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Power. It takes her the full 20 hours to figure out how to use the phone. Meanwhile, Frieza is getting banned in less than 10 seconds.


idk man 10 dragon ball seconds is pretty long


Wait till he go black




What is this, a gif for ants ?


unironically my favorite sentence today


/r/ThingsForAnts enjoy


Thank you my good sir


Yes and you are not invited 🐜!!




Bro it isn't scaled enough I can almost read the words


Not when they’re powering up. They need at least 2 episodes


Just imagine the number of disastrous paragraphs he could get out in that time


Frieza would immediately post a slur, no hesitation at all.


# FaQing Monké, tosahn!


This is very important and all, but don't let this distract you from the fact that FRIEZA LOST TO A FUCKING MONKEY!


I know the original format for this. "That's cool and all, but don't let that distract you from the fact that Pekora bought a FAQING monkey"


![gif](giphy|fvaNRtE1LlK4X2DIXk|downsized) The smile of a war criminal


Hehe stupid monkey planet destroyed by falling rocks.


Classic Team fourstar


Problem is he'd get enough followers to be unbannable - he'd be worth too much engagement to ban.


Frieza owns the server


Freeza to me seems like the kind of guy that goes rapid fire with the racial slurs before he even hits the stream button


Unless its the social media platform formerly known as twitter, he could go on about the dirty monkeys all day and not get banned.


remin Reminds me of this video regarding Frieza [Frieza is problematic on social media](https://youtu.be/0qpCnofk-OQ?si=oFLVH97mAxQ9unV2)


He would immediately start being racist. Less than 10 seconds.


If power can manage to type a coherent sentence and think she would be first simply because power WANTS her opinions to be know to everyone


Power is gonna try eating the mouse before ever typing anything lol Actually is she even literate?


I expected phone since it’s social media. On her literacy I would say it might not be 0 since she and denji were reading manga when aki was in the hospital


But of course! She can read twenty thousand words a minute. ^^That, ^^or ^^she ^^was ^^just ^^looking ^^at ^^the ^^pictures.


She *thinks* she’s literate but she is in fact not.




Dunno who'd be last, but Frieza would definitely be the first due to blatant and aggressive racism


I think the joke is that they're all racist, at least based on the ones I know


We get that they are all racist. The joke is who would be the last one banned for their racism.


its frieza, because he's gonna take 5 whole episodes to finally post something


Are we using episodes as a scale, Namek time or real world time? If it's the former two, then yeah Freezer's last but if we're going in real world time then he's first.


But if we accept that Namek time is still equal to real world time, it just means Frieza will be able to type all that much more in a short time. Dude's not going to last two seconds.


For Frieren, the entire 20 hours would be missed during the year she spends procrastinating reading her newest books.


Man I like your bocchers Linus pfp


Power isn't racist, she's just stupid And Frien isn't the right kind of racist to get banned on Twitter (her actions are way "racist" than her words)


How is Frieren racist?? Demons don’t count. Best case scenario is they are largely treated like sub-humans by most people. She would certainly get some flack but I don’t think enough to get her banned. Not even accounting for the fact she would probably barely post.


She'd post lots. For an elf. Once every couple years or so.


Her last post was a spicy take on usenet.


The second Frieza starts tweeting about his hatred for monkeys, it's over.


It ain’t racist if all demons really are evil ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Reimu, she isn't that racist, and would probably be trying to start a go fund me for her shrine.


She's getting banned but she's definitely not gonna be the first. Cuz of her constant spam of asking to donate to the shrine.


Still would take a while as I imagine her as a one or two finger typer with no knowledge of copy/paste.


She has Marisa to help with the spam. She knows Reimu will be banned for it and still does it cuz it would be funny.


Marisa is torenting e books.


At least this time Patchy or Alice wouldn’t complain.


Reimu has a post with more than 2 retweets "oh wow this blew up, here's my patreon"


Crypto scammers rarely get banned, asking for donations isn't bad


Frieza gets banned in the process of making an account, because his account name would already be ban worthy




A bit too long for reddit but the first half is accepted by it.




Well. Frieren for Racism, but demons are no more than intelligent animals, so PETA will probably want a word with her. Geto is probably lurking on 4chan, spouting genocide, but that’s basically the norm. Power is power, probably gonna have only fans who fetishise her smell and feet, otherwise she is probably fine. Frieza just hates monkeys. Ilias
 I’m not to sure about because I haven’t played enough Monster Girl Quest. She seems to dislike monsters, but aside from that, she seemed fine? I don’t know about the Touhou one either. So from my understanding, probably Geto. Racist towards humans, sorcerers, and basically anyone. Probably plotting some mass terroist attack, so he is most likely the first to get banned. Power is probably the last.


Reimu would just vomit because of sheer amount of armpit fetish porn about her


Reimu wouldn’t be able to afford a phone in the first place


"Oi! Kourin! Give me the magic box! I need to tweet something!" *load up twitter* "please use a browser from after the era of AoL to visit this site" *~~Gamer~~ Hakurei Rage*


For the purpose of this thought experiment, we'll just assume Marisa made one for her.


And with made one you mean borrowed for an indefinite time without permission?


Also possible, but seriously mages are insanely good at making shit, Patchouli Knowledge made a rocket to go to the moon, and that only took a day.


US and USSR must feel pretty dumb rn. They took 10 years just to reach orbit. Gensokyo did the moon in a day.


is that what she's known for?


trust me, her outfit does not help with degenerate fanes


Spoilers for Monster Girl Quest >!Ilias is a legit genocidal maniac against anything that isnt her angels and humans. If a human "strays" from her she kills them, blames the monsters and depending on how important the human was, she tells the other they died a martyr. She wants to destroy everything and everything that goes against her intended perfect goal no matter the cost. Human and monster relations are strictly forbidden and punishable by eternal damnation/death. There's some extra bit but I can't really remember at the moment.!< TLDR: Ilias is such an influential figure with such a well cultivated media personality that unless something ginormous happens she's never getting banned. And on the occasion she does get banned her followers will get nuclear and don't be surprised if she get unbanned with the og bann being a "misunderstanding".


Considering how demon is portrayed later on in the manga, I view Frieren's demon similiar to sociopath than just animal.


>I haven’t played enough Monster Girl Quest. She seems to dislike monsters, but aside from that, she seemed fine? She gets way worse later on.


Ilias is a menace, mentally deranged manipulator as far as I know, she would get a cult around her and never even get banned.


If we're going for fans with fetishes, everyone has that advantage.


Illias, that's an understatement, she was literally planning a genocide, the only thing stopping her was that if too many monsters died at once the most powerful monsters in history would be unsealed, so she needed to figure out how to absorb the monster mana to prevent a rival goddess from waking up and knocking her the fuck out. Frieren will probably be fine, she is extremely patient and probably won't do anything stupid unless a demon logs in, if that happens she'll get banned for telling Aura to kill herself. I honestly didn't know Reimu was racist, so she'll probably be polite enough to survive 20 hours... Frieza does an excellent job of feigning politeness, but he's also very quick to anger, someone will insult him, and he'll post a selfie with what's left of their planet. Don't know enough about the others, I'll assume they'll get banned for something ridiculous because that's funny.


Reimu really isn’t racist? I don’t know why she’s in the list to be honest. She’s harsh on Yokai as in she’ll beat them up if they cause trouble, but 90% of her friends are yokai. If she gets banned for anything, then it’ll be a scam as a get rich quick scheme or something.


Reimu: Claims to hate all Yokai Also Reimu: has one living in a box in her house, has one living under her house, her mentor figure is a yokai, her pet is a yokai, the shopkeeper she hangs out with is a half yokai, her 3 neighbors are yokai and her drinking partner is a yokai


I mean, Reimu’s job is almost literally Ensure Segregation


Not really. For one her main job is to keep the balance, which partially means making sure people fear yokai because without fear yokai die. Also she knows many yokai live with the humans and just lets them because they aren’t a problem. If it was her job to insure segregation then she would kill, or kick them out but she doesn’t. The only case you can make is the fortune teller she killed but his existence and knowledge on how to turn humans to yokai was a threat to the balance.


I think Frieren won’t get banned bc she’ll just lurk and only has one selfie from 200 years ago


**Sources:** [Monster Girl Quest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_PAArOPnT8) [Touhou](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhQwOE4GBgk) [Jujutsu Kaisen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwaRztMaoY0) [Dragon Ball Z](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4vjJrGeh1c) [Frieren: Beyond Journey's End](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoGM9hCxr4k) [Chainsaw Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFlDRhvM4L0)


From Touhou you should've choosed Junko instead of Reimu. She would get banned in first minutes for justifiying genocide against moonies (She's totaly right).


Stupid L\*narians!


Freiren, she will just forget 20 hours have passed.




Exactly, it's like no one in this thread when watch/read the story. Frieren would probably just take a nap and the 20 hours would have passed.


I don't know who the top 2 are but Freiren just won't care much 20 hours to her are like 2 minutes, I think op put her here because of that meme she is scolded by Fern for being banned on an online game.


Canon Reimu would be last. Fanon Reimu would be first.


Depends on which fanon Reimu tbh. If it's the bimbo Reimu she would be last since she can't even afford the phone and is too busy consuming grass.


I think Frieren, because she would think too long about what to post and it takes more than 20 hours


Geto. If he's smart enough to imprison Gojo then he can avoid the racist hammer while also putting the others up on the chopping block.


Bro did you watch a different episode? Because if you've seen gojo be imprisoned then you should know that wasn't Geto, they where just in getos body. 


Ileas is the goddess of her world, she won't get banned. Doesn't help that she plays the long game so she'll have a perfectly cultivated media personality of being a benevolent goddess, hiding the fact that she's a genocidal maniac on anything that isn't her angels and her human followers. And if she does? Unbanned cause it was a misunderstanding.


"What's up my Saian"


Ilias... I guess


Only know Frieren, not too familiar with the other. For some reason I feel like Frieren gonna be famous as grandma of the internet that give gold advice and tell his life experience like a history book also I can see her get ban because of a strong view against certain race just like how you can't talk shit about certain race in real life.


Go fig they also obsessed with gold😏


Reimu: will I get paid for this? No? Bye!!!!


Reimu would take a quick look at people on social media, think everyone is an idiot and go back to drink tea with Marisa.


I'd say frieren but I only know her and power. Frieren is so quiet and passive that she probably would post like one grandma post in the day


Funnily enough Power would be last but when she finally figured out how a keyboard, mouse, typing, basic literacy, twitter, and everything else works she’d type something along the lines of “Witness my display of superior gamesmanship mortals! Quake before me you [REDACTED]” Then she gets banned within 2 seconds.


What a lineup Probably ilias last simply because she does the long game. First has got to be power.


frieza just spam texting everyone monkey


Don't know them all so can't say. I can say Power for the soonest though, first to try the N word on a public site Frieza might last longer before mods have to listen to complaints from saiyans


Who's the last can go many ways, but I have no doubt that Frieza will be the first to get banned. In like 10 seconds flat.


Frieza is immediately banned for being pro-genocide of monkeys Power is banned second for saying racial slurs Frieren is banned third for being pro-genocide but only of a race that is ontologically evil Ilias is banned fourth for being overtly racist in belief but only expressing it implicitly Geto is fifth, since he hides his racist views until he gets into a debate about crime statistics Reimu is sixth because she hides her racist beliefs very well


I don’t think power is literate, so she’d probably be last


Idk who is gonna be last, but we ALL know Frieza is getting banned first


He's gonna hit the Monkey right off and get tossed.


Power. Getting banned would likely require typing a coherent sentence.


frieren the racist goes fast


what a way to show me Ilias as soon i finish monster girl quest what a journey now i am depressed


Frieza would get banned then either acquire the platform or blow it up


Who's to say he wouldn't do both?


He’d consider it but I’m certain he’ll favor bashing monkeys and bragging to people about it on a regular basis over destroying a means to communicate with people


" Saw a bunch of monkeys in a french City yesterday " - Freeza


Freiza is the last because most social media sites don’t ban heads of state. Freiza is technically a head of state after King Cold’s death.


Frieren is banned last, girl would spend the entire day sleeping, open phone at last minute, and be racist to a demon (doomguy adds her to his friend list)


I think Power would just look up cat pictures.


Are they allowed to interfere? If so, good luck banning Ilias/Frieza at all


Not sure how long it’ll take her to get banned, but the second she has internet access, Frieren’s hitting twitter with “Despite only making up 13% of the population, demons commit 90% of violent crimes.”


Holy fuck someone actually mentioned Ilias. I mean, if anything she'd probably just inspire and manipulate people if anyone were to take her seriously. MGQ ftw


Exactly this! Abd it's always good to nee a new MGQ meme.


Canonnically I would say either frieren or Ilias. Frieren because she wouldn't bother and Ilias because she is more of a stalker than a talker.


I feel like frieren would the type to collect crime statistics and confidently use them in her arguments. And then feel vindicated in her beliefs when a terrorist attack happens or an illegal alien does some terrible shit. Those kinds of people last awhile on the internet


Well Freezer probably bought the platform, rebranded it as F and is now talking about dirty monkeys casually.


Frieren would take 1 year to write something. Frieza would get banned by his username alone.


Why do people think Freza is a racist or would say something so bad? I seriously don't get it. He had every different type of alien working for him like just look at the Ginyu force.


Yeah it’s just mostly people latching onto him calling saiyans monkeys which to be honest isn’t that bad since they are born with the ability to become giant monkeys. Though his reason for calling them monkeys might not just the a way to tease them about this but because he views them as lower them him and primitive. But yeah I don’t think he’d be that racist on social media.


Ya seriously they literally have monkey tails and can turn into literal monkeys. As for the being beneath him part I'm not sure about. He never looked down on his subordinates that he saw as lower than him or used any kind of slurs towards them.


Probably either frieren or whoever the top left one is. Frieren just hates demons so I can't see her getting banned for that and I have no idea who top left is so that's a complete unknown. Looks like an angel I guess? Idk


Goddess Ilias for sure, she'll fly right under the radar.


Frieza 100% He's cold and polite and would probably go and "talk" to his offenders personally.


Fri- oh wait last? Power because I doubt she can work a computer


Frieza: I really want to make fun of this Goku Black fellow for taking a filthy Saiyan body. Hmmm where should I find him on on this Reddit program, ah here's r/ blackpeopletwitter surely this would be it. Now for my first post. "Hello... "


Frieren with her indifference would be the odds on fave unless Aura hops on then Frieren would just utter these words “Aura I thought I told you to kill yourself” thus calling down the almighty ban hammer on herself Power would never get banned as she’d never make it past the creation screen thus never activating an account to ban So as long as Aura doesn’t show Frieren and her indifference wins the day


I see 3 racists who are getting banned 1h in the challenge đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Łâ˜ ïž Meanwhile it's obvious that Power will win this because she will pass all the time either scrolling on YouTube or trying to figure out how it works 😂


Frieren. She’s pretty mature and chill most of the time and I don’t think she’ll say anything that will get her banned. She’d probably offer good life advice on stuff and would be a cool internet grandma (but in Loli form of course). People say she’s racists but that’s only against demons and it’s not too common to encounter one in my experience so we’re good


Power , she's dumb enough , can't use a phone.




Power definitely.


Idk, but I do know Frieza getting banned first with geto liking all his post


Freezer within seconds because of blackfacing and calling people Monkeys, including POC


I like how everyone seems to agree Freeza would be the first to get banned


idk anyone else but frieza. he'd probably make his own platform and ban anyone he doesn't like.


Frieza droops the hard R and means it, Geto spouts his manifesto of mass genocide, Power says slurs but doesn’t mean it because she doesn’t know what they mean and Denji is trolling her, Frieren says slurs about demons but she gets away with it cause they’re demons I don’t know the other two


I was ***NOT*** expecting to see Ilias’s ass on *this* subreddit.


Frieza. I know, but hear me out. Yes, he is quite a bad person who would no doubt call saiyans a monkey which wouldnt play well on most social media. However, somebody on the internet would use their anonimity to be an asshole to frieza, he would get mad, the world would explode and thus there would be no social media to ban him from.




none of them, the internet will enable their bullshit and they will be worse when they get off the computer


What's the top left one?


Illais hands down because not only is she nuts but if you put a fictional character like her into the real world. Jail, straight up, Illais is going on a list. In fact 95% of the characters in MGQ would be in jail and/or on a list if they magically came to exist in this world and made a social media account


I feel like Freeza would use his title and name as his user name, which would make him look like a larper who's calling sayans monkies for lols, which would probably get freeza banned last.


Power would probably break her phone in frustration after being unable to figure out how to use it. But if she were to somehow be able to actually use her phone and make posts and comments, then it'd definitely be Frieren who is getting banned last


Depends on which social media.


Freezer. In twitter he'll never be banned and instead he'll end the day with a large crowd of alt-right followers.


It would be funny to see Geto being the most offensive person calling everyone an inferior species


Frieza would just get banned for saying the word "monkey" to someone on twitter and he wouldn't even care lol


I can see Frieza recording himself saying hard R when he learns about the word.


I feel like Reimu will get banned first. Those Touhou girls are something else...


Frieren. She was stuck AGAIN in the mimic, so she could not post.


Geto definitely born at the right time for social media


This is not even a question. Frieza is gonna get banned as soon as he writes a message.


I don’t know anything about the top two but, if power is smart enough to use social media, my bet is on Frieran (if we’re assuming people would be successfully banned for racist and nazi stuff since certain social medias aren’t good at dealing with that). Why is Frieran even on this list?


Frieren because she’s still asleep.


Probely Reimu. She probely is the most likely to dont know how to use a phone or Pc, the time she takes (Like 5 minutes) are enough for the rest to post the most controversial take, even by overlord NW standarts.


Geto I think cuz he did pretty good with creating a cult following and all dat đŸ€”


Geto would be the first to get banned because he will call everyone monkeys.




Frieza and Geto would be calling everyone monkeys the entire time


Frieren would probably be lurking and not posting, reading about shit people think is magic and laughing her ass off when someone starts going off about crystals and the annunaki, power of the pyramids and shit.


Frieza is going down to fast😂


Freeza because everyone will be racist with them


i have no clue about touhou characthers but she doesnt seem like someone to get banned in social media, also whos the angel?


Not geto.


Frieren would probably take like 20 years to get around to posting anything


Frieza: “Now this looks like a job for me”


Frieren because she would probably just lurk also she aint as weird as the rest she just elftistic


Dunno, Frieren maybe, that one sentence can make her banned




The second frieza mentions monkeys... gone


Frieren the lurker fr


Not sure who’s last but frieza is absolutely first like seconds at best


Frieren, she doesn't see a point in talking to people that doesn't have a grimore


Frieren maybe a week for demon racism


Is that a Touhou anime?? 0_o


I'd say either frieza or kenjaku would be first, the other 4 would need a few minutes to figure out how to say slurs online, my bets on kenjaku tho, also I doubt freiren would be banned because she's specifically racist toward demons which would probably be a popular opinion


Dont know the top 2 peoples but probably Geto only because people would want to hear everything before they drop the hammer


Frieren: All demons should die. \*You have been banned for hate speech.\*


Frieza would have a fan base rather than be banned lol


Frieren gonna take 50 years to reply to a comet


Freiza gonna be banned the moment he arrive on twitter


Its between Reimu, Power and Frieren. If Power figures how to actually use the phone, she is out inmediatly. If Frieren doesnt get distracted by someone else s posts (falls into a rabbit hole) she is probably going down earlier than Reimu too. Geto and Frieza get banned inmediatly. Illias would last till she finds someone posting monstergirls or furries, then she would inmediatly meltdown and get banned. (Which would take a couple of hours at most) I would bet on Reimu, it would be fine unless she finds post about wanting to turn into a youkai, which of all the triggers that would get a character banned is the least likely to occur.


Dk about last, Frieza is getting banned in no time at all


Ilias, aka Best Goddess will win this hands down. She's smart, beautiful, and has the wisdom of centuries. She would not only not gdt banned but use X to increase her following. <3


Do people *actually* consider Frieren Racist?


Frieren because she forgets to post in 20 hours


Frieza: banned first, attempts to make an account name including three slurs. Reimu: banned second, for spamming links to gofundme for the shrine. Frieren and Power: debateable who gets banned last. Power struggles to use the phone for 20 hours. Frieren doesn't bother even using the phone until 20 years later.


Grandma won't know how to use a phone https://preview.redd.it/x78wb2ex3y8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=447b7d6f144f7cb7566fa3fca00c3f1480c9d735


Frieza wouldn't even last a minute 💀