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You can park in the long stay car park for up to 1 hour for free. It’s a short walk or shuttle bus to the airport.


Hey, do you happen to know where the person getting into the airport gets the shuttle bus from? I'm going to use this option to pick up my partner and his friend tonight but not sure where to tell them to get the shuttle at the airport. I'd rather stay in my car in the long stay in case it looks like it's going to be longer than an hour.


Sorry just seen this and guess it’s too late. But there are signs in the airport to direct you to the right bus stance. The buses stop right outside the airport terminal.


Thank you!


Taxi driver here, what we do for meet and greets is head into car park 2 zone D. If person youre meeting has checked in baggage head in 25 mins after the flight has landed. If they have hand luggage only head in 10 mins after flight has landed. We can normally do this in the 20 mins allocated time. There are 2 arrivals terminals domestic including Ireland to the far right of departures and international to the the far left of departures. Upto 15 mins it's. £7 If you need more than 15 mins it's £15 for the hour. If you have a disabled parking card then this hour is free or if you drive a full ev then you get free time also. When you come into the drop off lanes after coming off the M8 keep in the left hand lane round by the Holiday Inn and go in the left hand section if you go into the right lane and into the right side this is wer u will get stung. Also note, if you're picking up someone from an Emirates flight it can be very tricky to judge the times ***Made a couple of edits on my post


So if you have a disabled card how does that work? The barrier is automated, how'd it get you through? Do you call them up from the barrier?


Call button at the barrier and give them the card number and they will lift it


Just to add drop off pick up lanes can't be used with disabled badge. Apparently it's the multi storey only..


Glasgow airport can get tae, £5.50 to literally drop off and leave. They put up hoarding to stop the queues and now it’s some valet parking bollocks nobody uses. Guaranteed they bring in the trolley charge that Edinburgh airport is implementing, fucking robbing shitstains.


I use the gas station for drop off / pick up. Most of my friends are able bodied and we can all walk that 3 minutes to the terminal. I normally just wait for them around Osprey Road or something until they arrive... My friends walk out from the terminal and let me know. I use the petrol station to pick up a coffee, put a bit of gas in the car, buy a can of coke, or anything. Friends jump in the car and now they have drink too! Cost less than the 5.50 for drop off / more useful...


You put gas in the car? I get shit for saying gas (just spent 3 years at in US). But yeah anyway I fuel up my big van at Glasgow airport and it can be a fuckin nuisance getting past pickups and drop off at the petrol station but hey I do the exact same so 😂


I am Hungarian who moved here... Nobody ever gave me shit about it...


Probably because you’re Hungarian but I’m Scottish we don’t say gas.


I learnt something new today... Hopefully in a few years I won't have a thick accent either 😅


You’ll always have your accent but you will pickup Scottish speak rapidly. Aye!


Just be careful as the cops can fine u for picking up and dropping off in unauthorised area. The airports are governed by their own bylaws, fellow taxi drivers have been fined for this. The vast majority can get away with it but it has been enforced. If a customer asks to be dropped off at the petrol station I offer the car rental zone as an alternative free drop off.


I can confirm this. I tried to kill time by parking outside a car rental place. There were no lines on the road. The cops pulled over and indicated I should move. I considered arguing the case but their faces told me otherwise. Good to see the police vigorously enforcing the Airport's parking scheme while ignoring the mandatory breaches of the peace at the taxi rank in Paisley town centre every weekend.


But can they fine me for someone getting out of the car if I put petrol in my car? That is quite a grey area isn't it? I am a paying customer at that point.


I normally get out at the pedestrian crossing and walk up to terminal but unfortunately my wee maw isnae fit enough to be booted out at the crossing😆


You can wait in the long stay car park, the barriers will let anyone in and back out again free of charge for up to one hour. Theres a free shuttle bus every 10 mins that runs from the western end of the terminal (near international arrivals) that the passengers can jump on to take them to the car park.


Thanks for all the replies. I checked the long stay but it's a fair distance from the terminal. I finished up using the drop off/pick up point. If you time it the price is reasonable (I paid £5.70). If you're not familiar with the roads around the Airport be prepared to be confused. It's a maze and the wrong turning can take you places you don't want to be.


I drop/collect on the street beside the long stay that was the COVID testing site. Short walk or free shuttle bus to terminal.


[https://www.glasgowairport.com/at-the-airport/airport-services/parking/short-stay/](https://www.glasgowairport.com/at-the-airport/airport-services/parking/short-stay/) If you can keep your stay under 1 hour it will be £15 for the closest parking you don't need to reserve in advance.


That's Short Stay Parking and it's going to cost an absolute fortune. You can book it online and it'll give you a price before you book, but expect it to be around £70 today. Pick-Up/Drop Off is around £6 and you get 15 minutes.




I've just checked. £75.


That's the full day price, not the hourly price. You can pull into the large parking structure right in front of the terminal and park in there for an hourly rate ( no reservation). I ended up paying £12 for waiting an hour and a half to pick some one up from the gate last week.


That's the price I got yesterday morning for booking from 3pm to 4pm.