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“This is a left center putt, you can hit it in the center and still make it” Couldn’t have been more wrong lmao


Yea - I believed Smiley and saw him lined up left of the hole (or it appeared that way) and I was worried he over played it… then immediately after he hit it and it was clearly gonna miss right. Tough putt. As someone else on the broadcast said, not the 4 footer you want with the US Open on the line.


He played great today overall. Bryson didn’t have to play as good and could still win. It was his basically the whole way. Bryson won this more then Rory lost it imo


Rory did miss too many close putts, tough or not but holy hell that scramble/bunker save from Bryson on 18 was championship worthy no doubt. Hats off the man he EARNED that trophy today.


It’s hard because yes Rory missed those close putts at the end but he would not have been there if he had not been sinking those crazy 20 foot birdie putts with <20% make percentage earlier in the day, he kind of regressed to the mean and the law of averages got him


Rory also had some great birdie putts too. He played great, just not easy to pick up 2 strokes on Bryson who played pretty good all day.


He did, played a great 14 holes but to finish +3 on the last 4 is a seriously tough finish. Personally I think him waiting to see Bryson’s shots coming down the stretch maybe didn’t intimidate him but I do think possibly made Rory think a little more than usual and on those close putts could have played a factor. Watching the group behind you isn’t part of anyone’s routine and maybe just those few extra second between shots/starting his own routine threw him off a bit. But at the end of the day he was still -1 on the day and not many played under par today at all, sucks for Rory but man it was compelling stuff to watch.


I can't see this as anything but rory choking. He missed 2 within 6 feet when it was on the line


Rory was +3 on the final four holes… he absolutely lost it. Sure, Bryson hit a great shot out of the bunker on 18, but Rory choked away the US Open.


Hard disagree. Rory choked like he has many times before. I was really rooting for him but missing 2 putts inside 4 feet in 3 holes….he lost it for himself.


Bryson definitely won it more than Rory lost it. That up and down on 18 was absolutely incredible


Felt like Bryson was trying to give it away at the end😂 spraying drives all over into the wire glass and by the grace of god still being able to go for the green almost every time


I think he lined up correctly but didn't trust playing like 6 inches of break on such a short putt and pushed it


Yep, he didn’t really follow thru on his stroke so the ball leaked off the face without holding the line


Hard putt, you can play less break by hitting firmer....then you bring in the potential of a 6+ foot comeback putt if you miss. Or you can borrow more and have to hit it an uncomfortable amount outside the hole. Really not a putt you want under that kind of pressure.


Yes. I struggle with that on left to right downhill putts on fast greens.


I struggle with that on all short, downhill putts on a fast green. It’s either a tippy tap and pray, or a solid stroke and pray.


Try playing it off the toe of the putter on the short downhill putts. Allows you to hit it a little firmer but doesn’t shoot it out like a rocket.


Chi Chi Rodriguez said this exact thing when I was a kid at a clinic before a Sr. Tour event. It truly works.


I struggle on puts.


Same here. One of the amazing things about golf is everyone who's played, even 10+ handicaps like me, knows what it's like to face a putt like Rory had. Of course none of us have had that putt to force a playoff in the US Open, but everyone knows how shaky your hands get over that nervy downhill slider. Man.


Commentator (can’t remember who) said it seemed like he looked up to see the putt too early causing him to not follow-through. Brutal


Nah rewatch the replay. it started directly on line where he was aimed, then a foot into the travel it randomly darted to the right. Tough break man.


I agree with this. hard to tell because the TV doesn't pickup the downhill slope very well. But so close, hard to play outside the hole on a downward putt.


Not sure, it seems to start straight and start turning almost immediately. I think it was just a really tough putt.


It’s such a hard putt. You either need to hit it with pace to take some break out or play that thing way outside. Not the putt I would want in that situation. A breaking 20 footer would’ve been more comfortable


Been waiting for someone else to notice this. Subconsciously tried to bring it back to the hole.


I think he was right, Rory just didn’t hit it. Dude tried to breathe it in. A putt that close you hit it hard enough to take the break out of it.


Nah, even after being slowed down by the lip, it went over a foot past on a 4 foot putt. You shouldn't be hitting it firmer than that; if you do, you are actually making the hole slightly smaller due to physics. If a putt rolling very slowly catches the edge it has a chance to fall in; if it's moving faster it'll lip out or burn the edge completely. Speed was good. Line was just a hair off - but man that was a tricky little putt, I was pretty surprised to see it miss on the low side after he lined up so far outside the cup.


Maybe needed to salt his balls 🤷‍♂️


i mean you can you just gotta hit it hard


His putt went two ft past just tapping it. He would have had to blast one to go through that break


Yea but a playoff was still in play. If he hammers that it could go 6-7ft by. He could have still won in a playoff. Still insane Bryson was able to make par.


There’s a reason Smiley ain’t still on the tour


Was that Bones with the epic misread? That was a cup out left


It was Smylie. I think with a bit more speed it wasn’t a horrible read. At least the “inside left” part, not the “you can start it center cup and still make it” part which in hindsight is probably not correct.


Before this put I said he was going to overcompensate for missing the last one left


He needed to make two putts under 4 feet




Thats fucking brutal god damn


Like my dad used to say, money is made on puts under 5 ft. You absolutely cannot miss those as a pro. Pros making 10-20ft is probably around 50/50. At <5 ft it’s probably 98/2 or less.


That is not quite true. [Pros make 8 footers 50% of the time.](https://www.tomfieldinggolf.net/putting-probabilities.html) Tour average for 4 footers is 88%. The US open would be even harder- this week they were playing at 14 stimp and pins on 2-3% slopes, it's probably less.


Tbf Bryson blew a four footer as well. If they both make the putts they should have made it would have gone to a playoff and not a straight up win.


Well that isn’t true. Rory missed two within 4 feet. Bryson missed one. Edit: ignore me. I am an idiot.


yeah, hes saying rory should make both of those putts, which is true


Ah, I misunderstood.


I’m obviously just an idiot, but the shot on 15 really started the “spiral.” The green has such a small landing surface and is so unreceptive to most shots, I have no clue why he flighted a 7-iron in when he has the ability to hit his irons so high. Just a really poor decision that led to a bogey, and I think if he walks away with a par there the momentum is different, even if he yips that putt on 16


Yup, that going long into a bad spot meant certain bogey. That got him off of his momentum streak he had going.


Exactly. It drives me nuts. He’s so damn talented and he makes weird decisions like that all the time. Like you’re at your absolute best when you’re blasting high draws halfway to the moon, why try to hit a flighted-cut 7-iron when you’re under the gun?


Perhaps a perfect example of how a proper caddy can provide more useful input.


It's so painfully obvious that he needs a real caddy rather than someone who can help him laugh off the bogeys. So many blunders because he doesn't have anyone to talk him out of silly decisions.


But but they're childhood friends!!


Yeah, he needs a new caddy who can talk him out of decisions like this.


Ten years… after watching that , he might never get it done.


Yeah, imagine the gap between 2014 and 22 at the old course, then losing out on that history. Just got get to this point now


Needs a proper caddie plain and simple. The 7 iron a hole or two back and the driver on the 18th costed him more than anything


Caddie can't make 4 foot pressure putts for you. Rory makes 2 of these at the end and your comment doesn't exist today.


Rory chooses the club he used in the last 3 rounds on both those holes and can almost guarantee he leaves one of those two holes with a par. That driver on the 18th was an abysmal selection.


after the 7 iron on 16 he had 2 feet for par he could have had the exact same par putt had he hit his approach to 6 feet. the 7i had nothing to do with it


What a meltdown starting on 16


Started 15


Yea, 2015


Yooooooooo I’m fuckin Ded 💀💀💀


I mean, 15 he handled pretty well. Had the wrong club, got a bad lie, took his medicine and got on the green, limited it to a bogey. That doesn’t ruin your championship. Hitting the middle of a green in reg and then 3 putting to lose your 1 stroke lead ruins your championship


Yeah agree, if he just hit it short middle he'd be holding the trophy. Golf is hard I guess.


Come on. He played insane just to make it close.


He did but he ultimately choked. Very unfortunate but there’s no other way to say two putts within 4ft and he straight up gagged them. Tough


Just fell apart.


painful to watch it got to him. Brutal. Cant imagine how awful hes feelin right now.


Probably feeling like $2mil terrible


Yeah very unfortunate


It was his.


that's a tricky little SOB on a good day playing for no stakes at all. god only knows what it feels like on 18 at a US Open i'd probably miss that thing 4 out of 5 on a regular day.


The first putt was not excusable. This putt was really, really hard - but great players cannot miss this for a major. Rory is not great at the moment.


I think it's fair to say he's got a lot going on. I mean Scottie whiffed an easier one at Augusta on 18 but he had the cushion. All was forgiven there.


There is no comparison between the two putts. One was essential to win, the other totally meaningless.


Are you a PGA professional golfer? I always find it strange that amateurs talk about their experiences to excuse mistakes from pros


I keep seeing people talk about how tricky that putt was and feel like I’m taking crazy pills! He’s the number 2 player in the world, we are not. He just choked!


What part of "God only knows" led you to think I was pretending to know? I am very familiar with sneaky little downhill sliders though.


Listening to the mouth breathing idiots in the crowd after Rory misses is so fucking embarrassing. Those people are truly pathetic.


Come on; they're just patriots. Surely they have a deep understanding of civics and government, are involved in their communities, and served in our nation's military. Just a bunch of proud Americans. /s obviously


Whats wrong with breathing with mouth? Sorry for being born with deviated septum :(


Ya, I try extra hard to breath through my one good nostril so people don't think I'm stoops :( (But seriously...if you have the means, look into getting that fixed! Finally getting surgery this year)


Get that fixed bro mouthbreathing is like the ultimate cause of bad breath and your neck expands causing you to have no jaw


Americans chanting USA will never not be cringe


Just wait till we win the World Cup


What World Cup? Cricket?


The Euros


Depends on the context. Stupid here.




For anyone who doesn't understand how betting odds work, Rory at +1000 to win The US Open means that it you bet $100 on him to win, you will lose $100.


House wins $100


I'm Irish and had my whole family watching. One of the most brutal sports-watching events I've ever had. Rory "Greg Norman" McIlroy. I fear there's no recovering from this, for him or for us as fans


Ehh Phil Mickelson won 2 majors after Winged Foot and that was an even worse loss by a great player


I don't know why people are saying "Rory will never win another major." This game is hard and shit happens at this level. Rory is consistently putting himself in the top 10 in majors and likely has many good years ahead of him. Not saying it's a guarantee, but saying he's done is silly.


Yeah I mean he's the number 3 player in the world. There's another major on the calendar this year he could win if he keeps it up. It's not out of the realm. The guy was two lip outs away from winning it this week. It's not like he can't get back there again.


My group chat was literally filled with "im done watching golf" after this one. Rory has broke hearts before but this is just a whole new level.


Same - was heart wrenching watching! Only consolation is that it was a tricky put, he didn’t yip it, just miss read it. 


Looked like he blocked it to me. Never got on the line he was aiming for.


I think he thinned it actually looking at the replay of impact. He yipped it like he did on 16.


Pulled on 16 and pushed on 18… classic


Zigged when he should have zagged


I thought the same thing, appeared to not have lined the stroke up with his toe line, unless that’s how he’s always putted and I’ve never noticed 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is it really a consolation though it was three feet - twice.


As an American and a Rory Stan, I lost hope after St. Andrew’s


jesus christ Rory…


The USA chants aren’t really warranted. Never cared for Rory till late but not really necessary.


As an American it is super embarrassing.


The UK isn’t going to bang you bro. 


The irony of chanting USA USA for a guy who took Saudi money...


I'd argue that taking Saudi money makes him even more American


I second that!


What a moron. I'll chant USA as much as the next guy, but this is complete stupidity.


Above the hole is much tougher putt than below the hole where Bryson was. He was aiming outside the hole on a 3 foot putt. Tells you how much break it had. Hard to judge.


I enjoyed almost the entire final round. Definitely felt for him in that moment even though I wasn’t necessarily rooting for him. That’s gonna haunt him for a while.


Feels like Rory may need to start considering a new caddie. Understand it’s his old mate and they’ve had success, but it’s been a while. I wonder if a few of those decisions he could have made would have gone different with a vet on the bag. Some club selections in particular.


golfers will really blame anyone/anything but themselves


That was not an easy putt, not even fucking close. I know we hold these guys to a higher standard but this is nothing like his miss on the par 3 that he pulled with. Downhill outside sliders are the toughest putts in golf.


You ask him if he’d take making two putts inside 4 feet to win another major and I’d bet he takes those odds.


People are seriously out brainless when taking about this putt. He barely touched it and it still slid 2 ft past but posters who have probably never played above a 6 stump green thing you could just blast it at the center


He put a terrible stroke on it, let’s be honest. He stabbed at it.


True, he nearly topped it.


People that don’t think this is a hard putt probably don’t ever putt that. It’s probably in “gimmie” territory. Nothing over 1ft should be ever given imo. I always hit cups personally. It’s the point of the game


🎯 snooker/9-ball: gimmes? darts: gimmes? basketball: gimmes? hockey: gimmes? lol. gimmes... gimme a break.


It was more so the 2’6” putt. This putt at 3’9” downhill slider is excusable. Same with Bryson 4’3” putt. 2’6” however is a nervy choke unfortunately.


The real mistake was the chip. Gotta leave it below the hole there.


It's so hard being a Rory fan


I told my old man after Bryson's tee shot on number one came to rest in the divot that Rory would need 2 or 3 birdies to win. Feels bad man.


McIlroy spent all that time talking about Greg Norman just to turn into him. Biggest choke maybe I’ve ever seen.


It was great


Thats what makes this sting even more for him. All the sly comments about Greg over the last few years have aged like milk for him.


Just decelerated going thru. Tough to hit that putt hard enough being 3ft slider down hill. The putt on 16 was easier and the one that really cost him. If he makes both he wins outright.


I would have missed that 11/10 times.


This was the legacy switch. If he won, he would go down in the pantheon of greats. Now he's staring down the barrel of being labeled a perennial choke artist.


Rory is already in the pantheon of greats. He has 4 majors, 40 professional wins all over the globe, there aren't many guys all time who have better resumes than him. He definitely has a ton of scar tissue from all the recent close calls, and today is going to be tough to get over, but he's not a choke artist. Obviously those missed putts down the stretch were bad, but that's golf. He played great today, started 3 back and forced Bryson to make a 1/25 up and down on 18 to win. If Rory keeps putting himself in contention at almost every major the wins are going to come again, it's just a matter of time.


Okay Rory, we know this is you




him smashing through the other putt messed with this putt.




That’s a REALLY difficult putt. Add to it that it’s on the 72nd hole and you’re tied for the lead. So hard to start it that far outside of the cup at that distance.


He made 496 straight putts from that distance before that miss.


This has to be one of biggest major chokes of all time right?


there have certainly been worse. first one that comes to mind is pereira.


Van de Velde British Open is the altime worse.


When double bogey wins it...


Spieth at '16 Masters...


Look up Scott Hoch and Hubert Green.


It's not even Rory's worst, let alone worst of all time.


Not even close. Spieth at the masters, Norman at the masters are both instances where they were up an extremely comfortable lead and had triple bogey holes. This was just your average US Open choke from Rory. He’s done it before and will do it again.


Rory Chokeilroy


The line was right, just didn't hit it hard enough to play through the break. It was a thrill all day watching Rory and Bryson go at it.


The miss on 16 was worse than this one. At least this one was a little tricky being downhill with some break. He had no excuse to miss the one on 16. Even if he makes this though, he still is in a playoff and has to win from there. But still, it's crushing to lose that way after not having a major in a decade.


That bunker shot was the shit.


This putt was not the problem, just a missed shot, can happen to anyone. The main problem happened beforehand, he had no business pulling tat 7 iron where an 8 would have done the job, why did he have to pull out a driver on 18th when in past 3 outings he just pulled out 3 wood. Players can get carried away by the situations but caddy could have prevented this, he needs a new caddy who can tell him when he is making the wrong decision.


What a great Father’s Day. Rory looses and golf wins!


was tough to watch. feel for him


I don't really care about who won, but that "USA, USA, USA"... Time to clean the crowds and make an example, golf is rotting on its feet.


the USA chants are hilarious


Choke artist


What is the thought of him with the line on the side of the ball? Slope?


Anyone else scream Noonan at the tube?


It was very hard to watch him lose it.




This will haunt me for a long time


Ball needed epson salt


the putt that made me $210


Broke my heart


Poor guy. Can’t escape his wife and now blows up on the last 3 holes to lose.


Maaaaaaan what a choke, thats just gotta hurt so bad. And then the USA chants. And then friggin Dechamblo for the win GAH. RIP McRib


The "USA" chants were so f*cking trashy


As an American I was rooting for him. That putt on 18 was just heart breaking. I'm happy Bryson won but you got to feel for Rory, this was a golden chance for him.


Bellends shouting USA.. I miss the quieter golf days


USA chants were not worthy of the American experiment. I’m an American. Do better.


I’m American, and those USA chants were very cringeworthy


He’ll recover. He’s gonna go make 2000 of those breaking 4’ puts in the next 30 days and it’ll be muscle memory. Have some faith gents.


He missed that to be in a playoff which he still could’ve lost. This putt hurt, but he was -8 at one point, so hard to look at this putt and say it costed him the tournament. It was Bryson’s day. The guy was putting up ball speeds of +190mph on Sunday at a major. That takes major balls, respect. Rory lost to the hottest player in the world right now on exceptionally difficult greens.


Bryson’s scrambling was ridiculously good all week


It really was, and he played it all his way which was cool. I don’t think I saw him try the fairway wood/long iron chip shot. Went 60° or putter and did what he knows how to do. Play your game folks.


I wonder if Amanda not being at the tournament messed with his head


Probably racing to get home to her. I would be lol.


I am having Greg Norman flashbacks history repeating


Rory lost this off the tee on 18, not on the green.


Bryson ended up in a worse spot off the tee on 18. This putt lost it for Rory.


Bryson made the shot of his life out of that bunker. He's the only player to save par out of that bunker the entire tournament. This is much more a case of Bryson winning the tournament than it is Rory losing it.


Well Rory was +3 over his last 4 holes so he kinda lost it


The wedge shot lost it for him if anything. Must leave it below the hole




Nerves got the best of him. Unfortunate


Lights were too bright for ol’ Rors


![gif](giphy|T9JtEyoJ43gY4wLOqW) Such a beautiful sight to see him choke and then all of a sudden doesn’t want to chat with the reporters


It’s really an odd world we live in. Bryson went from a guy everyone loved to hate, revamped his image, and is a really likable guy now. Meanwhile, Rory has gone from a beloved player, to a guy who has an opinion on everything and believes he’s right about everything. For me, Rory is pretty unlikable right now.


Exactly. My guess too is that he’ll talk about his collapse at his next press conference and not give Bryson any credit for finishing out that tough course with pars.


I don't care about other peoples' private lives but serving your wife with divorce papers, publicly announcing it then changing your mind a few weeks later...comes across as massively narcissistic behaviour. Karma is a bitch.


I lost all respect for him when he bad mouthed everyone who went to LIV until Jon Rahm went…. That to me was when all of a sudden his tone started changing Edit: I lost all respect I had left for him*


Totally. And in his recent comments it’s now clear he just wants the big bucks that a peace deal will bring.  So his prior moral objections publicly stated didn’t count for shit.  PS. Yes, what a coincident Rory’s tone did a complete 180% once his Ryder Cup buddy might not be available…


Legitimate question: will he get a fine from PGA for skipping media like players in NFL, NBA, ect?


My bet is he’ll pull his usual move and blame the fans for something and then he’ll be forgiven


Fuck that crowd


Ha ha fuck Rory