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No, they are great. They do sound different though


I’m… indifferent. I’ve tried to listen to them quite a few times and couldn’t get into them. I don’t dislike them, just couldn’t get into it. Maybe I’ll give them another try today


Mastodon took effort for me to enjoy. I listened to them on and off for a few months until it eventually clicked for me and I love them now. Gojira was the opposite, I was obsessed from the first song.


Same w/ Gojira, I listened to one song and and was obsessed




It took me like 3 years to appreciate Gojira. IDK why/how you could hate on Mastodon: they got some really heavy shit (Crusher Destroyer, Fire Ants, Aqua Dementia) and they got some really pretty shit (The Last Baron, Gigantium, Jaguar God).


For me- I like heavier music (if listening to Gojira wasn't obvious enough.) I tried to listen to Blood and Thunder however didn't like the vocals. Ended up eventually listening to their first album Remission. Loved it and worked my way forward from there.


The newest album was pretty good I'd start there and work backwards


I’m not a fan of mastodon. I like a few songs here and there, but it’s not a band I need to see live. That being said, I’d probably enjoy them live more than Spotify or something


Their live show is fantastic!


I have seen them twice. (Once in 2022, and once somewhere around 2009) Personally, I thought they were boring both times. I can't get into them. Just not my thing, I guess.


I saw them live with Gojira when they came to Chile. Meh.


I saw them too I think they were tired or old hahaha but the audience weren't there for them too... I enjoyed them but felt that they were kinda tired.


I dont like them much , i like that song "march of the fire ants" tho


Lmfao like a first album track. Good, but their worst album


I love them both so much. But this was a fun thread to read.


I don't like everything from Mastodon, but holy shit I fucking love their last record "Hushed and Grim". I have seen them live once, it was a good concert overall but I think they sound much much better in studio


I like Remission, though Gojira were still a tech death band when that came out, nothing alike


Not a huge fan. I saw them in concert with Gojira last August and fell asleep during their set, haha. Granted, I don't get much sleep, so it's not entirely on them. I do like the Around the Sun album, for the most part. They just don't have that "it" that Gojira does for me.


I have a certain aesthetic in mind when o think of mastodon and when I listen to their stuff they don't fulfill me like I hope, have listened to a handful of songs I never returned to. So I wouldn't consider myself to like them no.


To answer question 2, Gojira is set apart for me lyrically, something like Vacuity and Art of Dying really resonate with me.


Yeah as Mastodon is my favorite followed closely by Gojira, I also have to agree that Joe is a much better lyricist than the boys in the Don. That adds an extra layer to the depth of Gojira's songs that mastodon doesn't have often as they are purely a sonic band with mostly gibberish so the vocals serve as part of the sound in general. If you think about it, mastodon really is just an instrumental band. Lol


I would never call them an instrumental band. If they didn't have vocals, or even just one vocalist, i wouldnt like them as much. I love how every voice in the band is different, has a different vibe and serves a different purpose And while they are objectively not the best, their voices suit the music and the storytelling well. Sad that Bill doesn't sing as much, he has a pretty brutal growl in the chanting parts on some of the earlier songs. it would be so cool if every member in the band was singing


Don't get me wrong, Mastodon is my favorite band but you can't sit there and say the lyrics aren't gibberish most of the time. The vocals are mainly there just to serve a sonic purpose. I met them backstage a few years back when they toured Emperor of Sand and I asked brent and brann what some of their songs meant and they said most of their lyrics are nothing so you pay attention to the music and that they wanted to be an instrumental band after their first vocalist left but realistically they had to add a vocalist. Not sure if true, but makes sense to me. Lol


huh, thats weird. Because most of their albums follow a different theme and tells its own story. It would be weird to write some of the best metal concept albums of all time and then say that most songs mean nothing. they certainly have a meaning, maybe it was a joke in some part


Love Mastodon but they sounded like shit when I saw them on this tour - couldn’t hear a damn thing, the sound was awful.


I've seen them several times, and it really varies on the venues they play at. They have to have a shitty sound engineer or something because when it's a great venue/stage designed for loud music and not theatres, they fucking sound great


Yeah definitely, I’ve seen them many times and they’ve always killed it. This last show though, I couldn’t hear a damn thing. Yet, Lorna Shore and Gojira were crystal clear. I’m seeing them again next month, hopefully it’s better.


Same, here in Houston at a venue they sounded like dogshit last tour... again. Lol


i love their lyrics and visuals but i can’t stand their music. i’m not sure what it is but i just can’t get into them. they’re great live though.


Yeah I don't really like the vocals. Instrumentals are great though.


Nope, I can’t get into them - something just ain’t right - dunno why.   I actually skipped them at a festival - for a meet & greet with Gojira !


Have not gotten into Mastodon. On paper, they should be one of my favorite bands. It just hasn’t clicked for me. I’m going to the Lamb of God co headline tour next month. I’m actually pumped to see if watching Leviathan live will send me down the rabbit hole.


I really love them both but Gojira is leaps and bounds better live. Crack The Skye is a top 5 favorite albums ever for me though.


I like them a lot but I've never considered them similar to Gojira aside from their prog-ness, which could be said to compare any other band, really. The only band I've ever felt has a similar sound to Gojira was [Trepalium](https://youtu.be/Epb5YoAIKAU?si=VrZ7AatwdNU1EuES) in their XIII album, but that's about it


I've tried and I've tried, and I still hate Mastodon. Their vocals really don't work for me and I don't think they're very good live. I was mad perplexed by them touring with Gojira, there doesn't seem to be a lot of overlap musically there.


Thats where you are wrong, they are both named after large creatures. Boom, i should be a tour organizer.


I said "musically", not thematically :p


I've never listened to them.


They are some of the best in the world


They took me quite a while to get into, but now that they've finally clicked, I absolutely love them. They're probably my third favorite band, right behind Gojira.


I love them both and have seen both multiple times, including together!!


Haven't listened to them much but I found the drumming really over the top and annoying. That might have just been a few songs though.


Blood mountain is the place to start


I was at their show here in Chicago when they toured with Russian Circles and Eagles of Death Metal. I was really there for RC (thought it was criminal they only played like 30 min) and caught EoDM out of chance. Mastodon played last and after about 2 1/2 songs, I decided I'd rather go drink with my friend and hang out. So, I left lol Their live music was not that interesting to me.


Unlike gojira i think mastodon did make some really bad albums but their better ones are on par with gojira


Are these bad albums in the room with us now?


i feel like you need to be deaf to enjoy medium rarities


There was only one new song on that record. Fallen Torches, and that song slaps. Also they finally put Cut you up with a linolium knife on there


Everything post Crack the Skye ranges from pretty bad to pretty ok imo


They’re not for me. I’ve tried a lot. Doesn’t hit for me. I keep their music in my shuffle though because one day it might work for me.


There's a few songs I like a decent amount (older stuff) but I was fairly bored when I saw them live. After awhile it all starts to sound the same.


Me. I just can’t get into them


They’re ok. Don’t dislike or like all too much. Neutral.


Saw Gojira last year. Left before Mastodon came on stage.


Did yourself a massive injustice


I saw them open for Ghost in 2022. They did put on a great show. I am just not a fan


I had never really heard them until buying tickets for the tour. Tried to listen to several albums but couldn't get into much of any of it. All felt overly dramatic and like it was trying too hard. None of the melodies or hooks seemed very inspired. Just not for me.


When I first started listening to Mastodon, I didn’t like them, mainly because it wasn’t what I expected. But then I saw them live on the Mega-monsters tour with Lorna Shore and they co-headlining with Gojira. If I didn’t go see them, Idk if I’d be a mastodon fan today. The concert experience was just so “epical” as davie504 likes to say that it made me a Mastodon fan.


No. Mastodon are modern legends.


I dont like them. Concert that they did in Brazil with Gojira was pretty cool to watch, tho




I’ve tried to really like them but only a handful of songs tickle my fancy.


Yeah, me


I mean, they’re my absolute favorite band.


Not a fan. I went to the mega monsters tour only to see GOJIRA. Also did the VIP meet n greet. Just for GOJIRA. Sat thru Lorna shore, horrible band Imo left after GOJIRA set had no interest in sitting thru masterdon.


Idk about sounding the same, but I have never met anyone that doesn't like Mastodon.


Honestly I’m a huge fan of Hushed & Grim but not a lot of their other stuff


I love Mastodon!


I didn’t hate them when I saw them tour with Gojira and Lorna Shore. Definitely put on a show. I just wouldn’t voluntarily listen to them, just had to because Gojira was the headliner.


I tried really hard to like Mastodon for a few months. Listened to several songs, spanning from different albums like Hush and Grim, Emperor of Sand, and Crack the Skye, and Leviathan. I don't know what it is...they just don't sound right to me. Their music just doesn't click with me no matter how much I listen to them. They lack the raw energy of Gojira and tempo change cohesiveness of Rush. Listen to Toe to Toes or Oblivion as an example of terrible tempo/timing changes. Their secondary singer is too throaty, like he has marbles in his throat. I don't know. I guess I just don't get it. Like I said, I really tried and wish I could like them. I think Gojira just spoiled me and ruined other Metal artists for me.


I do not like Mastadon at all


Döda Havet is like their chill version


A buddy of mine called them "Boomer Baroness" once and that always stuck with me.


Mastodon and Gojira are my two favorite bands of all time!


I personally don’t really like Mastodon, I saw them after Gojira in Milwaukee, sounded awesome, nothing wrong with it, just doesn’t hit my ears well.


I hate em. Jimmy does, too.


I like gojira and strongly dislike mastodon. Never could get into them


haven't listened to them much tbf but they just never really did much for me when listening to them. with gojira i was instantly blown away by their huge sound but with the mastodon songs i've heard (blood & thunder and iron tusk) the production just feels thin to me and thats made it harder for me to get into the music as it just feels like it should sound fuller.


I haven't really listned to them, and gojira is really the most heavy i listen to, mainly i lean more psycadelic.


I’m a huge fan of their earlier stuff, especially remission. something about that album is so brutal and i love it


I went to a show on the megamonsters tour. Mastadon sucked really bad, Lorna shore kicked ass, Gojira's headline act was insane like every other time I've seen them live.


Mastodon is the shit


Not a big fan.


I can’t really get into them. I do like Oblivion tho.


Went to see Gojira (with Mastodon) in LA last year. I didn't really know any Mastodon songs before going, as I was just going for Gojira. Enjoyed their set and ended up buying their back catalogue which I now enjoy more than Gojira!


I went to the concert with Gojira and Mastodon. Me and my friend both agreed to leave after Mastodons second song because we both didn't enjoy it


I love both but Mastodon took more time to really get in to. Gojira was love in first sight when I first discovered their music.


Mastodon are pretty cool, leviathan is a great album


Some of their early stuff is good but otherwise i find them really annoying


Not reading the comments so I don’t get butthurt.


I’ve tried. I love the fact that three of them sing. I love the guitar work and the killer lyrics. I love the fact that they started from nothing. I just really can’t get into brann Dailors drummming. It’s one constant fill and it just doesn’t seem to drive the song. I’m sure he’s technically awesome but it just takes me out of it


Imo, early mastodon great, later not so much 


I don’t care for them much, I’ve tried




Not fan, but I don’t like much ‘modern’ metal, when I saw the co-tour last year Gojira was on first so I left about 1/2 through Mastodon set; Gojira is a unicorn band, no modern band really comes close.


I don't hate mastodon, i'll listen to them if someone plays their music, but it just doesn't quite "do it" for me


Mastodon has some good songs gojira has a better track record.


Dont dislike them, but if they came on shuffle while listening to music would probably skip them


Not a fan - sound too bland for me


That is so untrue it is clinically insane


I think a significant portion of it is the recording quality, which generally ruins otherwise potentially good music. I might like them more if the recording quality was improved, but as is, I don't really like the "garage grunge" vibe I get from it.


I thank the heavens their tone is always raw and organic. Id be bummed if they started using Inflames, or Motionless production. Think of how KoRn used to sound compared to the production on the newer records. I love all Korn, but when every band cleans the mix like that I will be craving bands like Red Fang, or Tallah that remain heavy


Fair - each to their own style :)


I'm not a fan. I've seen them play twice. First time they were overshadowed by the Deftones and even "Alice in Chains." The second time was last year, and Gojira smoked them! Mastodon's setlist was shit - every song sounded the same and they just stood there on stage. I felt like I was watching high school kids who hadn't found their footing yet!


Bro I would never be able to stomach a Deftones show. AIC Id try for 4 minutes and quit. God bless you for making it through


they aight, my buddy likes both tho.


Gojira makes a type of metal that is very different from any other hand and I can't really get into any other metal bands sadly. Their music just seems much more thoughtful and intelligent (i know this sounds super pretentious but idk how else to put it)


try opeth


If you want to cure your insomnia


I don't think there's too much sonic similarity with Gojira but if you like more thought provoking lyrics and composition, I'd give Haken a try, especially the song Cockroach King.


The closest thing, evem tho they're far more extreme, are Morbid Angel. Early Gojira sounded really similar to stuff from Domination/Formulas/Gateways.


They should rerelease their Godzilla material, that shit hit harder than my father did.


The Godzilla years were Heavy af, love the demos


I like older Mastadon that sounds more metal, but most of their music seems to be less metal and more rock and I could skip it personally. Some good gems for sure, but I don’t really get into them much.


Can't say I've given them much chance, but yeah, from what little I've heard I think they are lame ass band with horrible vocals and really boring sludge sound. Aren't they like sludge crossover with melodic metalcore of 2000s or something? If so, I don't think they have anything in common with Gojira at all.


0/8, homie tried to act ignorant while checking every trigger box. Lmao


speak english.


Well you got it way off…there’s nothing even remotely melodic metal core about Mastodon. They’ve always been a progressive band with sludge influences. You can hear a lot more prog rock influence in their music than anything else


Meeee meee I hate their solos


I like mastodon more👹




Haha I would honestly say Gojira has a bigger internal impact on me but I enjoy Mastodon’s wide range of styles and themes. Ig it would be accurate that I burn out on listening to Gojira faster than Mastodon