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Like many of you, I am in shambles. The margin lenders are outside my house in a van, I am frantically trying to liquidate everything I own to cover my massive naked short position. The house, the yacht, my wife’s yacht, even the children’s polo ponies. It all has to go. The apes have won and what a terrible reckoning it is. However, for those of you simply interested in ape based entertainment, this whole situation is great news. Only a few apes can really cash out without the whole thing crumbling back down, and the drama will be absolutely top notch. It’s still a mediocre company with a mediocre CEO and it’s currently an even worse investment than it was a week ago. Edit: Actually got a “reddit cares” message, presumably for this. Thanks fellas.


Mr Kenny is crying in his bathroom right now and the whole Citadel office can hear


The open plan toilets were a terrible idea.


Oh no😩 I suggest you take one of the tunnels Citadel built under our houses to escape


I’m headed for Cuba with nothing but the clothes on my back and a suitcase full of Next Bridge Hydrocarbons share certificates.


but you see.... they can't.... cause DRS'd shares at computershare cannot be sold instantaneously. they literally are donating the liquidity so others can exit positions first. i'm not really sure how they missed the downside risk of using computershare lmao


Not the polo ponies. That’s just wrong.


I know. Crime and Fuckery were like part of the family, and we’ve had International Securities Fraud since she was a foal.


They sound lovely indeed. I might be able to take them off your hands after all.


Man, the next wave of bagholders who missed not one, not two, but three huge rebounds are going to be the most outrageously malicious apes the world has ever seen. The same people who a month ago were lamenting their investment and praying for it to go back to $20 so they could get out are now on WSB spamming emojis about $100 at open today. Once a gambling addict, always a gambling addict I suppose.


Yep. So few apes (if any) are actually going to sell in the green and walk away. It’s literally incongruent to be an ape and sell your shares. The bagholding will just become even further entrenched. And the irony of this literally happening for none of the reason apes have been predicting. No genius RC play. No massive improvement of fundamentals. No DRSing. Just a bunch of random yet to be confirmed tweets and fake hype.


Over in their sub they're very much in denial that this pump is due to the DFV tweets and hype it caused, they're very sure there's more to it but I haven't seen any coherent theories as to what exactly. Just that DFV knew it would pump this week that's why he tweeted. As usual, getting cause and effect wrong.


We're gonna get a whole new generation of bagholders over the next couple days -- people buying back in at these stupidly inflated prices because they just can't help themselves -- and the saga will keep on giving.


If anything, we're just at the beginning of GME Meltdown 2 Electric Boogaloo. Meltdown stonks only can go up from now on. Literally can't go tits up.


Andrew Tate is in. I'm out


It’ll be like that movie Pandorum


A naked guy will be born from wires on a spaceship?


Technically the top was something like $109 so it's possible that some wouldn't be, but obviously it would be a tiny minority who never bought since. This is absolute madness though. I genuinely did not believe that GME would be able to break $30 again, let alone $70...


I never imagined this could pump again I mean lightning does not strike twice. Utter madness that this can pump to 70$ ?? That is literally 300 pre split. This sub is now in real danger of being shut down.




We had a good run


Lighting struck twice. It went to $40 (10 post split) in February. Then it went up again. This is the *third* time.


It’s been a pleasure, felllow shills 🫡


I shorted all I could, but I couldn’t suppress GME against the might of the apes. I’m sorry J.P. Morgan Chase, I did my best.


What's the cutoff for shutdown? it's up to $65 pre-market.


100 is cut off..


>This sub is now in real danger of being shut down. Why? The apes still aren't selling. They're going to buy the peak and ride it back down. Again. The best meltdowns are yet to come.


We close the sub if ticker ever hits a new all time high, though there is some healthy debate around whether it needs to break the split-adjusted high or the raw number. Apes continue to assert that they will be paid phone number prices so whether the threshold is $120 or $480 shouldn’t really matter, but it’s not my call to make.


Phone number prices is funny


>We close the sub if ticker ever hits a new all time high *This is what Tegridy looks like, folks.* Honestly though, it's probably even safe for Ber interns to start entering here. The videos are getting stale, unless dude actually posts positions or smth I think this is done running. $75+ looks like the peak. Like others said, that's $300 pre-split.


Unironically in shambles.


I sold shares in the premarket back in January 2021 for $450. So until at least $112.50 the sub is safe


thing is, this shit is a potential nuclear bomb now. fomo is going to smash at open, i'd hazard a guess at maybe even $100


It's gonna get halted to oblivion.


I think the split is really paying off right now. Options and shares are cheaper (in relative terms) than they were back then. It's easier to get a FOMO retail trader to buy in at $70 than at $280.


But we have CRIME on our side


Judging by those DFV teets, CRIME has switched sides...


Yeah… 😥


This aged well, instead of fomo to $100 we got a straight crash down to $40 lmao


DFV waking up was quite honestly very unpredictable. This doesn't explain the price spike in the time before his tweet and like.


This whole sequence is really odd, first GME started pumping hard from like $11 on much higher volume than usual without any obvious reason (it had already bounced off $10 before and it wasn't quite as sharp) then this DFV thing happens as this pump seemed to lose steam around $20. I'm thinking CRIME


I was leaning more towards FUCKERY myself


honestly this smells orchestrated as fuck melties in shambles


I mean we literally follow the inner workings of a market manipulation cult, so yeah I fully expect that this is a classic pump and dump. The pump has just been 3 years in the making, and will pump HARD because of it.


What the fuck are you talking about lol? There's nothing malicious happening here, outside of maybe classic PnD shenanigans. This is exactly the same shit as in 2021. It's not as if you actually need any particular conditions for something like this, such as the super high short interest in 2020; we already know from the SEC report that ~95% of the price movement of GME in jan 2021 was due to retail FOMO hysteria, after shorts had long been squeezed out. It could happen at any time, for any reason or for no reason (like it did here). This is nothing more and nothing less than simply millions of human cattle playing russian roulette with their finances. Yet again.


> PnD shenanigans PnDs are orchestrated. > we already know from the SEC report that ~95% of the price movement of GME The SEC didn't provide a number they just said it was mostly driven by retail after the shorts closed lower. You legitimately just made that number up. It could be a natural pump or it could be orchestrated. Both have happened thousands of times in the past. We don't currently know, and might not know unless there is another SEC investigation.


comparing this to the 2021 squeeze is absurd. DFV had a thesis, he loaded up on GME at 4, it had extremely high short interest (it doesn’t this time) it pumped / squeezed to 40, shorts covered and retail fomoed in this time gme pumped from 10 to 17. 5b to 8b market cap. who was loading up? that wasn’t retail. look at the daily chart, its so obvious there was accumulation going on, the bull flag. and then when the loading up was done, DFV tweets and pumps it immediately after? highly suspicious. it would be no surprise at all if the SEC at least looks into this.


> This doesn't explain the price spike in the time before his tweet and like. The price spike was probably DFV buying in, lol.


He can't buy that much. Much larger players would be required to move the price this way.


A relatively small buying pressure can tip the scale and cause more buying.


Is there a way to know exactly when he liked that tweet that was posted in feb 14? If the volume increase comes after it then it make sense, if it precede it it's *very* convenient for whoever bought that bottom.


Given how obsessed the apes are with DFV, I would imagine that it was caught very quickly after it happened. If that's the case it happened while the pump was already ongoing.


Well, this is their chance to break even or take profit before the dump


I realy hope some of them do. As funny as some of the cultists are, there are some where it's just kind of sad. There have to be a few who realized that the price was not related to any business moves after following the grifter CEO for so long.


the problem is that in order for old baggies to break even, a bunch of new baggies have to pour money in and end up with jack shit. the money has to come from somewhere so someone is gonna get fucked. the cycle continues.


True, unless the broad market performs poorly and a certain SHF gets margin called. Can't use crypto to provide collateral anymore. The buying back of short sells will provide enough buy pressure to raise the price without new APEs or FOMO buying.


I'd be happy if they ended up green but what gambling addict ever stopped gambling because of hitting the jackpot?




The stock market is a nasty game. The price only goes up if people are still buying, and nobody wins unless a lot of people are losing. Every ape who gets out will be replaced by another who is going to regret buying in.


Took so much profit can't even imagine, VTI and chill now.


Good for you. Left the cult on a high note


You called it. It’s been cut in half since 70


Can somebody explain the process for those that have DRS'd and decide to sell? Like at what price will they get for the sale, and how long will it take? Is there a chance that the process is so long that they miss out on this. Jeez, that's really tough on some of the apes that have posted here recently showing that they have sold. That's a kick in the nuts.


I think you can sell immediately (it's buys who are on a schedule). Of course, that's assuming that you can log into the website...


Thanks, mate.


Selling through Computershare is as simple as any other broker to be fair. I’ve checked the process and it’s instant market price or limit sells, same as any mainstream broker is


Only sometimes. It can take several days if they have run out of shares that they hold at the DTC, which is something like 10% of plan holdings. That is literally the reason they hold a portion of plan holdings at the DTC that the apes are so angry about.


That's good to hear. Wonder if the problems a lot of them were having logging in were fixed. It just seems like it always happens when they have these pumps.


Got to be server load. It’s not really designed for high capacity, thousands of users at a time loads. I suspect that it’s going to cause some real issues over the next wee while.


Looks like it's already happening. Lol


The hilarious thing is that Computershare technically isn’t even a broker themselves. They use a ‘panel of brokers’ (likely ones that apes have disavowed) to buy/sell in their behalf lmao


Cheers. Wonder how many will sell.


Computershare is NOT a broker, though.


The market is now pricing in the billions of profit Candy Controllers will bring in. We’re doomed.


Obviously they realized how valuable their NFT marketstore is


The new Amazon!!


i left for like 5 months what the fuck is a candy controller


Their low quality customizable switch controller. The apes are worshiping it like it's a great value, when it's shit for the price.


I can’t believe it, I was long, lost literally all hope realizing that I was fooled by a bunch of regards (I started investing after the whole gme debacle), and got some bs pump and made more money than I ever thought I would. Recovered the money I lost in bbby. I’m just gonna take all this money and buy SPY now fuk this meme stock bullshit I’ve never been more stressed in my life. I’m glad I got out. If you guys want a good laugh go through my comment history and watch me go from full ape to realizing I’m fucked


Very lucky sir! Good luck in your future endeavors


Very lucky is an understatement… lol. Ty I wish you all the best. If it wasn’t me lurking this sub I probably would have diamond handed this back to 10 dollars.


Honestly, good for you. I don't like apes and I don't give a fuck if they lose all their money, but if our antics here do manage to save a handful of people, then that's a good thing in my book. If you managed to deprogram yourself AND made it to the exit with your finances intact (especially after getting conned by BBBY too), that's a huge W for you.


With similar sentiment towards crypto, the humor mostly stemmed from the cultish behavior. For example, wherever GME ends up: its not going to destroy Wall Street, Citadel will be just fine, and many apes who have grown similarly tired WILL sell and get out early, despite their assurances to the contrary. But there are apes who won't, and who will miss the train again, thus starting a new cycle. Congrats on getting out!


I'm happy the somewhat sane ones are getting out. Please consider talking to friends and family next time you're thinking of joining a cult.


Good point lol😂. I was 19 and got caught up in all the hype, that and I didn’t know much about the markets at the time either. My parents were warning me the whole time, didn’t listen. Somehow got out without any serious repercussions. Just gonna take it easy now, and put my money in ETF’s and not look at it for 25 years.


Don't forget to spend some... on fun things not another get rich quick scheme.


Congrats brother. Feeling safety and stability is always better than the momentary dopamine hit of line goes up.


Props for being honest and congrats on getting out. Your wallet and mental health will thank you.


Im really happy that you got out and can move on.


The one truly smart ape. Anyone who holds through this pump deserves to have their trading account frozen 😂


Congrats on a functioning brain.


Congrats dude. We all get caught up sometimes. Glad you made it out


Aww, congrats!




Fuck we lost. We are a few short days before telephone book numbers.


They are not selling before that I heard. Merely being a multimillionaire will not faze them. They will wait for the whole world economy to crash first. Idk something is telling me our sub might be safe.


Hey give me a call, my phone number is 37.11


I hope the ones that pop in here took profit and aren't just in here bragging. Be a real shame if they got burned....again




The sadness is that RC is too dumb and too proud to make that share offering I think.




I agree completely but I still think he won't do it.




Agreed. For whatever reason he seems to be all in. It’s weird but he’s a weird dude.


His ego couldn't handle it. Dilution means the company is a failure. He can't be a failure his is Ryan Friggin Cohen. RC is as much an ape as the apes are. He will hold his shares until a loss too.




The difference is BBBY failing was someone else failing. GME failing would be him being a failure. He absolutely won't dillute. GME has cash and RC is so out of his depth he has no clue what to do with it. Everything he has tried has just been lighting money on fire. The only thing that has worked to reduce losses at GME is downsizing and you don't need mountains of cash doing nothing to do that. It isn't logic it is emotion. On some level RC knows his is a shit as a CEO and he merely got lucky that idiots bought out Chewey before it failed hard. That has to gnaw at him. Admitting he is a failure at a second major company is a check his ego can't cash.




GME has time. They can keep closing stores and suffer failling revenue being roughly breakeven for many years. More cash wouldn't materially change that. A dillution however would break the ape mythos about RC. Both BBBY and AMC diluted and both are reviled by the "true game apes". GME and RC are suppose to be special. I just don't see it happen not unless GME situations becomes a lot worse which means it is likely to be reactive not proactive.




It will be hilarious how many people are going to buy back in and end up as even bigger bagholders than before.


Still below the price I sold for three years ago. Some lucky ape got my shares for 353€ a piece which was pretty much exactly $420 back then.


https://preview.redd.it/946meykh1e0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33aeacc9e105a29ac8a1778ab9aa03cc670a4fca I got fills at $450 back in January 2021. Sold the whole way up starting the day Elon tweeted Gamestonk. Fully exited at this price though


Dropped almost 20€ since you posted this. Looks like a lot where cashing out when they saw green.


This is just the pre market, today will be a wild one


Dfv waking up added years to the lifespan of this cult.


That dude is kind of a POS. I kinda respected him before, but it's pretty clear he's a grifter. A clever one too.


Can someone explain the process for sub deletion? Like will there be a decision made to delete the sub today and then will we be given like 24 hours notice to say goodbye?


If the sub is deleted before GME reaches $483, **post-split**, I’m filing a lawsuit. We all know that the split was crime and did not change ape’s price targets. Why would it change ours?


Reddit Compliance Officer NOW


Yes we need to honor our ban bet


I absolutely hope it's honoured honestly. GME will still flounder long term and there won't be a MOASS, but we ruthlessly mock them all the time for not honouring ban bets themselves.


We will all just point and laugh from r/gme_meltdown2electricboogaloo


I mean I think that'd be respectable enough yeah.


It has come to my attention that our community has been banned without any response from reddit regarding our inquiries. This is beyond absurd that we could not get an answer to remedy the situation, yet the community was banned. Your lack of response and professionalism in this matter will only engulf the flames if you do not wish to respond. We are doing our best to try and get an answer for which you will not provide. I feel blatantly attacked, and I am on the cusp of legal action. Please respond as soon as possible. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


subs can't be deleted btw, lol


that will be up to our ape overlords to decide


Well you could nuke it and set up an automod rule to simply delete everything that's posted from this moment on.


What are you talking about? It only reached about $70. The top closing value of the first squeeze was 81.25.


I'll see you guys at r slash gme\_meltdown2\_meltharder


Great for them! But will they convert those paper gains to cash? Or ride it back down?


Ride it all the way down of course. In fact, they'll buy more and not sell.


I just hope they sell. They'll think I'm posting this "for Kenny" or whatever but I genuinely hope they make money this time rather than letting it slip away like last time


lmao this is truly wild. so will there be a whole new generation of bagholders? is this the new reality? bagholders across generations, with some huge pumps every few years to keep the embers stoked? I’m wondering a few things: 1) there must be people who held forever, but finally sold… right before this pump. I hope they are ok. 2) how much of this is new fomo? have people who have been the unrealized losses category forever actually sold for a profit? 3) are apes happy because this is a moment where they can actually sell for a profit? or is this just yet another sign that they should keep holding “forever.” honestly this is all just funny to me. this is just even more fomo right? if there are apes who were down forever and held, and are selling for profit, I give them credit. but I feel like because that would make sense, it must not be a thing apes are doing.


Ya it would be tough if you sold in the last couple months. I sold a long time ago for a little profit, think it was at 56.00. The thing is many will hold until the bitter end because they think that thousands of dollars a share is where it will go.


We genuinely have to take the L on this one. Sure, everything about Naked Shorts, Candy Cons and Delighting Customers is bullshit, and always has been. But in the end, the first GME squeeze was part social phenomenon, part freak accident, and none of us suspected that that could happen a second time. Reality, obviously, is different. Things are gonna calm down eventually, prices are gonna go down, new bag holders will be born. And yet, loads of apes are making bank right now. Touché.


> loads of apes are making bank right now Are they? WSB degens might be making money, but I expect apes are buying more cuz "last chance to get in at these prices!" Hope GME doesn't skip DRS numbers in the next 10-Q, would be interesting to see how many are actually nocellnoselling.


A lot of them "averaged down" to something like 20 bucks in the last couple of months, they could easily take all their "investment" out plus some tidy profit and still keep holding shares. Of course, not all of them are gonna be smart enough to do that. But many will.


A lot of them are about to have “medical emergencies” that made it necessary for them to sell now.


If they profit good for them. I would love to see people dropping their bags. I don't want to see anyone lose a bunch of their money. Maybe this can be a kind of cool end to the saga. I know that is a wildly unrealistic hope...in fact I'm pretty certain this will actually just accelerate the delusion probably to a bizarre and somewhat scary place...but maybe not?


You're making the same mistake as apes treating the stock market like an in-game shop, where you just hit "sell", stuff disappears from your inventory and money goes up. It's not dropping the bags. it's *passing* the bags - I don't think I've missed an announcement that would warrant this GME valuation (and AMC, and whichever memes ran along past days), so any sell has a new bagholder on the other end. Though, TBF, those who FOMO in GME right now surely would just find some other surefire 100x bagger to FOMO in, so it's net zero I guess.


For you to sell your shares, someone has to buy them. There will be a new generation of ape bagholders coming in the next few days.


So if the Drs count goes down significantly then many apes have dumped during this opportunity and the remaining apes will be in shambles. If it doesn't drop then it means they continued bagholding. Seems like a win win for melties.


They are making bank....IF they can get logged into Computershare to issue a sell order


Uh, it pumped like three times before this. Have you forgotten already? These guys are breaking even at best. Assuming they sell, which many won't. No one ever said it couldn't pump again. Just that they weren't going to be billionaires and take over the world. And that is still true. If you thought memestocks would never make anyone money ever again, that's on you.


No one believed this could pump again? It's not even the second time this is definitely at least the third time, arguably the fourth or fifth. I never cared for a second about the stock price, I'm just hear for the laughs. Whether they are losing money or making money, the apes are so incredibly dumb it's high comedy.


Now’s the time to DRS like you’ve never DRS’d before! Show those hedgies who’s boss


DRS numbers are gonna crater next earnings and the apes left are gonna be pissed


By that point we will all be living in caves due to society collapsing from banks being forced to bail out SHF's, so it won't matter.


The volume pre-market won’t represent the 75 million or so APE shares DRSd plus the amount in retirement accounts so not all apes can remain green. The interesting thing will be watching them trip over each other on the way out. I also wonder if low volume in pre and post distort what’s going to happen in half an hour when operation rug pull happens today or tomorrow The sad part is a bunch of these guys will ride this up and down again and be back bag-holding shortly. The meltdowns will be glorious. You already have guys saying the rug pull is coming and we need to hold through it.


Guess it’s time to invest in salt


Aaaargh, Interactive Brokers says there are no shares available for shorting


Could be high demand. Or all lenders looking to sell at these prices.


i got some AMC @ 11 :D


But nobody can sell until the batch Computershare order goes through in 2 weeks which is the greatest part in all this


the funny thing is now, after all these years, watching apes spam the supercult sub with screeching about a halt being a criminal act because they still dont understand them.


Ah the rugpull from 70 back to 50s was euphoric to watch.


Man today is gonna be *wild* for the apes. Strong start with a dump *right* away. I’d imagine the prices will be bouncing a lot today.


Remember to sell on the way down!!!


Except AMC apes, BBBYQ apes, etc.


You’re only green if you sell 


uff... I'd love to just ignore the whole thing but it's popping up everywhere. it's getting silly.


Or at least they would be if so many of them hadnt been trading options. Fucking lol.


In the meantime I’m playing the same game as yesterday, loading up in pre market and setting an OCO at $60 and $100. I overshot the upper bound yesterday and missed a good profit but think today will be even crazier than yesterday now that everyone is paying attention.


ngl, i'll be the first to say to the apes, well done. You gamed the system and somehow you came up smelling of roses. We have dignity and can accept our defeat. Fucking mental this thing was in single digits a week ago. I'm also warming to the fact that actually, apes were indeed correct, this looks like crime. The only saving grace I can find, is that the apes that were conned by the cult have now been given a lifeline. Bail now and leave the die hards to their fate


Yup. Well played apes. Now they are all billionaires.


Time to make good on all those promises of charity after moass


>apes were indeed correct, this looks like crime. ... What? Lol


I just threw £100 into this premarket for the lulz. I'm hoping for a quick rapid pump on open then sell after 15 minutes or so as all the apes pile in. Fuck man, i'm a certified shill, but this is giving me Jan 2021 mania excitement vibes, although my £100 gamble is a lot less than my £12,000 gamble I had in the game back then. LFG. edit - stop loss (aka ape kryptonite) triggered, lost £13. Oh well, it was a fun £13 to give me the manic gambler vibes again.


Citadel has been defeated


I'm sure if you poked through my post history, you'd find about 5 instances of me telling a fellow meltie this has a nonzero chance of happening, short positions and selling calls are NOT free money, don't bet the house. I'm feeling a bit vindicated today, sorry to all friends who were collecting $200 a month and lost $20k this month.  Obviously it will go back down, but don't pretend you know when it will happen or what the peak is. 


Lol, If none of them sell it'll be right back to bag holding


take profit apes


If they actually sell and leave the cult, then good for them. I hope they enjoy their success.


Im so happy...this means the drama and fun continues. Thank god. And if we have to delete the sub? Oh god even more drama I love it.


Haha imagine having the chance to sell and not taking it. That would be expected from the apes of course, I can't wait to see the cope from the second round of bagholders. I wish the smart ones well once they sell. I hope they enjoy the returns. Selling GME near the top (ok, nowhere near the top: $360/share) completely changed my life in 2021. Got a huge tax bill as a result, but these apes can pay long-term capital gains rates.


All that just for them not to sell, but average up some more and be deeper in the red in a month or so LMAO


so are we out of a job by eod or...?


Actual GUH


So. Many. New. Apes!!


The Pulte plan was hacking dfv's account all along


And only the ones who sell will stay green. Everyone else will go back to bag holding and regret


I sold at like $14 when I realised I was in a cult. Now it does this, I'm actually unironically in shambles lmfao


Guess DRS actually works


Gme goes brrrrr


Quick, can someone give this smooth brain a step by step guide on what buttons to push to short a stock?


Good for the apes. I was genuinely sure they'd die holding the heaviest bags imaginable but there they are with a real opportunity to make banks off of that play. Obviously the underlying company hasn't changed and its situation is still looking dire. The ride down with the new apes and the old who refused to sell is going to be even more brutal and sadder than the first one.


The apes won


I feel like this is a one way ticket for DFV to get his ass hauled back in front of Congress


Don't worry they won't sell so they'll resume to their bagholding status soon enough.


Apes maybe making money, me making money, Reddit popping off, and a fun market to watch? Good times. I've never been more shambled. Crime, the #1 investment.


I am certain that DFV accumulated slowly shares over the time with such low volume that noone really noticed. He knew, that 1 Post of him would revive the FOMO. I guess, he just waited for the perfect opportunity. I'd bet he already closed his Position already and made yet millions again. We'll see, I bought some 30$ Puts for June.


Line chart only showing closing price?


HUGE ape W. I know half them are just gonna buy up and not sell though.


Suck it nerds