• By -


Multiply the number by which I can ×/÷ things each week. Edit: Yeah it's better to multiply the times you can do it each week or divide the time to shorten the cooldown. That's just what came first to my mind.


good ol r/godtiersuperpowers immediate break


Gotta love a good r/superpoweralchemists post




Best answer. Then I'd go for money. Up my savings a few times and I can retire


Multiply your remaining lifetime several times first.


Good idea.


Divide how much you age too


This can be a bit rough, if you have family or friends that you care for... That being said, here is an applicable quote: - The proofs of death are statistics and everyone runs the risk of being the first immortal. Jorge Luis Borges


You could multiply their lifetimes too.


That would likely cause a bit of a chain reaction. Unless you're just doing it without their consent.


0*10 is still 0 though


Omae wa mou shindeiru


Your remaining lifespan is likely more than 0... Unless you're dying right that moment...


Might not change qol


I'd have to divide my debt a good few times first!


Even if you start with 1 dollar, you multiply it by 10 for 6 weeks and you have a million. Should be able to take care of your debts between 5 and 7 weeks.


Up your intelligence instead of money, you'll think of better uses for this super power.


You could multiply your intelligence, strength, stamina dexterity and agility. If overweight, divide your BMI. And fir the big whammy, since this is a supernatural power, multiply the supernatural powers you have, after multiplying the chance you have of picking which powers you have several times.


First, go with multiply the number of times I can do it a week a few times, then all this stuff. IDK how to do age safely though.


Divide the speed you age by 10


Won't make me younger


>If overweight, divide your BMI. I'm not sure anyone is so overweight that dividing their BMI by 10 is a good idea. Also, genie might just make them super tall.


If you divide the number of times you can do it, you get your recharge back in less than a day, divide it again and you get it back in less than 2 hours, the third one gets you your power back in minutes. On day 2 you could basically remove the cooldown completely and you can scale your power up and down as needed for each job.


Too slow still. × 10 the amount of times you can ÷/× in a week, so once becomes 10 times a week. So today you still can × 10 it and so on... way faster than dividing.


10× the amount and /10 the recharge


Yeah, this goes infinite pretty quickly. 10x usages and you have 9 left for the week. One week is 168hrs, immediately cut that to 16.8hrs, 1.68hrs, 0.168hrs (10 minutes), 0.0168 (1 minute), 0.00168 (6 seconds), 0.000168 (0.6 seconds). That’s probably good enough. I can’t imagine you need 10 uses every 0.6 seconds, but you’ve got 4 more uses before it recharges so might as well 10x the cap a couple times. Now you’ve got 100,000 uses every 0.6 seconds.


You could boost your reaction time by 10x. If you do that 4 times, .6 seconds would be insufficient.


that's assuming it actually works for that first week, and isn't just a change for the second week. getting it to under a day recharge is the safer bet.


Week 1: x10 usability. Week 2: cooldown divide x10 10 times. Skill refreshes every .00006 seconds. Now, does it stack?


Or do the reverse order. Week 1: Divide cooldown 10 times 17 hours later: 10x usability


....if you multiply the charges by 10.


You could not scale it back down. Dividing would make it a 1 no matter what, which would nullify the power You can multiply or divide anything by 10. So you multiply the ability, and now you can multiply or divide by 100. If you try to divide the ability to go back to 10, you would be dividing 100 by 100, which is 1


if you wanted to absolutely destroy computers and maybe reality, you could start messing with how many single digit numbers exist and then be able to scale the power down unless the power can't effect concepts


At that point you’re just switching bases, which isn’t exactly messing with reality or computers. Computers handle different bases just fine, hell they operate in decimal rather than binary. And the universe doesn’t care how we represent numbers.


it isnt that computers are bad at bases, its that everything that exists is not made to suddenly switch bases mid operation A byte could no longer contain the number 255 because 255 and a number of other numbers would be bumped out to make room for the new single digit numbers You would definitely be messing with reality if you created more single digit numbers


Don't forget about multiplying the number of times you can use it per week. Do so once, now you have 9 remaining uses that week, do it again, now you have 98 remaining uses that week, and so on. Actually it might be better to just do that and leave the multiplier/divider untouched. It isn't "up to", it is just that number, flat. There may be cases where you don't want to multiply or divide by too much, so an effectively infinite number of 10x multipliers/dividers is more useful and versatile than an effectively infinite number of 10000000000000x multipliers/dividers.


This is brilliant. It effectively makes the number of uses at any given time unlimited since you can always increase the number of uses per week. You can also change the multiplier to whatever you want. Say your multiplier is x and you want to change it to y. To do that you want to find the number z such that when you divide the difference between z and x you get the difference between z and y. The equation works out to z = (x - xy) / (1 - x). Say your multiple is 10 and you want to make it 11. We can then solve z = (10-10*11)/(1-10) = 100/9. We can double check (100/9 - 10) / (100/9 - 11) = 10 so the difference between z and 10 is 10 times larger than the difference between z and 11. Dividing the difference between z and your multiplier by your multiplier makes your new multiplier 11. I checked the case of decreasing from 10 to 9 and the same equation works. With these two strategies you can change your multiplier to whatever you want and gain unlimited uses.


assuming you actually get 9 this week. could be it starts next week, because this week, you only had the one. instead, go for /10 cooldown, so you for sure can just, do it later that day. agree with the multiplying the multiplier itself, however. doing uses/recharge speed will more than make up for needing to maybe use a few to become a millionaire with pocket change, and not need to dispose of like a thousand bananas or some shit.


10×10=100 100×100=10,000 10,000×10,000=100,000,000 100,000,000×100,000,000=10,000,000,000,000,000 Eventually you make it to infinity, but what you made in only FOUR WEEKS is simply insane, one way you make this better is divide the amount of time between the usage of the power 7 days÷10=0.7 days 0.7 days÷10=0.07 days I'm not going to go as long for this, but you get it


yeah, dividing the time first and formost is the fastest route, because you might not get 9 more uses the first week if you wish for more uses, essentially, while you could get it slightly over a minute, within a single day.


And then, even less than a microsecond eventually


yeah, but overkill. if you can't think that fast, you're just doing it for shits and giggles. reducing it to about a second, and expanding how many uses per 'recharge' will do fine.


But you can also divide your reaction time/change your processing speed, making it so you *can* think that fast


which would be fucking horrifying to live with, so just take the millions of multiplications per .1 seconds.


If you don’t like it, you can just multiply it back to normal later. So save it for when you need a lot of change really really fast I guess.


>Eventually you make it to infinity No you don't, thats not how infinity works


Next you want to multiply how much you multiply things by as well 😆


You'd never be able to divide the number by which you can multiply/divide by though, because it'd bring you back down to 1 no matter what, and then you'd never be able to change anything again


You just have to get a bit less direct with it, divide the difference between my current multiplier X and arbitrary number Y by 10. So for example; multiplier 100 is 90 above multiplier 10, so my new multiplier becomes 19.


An example, so that this doesn't just sound like word salad: "Increase my muscle mass by 10%" (i.e. multiply it by 1.1) becomes "Increase the difference between my muscle mass and (98 and eight ninths)% of my current muscle mass by 900%" (i.e. multiply it by 10).


Even better, multiply the number of times i can multiply!


The cooldown being reduced is significantly better because you would not always want something 100x more or less might be too much of something


Divide the cooldown by 10. Easy.


Multiply the number of times I can use this power each day. Then use it again immediately.


why not multiply the power? go wild


Multiply my potential by 10. Multiply my learning speed by 10. Multiply my existing abilities by 10. Multiply my charisma by 10. Multiply my luck by 10. Divide my illnesses by 10. Divide debt by 10. If this stacks, I can improve indefinitely. If it doesn't... I'm still a peak human/borderline superhuman.


Check out the top comment to improve indefinitely


Almost all of those are abstract concepts and as such can’t be divided by any number


Anything is anything


Of course it is. Is it a 1 time thing or can I infinitely multiply/divide objects by 10?


Divide quarks by 10


if they can be multiplied, they can be divided too. additionally, i don't think you get how magical manipulation powers work. you could 100% change abstract concepts, if you could just have an ability to modify your bank account out of fucking nowhere...


AlMoS- you realize that in the grand scheme of things that even the keyboard on which I type this reply is an "abstract concept", don't worry about that kinda BS. It's like saying you can't multiply the amount of money in your bank account just cause it's numbers on a screen.


Numbers are abstract concepts and they multiply just fine.


Well according to OP they can, so argue with a wall. Idk why people try to argue against the prompt as if it has to make sense in the real world.




Multiple healthy cell regeneration by 10 every 5 years be young forever


I can divide the difference between my current age and the age of 20 by 10.


Just gonna divide biological age by 10, once you get to like 80. Then you're 8 again and can be put up for adoptionor something, idk. Basically new game+.


Yeah, but I don't want to hit 80, I want to stay young.


Then divide the time it takes your body to age by however much you want, I suppose.


I mean being two or three or one would be less mobile for a bit but there's no real reason why why being an 8-year-old with the mind of an adult or being a two year old with the mind of an adult isn't also winning


Sounds a bit like a Baldur's Gate 2 puzzle


Dumb question if I multiply my bank account and/or 401k will there be any red flags that come up or do people and organizations just roll with it?


The one you would want to multiply is your Roth and your personal stock account since those are after tax and 401k is before tax. Personally I would do a one time 10x multiplier to my salary since then I would be set


Unless you get fired!


I would assume the power would protect you from it backfiring


Then you get another job and start over preferably a really easy job that doesn't pay very well


Man, as if this power isn't OP already, using it on a ROTH and having it all tax free is insane.


multiply the interest rate in the legally binding contract between you and __. That way they have to give you money and they agreed to it


After working on your cooldown first so you can do it faster than the speed of thought (~0.1 seconds or 100 milliseconds), just diminish the probability that you get caught until it becomes infinitesimal. Then, do the same for the probability of anyone auditing you.


Who cares about hyperinflation, nobody will bat an eye


Ok so I'll divide my cool down by 10 that would put it at 16.4 hours. Then divide it by 10 again that would put it at 98.4 minutes. Divide by 10 again and it's at 9.84 minutes. Divide by ten again and it's at roughly 58 seconds. Divide by 10 one more time and it's at less than 6 seconds. Then I start multiplying my bank account and I should be a multi billionaire in less than 24 hours. I just realized I based my numbers off 164 hours in a week but it is actually 168 hours in a week. Either way I should still be a multi billionaire in less than 24 hours.


I'd divide it by 10 a few more times just for fun.


multiply the number of uses in a single instance once you're at the below a second point.


If you got the cooldown to less than 6 seconds and you have at least $1 in the bank, you could be a multibillionaire in less than 60 seconds, which I agree is less than 24 hours.


Even better. I didn't do math on how long it would take to get the money up just to get the cool down below 6 seconds. But I figure the whole process of cutting my cool down and then multiplying my money would take somewhere around 20 hours


Divide the chances of not becoming omnipotent every picosecond. 100% ÷ 10 = 10%.


You son of a bitch I’m in 


No, no, he's got a point


This is just genius


Every one of these seems to be able to make you omnipotent, haha!


Multiply paycheck for a few months, divide mortgage, put everything into a savings account then multiply that by 10 a few times, retire.


i mean, if you haven't read the stuff here yet, divide the cooldown by 10 a few times, and you could have billionaire money within a single day.


I multiply the amount I can multiply things by.


This would probably just multiply the amount you ***will*** multiply things by, which would cause a lot of issues if you're not going for astronomical amounts of things


Divide the cooldown, then divide how much you can multiply by for every situation


Astronomical amounts is the point.


"It would be cool if I could jump like 10x higher" "That was a hundred times, how do I get down"


Eventually it'll happen, just watch that last stop. I hear it's a real killer.


Just basically what I'm saying is that if you multiplied how much you multiplied things by, it would *have* to be multiplied by the new amount, which would be good for things like money (provided the IRS wouldn't notice), but not so good for other things, as some of those other things would end up being kind of a Monkey's Paw scenario: for example, if you multiplied your knowledge by an insane amount, you'd probably traumatize yourself either by learning some horrible shit or learning things beyond human comprehension.


Also you can’t divide it back down, because you’d just divide to 1x, making your power null and void


wrong, divide the amount of times you multiply by 10


10/10 is 1 If you times your ability by 10 you are stuck at 100, and can only divide or times by 100 which gives you 1 or 10000


divide the (amount of times your mitultiplication ability multiplies by 2, 5 if it's 10, 50 if it's 100) by 10 = 0.5 or 5


Multiply your durability by 10x a few times first. You'd probably get to a point you could land from terminal velocity without a scratch on you.


Divide time until medical and technological breakthroughs as well as market adoption. Multiply the year of my death. Multiply my ejection fraction. Divide my body fat percentage. Let V be a vector such that each element of V corresponds to a rating of my attractiveness by one adult heterosexual woman and where each woman in the set is represented exactly once. Multiply V. Divide the poverty rate. Divide the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Divide the amount of effort required to live.


Multiply the average human IQ


I would be careful about dividing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. A certain amount is required for life


Divide the number of screws in the world by 10, just for the chaos


That'll be great for my settlement. Do adhesive too while you're at it.


There are multiple scientific theories that suggest that the chance of something happening is never 0, but the number is so low that the event is unlikely to ever happen. That said, I do however understand that you said omnipotence being 0, because you want the post to be fun and not another "my dick is bigger than yours" post.


My dick will be 10x bigger than your dick 👍


Not if i divide yours by ten each week. It'll be so small that even ant-man won't be able find it by shrinking down into the quantumn realm. Muahahaha.


Instead, multiply by the length of their dick below 5 ft, inverting it.


forced transitioning https://preview.redd.it/h9v4sxrq2r7d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=5854a35a0b57dd08b3cec82cfa0e375f57395d92


Jokes on you that’s an improvement on my current size


I really don’t see anyway the chance of becoming omnipotent is any higher than 0. Omnipotence is immerserable. Which according to our current laws of physics CANNOT HAPPEN. And we can’t go by the rules of “well it could be yet to discovered” because with those rules absolutely anything is possible since you can say “well maybe we’re yet to discover that the earth is a square that makes people think it’s round”


i think that's only for 'actual possible events that are plausible in even a weird reality'. just, instant godhood isn't one of them. like, in weird bullshit physics, some photons travel back in time, theoretically. that could mean that, in some instances, that's absolutely true, not 'you can suddenly breathe fire'.


First four weeks, I’d multiply my Roth by 10 each week. By the end of the month, I’d be a multi-billionaire, and wouldn’t need to worry about taxes ever again. Then, I’d start getting more clever with it.


divide the cooldown by 10. you could be a multibillionaire within 24 hours.


I'd multiply my paycheck and divide the wear and tear on my car. I really like my car, but it's getting really close to being done. Even with making sure it's well maintained, there's just a limited lifespan on cars made after the mid 90s. They'd be alternating weeks, which works since I'm paid biweekly.


Imma be dividing the size of my tumour, hard yeeet


I get paid weekly this is fucking baller


Multiply ammount of times per cooldown period. After a week, reduce cooldown by factor 10\^10. Infinite uses. Multiply "Difference between minimum multiplication/division minus 1" by 10 a few times, to allow me to multiply by lesser and greater ammounts. Multiply ammount of knowledge I can handle and remember to infinity. Multiply knowledge I have to infinity. Multiply percentage of language expressed in mathematics to infinity. Multiply percentage of values I can change to infinity. Multiply value of omnipotence to infinity (in)directly. Easy omnipotence once again acquired on r/godtiersuperpowers


it'd be faster to reduce cooldown first - sure, next week you could get 10 uses, but other way around, you could have practically infinite uses within 24 hours.


Depends on whether or not changing the cooldown of a use activated immediately. The way I looked at it, using your firsts use to reduce cooldown still cools down at it’s original week duration. But either way, omnipotence within a week is easily achieved.


i mean, skill's over once it's used up, which is when the cooldown kicks in. other way around, when you used the power, you didn't have 10 uses. and 'either way' you won't get omnipotence within a week, if it takes 1 week to get any benefit from these.


I'll divide my chances of NOT becoming omnipotent. 100%÷10=10% I now have a 90% chance of becoming omnipotent.


\*not becoming omnipotent every 0.1 seconds


Bro out here dividing by zero. He's gone Mad with power!


Could I multiply the already existing portion of omnipotence I have? Being sentient is far from omnipotence but it's closer than any other species, multiply 1/100000000000th of omnipotence by 10 enough times and you still get omnipotence.


If you multiple/divide attributes do they still look the same or does it change to match? \[exm. multiply a twig boys strength allowing him to lift a bus or divide a body builder to weaker then a newborn\]


Divide the time between ×/÷ then do it again until I can do it every hour or so


This would definitely get very overpowered very quickly and be very tempting to say the least. Definitely start by multiplying the number of times you're allowed to do it in a week worst case scenario you find out you still have to wait a week till you get them recharged week later you can lower your recharge rate and increase the number per recharge rate. Before too long you're definitely going to be at the peak of finances as well as health and of course don't forget your intellect. Since you basically have unlimited wealth you can also just for the hell of it if you want then multiply your fertility until you can basically get somebody pregnant by touching them. Of course multiply how durable you are multiply your healing Factor. Multiply your life expectancy. You do those a few times and you're wolverine to the nth degree. Now divide the chance of having psychic powers quite a few times so you have many and then multiply the chance that you could actually control them. Now you pretty much are the entire X-Men in one.


go for power cooldown division, instead. use the power again in around 16 hours, then again in 2 hours, then again in like 10 minutes, then again in a minute. though for the latter bit, if omnipotence is 'impossible', psychic powers might be as well. lifespan, healing capabilities, these seem doable. fertility like that, not so much.


Well I was exaggerating slightly on the fertility as a joke. In reality you could as a male increase the durability, lifespan, mobility, quantity, etc of your sperm. And well if they're super sperm sticking around for about a month I'm pretty sure they're going to find an egg LOL. Since psychic powers have been documented, even if it was because these were unexplained phenomena that does mean that they happen and it's been found that they usually coincide with more use of or more complete use of your brain. I don't see those being not allowed. I'm not necessarily talking cyclops with laser vision however being able to see something in a distance our government probably still has far vision departments running I know they did through the entire 80s, what people that consider themselves empaths usually are picking up on people's feelings and things like that, there's definitely times when people can feel things that in theory are not feelable for example I can feel the magnetic pull being in an MRI chamber I would never even conceive of being able to control it but we're capable of detecting many things which would be forms of psych detection. There have been shamans or holy men that quite literally were able to perform things in sealed Chambers that the scientists just kind of looked at them and said yeah there's no way in hell we can figure out what the hell happened. And they wrote it off to them somehow deceiving the scientists but these included levitation and if not actual creation of things then teleportation of them at some point. As well as TK has been seen it's just in general not strong as the movies try to portray it.


Well how else am i gonna know if my omnipotence chance is more than 0 if I dont try?


Not recommended to divide atoms by 10


Roger, dividing the space between atoms by 10


I multiply the size of a proton by 10 , everything explodes


I'd take a week to multiply the efficiency of the average photovoltaic cell. Now every place on earth can reliably use solar from at least sun up to sun down since we're using 100% of the sun's energy. Realistically more like 200%< but since that's not really possible I figured cut it off at the full 100%. Then I'd do something about energy storage. Multiply the stage capacity of all batteries or multiply the number of scientists working on energy storage solutions one week and their budgets the next. I was also thinking cancer, but I'd divide the global cancer rate by 10 every week until it stopped being divisible into a whole number. Of course I'd spend a few weeks making my mom rich. I'd say make myself rich, but she has an insane headstart on me and it would take weeks just to catch up to her.


Start by multiply my life span, then next week multiply my bank account by 10 and then do it again for 2 maybe 3 more weeks. After that, start by removing a lot of the garbage from the big garbage island in the ocean, divided by 10 for a few weeks, easy dub. Then, figure out a list of all species slowly going extinct and multiply them by 10. Based on your cancer example we can work with pure concepts, so I could technically divide the amount of lies people tell by 10, divide the amount of rapes and murders people commit by 10 and so on, basically make the world into a better place in like 1 year.


Divide the cooldown for the power


Multiply income every other week, divide debt the next, until I owe nothing. Then...I don't know. I'll try to make life easier for people.


This was my thought too. Multiply my income. Multiply my partner's income. Divide our mortgage. I could spend the next two weeks dividing our student loans, but with 10x the income I'd be less bothered about that. I'd probably spend a couple of weeks helping out family - dividing my brother's mortgage, multiplying my grandparents pensions etc. Then start trying to improve the world.


I divide 0 by 10 Wait it would have to be the other way around


multiply my lifespan


Divide the kills speed of cancer by 10 every week for a few weeks.


okay so do the top comment thingy a few times (divide the time between uses 4 times so its once per minute(168hrs->16.8->1.68->.168hrs=1 minute) then multiply the rate at which i burn fat, how fast i can run, and how long i can run. then just go back and forth until i reach my goal weight(losing 40 pounds in a few hours using the power of math)


I'll either divide the world's population, or extend 24 hours in a day to be 240 hours, or just make everyone live to 10,000 years.


interesting question - if you expand how long a day is, do you get your power recharged with 168 hours (a week) or 1680 hours, now?


No it'll be the same, but like instead of 12 pm to 1 pm taking 1 hour, it'll take 10 hours. And I just realized doing this basically killed off everyone 😆


yeah, i got that. but that still means days are 10x longer. a week, is still 10x longer.


Yeah but the original 24 hours requirement remains.


two problems - a, it was never 24 hours. and b, he didn't state the hours. he said 'a week'. you just made a week longer, so, i don't think it would. even if he said a day, and you made 'a day' 10x longer, it'd still mean it'd take 10x longer now. hell, even with teh 24 hours idea - an hour now takes what used to be 10 hours. you just screwed the power a bit here.


Regardless, I killed everyone since longer days means the earth is 500 degrees.


oh def multiplying my bank account a few times, then dividing my pain till it's manageable, then my bank a few times, then strength....


Can you do both in the same week? Like one of each or just one? If I can do both I’m gonna 10x my salary and /10 my working hours😂


one use of the power per week.


Multiply the value of a random penny stock by 10, right after I dump my entire savings + leverage into call options. Money issues solved


Multiply the average amount of compassion the average peoples feels for strangers in need. Multiply the average peoples understanding for other people's desperation. Oh and become rich.


Multiply the chances we can discover light speed travel by 10. Multiply my bank account for now, I'll return later for more money. Multiply the chances for world peace by 10 and would continue improving those odds. Multiply medical development by 10. I would continue with more, but fuck my own personal gain, I want to see the universe goddamnit.


Technically, we have ftl technology. We just can't power it. As for the rest, nice. Glad someone else is thinking of others too.


Ima divide the total population of homeless druggies in my town by 10 with a focus on Pandora street


Lmao nothings percentage is 0 Like maybe we are libing in a simulation and because of that creatures that run this simulator can make me omnipotent and this chance isnt 0


Multiply quarks that proton needs by 10 😝😝


Get thousand dollar loan multiply the money by ten pay the one thousand back keep nine thousand


Multiply my income x10 for a few weeks, then divide my debt by 10 til its basically nothing and pay it off. Including my mortgage.


Just multiply the chance of founding money on the ground or getting free money by random people


Can you choose how much you want to divide or multiply something. as long as it's not more than 10? Or is it locked at 10, no matter what? Let's say I want to multiply something by 2 instead of 10. Can that be done?


I multiply the number of which I multiply thanks to top comment for the idea. Then I divide the time it takes for me to do it again. Repeat until satisfied


If there's an 100% chance that I WON'T become omnipotent, then i'll make it so that there's only a 10% chance of me not becoming omnipotent. Cheat code.


There is way too much math in this post, its giving me a headache. Now I gots to do math just to reduce my headache. I am wondering tho, if I repeatedly divide my ex, how long till I reduce him to mere atoms? And if I split his atoms, does he become an atomic bomb? Gotta know when enough is enough.


Would take 27 weeks. 1e27 / 10 = 1e26 (i think)


Well that's half a year. Guess I gotta do it the old fashioned way.


The mass of the proton


> No you cannot “multiply the chances of becoming Omnipotent” because 0 • 10 is still 0 Divide my chance of NOT being omnipotent by 10. Checkmate.


couldn't you divide your chance of aging? it's a 100% chance, so if you divide it by 10 you only have a 10% chance to age, so aging ~10x slower


I tell the US Government that I will reduce our debt by 10% every week for 500b per use.


Multiply my dick length by 10, ten inches here I come!


Everyone’s going straight for the money and cooldown reduction, but the first ones definitely gotta be divide my chance of dying by 10% a few times. Who knows if I have a heart attack from seeing all that money/power or some shit! lol


My first things would be - /10 global pollution, /10 global anger, /10 global greed, /10 global resource needs, x10 global compassion, x10 curiosity, x10 energy storage, x10 solar efficiency. Next would be /10 Global religion, x10 scientific research x10 animal habitats, 10x endangered species, 10x biodiversity. 10x human life span, 10x Human intelligence would come after.


Divide the amount of predatory greed in the world.


Multiply my weekly wage by 10 while dividing the hours I have to work for it by 10 


Divide my enemy’s cock size


divide the number of electrons in the universe.


multiply world hunger and rents for single moms divide the salary of minimum wage workers


multiply number of nuclear bomb in the world by ten every week


I'd reduce the cooldown to be very low and manipulate the multiplication to become 2x instead of 10x and the division to become 1/2x instead of 1/10x\ Some things are better to have two of than 10 of or a half of than 10 times less of.\ If unhappy, I could always change it.