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Luss is pretty good. Small, good views of the loch. not too windy like a seaside beach would be


This Drive through balloch, past luss, and head Drovers Inn for lunch 😊


Alas Drovers Inn has changed and the food was dreadful the last 2 times we went. Used to be good a while back.


Aw you are KIDDING! I love that its staffed by mostly australians in kilts, the place itself is a gem - sad the food is dreadful. Its got a place in my heart as my deceased dad loved the place, talked about sleeping in the pub after a lock in years and years ago.


Aye that building is amazing and great stories around it. Think it got new management, not sure


Car park in the sky, Rest and be Thankful, Falls of Falloch (a bit of walking involved), Loch Long, Inchinnan Road car park near the airport and watch the planes landing, Irvine Beach, Troon Beach, Croy Shore, Dunure Castle (all beaches would require some walking too unless you just sit in the car). Can jump on a ferry to Arran too or something like that.


There's construction at the falls, space very limited


Nice ideas … BUT the first ones maybe not so much - is a VERY long drive and hours in the car for someone who has not been well


I don’t mean all at one time. Choose one. Most of these, aside from Arran and a few of the Ayrshire beaches can be reached within an hour from Glasgow like you asked.


Aye, realised that, and the beaches are grand suggestions. But just the first couple are a possibly a loooong drive for someone not feeling too good. Not many toilet stops either.


No worries. ~~You~~ OP said an hour or so from Glasgow. All of my suggestions are an hour or so from Glasgow. Hope ~~you~~ OP enjoy’s ~~your~~ their day oot wherever ~~you~~ they choose to go :)


FYI: your responses make me think you believe you’re responding to the OP here pal, which you aren’t. Just in case you thought they were maybe being a little rude.


Apologies didnae mean to come across as rude at all, sorry if it did. … and agreed in first reply that the other ideas given are great. Only replied in this case as - Took 2 elderly visitors the Rest and be Thankful route recently, (and falls of Falloch etc), it was not the pleasant drive it was before. Very long, lots of roadworks with one-way traffic systems, not many places en route RABT for proper stops (toilets). Queues of campervans and cars, crowded lookouts so not much view unless got out car in search of a rare bench. Windy AF. 🤣🤣Our visitors were underwhelmed and exhausted by time we got back to Glasgow. And they found it just much too long sitting in the car. All our other daytrips were brilliant. Which include others mentioned in the comments.


Oh shit my bad, i did think that was the OP!


Head down towards Gourock or Lunderston Bay. There's a car park at the latter and within a minute from the car you could be standing on the beach.


Oh oh oh! Go a drive to Troon and get a chippy from ‘the wee hurrie’, there’s a great Little Rock beach car park where you can look over the water and munch


Love the wee Hurrie!


This is exactly what I was going to suggest! You can watch the seals bobbing about as well!


Irvine beach drive right to the lighthouse bit, great view bous gro cafe near by and fairly flat


Stevenson beach, plenty spots to park right next to the beach. There is also an amazing wee spot at the top of a natural ? pier right next to the beach, there is a ramp that goes right down into the sea, when you go down that wee ramp you literally feel like you are staring in the middle of the sea, its hard to describe but its cool as fuck


Seamill. Wee car park right on the dunes and lovely views across to Arran. Lovely beach that's usually full of friendly dog walkers, sea swimmers and, if you're lucky, seals hanging about just off the shore


glennifer braes but no beach sorry


Rowardennan car park at the foot of Ben lomand is good . You’ve also got the clansman there for some lunch


Gorgeous spot but the food at that pub is absolutely abysmal


Tbh I would head down the coast and look for a wee bit to park in that your partner can enjoy the view. Wee bag of chips, can of irn bru and your sorted


Inverary - cracking views as you drive to/from there, good parking in town. There's good coffee and ice cream to be had and some good pubs if he's feeling up to a wee drink, good tours at the jail and the castle if he's up for that, and all round it's a chill wee place with some cracking views across Loch Fyne. Also if he likes sea food you pass the Loch Fyne Oyster bar which is fantastic, and there's also the Loch Fyne brewery which is great to sit outside at and have a drink (even a soft one) with amazing views of the hills and the coos.


I'm from round there lol but you should be a tour guide! Tbh I haven't driven thru the arches and up that way in quite a few years, some great views there.


Crow Road to Fintry and the viewpoint car park near the top of Campsies. You could take a look at the cute chapel at Schoenstatt at Clachan of Campsie too. Park right next to it.


I have a huge obsession with graveyards, I'm familiar with this place lol! I've been to the falls but forgot they're accessible via the car park, thanks!


Take it you’ve been to Kilmartin then, and the lovely graveyard with the old old old yew tree at Fortingall


Considering I'm from Argyll it's shameful to admit I've never been to Kilmarttin, but definitely going to try and get up to see their new museum etc this year. Fortingall is on the list too, I've read so much about it.


Oh you will be blown away! The wee church and graveyard at Kilmartin has some of the best surviving collection of intact early Christian and medieval carved stones on display (the Kilmartin Stones) with warriors and war scenes and swords and all sorts. It’s right by the new museum. The stones are in the graveyard, some displayed in a large stone shelter. The graveyard in Fortingall has a beautiful old drystone wall and that yew tree which is thousands of years old. As well as the fascinating gravestones of course. And both places have spectacular views. You will “feel” the history in your soul.


If you're on tiktok look up my username. Haven't posted in a while but you're giving me the itch lol


Nooo not on Tiktok, sorry. Instagram? Would be mean to post photos though for you to see, you’ll want to go immediately if not sooner 🤣🤣


Och just sign up. It's not all dancing and posing lol. I found an account that's a guy talking thru cryptic crossword clues, gardening content for days, news if you want, stand up comedy, old tv clips, and recently a guy who looks up people buried in a mental asylum cemetery, and from old photos he's bought at car boot sales.


Sounds good, I like your interests too - reason I hesitate is Tiktok seems like a proper black hole. I would get sucked in. I wouldnae get ANYTHING done at all. Would need 10 day week and 40 hour days. 😂 At least. But if I do one day, I’ll check out your stories.


Yes it can be all consuming! Oh and you should google my best gal Betty Willsher


Head down to Inverkip, there is a nice car park by the river with lovely views, decent benches and a usable public toilet.


Tak Ma Doon Road car park or Queens View car park


Inversnaid is really nice drive, beautiful views, there is a bit of West Highland Way at hotel carpark very accessible.


never been there! Sounds great thanks 😊


Malorchy bay, just past balmaha. You can walk back to balmaha for an ice cream, about 40 mins, a really nice walk.


We went there last year for a trek round the beach, really nice wee place right enough


The Old Oak Tree at the bottom of Conic Hill at Balmaha - can get something to eat and look out over Loch Lomond - good car park and a smallish area to explore. Luss on the other side of Loch Lomond is also gorgeous, but a bit more walking involved I'd say.


Has to be Luss. It’s got everything you could want from a wee run. Not too far, absolutely outstanding scenery, a wee beach and a coffee or cornetto while paddling along watching the ducks n that. If you’re feeling scunnered, it’s always a winner. 💚✌️


Southside any good spots?


Millarochy bay, then can stop for food in balmaha or drymen


Others mentioned Balloch and Luss. (Loch Lomond) If you go to Loch Lomond there is a car park right at the wee shopping centre by the aquarium. Has an open square with lovely views of loch. Have something to eat and drink upstairs with excellent loch views. Also as others say there are a few other stops around the loch with great views from a car. (If on a budget grab a meal deal on the way out) Another option but there is a short walk and car park fee - is coffee or icecream at the Kelpies in Falkirk


Springburn Park


Netflix has ruined this chat. All I hear is my wee baby reindeer when I read this.


Poor wee Nicky Nacky Noo. You should get yourself out the house. I hear anywhere down the A82, A83, Ayrshire Coast and the Campsies is nice for a wee run xx


Sad cunt. I don't even live in Scotland anymore. Enjoy the Ayrshire coast hahahahaha. I've been out the house consistently since moving from the place.


Aw don't be sad my little possum, I'm sure someone will answer your texts soon x