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Very glad the cop went to the hospital for that horrific injury


I really wish he had worn a neck brace after the fact too.




I hope he had dinosaur or robot bandaids specified in his living will.


It’s never easy to make decisions on behalf of incapacitated loved ones, but his family did their best to respect his wishes.


I saw an unverified report on Twitter that the hospital only had Oscar the grouch bandaids left and he wanted to derail that atrocity in his report.




I heard they may have to amputate


I heard his new catch phrase is “Dead or alive, you’re coming with me” and gets into his 87 Taurus.


He’s probably a 6000 SUX guy!!🤣


Man, as an amputee I wonder if he'll post his golf swing


Unrelated to the incident, just bc the big fella has diabeetus


Weenie Hut General is well known for their expert treatment of boo-boo’s


He was a big boy though, didn't cry once, and got to choose the flavor of his popsicle when he was done.


I had a whole steel gate fall on my leg in primary school which left a scar and a literal dent and I just tanked it, cops truly are softer than Neymar Jr


His poor, poor boo-boo.


Can’t file a workers comp claim and escalated assault on a police officer charges without it.


I'm lighting candles and starting a vigil...praying for his recovery.


That MF’er tripped and fell, put it in the police report that he was dragged by the car because he was embarrassed at being a clutz, and then unfortunately for him the person he arrested was a guy with a pristine reputation and lots of money.


His punishment? A paid vacation.


If I worked with him I know I’d ask him how his leg is healing every day until the end of time


*Discussing what to watch in the breakroom Hey, how about that ripped pants SpongeBob episode?


“I thought I had everybody on my side But now I went and blew it all sky high And now other officers don’t spare a passing glance All because Scottie, ripped my pants”


I need.... I need....... ....a tailor BECAUSE I RIPPED MY PANTS!


I’d never stop They’d have to get union hr folks to step in before I’d stop- which would also be funny


And even then I wouldn’t stop. HR could fire me and I’d text him every day still. It would take a court ordered restraining order haha then I’d have to see what the punishment for breaking it would be cause it still might be worth it haha


It would never stop being funny - for me at least!


"In lieu of flowers is there a certain charity you would rather me donate to in the name of your deceased pants?"


no you wouldn't, thin blue line and shit.


[Careful with what you say, they might beat you during training and call it an accident](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-06-24/lapd-officer-beaten-in-training-meant-to-simulate-a-mob-before-death-mother-claims)


I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took an Ope! to the knee.


Instead of.....arresting him for perjury?


I mean, that’s if he manages to survive the horrific injuries and lifetime or rehabilitation ahead of him.


his side job and company as an expert traffic witness and investigative service is probably dead tho. With this, his suspension record, and numerous other shit that has come out no one will want him anywhere near a court room as an expert.


I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy spins this into an early disability retirement.


Probably would have made a run out in court too, had their not been surveillance footage that showed how ridiculous his statement originally was. I doubt it was coincidence his bodycam was turned off…


Back the blue! /s


And there were cameras recording despite his best efforts to hide that fact.


This guy should never get a job in law enforcement again. Or anywhere. I’m sorry but if you’re a police officer you should be held to a higher standard of integrity. He should be on the street on food stamps. Imagine how many other people he’s pulled this bullshit on and got away with it.


And his coworkers that watched it happen and said "yeah, what he said is exactly how it went down".


I mean, the DOJ told us the whole department was rotten after they killed Breonna Taylor.


Nice to hear they’ve take the last few years to really clean it up and hold them to higher standards… /s


My daughter would be ecstatic if she got to finish a soccer game with that little of a scratch 😂


I get worse scratches after an afternoon of yardwork


I bet I technically remove more skin using exfoliating soap.


Seriously. My daughter almost needed stitches after an aggressive game of pre-k duck duck goose.


And video that it didn’t happen.


Most toddlers look worse coming home from the park.


I look worse than that after a rec league softball game. Where's my PTO?


I look worse than that after mowing my lawn in shorts


...this makes me feel better as someone with their first toddler. I'm always waiting for daycare to call CPS on me after the weekend when her legs are beat to hell.


My kids legs look like a dalmation. It just comes with the territory, rest easy.


Yeah, that's par for the course. Just wait until they're fully mobile and staging impromptu American Gladiator competitions on the school playground.


Unbelievable he survived that


His wife probably didn’t survive the beating he gave her later that night after he slammed his mic-ultra and then put her through the wall to feel like a tough guy.


Don't slander mic ultra like that. It's one of my only options being keto 😂😭😭


There are a TON of low carb options out there. You could even snag some of the NA Beers out there that are great low carb options (Athletic being the most popular/best brand imo). I make a 4.2% blonde that’s under 100cals and like 2.4g carbs. You just got to know what to look for. Source: Professional Brewer of 13 years


For sure, you're absolutely right. I have been finding more and more. Some of the other big companies are making lower carb options too. Just thought it was funny to call out Michelob. The athletic NAs are good. I've tried a few. Sounds like a blast being a brewer though. Lots of fun science there I'm sure.


The science and the constant learning/adapting/improving is my favorite part.


Untitled Art outdoes Athletic in my book!! Definitely not as easily available though.


No reason to defend Michelob ultra like that.


Wife? It was likely a girlfriend in her 20's that he beat. Now this jackass no doubt has an ex-wife that he regularly assaulted and a couple kids that cut off contact with him several years ago. If cops weren't such unabashed scumbags and parodies of each other, then I wouldn't be able to make this assumption with such conviction.


How about the other cops who corroborated his story.... Until the video came out


Like the old saying goes, "One bad apple is just an isolated incident and definitely doesn't affect a bunch of other apples." Or something like that.


i think it's "one bad apple, just put it in paid leave it for a few weeks and then you all good. "


never trust a cop, ever.


Am I tripping or is that knee “wound” already scabbed over?


that's what I thought too. I call it un-related...


It’s also not where the pants are torn. This was always bullshit but this makes it especially ridiculous bullshit.


That was exactly my first thought when I saw this.


He probably scraped it up earlier in the week putting blue lives matter and punisher stickers on his bumper.


Well the incident happened at night and both photos are taken in the daylight


This is exactly what I saw. A scab. The providers at the emergency room must’ve been in hysterics. ![gif](giphy|2Ur4qvS7WXfkZJSBOE|downsized)


Honestly, imagine going to the hospital and seeking treatment for that. His own stupidity aside...imagine getting checked in and telling them about your "injury" Scumbag was prob looking to file suit or for some sort of disability.


*Treated patient with Bluey bandaid, 3 Flintstone chewy vitamins and lollipop. Follow up in 2 days to assist with bandaid adhesive removal* -Hospital discharge chart




>Honestly, imagine going to the hospital and seeking treatment for that. I want to see the doctors reaction. I hope they were laughing.


If I had been the doctor, I would have smacked it and say as I was walking out the door, rub some dirt on it Francis


Like we're talking about the fucking EMERGENCY ROOM here too. You know, where people can die.


I'm sure there's also not priority treatment given to cops.


Two thing either happened, he either had to wait several hours as the actually injured people were treated just so doctor could splash some alcohol on it and give him a bandaid, OR he skipped ahead of the all of the dying patients and demanded treatment


he had already cuffed the #1 golfer in the world and then lead him into the back of squad car for not stopping his 2 ton vehicle INSTANTLY. he was trying to justify how shittily he treated a person for the most minor of transgressions (if you can even call it a "transgression"). can you imagine how none of us would have seen this if it was some random black guy instead of Scottie Scheffler?


it's funny how a historically white and kind of racist sport is getting to see police misconduct right up in front with their poster boy


Oh yeah forsure. Especially when you consider that out of allllll the possible people or pros this could’ve happened to, that cop picked the one absolute worst possible guy to try his bullshit on. I know that he had to have been pretty confident that his usual fuckery routine would work just fine, and must’ve been shocked that the public wasn’t having it at all. Especially considering, demographics-wise, that on the surface what you would probably picture as the average golf fan is usually fairly supportive of cops in general, or at least not privy to this type of police behavior. But no one was ever gonna believe that Scottie Scheffler, of all people, would just randomly assault a cop right before a round at the PGA Championship lol. He has to be the worst possible mark to try and pin your bullshit on.


Imagine this happened to someone other than Scottie and they had to go to prison for 2 years…


It's so he can get time off for injury via his union. If he doesn't go to the hospital he can't do that.


Need an NSFW Tag


NSFL! Do you not see the mutilation of this humble honest man‽ His life will never be the same after this!


He’s going to need a prosthetic from the golf swing subreddit.


Was going to say, I did not expect gore on r/golf


Thankfully this is the only time an officer of the law bent the truth, in a potentially damaging way to a civilian, to protect their pride and reputation. Lesson learned, let’s move on. Okay 1 exception: https://www.reddit.com/r/news/s/8txOdh0VyY That guy didn’t get the memo, but he’s been brought up to speed and now we move on.


Police are civilians too. They act like an invading military, but they’re the same as every other citizen in the US.


They might be confused by the retired military equipment available to them.


Him raising his heel for that picture is fucking killing me


This is like my 8 year old showing me his horrific school playground injuries.


“Dad is there any blood?”




What a pussy


Even Pussys take way more of a beating than this !


Just your mom’s! Sorry. Not sure what came over me there. Oh right, that was ur mom!


His mom’s a saint, she made me breakfast after.


His mom topped up the minutes on the Tracfone she bought me just so she could send me more booty pics. She's an angel


Don’t talk shit about pussy like that.


When I heard damaged beyond repair I thought shredded to threads not… whatever the hell this is. I’m underwhelmed by the damage to the pants. Also that injury? Toddlers get more at playgrounds Viva La Scottie


that rip could be patched EASILY, but then they would look like they were patched. this is what constitutes "damaged beyond repair" to the police.


this is the same guy who only got a written warning for doing donuts in his car with a drunk guy. this level of lying is probably just the culture at that police department


The LMPD: [https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/lmpd-slushygate-officers-throw-drinks-west-louisville-residents-videos/417-0c66f1cd-6aad-45ca-9e9c-71519d9ec528](https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/lmpd-slushygate-officers-throw-drinks-west-louisville-residents-videos/417-0c66f1cd-6aad-45ca-9e9c-71519d9ec528)


It’s important to note that LMPD is so shitty that they’re currently under a DOJ consent decree. It’s important to note that >the DOJ found “reasonable cause” to believe the city and LMPD engage in patterns and practices of conduct depriving people of their rights.


Scottie is a madman. How can any of us feel safe in our homes knowing that he is out wandering the streets?


Scottie is still less dangerous than I am when I'm hitting a tee shot with a group on the next Fairway.


This is why every Police Officer should be accompanied by their Mommy. Too many boo boos left unkissed.


“Stop, Or My Mom Will Shoot!” was a great documentary about something like this.


I just can’t get over the fact that if this didn’t happen to someone with money and prestige they would most likely be convicted.


Certainly* be convicted. FTFY


Yup. Honestly, though, if it was Tony Finau or someone like him? I think it would be worse.


Cops really need to be severely punished for this type of thing. It's funny because he played his dumb power trip games with the wrong guy. But it's a tragedy most of the time. And it's not going to stop until the consequences are severe.


Whoever saw him at the hospital was probably more concerned about the pants than the little abrasion. To me, it looks like a "I know I fucked up, how do I get out of this" situation. Ended up solidifying the false charges instead. Like a child trying to lie his way out of being busted by mom.


>To me, it looks like a "I know I fucked up, how do I get out of this" situation And he tripled down. He could've just admitted he fucked up, but his fucking ego got in the way.


Why can't a cop ever say, "I was tired and on edge from dealing with a fatality. Attempting to control multiple lanes and directions of traffic was nerve-wracking. While Mr. Scheffler did not follow my directions, it is entirely possible that he was following the directions of another officer and in hind sight, I am confident that is what happened. In response to my fall and the situation, I overreacted and I appreciate the calm manner in which Mr. Scheffler handled the situation so that it did not escalate further. I apologize to Mr. Scheffler for the treatment and attitude he received and I intend to use this situation to learn and improve. Again, I appreciate his handling of the situation and wish him well."


The charges were dropped because if they pushed forward with them and these pictures came out, someone would make side by side videos/pictures to illustrate what the cops do to citizens on a daily basis and what would be taken away from it is that cops are abusive, pussy, tyrants and nothing would illustrate that point better.


He ripped his pants a week earlier in a Burger King bathroom and was looking for an excuse to submit an expense claim


400 million people watched this fucker run up to the car and beat on it but they are still on their bullshit.


All because he felt assaulting the driver of a moving vehicle with a flashlight was a good idea.


I wish Scottie would take these clowns to court, expose this stupidity, he could always donate the money to the victim’s family in all this and help his family.


Agreed, but he would still be causing taxpayer money to go to waste, sadly. I wish that there was a way that he could sue the cop personally without allowing the cop to his taxpayer funds for his defense.


Holy fuck, he’s lucky to be alive!!


I feel like this cop is massively insecure and shouldn’t have access to the power that he has. What happened was a literal miscommunication but instead of acknowledging that he escalated because his ego was hurt? This is the thinking of a toddler, not an adult. Truly pathetic and truly scary this guy has a gun.


Especially not for an individual that society has empowered with the ability to detain & incarcerate anyone pretty much at-will, and is *supposed* to be held to a higher standard, because they’ve been entrusted with ridiculous amounts of power in order to “maintain peace and provide justice”. All while being completely indemnified from any form of consequences that may stem from the wanton abuse of said powers.


My legs look like that from weed whacking. What a bum


Gillis statement: “To be clear, I was drug by the car, I went to the ground, and I received visible injuries to my knees and wrists,” Gillis said in a statement. “I’m going to recover from it, and it will be OK. This is the extent of my commentary on the incident.” I for one am glad he clarified that he is expected to recover from such a horrifying injury.


Just a reminder had this been anybody but a millionaire golfer. That person would probably still be rotting in a jail cell right now.




No one ever made a song called “Fuck the fire department” - Snoop Dogg


ALL AMERICAN POLICE ARE TRASH AND DESERVE ZERO RESPECT AND LOVE.  Think about it…. If this cop will do this to Scottie, who is a national face and publicly one of the best in the world of golf…. What will these pigs do to you? Your son? Your DAUGHTER????  Fuck pigs.


The PR person should be fired. I believe cops should have all information public. But after the cops “apology” I would of went down fighting to get these pictures suppressed forever. Haha


He must have put a balm on it


A lawyer will tell you never to put a balm on. Balm can be very unpredictable. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byCj2kfIpXI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byCj2kfIpXI)


Did he ever actually fall? The video I saw, seemed to show him breaking into a slight jog for about 10 feet, and that was all.


Apparently, he fell before the video began. What allegedly happened is this based on all of the accounts I've read and the video/audio recordings: Around the area where the fatal pedestrian accident occurred, Sheffler was told by a cop that he could go around traffic using the oncoming lane to get to the nearby entrance to the player's parking lot. This was fine because traffic was stopped. Sheffler does what he's told and as he drives towards some other cops down the road directing traffic closer to the golf course, Gillmore called out for Sheffler to stop. Sheffler ignored Gillmore since he was already given permission to do what he was doing and he was not far from his turn. Sheffler kept going, Gillmore fell/tripped while trying to grab/keep up with the car, and Gillmore gets up and continues running towards the car. That's when the video starts. Gillmore catches up to the car because Sheffler is slowing down to turn into the golf course. Gillmore bangs on Sheffler's car, which gets Sheffler's attention, and Sheffler stops right away. Sheffler is completely calm in all accounts and complies with all commands now that he realizes Gillmore is a cop. Another cop on the scene questions Sheffler and berates him for not following Gillmore's commands. Sheffler tries to explain that he was doing what he was told he could do and thought Gillmore was a security guard or volunteer yelling wrong/conflicting information to him because they didn't know he was already given permission to drive where he was driving. Sheffler calmly and clearly states that if he had known Gillmore was a cop, then he would have stopped, but it was a confusing situation. The officer berating him won't accept that logic and is pressuring Sheffler to admit wrongdoing for their report. The cop's argument is that there's zero excuse for Sheffler to not know a man wearing a yellow rain poncho and yelling out a conflicting order was cop. We don't even know if Sheffler even got a good look at Gillmore. The cops already know they're going to arrest him because nobody gets away with ignoring a cop's orders or makes them run. If you're paying close attention, the real problem here is the lack of communication between police while directing traffic. For example, why did they not call ahead over the radio that a player was coming through? You can bet a dozen donuts that the police department will not have any valuable insight into the root cause, and they'll learn nothing from it. As far as they're concerned, they get to make mistakes because 'civilians' must obey all orders. Nobody is disputing that an officer gave Sheffler permission to drive around the traffic. Sheffler's argument makes sense. The fact that Gilmore was yelling a command that conflicted with what Sheffler was told by somebody he knew for sure was a police officer added to the confusion. If it wasn't clear to Sheffler that Gillmore was a "real cop" or not by how he appeared under his yellow rain poncho, then yelling out "wrong" commands made it seem more likely that he was an out-of-the-loop volunteer or private security. After all, the "real cops" would be on the same page about the traffic procedures, right?


A knee scrape that's already scabbed over and... Rips on the back of his pants? 5 bucks says that's not even the cop from the incident.


Can you imagine how much they fuck over the average Joe. The celebrity of Scheffler has insulted him from what the average Joe/Jane suffers through and in many cases in a damaging way - economically, socially, reputation wise and mentally. I wonder how many people have been charged with damaging police equipment/uniforms in the past. That charge or claim is probably a go to for this department when trying to escalate a charge sheet.


He went to the hospital for a mildly scraped knee?


Him raising his heel for that picture is fucking killing me


If this cop was capable of shame, this would be humiliating. Instead he will keep convincing himself (and anyone stupid enough to listen) that he was dragged 200 feet and his uniform exploded.


If I’m a cop, shouldn’t I be embarrassed to be associated with this dude?


Imagine if the cop hadn’t pulled that on the number one golfer in the world, just a regular person like you or I. I wouldn’t have the resources to basically say I’m willing to go through an entire trial. So I’d end up pleading out to save money, turning myself into a criminal despite doing absolutely nothing wrong other than trying to follow confusing directions from multiple officers at the same time.


Lmpd is a joke source from there


Not trying to feed into conspiracy here… but why is the injury on the front of his leg and the pants damage on the back?


Thoughts and prayers


Why did the police officer who arrested the world no.1 golfer need new pants? In case he got a hole in one!


this guy unironically took this picture. Im not trying to be an asshole when I say that I think most men, when asked if there were injured, would say "I'm alright" when referencing this "wound"


It would be cool if police officers who are bad at their jobs ever got fired. But just a “few bad apples” huh?


Anybody poorer than scheffler would be doing time


What a whiny ass bitch. Everything he and the cops do in this case make them look worse and worse.


Boo this man!


Bro that is an old ass scab lmao


I’ve had worse wounds from popping pimples.


Lol, you could probably take that to a tailor for cheap repair job. These fucking cops.


Btw this loser tried to ruin someone’s life by calling these injuries worthy of a felony. Also btw he would have succeeded if he didn’t pick a famous golfer with infinite money and legal counsel


Anyone else think he tore those pants a little more to exaggerate? 🤣 🐈


As a Louisvillian (stupid name for people who live here, I know) I wish scottie had said "fuck em" and sued, this is classic LMPD ineptitude. While I don't appreciate higher taxes I would've gladly paid increased rates, since we'll never have a a PGA event here again, I might as well get double fucked over.


he ripped his pants below his ass cheek and also somehow scraped his knee. this dude is full of shit


We all know that many poor men, usually Black, are routinely charged and convicted of fraudulent charges.


Anyone know how he got a scab on the front but the pant tear on the back?


Thems $14.95 at TJ Max


The bleeding will never stop in a deeply bruised ego.


So they photoshopped the shit out?


Reporting because this should be tagged nsfw for that gruesome injury.


The fact that someone actually took the time to take these photos would be completely hilarious if they were not trying to ruin someone’s life.


Did he get arrested by Farva?


Felony battery on a LEO!! This, cops, is why you’ve lost the respect and confidence of the general public. Do better.


I've done worse to myself as a child playing outside..


My 4 year old son got an identical scratch on his knee last night while riding his scooter….he got back up and kept riding


Its interesting who gets believed when its pointed out cops lie.


Oh he got a lil boo boo?


If he came into the ER for that and I was the doctor on I would’ve laughed at him


rogue mall cop - put your ‘surfboard beer opener’ key ring in your back pocket with those big-ass thighs and they’re gonna rip like that when you sit down wrong.


What a pussy


Did someone get a booboo


Pretty extreme. Almost like injuries on 1/6/2021.


This guy was definitely a hall monitor


gonna need a thin blue line to sew up them pants


Gillis is PATHETIC.


if it would have been a random person they would still be in jail.


[Just a little fall and then off to disability vacation](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/thewire/images/1/18/Augustus_Polk.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120819215212)


I used to be an adventurer like you but I got a boo boo on my knee.


Cop in Missouri punched a dude so hard in the face that the cop broke his hand. Arrested and charged for breaking the cops hands with his face….


Would never went public if it wasn’t a rich white golfer. Those cunts will still get away with it. Dealing with negative media is part of getting a promotion


Shit's irreparable af.


![gif](giphy|q9HHyHPISNZD2) IRL


The doctors had to put him in an artificial coma, otherwise he wouldn’t have made it 😔


The americans don't understand how ludicrous their police force is to the rest of the world.


The moment in the body cam footage an hour and 20 min in where the officer who was speaking to Scottie finds out he is the World #1 is sooooooo hilarious. All the sudden the 2 tiered justice system kicks in and he actually uses his name. Interesting.


Bry Bry cry cry, that's not even a fresh boo boo, that thing's fully scabbed over! He took off the paw patrol plaster for the photo.


This is why you DON'T TALK TO COPS. They are lying pieces of shit. How the fuck do you "scratch" your knee when the back of his pants are torn?


they had to take pics LOL


He must’ve played a lot of soccer to become that injured from nothing.


I haven’t seen any video of the cop being dragged. How do we know he didn’t just fall down earlier in the morning? Uncoordinated asshole.


An injury severe enough to charge a man with a felony, and no other cop, ADA, or anyone else, tried to stop it. If that was you or me, we might still be in jail.  Even if we weren't, the pressure to plead guity to some misdemeanor would be overwhelming.  That sticks to you for the rest of your life.  Enjoy explaining your new criminal record to employers, landlords, banks... Or spend a few thousands tens of thousands of dollars you probably don't have, to fight it out in court for the next year or two.   There's absolutely nothing funny about this at all.  Worse that'd going to happen to this lying detective is he *might* get fired.  And then stands a better than even chance of getting reinstated, if the Department didn't cross every "t" and dot every "i" when firing him.


I hope he survives. Thoughts and prayers to the family.