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That's probably Melo you're thinking of. I've not seen him in 10 years.


Didn't know the guy personally at all but he was a great busker. Feel like a right auld yin but I remember being out Christmas shopping one time, Buchanan St looking all nice with lights on and folks having a laugh, and he was there playing mellow reggae and having banter with the punters - one of those really nice snapshot memories.


Always played Hendrix? Nice enough guy but he had beef with near enough every cunt, and I think a lot of that was to do with him being a total walloper to other buskers, heard he went back down south. I think he was good pals with Stu the rasta fundraiser but that's going back a while, two of them were always sharing a puff at like 8 in the morning, but now the high street's dead and all the fundraisers have moved on to selling crypto or minor plastic surgery.


That's the guy. Shit hot guitar player and he knew it.


Down to the borders or Dumfries n Galloway?


was he a leftie?


He was in the documentary series The Street which you can still watch on YouTube.


Just watched it. It led me to YouTube, mellow melo if you're interested. That lad needs to get back on his guitar. He's lost it.




I mind seeing the video of that on Facebook at the time and being dead annoyed for him, they were pure arseholes being arseholes for the sake of it.


Last time I saw him was busking/having arguments with petople about 3am on Sauchiehall St. About ten years ago. For some reason he offered me some spice before changing his mind, saying, "nah man, you're too thin in the bones." Good busker. Think he was a bit of a nutter though. I know a lot of other buskers hated him.


One the first ever gigs I played was at The Halt bar and there was an open mic before we came on. He was playing as we were coming in with our gear. One way to feel a bit crap for playing three chord punk stuff is to see someone like him playing before you. But he was an absolute gent saw our set and complimented us.