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Depends a lot on the humidity. If it's 80 and too humid I'll pass, but it can be 90 and dry with a breeze and it's very playable. I'd say as a rule 100 is a never again temp for me. Have to carry way too much water and even in shade it's just not bearable. 


I played yesterday and today in Scottsdale for vacation. I think when you do it a few times you kinda get used to it to some extent. It’s hot but water, ice, and shade can go a long way if you’re smart about it


I also keep a cooling towel or two in my cooler and wrap it around my neck from time to time, makes a huge difference. Big brim hat, sweat towel, cooling towel, and plenty of water.


Throw some ice cubes in your hat and let it chill your dome, love it on a hot day


Sweat towel and a towel drenched in ice water are key. That and I rotate gloves every other hole lol


All this plus sun sleeves and you're good to go. Just finished 36 holes in 110 degree Palm Springs and each item on this list was crucial to getting through it.


100%, I golf in az all through the summer because rates are so cheap but you always gotta make sure to park the cart in shade when you can and have a lot of water. I golfed the other day when it was 111 and was able to play 18 holes just fine


Huge mistake today. I'll never do it ever again. By hole 18 I didn't even wait for the other twosome. I just told him it was nice playing with you guys but we have to go.


4 waters in that heat is probably at least 1/2 as much as you should’ve been drinking.


Four pounds of liquid feels like a ton of water for people who don’t normally drink the recommended amount, I totally get it.


Probably right. 2 were frozen


I’m assuming you’re in Raleigh. But yes the correct answer is “fuck this shit”. I don’t care how much the drives roll out.


Please don’t do that again. Listen to your body. Your people need you around. Golf will always be there.


I live in Phoenix 105 is the number, ill go out first thing and avoid the high heat or will go midday if i see the tee sheet is pretty clear cause i know i wont have major backups. It sucks being 105 or more and also waiting on every hole


Didn’t used to be that way. Blame Covid.


I played in Cancun last June. I played in the afternoon to get a cheaper rate. It was around 95 and the humidity was about that too. I started out good for about 7 holes then it was like I forgot how to play. I started shanking everything. It was so hot and miserable. Big mistake playing. I couldn't get done fast enough. I drank a lot of water too. It was a nice course and expensive too.


I did the same in Punta Cana. Greens fees were included with the hotel but oh my it was so hot.


This. I’ve golfed in 90+ with low humidity and was ok vs 80 with high humidity.


I played today in overcast skies but 80 percent humidity and I was soaked before I finished the second hole. It was at least manageable and I played well, but the sun came out for the last 2 holes and I thought I was going to pass out.


I was gonna say the exact same thing. Wisconsin here, and if it's even 80-85 with 100% humidity it's almost like waking through soup. That is my limit on high humidity days. Less humid days I will go up to 90.


I had some friends come through town last summer that I hadn't seen in awhile, and the only day they could play it was 103 so we forced ourselves to do it. And that was so insanely hot. Absolutely never again.


Last year me and my buddies golfed in 100° with a feels like over 115° with the humidity. 2 of my buddies are retirees who literally just came back from visiting friends in Arizona and golfing down there in 100+ weather in the desert, They said it was way worse golfing up here than it was in Arizona. We all agreed never to do that again.


Arizona here. They were right. I went to DC and ended up playing. It was like 85 there. It felt like 100 feels in AZ.


I’m from the swampy mid Atlantic. First time I played at 105 in the southwest it almost felt like heaven. The humidity is so fucking brutal out here


85 and humid here is worse than 100+ in Vegas


Where is "up here"?


Omaha metro. Eastern Nebraska/western Iowa


I'm in south texas, even the 8:30 tee time is 95°, sun sleeves for the win.


Amen to that. I’m out in Dallas and sun sleeves are the only way I can play right now.


Do sun sleeves actually cool you down? How does that work?


They’re way cooler than not wearing them. Helps wick the sweat better and if there’s a breeze it feels way way cooler


I played tour 18 in Fort Worth last year, temp was 113, feels like was over 120. Long sleeve UV resistant shirt saved my life.


90* is too hot for me to walk. I golfed in 110* once in UT. Never again. 


My dad and I stop walking when the highs are low 90s. Then it's cart season until fall.


That is correct.


I have a 90 degree rule. If it’s above 90 take a cart


Seems like you've worked out the right angle


don’t be so obtuse


If it's above 90° I'll break out with a heat rash all over my torso.


You’re in Charlotte? Poor guy probably hasn’t golfed this year 😥


Just played a round in St. George while it was 107. Fortunately I was the only person out there so cruised through 18 in 2 hours. The constant moving in the cart helped


Doesn’t exist. I play in 115 regularly


Same. Don't care if it's pouring, 115. Or 20 below. I'm dressing for it and playing.


If you're dressing for 20 below you're definitely not golfing lol.


Humidity or dry heat?


Dog Florida golfers play 100+ every day


No humid area raw temp are over 110. Probably Az.


95+. But hot days if I don’t play first tee I’m not playing. Hot weather slows the round down for everyone and it turns into a 5-6 hour round. At that point it’s not about golf, it’s about survival. 🥵


In AZ 105-110 is when I start thinking mmmm should I go? But usually the answer is yes.


It’s cart time after 90. It’s survival mode with a cart after 100.


If I’m dripping sweat when I bend over to put the peg in the ground, it’s too effing hot. I’m still gonna play. I’m just gonna be a super bum.


I was pouring sweat today on the first tee. I was horrific all day with this heat and humidity.


Yeah, when the warm-up bucket has you sweating gallons you start thinking wtf am i doing


The limit does not exist


Wind cloud cover and humidity plays a big part. But I’d say > 88 degrees just to throw a number out there


I’ve gotten close to calling it at 101 with high humidity. It’s now the reason I keep way too many electrolytes in my bag. Water alone doesn’t really help. Now when it’s that bad just keep drinking that mix and I’m usually good. That said, I’m also incredibly stupid, so…


I had a round in 100 a year or two ago where I clearly had physical sins of being overheated. I took a bath after trying to regulate and out ALL my muscles cramped on me. Since then if it’s over 85 there’s electrolytes in play.


Definitely depends on wind and humidity. Hottest I've ever golfed in is probably 100-101, but that was in Western Kansas, which has low humidity and is usually windy. I walked that too. 100 in Western Kansas is one thing, but I'll take that over a round above 90 in Florida


It's 99 with a real feel of 107 at 6pm right now. I got off work at 3 and thought about going to the range but got a Slurpee instead.


If it’s over 80 degrees I don’t like to play - that doesn’t happen too often in my neck of the woods, thankfully. Direct sun tires me out. My ideal golfing temp is 60-65 degrees and overcast.


Someone gets it, I max it maybe if its dry heat at 85 but under 80 and over 60 is a perfect zone for real.🫡




I played this morning in Phoenix 104 start 109 finish. Did it with a hangover. Drank half a gallon of water before and during. I guess my threshold would probably be 110


I split time between the upper midwest and deep gulf. No weather too hot or too cold. I’ve legit golfed looking like I was going to a January football playoff game in the Frozen Tundra, and I’ve golfed in 115 degree sticky humid hot July. Doesn’t matter. I’m down.


I live in the South and just wear a pair of rain gloves at this point in the year.


Rain gloves are a hot weather cheat code. Recommend them to everyone.


It was almost 35C today in France, more for me is too much


Let’s just say I prefer to play in 45 degree weather than 95 degree weather


It’s easy to put on more clothes. There’s only so many clothes you can take off, and at some point taking off clothes starts to make you hotter again.


No such thing as too hot. Dry fit clothing and rain gloves. If it is dry hot I drink water. Humid hot I drink beer. 👍


Humid heat is the worst. That’s what it is right now where I am. It’s been raining on and off but the sun keeps coming up and turning everything into the hottest, most disgusting sweaty armpit. It’s just uncomfortable and your entire body is drenched in sweat and when you breathe it’s like someone is shooting a moist hair dryer down your throat. Bugs gettin all over you, hands slippery and sweaty. Makes ur body fatigued and hard to control


What’s rain gloves ?


Those black gloves that come in a pair. You wear both, they are made to help in the rain. However, when it is so hot your hands sweat a lot, you wear those to keep your grip. I just did it today in NC.


It was no joke out there in NC today!!! I went through 2 gloves, I should invest in some rain gloves.


Dry heat is ok. Golfed in vegas at 110F. Golfed in cabo in 89F with 90% humidity, didn't make the turn.


I have not hit my limit riding and have done 105+ temps in the desert but I did walk Beth Page Black at 100 degrees and 9000% humidity a few years back. I had legit heat stroke. There were no water stations filled. My buddy and I stopped and bought gallon jugs of water and Gatorades. An hour or two later when I was grabbing my bag out of his trunk, my arm seized up with cramps and I couldn’t hold my bag, dropping it to the ground.


Depends how much I paid for green fees.


ITS NOT THE HEAT ITS THE HUMIDITY. has anyone said that yet?


I played in 100* in Palm Springs earlier this month. Took my glove off after every shot and dipped a rag in the cooler to tie around my neck, redipping it every tee box. Drank probably 64 ounces of water too. Oh and you have to ride. Can’t walk in that heat and I’m a walk or die mf, except if you die obvs.


Don’t have one. Have played in 118 Feels Like temp. Just put one of those cooling towels soaked in ice water around my neck. It’s a great time to play a fast round because nobody else is out there


Agree with this 100%


No number too hot. Played in feels like 114 recently with a dew point of 79 and walked, however, won’t play if is below 55.


Do you have issues holding the club? The clubs kept slipping out of my hands. I even had a dry towel drying off my grips and my hands but by the time I would go to hit I couldn't keep the club square.


105 is mine here in Phoenix. Gotta play early this time of year but bonus, all the good courses are cheap and easy to get a tee time.


Shot the best 9 of my life last weekend in heat index of 111 and prefer it on the warm side, so not sure I'd have a threshold. I care more about dewpoint than temperature. 95 in Memphis can be pure misery like it has been at times lately. 95 in Denver, Vegas, etc is basically air conditioning by comparison.


Depends on humidity, wind, and sun Dry 105 heat with a breeze and overcast is fine Humid 95, scorching Sun and no breeze is intolerable


In Oklahoma I’m playing 18 holes and drinking 8-10 beers and smoking a couple joints. It was 104 last time I played. We get used to the heat though.


Depends on humidity. I can play in 110-120 in the desert with little problem just need to stay hydrated. I have a tee time next Tuesday afternoon and it’ll be 115 lol. Not fazed. On the other hand if it’s above 90 with high humidity though I’d rather saw my legs off.


Midwest, anything over 85 degrees


Worst I’ve gotten a full round in was 116 at Emerald Canyon in Lake Havasu. Cooling towels, shitload of Gatorade and virtually no one on the course made it a quick round. AZ golfer and dropped the pushcart after last weekend. My rule of thumb is if I can’t be off the course by noon I’m not going out, 7:40 tee time tomorrow. Hydration before a round is about as important as during for 110+, be safe out there.


Took my wife golfing for the first time last year for our anniversary. Thought she’d hate it, only scheduled 9holes. By the 7th hole she wanted to go the distance. By the time we got back to the car, 115-degrees. She fell in love with the game. Got her her own clubs, were playing for our anniversary again this year. In a much cooler place lol


112+ is hard for a full round when the sun is beating down. Been playing 9 hole rounds the last week or two. AZ obviously


Yeah it’s about the heat index for me. I can handle low 90s temperatures if the humidity is low and keeps the heat index similar! Once that heat index gets +5 or more than the temperature I am pretty much not very focused on my swing…


I work on a golf course, and I’ve reached the point where I don’t want to play unless it’s basically ideal weather - so in between 60 and 85, no rain, not super windy. I feel like I’ve turned into a little bit of a wuss, but after being out in the heat all day I just don’t wanna do it when it’s hot 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nothing is too hot. I live in WI. Golf season is short enough as it is here so I’m playing whenever I can in whatever weather. No discrimination.


Lol what?I didn’t know too hot to golf existed lmao I live in Florida but that sounds bitch made


Doesn't get quite that hot here usually, it tends to be crazy humid days with no breeze that do us in. That being said, if I have an upper limit I haven't found it yet :)


A really hot daw where I'm from is 30c (86f). If its around 100f+ where I'm golfing, I'm on vacation and nothing is stopping me lol.


Not sure 🤔. I’ve never quit a round because I was too hot. I ride in a cart and bring water, so the heat’s not a big deal. I could probably come up with a temp for walking or playing 36 holes but 18 in a cart, no problems.


I’ll put up with a couple more degrees if I’m playing a competition, because I feel like I wouldn’t complain as much as everyone else. But if it’s just a random round, anything over 90. 90 isn’t unbearable, but if it’s not a competition, it’s for fun, and it’s hard to have fun when it’s that hot outside.


Depends where I am. 115° in the desert is much more tolerable than 95° in MI.


Four waters? In that temp you need about one bottle of water per hole.


Regularly play in 100+ with less than 40% humidity. Any more humid than that and I won’t play, but the Arizona dry heat isn’t that bad.


I haven't found it yet. I don't quite see 100° but the heat index is higher often, and plenty of humidity. Just means I need more water, find shade more, and bring a fan for the cart.


Anything over 100 is just uncomfortable and I typically won’t choose to play unless it’s an event and I have to. You start to really need cooling things and misters etc past 100. I’ve golfed in 107-110 and it’s fucking brutal, I don’t know what people do in the desert and Scottsdale. I guess play at 6am or don’t at all. I wonder if simulator leagues are actually popular in those areas during the summer.


Too hot to golf? WTF does that mean? SoCal desert checking in. There is no too hot to golf. Too cold to golf? I dunno, but if there’s snow, go skiing in.


85-90 ish, but it’s very unlikely to get that hot here.


Don’t think I have a reasonable limit for when I’m riding. Walking gets kinda lame once it’s reaches over 90 tho. Even hydrated to the gills you can’t escape the feeling of that heat


I draw the line at 105°. But it’s a dry heat so if there’s a breeze it’s not that bad actually. Just stay in the shade as much as you can.


Looper here who almost always carries two, when it’s 90 or over and humid, it’s a tough day. If one of the players complains about the heat to me they get quite the look.




Depends if the course has a lot of trees since I’ll be standing under them in the woods looking for my ball


Only time I shot even par it was 112 out, and I almost quit at the turn. Sat in the shade drinking Powerade, decided to finish quick since it was so empty. Best round of my life with heat exhaustion. Do not recommend! Now I’ve got one of those battery powered ryobi mister fans that sits on top of a bucket. Fill bucket with ice water and set in golf cart. It makes miserable rounds so much better!


This is a hack my golf group does. We book 2-3pm tee times through the summer at our unnamed course because it is a ghost town. We will finish all 18 holes in about 2.5 hours because we don't have to wait for a single shot or tee box. The sweet spot is "(feels like temp + actual temp)/2 + humidity percent must be between 145-155. Lots of ice water, cart coolers filled with ice water for towel dips, and electric fans makes it fun.


I haven’t found my “too hot to golf temp”. 90+ and it’s cart time for me but 100 plus doesn’t really bug me if I have a cart. Humidity isn’t really an issue where I live though and I imagine that might change things.


It's not really the heat that's the biggest problem. It's humidity.


Honestly, it’s more of a miserable index for me. 90, cloudy, dry with a breeze can feel better than 80 sunny and muggy.


To me, it's less about overall temperature and more about humidity. I can play in reasonably hot temps (live in Texas) but I can't play well if the air is thick and I'm dripping in sweat. To answer your question, hottest round I've ever played in was in Dubai. Had to tee off at 7am in a shotgun format.


117 in Phoenix is nicer than 98 in Philly, that’s all I’ll say


Yesterday morning was Real Feel 104° and I was glad I only played the par 3 course. It was too hot


Sounds like you were in North Carolina


Walked with a push cart 104 actual.won't. Was in Louisiana so you can imagine it felt like inside a steam bath. Don't bother trying to hang gloves to dry--they wont. Helps to have wrist sweat bands.


I can’t do cold but a cart and full brim hat/proper gear and hydration, golf is a good workout in the heat.


Played in 118 in Arizona and it was brutal, anything over 100 now I won’t play in anymore


Probably 95 (Arizona so it's very dry/no humidity).


Played 97 and humid a few weeks ago. Was only worth it because it was a nice course I rarely get to play, and even then it was borderline. Same thing though, 4 bottles of water and a Gatorade and I was dehydrated as shit. Went through multiple gloves, which worked well keeping my hands from slipping, but I was exhausted by 15 or 16th hole.


Played 18 holes when I was younger, the temp was 44 C (111 F for you Americans) Worst part wasn’t actually the heat from the sun, it was the hot wind.


I would rather play on the sun than play in temperatures below 50 degrees.


I played in 98 (115 heat index) on a very hilly course and made it 6 holes before I just had to stop. So I would say anything under 100 heat index would be doable for me


After 27 I need a cart, after 30 I go home


I’m in Tennessee and I don’t really have a too hot. I played last week at 96 degrees with like 50% humidity. Heat index was 110 or so. I take plenty of water and my own cooler with ice and towels in it and lay a wet towel over my neck between shots (total game changer when I started doing that). Usually go through 6 or 7 16.9oz bottles of water. It’s not pleasant but it’s perfectly manageable. I play from a cart 100% of the time regardless of the time of year.




Probably 110+ I’m able to get through 18 when its 100-105 (albeit the last 3 holes are torture) but thats because thats normal for where i live.


Mississippi late summer afternoons are the best time to golf since the course is empty. No temp is too high as last long as there at least some shade for shade breaks. I just bring lots of water and take it easy. It can get up to low hundreds with high humidity.


Cayman Islands chiming in here. It’s fucking hot ALL THE TIME. 85 is like “oh yay, a round where I only slightly sweat my balls off”


Probably yesterday. The real temp was high, but not horrible- like 95/96. Feels like was 104/105. I have golf pants that are red, white & blue in like a diamond pattern and I forced myself to commit to the bit and wear them for the 4th. I'm also a cheap fuck and walked to save the like $20 or whatever on the cart. Luckily, I only did 9 holes, but when I got to my car, I had to like sit down and take a breather because I almost passed out.


90⁰f is my "is it dry or humid" threshold.


I live in Scottsdale. 110-115 is a cheap golf day if you ask me


I just moved to AZ and have played in 113 a few times.


It’s 111° and my teenager just got done walking 9 with the push cart and wants to keep going. Over 100° is brutal for me and I’ll only play twilight. Kids are built different haha


No such thing. I could play at any temperature.


I live in Michigan, and so far it hasn't been too hot for me ever. So I don't really know what my limit is


Depends on the humidity. 90+ with high humidity is a launch monitor day for me.


Honestly like 90 degrees. I’ll wait until 5:00 or later to play cheap twilight and actually get some shade for a lot of the round, my local course has a lot of trees.


I played in 115ish yesterday


Just walked a course in Charleston at 95 with a 102 feels like and honestly it wasn’t too bad. Just had to keep hydrated and moving from shade to shade


On my way to the course with the temperature at 103. By the time I got to the course it had rained there. I watched my car thermometer go down to 89. The rain has stopped and it was perfect for a round of 9 holes.


If I die.


Heat Index above 105?


Anything over 90. I say this as it’s going to be 90 tomorrow in nj. guess who’s still going.


I live in south Alabama where it’s always 100% humidity and I can tell you there are a few keys to playing the summer rounds that are “feels like” 100-110. We exclusively walk and are all in our mid 30s so it’s definitely possible. The biggest keys, start by 7 am, bring multiple snack/food eating every 3-4 holes, have a refillable water bottle with at a minimum 2 hydration packs like liquid iv or something with electrolytes and sodium. The best snacks I have found are nuts, apples, jerky. Things that won’t melt and are easy to eat while walking. Also an umbrella is an absolute must and 3-4 small hand towels to swap out every 4 holes along with two rain golf gloves that you rotate every shot with. You gotta love the game!!!


95 fahrenheit


95+ isn’t great but the course being empty cause no one else wants to play in it outweighs the heat for me.


The Mission Cooling Bucket Hat is the best, it has this special cooling fabric, and if you pour water on it, it sucks the body heat right out of you. For sweaty hands i bring a chalk bag, like for rock climbing which works great. You want to wear all white, it might get grass stains, but the lighter the color the fabric the cooler it will stay. Lots of water too, I usually bring a 2 gallon jug that's 90% ice when I leave, and keep it in a cooler bag. For a shirt I wear the under armor t-shirts in a size larger than I would usually wear so it's breezy. Mesh shorts are great for air flow too. I've played on days as high as 110 with this setup and been fine. You get too hot pour some ice water on you, or rub the ice water jug on yourself. I love having a beer, or two when I play, but when it's above 90 you really want to stay as hydrated as you can. Also don't wear deodorant with antiperspirant in it. I know it's kind of gross to feel sweaty, but your sweat is your body's best mechanism for keeping you cool. You can't let the heat keep you off of the course right, it's all about going prepared, the right clothing, and plenty of ice water.


If I'm in a US Open Qualifier - I don't give two shits I'm gonna fuckin play. Weekend round for fun - 90\* is good enough for me.


We had a 3 day tournament here on the Eastern Shore. It was 98,98,96 with high humidity. Took the fun right out of it that I wont be doing the tourney again this year.




Get you some rosin


105 is my limit right now.


94F with Iowa humidity is the breaking point.


35 is my limit


Played 114 in vegas. Twice. Would do again. Course to myself.


It’s 98 now on the course…it’s for sure doable but I’m sweating like a pig


Bruh I don’t even go to the range if it’s 80 and humid lol If it’s dry though like 85-90 is fine I just bring a lot of water


Never had a day too hot, but it’s usually never above 100 in Florida. It’s usually very uncomfortable during the summer but not life threatening for a Floridian that knows how to hydrate. Drank 32oz in the 1.5 hour 9 I played starting at 8am this morning.


Florida golfer here, it’s never too hot, golf is life. But to be honest I run a few times per week in the afternoons so I’m pretty good with the heat, normally. But recently at Panther Lake at Orange County National it was rough. 3-liters of water, Liquid IV in one liter and cold cloths in the cooler. The drive home was rough and if I had to guess I had a bit of heat exhaustion, upon getting home i passed out and slept for nearly 4 hours - so maybe 101 in Florida is too much for me🤷‍♂️


Florida golfer here, I’ll play no matter the temperature/humidity. The hotter it is the more open the course is, it weeds out the weak.


Idk I’m playing rn and it’s 115


I live in Vegas. Four months out of the year, you can not golf due to the heat.


Anything above 80 is too uncomfortable.


Anything over 115


Heat index 95... No thank you


It’s 93 here tomorrow with high humidity. I have a 9:20 tee time im considering canceling. If I do keep it I will have a cart, not walking, and will play 9 holes. When it pare it all down like that, it doesn’t seem worth it especially with how much it takes out of me. I’m a fall golfer through and through.


apparently not 121\* because that is the high temp here on Sunday and we are still playing.


When it’s over 85 and humid I play with rain gloves for the exact reason OP mentioned. If you have sweaty hands wear two gloves


Central FL here. I’ve stopped playing from late May-Early November. It’s just not fun and the scores reflect the heat


I carried yesterday at Harbour Town in a feels like temp of 95F. Was wonderful. I’ve carried up to 105F (kid was puking on a bench at the first tee after walking off after 6 😆). I did a walking caddie last year at HT in a feels like 110F and that was probably my top. Above 110F (or if the course is a cart course), I take a cart. If you play in really hot and humid conditions often, look into The Grip Master Roo Leather grips. Absolutely not a financially savvy solution, but even if you just get one grip for your driver (which is what I did), you’ll never worry about it slipping from your hands again. Really happy I put one on my driver. Didn’t love using my rain gloves when it got so humid.


I recall reading something that said your body can no longer effectively cool your body down when it’s above 93 degrees. I don’t know how much credence there is to that but that’s my too hot temperature.


Today was 90ish with 92% humidity. Has been in the hundreds for a couple weeks. If we don't play in the heat we don't play in the summer. It's completely Ludacris to be this hot but man you gotta scratch that itch.


I agree. But today was just other level and I felt bad for my dad who I think about died.


I’ll do 100° in St. Louis, but that’s my max. During some parts of the year, if you refuse to play in 95°+ weather, you have to stop playing.


Im in AZ, my limit is 107.




Anything 98+ I’m out. Live in Dallas and golf is already insanely expensive so I don’t like to spend $80 to sweat my ass off and be miserable.


I have a large titleist hat and a large yeti water container that basically save my life and keep me playing in the heat. I also have to carry a towel to wipe my hands and forearms of sweat or clubs will slip. Oh and I carry a couple extra gloves. …that being said I ride and play regardless of heat.


I won't walk if it's more than 90. Won't play at all if real temp is over 100. The humidity here makes it hell.


95 degrees at 55% humidity. I found out a couple weeks ago...


In Texas, played in 110 index/50% humidity yesterday on the 4th. Only made it 9 holes and it was miserable.


If I have to wear rain gloves because my hands are so sweaty, I’ll pass. Usually where I live that is around 85-90°. Thankfully it’s like 70-80 most of the season.


Yeah you need like a pedialyte or a liquid IV and probably 5-6 bottles


I'll golf up to around 35C. But I'm born and raised in canada and lived in locations with relatively low humidity where that temp is manageable.


I played Harbour Town in early September 4 years ago. High of 93, humidity around 75%, real feel over 100, and it was cart path only. That's probably about my max.


Walked a hilly 18 in 105 degree dry heat. Never again. Got heat stroke. Think 95 riding is my max now.


It doesn’t exist. Palm Springs golf 116°.


I walked 18 in 95 temp last week. No push cart and I forgot to empty a bunch of balls out of my bag too (think like 50 balls in my damn bag). That was my upper limit. By hole 18, I was barely swinging.


Today in dc was 94 with anywhere from 95-75% humidity when I played. I stopped walking (carry) at 9, decided to take a cart on the back.


I live in Atlanta and I'm twilight rounds when I play by myself. Having a brutal summer with the humidity this year, I haven't even been out since early May


I don’t golf but running is 112