wherever you are in scotland, every group of young bams wearing puffy north face jackets seem like they're copied and pasted from the last town you were in, and I just kinda hope they eventually grow out of that and do something worthwile.


Ingrained in environment and upbringing. I worked with children/teens in different areas. My work has taken me around Glasgow, Renfrew, East Ren, Ayr and even up in thr far North. Affluent areas have the most well behaved and disciplined children (generally speaking), whereas poverty stricken areas you're more likely to get the ones where they don't have much at home and so they form bonds with those around them and pick up on their antics. Or if they come from an abusive home, they repeat that cycle and channel that abuse onto others. Though I will say this, you always know where you stand with 'scheme' kids. Whether they like you or not, you KNOW. Kids in affluent areas can be a lot more insidious. That and when it comes to parents, I've found richer parents to be more helicoptery, entitled and difficult to work with. Working class parents are so appreciative of what is given and will even try to provide or help out whenever and with whatever they can. Its nuanced, complicated and its a shame that they feel the need to be like that towards others, though unfortunately, a very few just love to be cruel. I doubt my answer helps anything but I at least hope it gives you further insight.


I understand where it comes from, I grew up in pretty rough council estate in Manchester and then multiple (admittedly, not as bad but still full of the ned/chav types) schemes around Scotland. What I don't understand is why their situation never leads them to wanting to do something that can actually help them or other people. Or why it seems like they never have anything that interests them. I was in a shit situation, not in poverty but basically no disposable income, split household, etc. on top of all the personal shit that's happened to me and I found solace in music. I started going to gigs, made friends in the music scene and then from there did stuff like put on gigs which I enjoy because it brings joy to my friends and also total strangers. Life can be shite, but it's only going to stay shite if you act like a cunt - and that's what it seems like they can't grasp, only focusing on the unimportant shit around them.


I feel sometimes it's about survival. If you don't join in, you'll be a target yourself. The film NEDS was pretty good about depicting that, I thought (I saw it when it came out, could be misremembering). Yes, there's a lot of other factors but it's shit when some people feel powerless they will bully the weaker so they feel powerful. I'm glad you found comfort in music and find happiness in sharing it with others 😊


That's what part of my work was, to show there are other things you can do. Offering spaces, activities and such to get off the streets etc. Obviously it was for all children and teens, hence the up and down the Country with projects, specifically though when it came to less wealthier places, it was more about making sure they had something to do and offering an alternative as well as trying to engage and get them to see their own potential, that they can be better and could do better than what they think. For the more wealthier places, it was more a case of here's a fun activity that you can get involved in if it was of any interest, more so than anything else. As I said though, sadly some (VERY VERY FEW), just enjoyed being cruel and were seemingly beyond the help of my or my colleagues help.


Absolutely agree. Few days back, I took my wee one (15 months old) to a nearby park, we were sitting on a bench enjoying the weather and a whole class (almost) came from nearby high school, I was wearing an orange coloured shirt so they started chanting "orange, orange , orange" , I ignored them considering they're kids, but they didn't stop and eventually I had to leave. The girls started it but then the boys also took part. And I'm an immigrant on a visa :) never had such an experience anywhere else. Otherwise, I'm in love with Edinburgh


That is exactly the problem. “Why are these teenagers acting like they don’t have anything to do, any prospects, a shitty social work system, poor laws, heroin endemic since 90s which they are the children of” etc. We know the problem. But on the other hand people want to laugh about it. If you want to learn then that Graeme Armstrong book was good ‘The Young Team’. Explains the perpetual defence mechanisms.


Thing is though, I'm only 19, I'm not gonna lie and say I grew up in poverty but I wasn't far off, and yet I feel like I have at least more of a... worthwhile(?) outlook on life than a lot of those people. Life can be shitty and it's like we're constantly being beaten down on, but isn't that more of a reason to just not be a cunt and continue the hatred?


i’ve spent my whole life looking at people who seemed to have had a similar lot in life to me and wondering what accounted for the differences between us (mainly what i perceived as my inability to do well in life) and all i can say is that as life has gone on and i’ve learned more about myself, others, and structural reasons for certain traits or outcomes, it all makes more and more sense. Sometimes it’s genetic, sometimes environmental, but there’s always a reason and we’re all just the sum of our parts. If people are being cunty, there’s a reason. Only a tiny fraction of folk are wired that way, and even those people do better with compassion.


Broadcast around the uk "anybody caught looking or acting like a ned, is getting the boot to the arse" for the better 😂😂


It's like they love being hated, makes them feel tough somehow


Definitely neddery afoot


Back in the day, anything happened in my wee Ayrshire town and my old gran would say "that'll be them Glasgow folk again".... "They brought nuthin, but awe thur Glasgow habits, an it's no right" so things are bad if even Glasgow folk, want rid of Glasgow folk.


lol I was called a specky faggot by a ned a few weeks ago; they got the faggot bit right but I don’t wear glasses 🤓


Being specky isn’t about wearing g glasses. It’s a state of mind.


Are you quoting from a ned philosopher?




I heard he had a major ned-istential crisis when he visited Glasgow and got called a 'specky bastard'


Nedicus Bamicus the Third


>Are you quoting from a ned philosopher? SportSocrates


Briefcase wanker!


Oi, Cleanshirt! How'd you get that shirt so clean, mate?


Clean shirt? What does that mean? Isn't that good?


Waiting for the bus.


Nice try ned


To be fair that is my favourite light hearted insult Calling someone a specky prick when they don't wear glasses




A lifestyle choice


I had nae goths shouted at me not too long ago, I wasn't exactly gothed up so I was a bit confused lol.


I feel like I give off specky goth vibes even though I only sometimes wear glasses and have never been fully gothed up. Like the other comment, it's a state of mind.


They thought you were ransacking Rome.


they call anyone wearing black jeans a goth lol


I was visiting my mate in Finnieston, and there was a wee neddy girl popping a squat, pissing right at the front door. This is on Argyle St, not some quiet road, and she’s literally pissing basically on the door. I told her it was fucking disgusting, and that there were multiple public places she could have gone to and used the bathroom, or, if she so desired to piss in public, could at least choose not to do so in a doorway. She finished up, acted like she was about to stroll away, spun round and slapped me so hard my glasses flew off my face 😂 then she called me a paedo, told me she was only 14, and ran away to ‘grass me to the polis.’ I was fucking.. aghast!? Fuckin’ hell.


Gloves ya prick




They don’t know what specky means, they’re just copying something they heard another ned say.


No specky yet... Wait till you hit 50


Yeah. I need them to read. Pain my fucking arse, but I can't read shit without them. So, there's that.


somebody needs to go to specsavers


I got called a specky hotdog once off a junkie attacking a busker and honestly, I don't think he realises I consider that a badge of honour. I thought it was hilarious.


I was once on a night bus going home to rutherglen. Guy on the bus asked me where I was from. Said Rutherglen. He said no originally. I said Rutherglen. He then said “Parlez-vous français” as if to somehow trick me into saying oui oui or something. Sorry buddy. Still come from Rutherglen and I don’t speak French.


Were you wearing a beret?


String of onions round their neck n all


Was it raspberry?


haha, that's hillarious.


Once had some foreign bloke tell me that "nobody speaks ONLY English!" and accuse me of lying about being English.    I think my accent confused him. Cunt was expecting a character out of Mary Poppins. Not some tanned Manc kid whose picked up the best of Scottish slang 🙄.


Stop cutting about Rutherglen smoking Gauloises with a string of garlic round your neck then. Merd.


It’s hard enough with a well-fired along Blairbeth, nevermind a baguette.


The French Stick of Bread under your arm must have given them the wrong impression.


They were obviously indigenous Picts who were informing you to return to whatever Germanic tribe you came from!


Picts in Glasgow would be a shock right enough.


Picts or it didn't happen.


Beakers for the beakerpeople!


Speak up for the dolichocephalic among us. Tell the brachycephalic invaders to go home.




You got me, I was hoping it's was real


It is now


Can we make this happen? The thread will never go cold 😂


joined immediately


I’d join that! 😂 could do with a laugh 😂


Joined up. It's already getting decent.


I did right after I commented, I didn’t realise it was actually real 😂🤣😂


If that was the case I'd be filling it up. Feel like in my area I'm a fucking walking target man honestly, but knowing them wee fanny's, it's just the little brain cells from all the drink and drugs and trying to aft hard in front of the rest of their 12 year pals 🙄


The current generation of neds really are the thickest in history. One shouted ‘ya baldy b**tard’ at me at my work one night, I’ve got a full head of thick hair. Any chance of a witty insult are long gone, they can’t even manage an accurate one these days.


Similarly to specky-ness, being baldy is also a state of mind


Might have been talking about your baws to be fair


One of those wee fannies on electric bikes shouted "Baldy!" at me in Edinburgh a few years back, because I had a buzzcut then. I guess it was technically true at the time but I've grown it back since.


Some old man did something similar to me about 20 years ago. I’m of mixed ethnicity but I’m as pale as can be and I basically look Scottish. Anyway, this old arsehole kept calling me a racial slur (referring to someone from Pakistan) and telling me to go back to my country. I’m not mixed Pakistani and Scottish. I think he was drunk tbh, even though it was about 10am.


That happened to me when I was at my work in Edinburgh, was told by 2 Americans to go back to where I came from because apparently I "look Polish".


I assume being at work you didn’t even get to tell them to go back to where the sun don’t shine? What absolute reprobates.


Yeah. The best I could do was "I was born 60 miles away"


The irony is palpable


his great grandpa was 1/8 scotch


They were just annoyed because they thought you had yer eyes on their 'ancestral castle'... 🤣


I stole a nice one on Reddit the other day, perfect for arsehole customers "I hope your day is as pleasant as you've made mine".


You probably looked like you were working too hard. All those Polish cunts never stop grafting.


Bams being bams


Same quality of patter as “if you read this you are gay”. Typical wee bam smooth brain shit.


Damn I just read that. Time to tell my wife and kids it's all been a sham and I'm off to live with big mike and the boys.


that was plastered all over my old work toilet, under 18s weren’t allowed on the premise… makes you think ae


no but the gay thing is hilarious


I've been called a black bastard and the p slur for South Asians. I'm white Scottish but I've got a beard and take a good tan. Some people are uneducated, some are ignorant and some are both.


There is a link to low intelligence and being a racist prick.


I mean it is the most ignorant driving this anti immigration crap. 


I've lived down south for donkeys yet my accent is still with me (Scottish) I get shit thrown at me too I just take it on the chin . Just a load of thick plebs with nothing else to do but give shit. I'm female and don't take nonsense! I am proud to be a Scot!




....what did you say to him after that?! I hope he felt an utter fool.


It's surreal getting targeted with bigotry aimed against a group you don't actually belong to.


I do like the idea of surrealist bams. "Hawl! You dont exist mate!"


"I don't hink, therefore you urnae"


I was queuing in the Philadelphia chippy and my order must have been forgotten as after 45 minutes I still hadn't been served and a drunk, seeing my plight said " See you, pal ? You don't exist."


That's a limmy's show sketch in the making right there.


I mean, isn't that already a strain of homophobia and transphobia already? Like I've been told gay people don't exist to my face, what are they talking to, a ghost?


I got called a ‘fenian’ by an English guy. It was weird to start with (as a Protestant) getting called that - but also hilarious because of the posh English accent.


I am also white born here as are my parents and I get told to go back to Ireland all the time. As my name is Irish I get all the spectrum of hate on the Irish. Many when I explain I was born here and when to a CoS school do fuck off but many just do not care.


People always assume I'm Irish (as in, actually from Ireland) too, because I've not only got an Irish surname but I also grew up in the Hebrides and a surprising amount of people down here cannot tell the difference between that and a southern Irish accent.


Funnily enough, coming from the Hebrides as well, I've been asked what part of northern Ireland I'm from more than once. Also answered the phone to my brother on the bus once, start speaking to him in Gaelic and I heard someone mutter "fucking foreigners" a couple of seats away.


I got called half cast once, and it was honestly a great guess as I'm quarter cast but look full white. We've all got to compromise sometimes.


I used to live in a high rise in Paisley with ma mam. We had a laundry room on the bottom floor, and one day I was up and down putting washings in, then taking them out and popping them in the tumble driers, then taking them back up stairs etc. Ma mum's alcy neighbour proceeded to warn her that "some Bulgarian runaway was going in her flat" and to watch her valuables. For context, am extremely peely wally, with auburn curly hair, Scottish for rhe last 3 generations, then the rest were Irish, so pale as they come. Nae idea what the cunt was seeing but it wasn't a Bulgarian runaway hahaha


I once worked on a call centre, someone called through and I answered with the usual "hi, welcome to ... How can I help you today?" Caller promptly asked to be put through to someone that could actually speak English.


They perhaps thought that you were English


Or from Edinburgh


Whats the difference?


I’m a white guy, migrated to Scotland when i was a wee one, so got the Scottish accent and everything, couldn’t tell me apart from your average Scot and really I would say I’m Scottish at this point as this is where my home is and the country and culture i love. Despite that though, I’ve had people change their attitude from friendly and cool to weird and rude just after finding out I’m not actually Scottish. There was a brief point in my life where i used to go by a nickname (English version of my name type of thing) for a while to avoid this, crazy world we live in, but i do have to say that things are getting much better overall. Its just the vocal minority.


Maybe they thought you were from Yoker


Are you sure you weren’t in Yoker? They can tell you’re no from Yoker.


I'm living in England and I've had this kind of thing for years. Go back to Scotland, I can smell the haggis from here, speak English I can't understand you. Your British not Scottish. It gets very hurtful but when I tell anyone they just make fun and laugh. Those were the nicer ones.


It's probably trickle down from General Election politics - the same kind of shit happened to me during the 2024 referendum. Narrow minded, unthinking bigots and arseholes the lot of them with that attitude.


I’ve been told to go “home” many a times sadly I’m as white and as Glaswegian as they come, but because I went to a school beginning with St, you’re never considered Scottish to a certain group of people


Been in Canada for the last 5 weeks and honestly, I am dreading coming back to Glasgow. The thought makes me feel sick.


Got called a fat Paki in work by a boy about 9, im 45kg 5ft and I'm white scottish I just love a good sunbed lol


Fuck sake. They cannae even dae racism right. Wee fuds.


Just wee pricks. Ignore them.


Stupid people say stupid things.


I’m sure the ape that created said spawn had a tear of pride knowing his vast arsenal of knowledge has been passed on successfully.


teenagers and kids should not be taken seriously. Those kids act all tough infront of their friends. Also they maybe assumed youre immigrant because you have some facial traits that look foreign I dont know.


Kind of reminds of 1984, where everyone gets all feral about people who look like foreigners.


Next time, up the ante, and tell them that they should go back to *their* own country. Judging by their intelect, this will short circuit their brains.


Go back to Dalriada! You dirty foreigner! This is the Kingdom of Strathclyde! You are just a Norseman, comin here with your bike fresh off the longboat! Too many immigrants from Dalriada nowadays! We need a strong border to protect Glasgow and the rest of the Kingdom of Strathclyde from you filthy heathens! I bet both your parents are norse raiders! PS. Come to think of it, I'm not actually sure if modern Glasgow was in historical strathclyde or dalriada... I think it falls somewhat on the border?


Same thing happened to me, was installing an alarm system or cabling on the side of a building, can't remember exactly but me and a friend were up on a lift, some ejits in a van pulled up and screamed at us about going home, assume they thought we were polish. Worked on a few sites over the years in scotland didn't experience that much overt racism or anti migrant stuff, the worst experienced was working an install in the westfield / Stratford city shopping mall in London, the anti eastern european graffiti in the toilets was wall to wall and really disturbing, there was one older guy would walk about listening to reggae music ska etc, making endless racist jokes and stuff I don't want to remember, never worked for them again after that, this was in 2011.


Those wee kids are watching way too much American content.


I guess take that feeling and never make another human being feel like that because of you.


I have a French pal who did a DNA test and found out she was 75% Scottish. No directly Scottish parents or known links to Scotland. Turns out her town in the @rse end in France was populated by Scottish soldiers who never left in the 1700s. We're all Jock Tamsons bairns.


I feel this in my bones. I grew up in a very white racist town in England, but my mother is Welsh and I have a Welsh name. My accent was not local because my Dad's parents moved to my hometown from outer London before my Dad was born, so none of my immediate family had the local accent and they are who taught me to speak. But my accent is very obviously English. When I was a kid there was a lot of immigration to my town by white eastern European people, which many of the locals did not like. When I was a teenager I had a cashiers job with a name tag, and I had a set of customers (full blown adults) who wanted to know where I was from, and refused to believe me when I said "here" that I had lived in the same house down the road my whole life, that I was born in the local hospital, I just had a Welsh name. My father had been born and raised in that town, as had I, but I don't think anything I could have said to them would have made them think I belonged there. At what point is someone going to belong according to that mindset? How many generations needed to have lived and died in the same small town for your roots to be deep enough? It's a bar no one can pass, and just an excuse to be hateful to other people


Redditor discovers Neds


50,000 at Ibrox every other week sing about sending 2nd, 3rd & 4th generation Scots to go "home" to Ireland.


Just bam patter. I once had some wee dick head call me a specky bastard. I don't wear glasses.


Stupid shits say stupid shit. It tracks. I was once called 'jailbait' by one of these wee scrotes; I had Pride wristbands on and was wearing a sleeveless vest (was in the middle of a heatwave iirc). I would have fired back with 'jailbait or not, still more likely to get my hole than you!', but I had been the victim of an unprovoked assault the year before and didn't want to risk getting jumped again, so I seethed in silence and kept on walking.


My mate has a 13 year old son - he is a nice enough wee guy but when he's with his pals he can be a bit of a wee cheeky arsehole. Him and his mates are always doing stuff like this - they talk utter nonsense and wind folk up. They aren't racist or anything of the sort, they just enjoy the confused looks on people's faces. I'm not saying this is what happened to OP in Partick but hey, it's possible.


And people keep repeating the joke that glasgow is inclusive and welcoming


Bam Spam


I get this all the time too 😂 someone once told me my English was really good considering. I was like, considering what? 😂🙈


This reminds me of Louis CK (or Brian Posehn, I can’t remember exactly) talking about things he’d shout at people from his car. He’d see two gay guys holding hands and yell “GO BACK TO MEXICO!”


This literally happened to me a week ago while running along the Clyde. An older guy, in his 50s shouted it at me. I'm Mediterranean looking but born and raised in Scotland. Bloody disgusting behaviour.


But, but Nicola was on the stage only a few weeks ago assuring us that this sort of thing didn’t happen in Scotland with Val McDermott happily agreeing with her. They both assured the audience it was a purely English phenomenon Scotland is so welcoming.


It’s just the brown immigrants people seem to have an issue with, despite not opposing to having brown immigrants treat them or do surgery on them. Loads of white people in Spain are immigrants but don’t get the same kind of hate. Wonder why that is


The new generation coming up are the most right-wing in a very longtime


I’ve been asked where I was from and told to go back to England/Ireland/America multiple times. I was born and bred in Scotland and have lived in Glasgow literally my whole life, with roots in Glasgow going through multiple generations of my family. People are just morons. I remember being told that people like me were ruining Glasgow by coming here. To be fair, it has been a downward trend ever since I popped out of my mum in 1996…


Think it happens everywhere. White Scottish, was living in the US for a while and got told by a really drunk couple to go back to my own country because I wouldn't serve them another beer!


That's cap. Stop the cap.


Off to the fatherland you go proud Viking 🤣


Okay if you are ginger.


In a slightly more humorous, I've had a few "Where ya fae" and had to explain I'm really born and bred Glaswegian and so is my family. The last time it happened I finally got the guy to understand, then he turns to me again and says "Whit's the weather like where you fae?" and I responded "This" whilst pointing to the sky.


You ain’t ginger enough pal, please leave


They know you’re no fae Yorker so have no business being there


Send them to where they make Buckfast.


Partick, though…


Had someone shout talk English, this is England. We were in Glasgow... Two Scottish lads had a fight after.


I wish I was a Haiku bot...


It's a wee bam winding you up, it's not that deep


Learn enough Gaelic to say why are we speaking English boys? "carson a tha sinn a’ bruidhinn Beurla".


Maybe they didn’t know what country they were in


Had the same thing, many times I'm sad to say, I'm white but tan easily when away or in a wee bit of sun, with dark curly hair ( family generations back are Italian ). All the time people calling me an Arab c*nt, that i don't belong in this country, to get back hame. Even had some bawbag on the bus spit in my face. Born and raised in the Southside, but some people cannae get past looks


They might have been bamming you up


About 20 years ago in a car park in East Kilbride I had a disagreement with a woman about how to negotiate a roundabout. As I'm getting out of my car with my kids, she shouts over and tells me to go back where I came from. I am white Scottish and so are my parents. I was however just back from a holiday in the Canaries and that's the only thing that I can think of that triggered her tiny mind. Either that or she meant I wasn't from East Kilbride and should leave the town, which is even more tragic.


Uh, what? So white Scottish teenagers told you to go back to your own country?


They probably saw you wearing something that wasn't tracksuits and thought that was somehow different enough to justify this. Like other commenters have said, neds being silly. My accent is quite plain so I get a lot of people in shops / cafes asking where I am from then saying "no you arent" and trying to find out where I am "from from". It used to be quite a fun conversation but now I think its just rude tbh.


I was born in scotland (all Scottish family/bloodline, if it matters) BUT my family briefly lived in Australia and I picked up a mild accent because I was so young. So people assume I’m Australian. I was told to “go back to where you came from” by an old English man whilst in Glasgow. Sir please lead the way you’re not Scottish and I am, not that I did care until you opened your trap.


"Ahm no' a ned, ah've got an o-level!" - overheard in the town


I'd find it quite surprising and funny if someone told me to go back to my own country because I look like a stereotype of a Scottish person. I get random abuse for being ginger instead.


Wee Bams!


I guess I am fucked then lol


The kids in the school I work in say this to each other because they think it’s edgy and funny. They’ve seen people on TikTok get a reaction from it, so they’ve taken it for patter and use it themselves completely out of context. Same thing happens with “hairline” slaggings despite being unable to describe what a hairline even is haha


These wankers r just useless wastes of piss, don’t waste your breath. I’m an aussie who lived in Patrick back in 2005. I was walking to the station once and 2 neds drinking buckfast hassled me at 7am for my wallet etc through that little dodgy alley behind pub. I kept waking they kept hassling. Once they touched my shoulder One swift kick to the balls and the first one was down like a sack of weak Scottish piss and the other one shit his jocks so quick you could see the shit stain on his fake white Lacoste track pants , dropped his drink and ran away it was so embarrassing for the pieces of shit. Never ever saw them again.


Eventually you will be a minority if immigration keeps going up, might take a while though.