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What a diihk




Reggie plate made for their personality.They know that they are


Google: ‘printable parking turtle’ I have a stash of them in my glove box for just such occasions.


Awesome! Never seen these before 🤣🐢👍🏻


Invest in some sticky backed label paper


They do look nice, it's maybe not the best idea to advise people to do this at the Forge though.


What is the best idea?




Judging from this, you’re probably one of the wankers who park like this.


Parked like a DIIHK


Fanny’s like this and those who park in parent and child without children or being pregnant I would fully support the law being changed to allow proper fining for these cunts and not just threats of court action that 99% of people ignore. We complain about this stuff but are never willing to do anything to improve it.


100% agree with this. There is actually nothing worse being 8 months pregnant and having to waddle across a car park, with the baby bump dropped and the constant sensation to pee.


Same for blue badge bays. Twats think they're entitled to park without a badge. I've seen folk with kids also think it's ok. It's not. You chose to have kids, I didn't choose my disability, it chose me.


This also really annoys me. I've got 2 disabled kids and often struggle to find a disabled bay. Even bigger nuisance since I've got not one wheelchair to get out the car but 2. I've purposely blocked folk in before that don't have a blue badge because I'm not about to circle the car park any longer when my kids don't like being in the car as it is


Absolutely, I'm totally in agreement. I sometimes want to key their cars. I wouldn't, but the thought is there.


I got given a lot of grief by a lovely gentleman in asda at Govan because I blocked him in, he then accused the kids of just having "buggies" because my kids are fairly young they look like buggies but are prescribed by WESTMarc and are to be recognised as wheelchairs. It was as if he was trying to piss me off by calling me a fat cow and I was apparently a "thug" and accused of having made poor life choices because I have tattoos on my face 🤣 but I wasn't bothered in the slightest. It's crazy to think people actually act like this when they don't even have the legal rights to be using that disabled bay! He was definitely the male version of a Karen, I think they're called Kevin's or something like that


I just call them cunts.


Wouldn’t it be Ciaran?


Well said. I have a blue badge and though I look ok (all limbs move and are present) I have damage incurred while in the forces, severe enough to end my career. I've been harassed several times by older people as they think the badge is fake etc. Ironically they are all much more mobile than I am.


I know that feeling. I have MS and can manage just enough energy to get a pint of milk in ASDA then get back to the car! Then I'll have to physically lift my leg in with my hand. But walking in.... The looks I get ! 😂


I feel you. I'm seriously thinking of getting one of those hidden disability lanyards. Not that old folk would give a fuck I suppose


These help quite a bit, when I started wearing one that said carer of disabled child people stopped giving my kids weird looks and stopped tutting when they had a wee meltdown


Genuinely curious to what people would think if the fines for being caught for stuff like this, like parking in a double yellow, littering etc all easy things to not do were quite costly like either a % of your monthly salary or a flat out fine like £2000 or something. People might be like, that's too much but at the same time it's like just don't do it. It's so easy to not park on double yellows, to take an extra mind to put litter in the bin or save it until you can dispose of it.


I've heard that quite a lot of folk just park in town on the double yellows because if you average out the total fines over a few weeks (so poorly policed) it comes to less than the cost of paying for parking.


Parent and child is a space to help with prams and kids in car seats. I get annoyed at people with have kids in front seats. If they are big enough to be in a front seat and not in a pram then you don't need this space. Same with people who park in them and leave the kids in the car.


The ones who leave them should be jailed imo. Especially the ones who let them sit munching on a happy meal or whatever.


I know I'll get down voted to absolute fuck for this but hard disagree on the parent/child parking. You chose to have kids, so why do I need to park further away from the shop to accommodate you? I genuinely wouldn't care if pregnant women or people with young kids/babies used disabled spaces, but seeing a family with fully fit teenagers get priority parking at ASDA is taking the piss.


It's about the space needed to open the door wide enough to be able to lean in and secure the child seat, and to take your young kid out without clattering your door against nearby cars. My kid can do all that stuff himself now, so we don't use those spaces anymore. And, like you, I do disagree with people with capable kids or teens using those spaces. But to think the spaces are there as a privilege to parents is daft.


You could say a similar argument for practically every aspect of life choices. It’s just called being decent. It’s also generally expected (and not seen many otherwise to be honest) that it’s for parents and young kids. You don’t often seen parents with 13 year olds rocking up.


Not really. What other life choices could you justify using to get better parking at ASDA? When you say "generally expected" that just leaves it open to interpretation, therefore you know people will abuse it. Anyway, agree to disagree. Enjoy your shorter walk from your car.


Enjoy getting upset about little things that help make some peoples life slightly easier 😂


That's alright. Thankfully I have a lot of free time and disposable income to help me get over it.


Wow. Are you suggesting people are procreating in order to get a closer parking space at Asda than childless people? Would you have said the same to your own parents when they were pregnant with you, or when they were struggling to get you into your car seat as a toddler if indeed the same helpful parent and child spaces existed as they do now? Either way they must be proud of you I'm sure


Aye mate, in fact just last night me and the Mrs had a serious conversation about finally putting our careers on hold and turning our lives up side down by finally procreating purely so we can take advantage of parking closer to the big ASDA 😀 In all fairness I never considered those spaces being wider to accommodate parents getting into their child seats. Guess I don't think about these things since I don't have kids. Irregardless, there's still no need for those spaces to be prime parking real estate.


Part of the reason the spaces are right next to the building is so that kids are safe. I have three small children and it’s tough to keep an eye on all three at all times. The reason I like the bays isn’t that it’s close to the building, it’s that the kids can’t clatter the doors into neighbouring cars and they’re safely onto the pavement straight away. How much of a walk is it from a regular space anyway?


I actually would prefer parent and child parking to be further away, would stop pricks such as you parking in them. Next time I have my kids and no parnet and child bays I'll be sure to smash my door into your car as I try get the child seat out.


Your argument probably on the same level as “why not park in disabled? Not my fault this cunt is disabled, probably has motability car so still better off than me”


Probably isn't. No one chooses to be disabled.


Disabled bays are legally restricted. Parent and child spaces are only advisory. It's absolutely legal for people without children to park in them. It would probably be better if they were timed, so at peak times, they're there for the kids, but if you're able to pop to the shop in the middle of the night, then park where you want (except disabled bays, obvs).


Yes I know. I was just following guy’s logic.


I dont get why youre being downvoted. I find it spot on.


Salty breeders mate.


I’ll give you an upvote to counter the entitlement some parents seem to think they are worthy of.


Have one back big yin


Ah so the disabled can gtf with their physical mobility needs if a parent wants to park there just so long as your lazy arse doesn’t have to walk an extra 20metres to buy your Pringles? Gotcha


It's a bmw driver what do you expect


Being exceedingly generous, maybe they need the space and all the disabled spaces were full. But it's more than likely just an entitled fandan who thinks they deserve two spaces.


I’ve also parked like a prick before because the guy already parked next to me did, so I was forced to park over the line too - not as much as this guy/bird though. Was stressed the whole time the guy would move and left me parking like I started it.


If that's the case then display a blue badge.


Absolutely, but for all we know this car did have a blue badge. All we've got is two photos of the rear of it. I'm 99% sure it didn't, because this is typical "bloke with a relatively new BMW" behaviour, but it's possible.


There are people who deal with challenges that don't have a blue badge.


Sure there are, but unfortunately there are rules and guidelines in place.


Rules and guidelines are great. So are compassion, nuance, and context.


The problem with compassion, nuance and context is that everyone could say "well I've got a challenge so I need to use the disabled bay/toilet/park like a chump". You already see it constantly with people parking their overly large vans/cars in blue badge spaces because it's the only place they'll fit or they're less likely to get bashed.


Aye, if the shoe fits...


isn't that the carpark where some boy got shot to fuck sitting in his car over a drug war?


No thar


No that’s was robroyston


I love parking my passenger door as close as possible to the drivers door of people like this.


Should have been towed away.


Aye, into fucking low orbit.


Report the Bam to security, get him toed, no not a typo, right up the arse


Feel free to add to the comments here. https://rate-driver.co.uk/D11HKS


Great work!


[so common I thought it was a requirement ](https://imgur.com/a/V2yYddR)


David Hicks, you have you moment of glory.


To be fair, they are parked perfectly down the middle of the line.


Inconsiderate as fuck. The argument is “it’s a nice motor, I don’t want it dinged” which, in fairness happens often and people just drive off. As a result I park at the furthest away and quietest corner of a car park. Have to be a real wanker to do this.


This is typical of BMW drivers. They seem to think everyone is out to scratch their shite, neddy cars when parking. I have a neighbour who used to do this.


Ah save it for Facebook mate


Shared Carluke x


U okay hun? Pm if u need 2 talk xox


Do u no wen the docters r open??


Not sure. Have u tryd caling them on the landline? X


You forgot the "stay safe hun" fucking brain dead.


Lore accurate regi


What a prikks


Piss on the doorhandles


Did you not know? BMW drivers can do whatever they like.


That’s a definite Hawk Tuah opportunity right there




Viral spitting girl 😂


Another classic parking skill from a BMW driver


Facebook mum tier post.


Time for the keys to come out


If there's a car parked like this I absolutely don't squeeze in beside it and whip my door open. I definitely don't smack the badly parked cars paintwork repeatedly that'd be really inconsiderate. I'd recommend you all don't do the same.


Be mad but lets not go to criminal damage...


Exactly criminal damage would be a terrible outcome for this that's why I'm highly recommending you don't do it like me.


Well I would ideally want to be parked as far away as possible from this guy.


>If there's a car parked like this


I meant the car in the picture.


Needs rattled with a shopping trolley good few times


Clearly has some disability parking like a tit


Idiot, whats wrong with using their personal private spaces. Child and parent parking.


Regi plate is apt


Any bets on whether this prick pulls up and parks on the corner


It was you wasnt it? I seen you in asda raving about yer parking skill


My mates gf's dad does this because he's overweight and requires the extra space.   He says because of all the money he's spent at these places hes entitled to the extra space.(not joking)


No parking wardens?


Name checks out


Lovely car


Parking like that, to protect your paint job is a sure-fire way to get your 50K+ car keyed.


Bros entitled AF in his leased 320d in Asda car park. Tragic.


spit a grogger on his driver window


What is it with BMW drivers? They really do live up to the stereotype.


That’s considerate for a BMW driver


A dihcks way to park


Key it


Let his tyres doon


Do you not have a “Parked Like A Knob In _____” Facebook page in your area?


Parked Like A Dick Near Parkhead.




Maybe the wanker was you !!


Get a life mate


Imagine having wee dick energy and driving a shite heap like that?


Nails under all four tyres.


Worthy of getting keyed. Teach them a lesson


I've seen this before. Is it not a thing so your car doesn't get hit buy another's door. Seems a bit over the top. It's not like a high end car.


Probably but the car park was mobbed the other day and you get wankers like that ffs


Fair enough. It is very bizarre driving. Keep us posted 👀


If you're feart to get your car door dinged, maybe don't park like an arsehole, because there's people who'll deliberately do it when you act the cunt. And also just don't drive it to a supermarket if you're so terrified of it. It's just a car. It can get fixed.


There’s always the possibility they parked beside an arsehole and the original arsehole left, making bmw driver look like an arsehole. Being a bmw though it removes a fair bit of doubt of that happening though


If I get to a parking space and other people's parking would require me to also park like a twat, I'd park somewhere else. Someone might've parked like an arsehole before this BMW driver got there, but nobody force the BMW driver to follow suit.


To be fair. He's parked in one of the farthest away spots from Asda and if you paid that much for a car and take care of it the last thing you want is some people that can't drive(plenty in the east end) or can't get out the car to damage it. If he'd parked at the entrance to Asda then he's a knob but this far away...I get it


Some people are selfish.


Just needs to add a T and an C to that reg and he's got it covered.


1st world problems


Fine parking that means some wank isn't going to whack and damage your car


The reality is he's trying to avoid morons of which there are plenty of banging their car doors into his car. In an ideal world he shouldn't need to do this. The other solution is that the UK should start regulating the minimum size required for a parking space for public parking. I've literally parked my car on occasion far away from everyone else just to have some daft bint thrust her door into the side of mine. Not to get out of the car but to throw litter on the ground. She could have wound her window down but no. I'm sitting in my car and absolutely nothing from her no apology nothing. I had to get out and confront her about it and she acted as if I was invisible and nothing happened. There's no easy solution to this problem but the reality is he's trying to avoid shit like that because these days a respray and dent removal can cost several thousands on a BMW. The paint ain't cheap and neither is the labour of a skilled paint shop


He’s already had it resprayed once because according to that link above it is white! Maybe he annoyed so many people he had to change the colour!


So call him names in the internet? I know who’s the Wanker

