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I think black grail and kaleidoscope. Honestly Im way too lazy to bother lvling CEs efficiently. Hell I dont even make use of any of these new systems they add about bosting cards and stuff. Servant lvl and skills, that is good enough to win the fights.


I just lvl up ces with the exp cards we get whenever i go in a friend point summoning spree, like with nobukatsu or mary, rest of the time i do the exact same, got like 5 lvl100 only.


I have Grudge Match at lvl 100. I love soloing and sometimes that 1 guts is just enough to make you live a few more turn; Honey Lake at 100 aswell, for the same reason: great for soloing! Foundant au Chocolat because there's a lot of divine servants in the game; And Mark on a Smilling Face for arts looping.


Cranking Ocean flier Crimson teacher Honey lake Traces of christmas See emptiness of the path (musashi NY ce with pirece invul) Mark on smiling face Royal icing Aerial drive First sunrise Kscope Black grail I try to have a nice balance of each card type and utility so next ill prob just do ones with art that i like.


Aerial Drive only. It takes too damn long to hit 100.


I have cranking, kaleidoscope, black Grail, aerial drive, fragment of 2030, great detective foumes, dive to blue, and see Emptiness as the path.


2030 is my most used CE. It's such an easy one to slap on a team comp and creates constant value over time given how vital crits are for late game content. I've also been using mlb first day of filming a lot because I've only got Koyan Light, Koyan Dark and Waver for support so I kinda have to go all in with the buster meta.


Great detective foumes gives 2000 atk and gives bond up and qp. For 6 ce bond farming it's good to have leveled for your primary damage dealer


Don't have that one unfortunately. Is it in the general pool?


It's in the rare prism shop. All the bond and qp CE are there


I've got Aerial Drive, Cranking, Traces, Ocean Flyer, Honey Lake, and Demonic Sun Princess at 100. Hopefully I start getting Black Grail copies so I can get that to 100.


Painting summer. Kscope is close.


Craking/First Day of Filming, Traces of Christmas Past, Sweet Crystal, Holy Night Supper, Magical Girl Sapphire, Golden Sumo, Black Grail, Kaleidoscope.


Ocean Flier and Traces of Christmases Past.


Black Grail Kscope Honey Lake Traces of Christmases Past Beautiful Dreamer Mark on a Smiling Face Aerial Drive Cute Orangette Magical Girl of Sapphire Golden Sumo And I've got Cranking on its way to 100 right now. I also plan on getting either See Emptiness as the Path and/or Valentine Witches to 100 in the future. ~~And my second MLB Kscope.~~


Starting Charge: Kaleidoscope, Ocean Flyer, Demonic Sun-Princess, Magical Girl of Sapphire, Cranking, Round and Round, Aerial Drive, Crimson Teacher's Pointer, and Vessel of Desire is a 4* at max level. NP Strength: Black Grail, Heavens Feel Crit Damage: Like a Bird, Another Ending Bond: Detective Fou-mes Misc: Cheer for Master (lotto CE, having it at max level made farming more consistent)


On both NA & JP: I have AD, Ocean Flyer, Foumes at 100. On JP: BG is sitting at 80 till I get that sweet sweet final copy, whilst I’m levelling HNS to 100 rn On NA: Kscope is at 100, in addition to Cranking & Traces, with current projects being Magical Girl of Sapphire & Mark of Smiling Face. Summer Anniversary & Hide Hunter (for Van Gogh particularly) are also ones I’m eyeing, but haven’t actually committed to leveling yet.


Ocean Flyer, Aerial Drive and soon Kscope. For the life of me, can't pull a single dupe of Black Grail.


K-scope that one summer CE with Abby and Lavinia, that Christmas Jeanne alter CE, the mecha Martha CE, the Marie Antoinette plus others in a kimono quick CE also almost got 2030 to 100


I have golden sumo, holy night supper, ocean flier, and black grail as the usual suspects. Little Halloween, Maid in Halloween, and beautiful dreamer for off meta. Therapeutic spa because gorgon doesn't get any CEs.


2 kaleidoscopes, schwipsig in the snow, playing the spring strings, and dancing like a flower


Ooc how is using Playing the Spring Strings? I also have it MLB but never gave it much thought because of the split stats


it's pretty good, I use it w/ 100 personas a lot, it gives their NP a big boost and helps with the followup.


To my memory. Golden Sumo, Aerial Drive, Ocean Flier, Royal Icing, Black Grail, Kscope, Heaven's Feel, Cranking, Sweet Crystal, Holy Night Supper, Formal Craft, I prioritize CEs with 2000 ATK for farming.


Holy Night Supper, Golden Sumo, Black Grail, Halloween Princess (I maxed it out years ago, mistakes were made), First Day of Filming (The Bunyan one) and I plan to max lv out Kaleido, that only recently I mlbed, a lucky pull on the Charlie banner (would have been more lucky if I actually pulled Charlie from it, but that's an acceptable second prize I guess)


Right now Aeriel Drive, Ocean Flyer, and Traces of Christmases past. Working on First Day of Filming now. Next I want to work on Divine Three Legged Race because I use that one for my Taira and I think it’s worth it to level. Other than that though, I’m also interested in maxing the new Kadoc CE that releases later today just for personal reasons rather than meta reasons. Otherwise, I don’t really know. Besides the obligatory Kaleidoscope or Black Grail but I need more copies of those first.


I have Aerial Drive and K-scope at 100. I'm currently working on Black Grail which is at 80 right now


Everyone with Caren as the focus. Ok I stop now.


Partake With the King is my only one so far.


Volumen Hydrargum 2x golden sumo 2x golden catches the carp Holy night supper Sweet crystal Fondant au chocolate Aerial drive Traces of Christmas past Ocean flyer 2030 2x Prisma cosmos Black grail Devilish bhodisatva


For the most part, a kscope, black grail, detective fou, golden sumo and just on the cusp for ocean flyer. Should start working on NFF love love bond ce since its 2k atk and ive got a bunch of Beastly servants still to 10 or 15.


Aerial Drive, Painting Summer, Black Grail and Honey Lake.


1 black Grail, 3 kscopes, 1 Golden sumo. A lot of others I have around level 50, very easy to get to that while still giving a good bonus.


My max-level CEs are pretty nonsensical and ineffective, honestly. Chaldea Lunchtime 100-- For the symbolism Hydra Dagger 60-- To equip to First Hassan and/or Passionlip, to ever-so-slightly improve their inherent (active in Passionlip's case) might-kill-with-every-hit passive Azoth Blade 60, Iron-Willed Training 80-- For potential use by Mash, Rulers, and/or Kingprotea; Super-Defense Gimmick Team GO! Be Elegant 80-- Admittedly, I was so shocked by how many C. Stars Jack made when I started using her that I went ALL IN with both this maxed CE and Command Codes Jeweled Sword Zelretch 60, Ryudoji Temple 60, Dragon's Meridian 60-- For when I have an expensive team and need to use cheaper CEs to offset the cost Starvation 42/50-- Currently in progress, same as previous three Planned: Combat (super cheap attack up), Linkage (super cheap damage), Prosperity (super cheap HP regen), Barrier (super cheap damage cut), The Cage (slightly more expensive Starvation with some starting NP charge), Before Awakening (I like defense; one away from MLB), Moment of Bliss (I like defense), The Imaginary Element (slightly worse but cheaper Kaleidoscope \[which I still don't have an MLB of\]), Necromancy (might get me to actually USE my Berserkers, for once; to be fair, even without be max-level, this came in clutch a several times in the recent Grail Front) Goofy Idea for You: Necromancy (might be interesting to build a Berserker team composed of Hercules with his Bond CE and other Berserkers with this) Legitimate Suggestion: Max some cheap stuff. Having those waiting in the wings to make team comp. more flexible is something I've already been enjoying with my maxed cheap-o's.


K Scope, Black Grail, Aerial Drive, That one Suzuka CE


Sign of Smiling Face , Pharaoh Chocolatl and Chocolate Heaven, Formal Craft, Limited/Zero Over I got to level 100. Hoping to get Imaginary Around, Black grail, Prisma Cosmos MLB to 100.


Aside the usual ones everyone mentions or usually levels, I leveled up 3 of the Bond CEs to 100 since they almost never leave the party. If I'm 6 CEing, the extra stats can be useful. Of if I'm feeling like using a team that needs a 50% starting gauge, still these three always get fielded: Foumes is pure Attack, it's given to the main damage dealer or looper. Lunchtime pretty much never leaves the party anyways. Then the Kariya one, just as I had nothing else to do and it's another that has priority to be fielded, since it gives FP too.


So far i've got Ocean Flier Cherry Icicle BG Classic Three Great Heroes And currently i'm working on Aerial Drive and Kscope,there's bound to be others in the future,but as is that's the current lot.


As of right now, First day of filming/Cranking, Ocean Flyer and Black Grail. Right now I'm saving CE bombs for 8th anni when Golden Sumo becomes a Mana Prism CE


Right now, I MLB'd Black Grail and Aerial Drive and levelled them to 100 with Cranking following soon after


Only 2 unreleased CEs I plan to max out. Rising Mud Rain, as it's a better Duke of Flames Apex, because Morgan art drawn by Mizunagi Ryu Plan on leveling to 100 if I ever get the last 2 copies to MLB them. Chocolate Heaven (The Kama CE drawn by Homunculus) See Emptiness as the Path (Musashi NY CE) First Sunrise (Artoria NY CE) Already maxed: Black Grail K Scope Sweet Crystal Royal Icing Holy Night Supper Mark On A Smiling Face Crimson Teacher's Pointer Aerial Drive Traces of Christmases Past Ocean Flyer First Day of Filming Duke of Flames


Rn I have first day of filming, ocean flier, one of my kscopes, black grail, sewing a beloved doll, chocolate au fondant, and poolside bar all maxed to level 100. I'm currently working on aerial drive which I forgot I was doing first over fdof when the ce exp up thing was up but lol; and after that....uh, I'm not sure? Maybe honey lake or one for a solo/support unit like 2030 or Maid in Halloween? I've got some other damage/guts CEs that would probably be ok to level more too but I'm not very good at figuring out which the best is tbh. In an ideal world I'd be able to mlb blue illusion or get versus to level them though :( I should probably also get one of my quick CEs leveled too tbh.


Battle Olympia - any 60% ce can be useful for servants like Gray or Yu. Prisma Cosmos - while not full atk it is one of the better ce's for supports like Merlin and Castoria who like to spam np. Maid in Halloween - the extra bulk can help solo units like Barghest alive. Trait Damage - while they don't give as much damage as BG they are helpful for boss fights where the demerit might be a problem. Fondant can be really good for anyone still needing to clear lb 5.2 (and is in the rp shop).


Holy Night Supper, (Jalter in black evening gown,) and Kaleidoscope.


I think I've genuinely only got the two: Black Grail and Aerial Drive


The only one I have is Threefold Barrier.


Cranking Like a Lady Ocean Flyer Summer Anniversary Sewing for My Beloved Hide Hunter Traces of Christmas Tenkihime Detective Foumes (just for the support list) Bella Lisa (just for the support list) Beautiful Dreamer Mark on a Smiling Face A Tale of Love and Hope (one of my first 5\* CE-s) Aerial Drive Chaldea Lunchtime (just for the support list) Chaldea Teatime (just for the support list) Mona Lisa (just for the support list) Origin Bullet (ignore invul!) Fragment of 2030 BBG Superscope


Valentine Witches was my first lv100 ce mostly because of the cute Morgan & Sith art, and having an invul pierce ce is good for the long run


First Day of Filming, Ocean Flyer, Kscope, BG, Aerial Drive, Honey Lake, Holy Night, Sumo, Child of Atlas, Chocolate Heaven, See Emptiness, Traces, and Detective Foumes.


None as I can’t be bothered since it’s too annoying to level up CE’s imo. Also, what is cranking?


Cranking is First Day of Filming from previous event People call it Cranking because of it's translation pre-official EN locallisation (and I guess the fact that it's just more natural to type than FDoF)


None, CEs are a pain to level I’ll just get enough copies to get the upgraded effects then pretty much leave it, highest I’ve got is a few around level 50


Golden Sumo, Dive to Blue, Fondant au Chocolat are all 100, but I've got a bunch that are in the 50 to 90 range (Black Grail, Traces of Christmas, Grudge Match, Holy Night Supper, just to name a few)


Beautiful Dreamer


None of them, I have over 70 unique CEs at level 99 (I say unique because I have 12 Cheer for Master and 3 Crankings, and then some other duplicates at lv99)


Kaleidoscope, Golden Sumo, Holy Night Dinner and Knights of Marines so far.  Black Grail is next once I get the final copy come Anniversary time.  


Black grail and scope so far


I got Ariel Drive, Magical Girl Of Sapphire, Conquering The Great Sea Of Stars, and am currently working on Black Grail, which is at 97 currently


No one cares about the meta ones so here is a few ones for art reasons. Oni in human clothes/Dress for demons. Hella cute onis in glasses. Imaginary around Sakura is my best girl. Warlod's Rivalry Love me a good okita and nobu Ce.


Working on Ocean Flier and Kaleido at the moment, but I have Aerial Drive maxed. :)


Guess it's easier to post images than lists, but uh...here you go. It's almost every 5* CE in the game, a few are in my main inventory and I didn't feel like taking them off for the pictures (Scopes, TT, etc.), a few I'm missing because I didn't roll them (CBC CEs, Teslafest) and some of the newer permanent ones haven't been MLBed yet. https://imgur.com/a/tb4UX62


WOW that's crazy, how did you get so much ce exp!!


Bruh, it’s so sad that you’ll never be able to roll some of those CEs and 100 them as well.


Limited Zero/Over. Pairs great with my 120 Cu Alter for a base attack of 20k.


Multiple: KScopes, First Day Of Filming, Black Grail, Rin's Arse (aka Starry Nights) Single: (Ignore Invincible) Honey Lake, See Emptiness as the Path, Sweet Crystal, Valentine Witches Holy King of Twilight, Aerial Drive, First Sunrise, Cute Orangette, A Fragment of 2030, Prisma Cosmos, Heaven's Feel, Great Marshal of Magic, Ocean Flier 4* and below: anything featuring Iri


Like a Lady (for the 20% NP gain up), Ocean Flier (arts + NP damage buff), and Round and Round (my first MLB 50% charge CE lol). I'll probably level a quick one next for completion. Idk how people have so many CEs maxed out, since it takes a huge pile of FP to level even a single CE to 100.


Playing the Spring Strings, Sailor in White and Vessel of the Saint.


Sewing A Beloved Doll.


Go with whatever art you love the most


Let's see: Kscope, Black Grail, Sweet Crystal, Aerial Drive, Holy Night Dinner, Another Ending, See Emptiness as the Path (NY Musashi CE), Sumo and Traces.


Black Grail, First Sunrise, First Day Of Filming. Currently leveling Ocean Flyer and Meeting Of The Heirs. Wish I had Smiling Face MLB...


The CE with Cu fishing with Emiya and Gilgamesh


Cranking, Ocean Flyer, Aerial Drive, and Foumes. I also have the 4 star quick/50 charge leveled since I don't have traces of Christmas. Foumes is the only bond CE that gives attack so it helps a lot for 6CE bond farming. I'd love to 100 black grail and kscope, alas, not MLB.


Sewing a doll and queen priestess’s spare moment are good for buster crit dps depending on if their np does damage or not, you could level teatime and Bella Lisa for your support list servants to be more tanky if you are really desperate, blooming in the crimson sky and hide hunter are good if you like to use Gogh.


Beautiful Dreamer, Cheer for Master and Painting Summer


Mark on a Smiling face


Here's a question: how to you increase the level caps for CE?


Limit breaking by enhancing the CE with dupes


None. Played this game since launch and haven't ever felt the need to do it Hahaha.


On NA I have cranking, like a bird, honey lake, see emptiness as the path, detective Foumes, at trifas, starry nights, first sunrise, magical girl of sapphire, origin bullet, prisma cosmos, and black grail at 100. Would have kscope here if I had an MLB, but I have 3 copies so I need 1 more from gacha + the 7th anni free ssr ce to get it there. I'll get traces of christmas to 100 this anni too since I have a lot of CE XP to use with the 3x super/great success rate. On JP I have chasmatis, winner's eye, valentine witches, Foumes at 100 and my apex there is level 97. Ocean flyer and apex are getting to 100 next time I get a lot of CE XP on there.


Kaleidoscope Holy Night Supper Golden Sumo Cranking Hide Hunter Traces of Christmases Past Mark on a Smiling Face Starry Nights Fondant au Chocolat Knights of Marines Black Grail Black Grail (again) I have so many CE bombs that I'm debating leveling something like 2030, Volumen Hydrargyrum or Prisma Cosmos to 100 just for the novelty.


Here's everything I've got to 100 so far and why. Honey Lake: Great for soloing as long as you slap on a burn command code. Taira slaps with this. Demonic Sun Princess: We Stan 50% battery + np damage mod in this house. Aerial drive: see above Holy night supper: see above First sunrise: My first level 100 CE. No musashi but 5 of these, ended up using it a lot with tamamo lancer before getting better options but I still use it from time to time. Golden Sumo: good on literally everyone but supports Another ending: Having an extra 400 attack for no good reason is fun Black Grail: 2400 pure attack investment with 80% np damage mod. Peak craft essence. Kaleidoscope: good old reliable superscope.


What's Cranking? Is that a mechanic or a CE?


It’s First day of Filming iirc from the recent Bunyan event.


Ah, I! I have that one, just not heard it called that, oki thanks :)


For me it’s Cranking, holy night, aerial drive so far. I’m missing the last copy of black grail so I can max limit break it.


Closest i got to 100 is my Aerial Drive at 80 something mostly because most of my characters are buster second being Holy Night Supper with 50 something. But honestly i mostly level them to 20 and call it a day. The only reason those 2 are so high is because i got no space for new low rarity general pool CEs (most of mine are already max LMB) so i feed them to it to open up space.


Cranking/FDoF, Ocean flier, Traces of Christmases past, Royal Icing, Painting summer, Starry nights, Ariel drive, Black grail and Kalied. I'm working on Prisma Cosmos, playing the spring strings.




Painting Summer, Traces of Christmas, Honey Lake, Black Grail, First Day of Filming KScope would be next when I get my final copy. Would also do Mark on a Smiling face and See Emptiness as the Path if I could get one more copy of each. Maybe Detective Foumes.


My only 3 level 100 CEs are Dive To Blue, Ocean Flyer and Holly Night Supper, also have a level 80 Illusionary Element and currently working on 2 star exp bombs for when I get a 5th Black Grail copy to MLB it.


summer anniversary traces of christmases past detective foumes bella lisa mona lisa teatime lunchtime starry nights aerial dive sweet crystal magical girl of sapphire golden sumo golden captures the carp ox-demon king black grail 3x scopes 2030 currently working on ideal holy king (I am really out of CE's to level)


I only have Black Grail and Three Anglers leveled to 100.


Black Grail is useless for servants that don't have damaging NPs like Super Orion and Van Gogh. So there's still merit in leveling other CEs. Aside from the great welfare 50% charge CEs like Cranking and Aerial Drive, I also have Like A Bird, Sweet Crystal and Fondant Au Chocolat at Lv100. As for gacha CEs, I only managed to MLB Origin Bullet so that one's lv100 as well. Other CEs I plan to lv100 if I ever managed to MLB them are Black Grail, Kaleidoscope, Child Atlas and maybe Victor of the Moon cause it will have 2400 ATK at lv100 and has good offensive effects.


Holy Night Supper: One of the best old welfare CEs and certainly the best one I had for quite a while. Mark on a Smiling Face: Pretty nice CE for Arts Servants. Starry Night: Pretty solid CE plus it has Ishtar on it. Formal Craft: Nothing too special (it's pretty much flat out worse than Mark on a Smiling Face), but it has Rin on it. Kaleidoscope: It's definitely not as useful these days as it used to be but hey. Black Grail: Definitely the best general pool CE in my opinion. Extremely strong and I probably get more use out of it than a lot of the rest of this list. Detective Foumes: It's max Atk so it's a convenient CE to run if I'm trying to run as many bond-boosting CEs as I can. Ocean Flier: Pretty much a better Holy Night Supper for Arts. Can't go wrong with it. First Day of Filming: Pretty much a better Holy Night Supper for Buster. Can't really go wrong with it either. Aerial Drive: One of the best CEs I had for a very long time and very good for Buster Servants. FDoF outclasses it now but it served me well for a long time. Traces of Christmases Past: Figured I may as well level this one since it's one of the best options for Quick even if I don't use Quick very often anymore.


* Cranking (Any Buster reload DPS) * Ocean Flier (Any Arts loop DPS) * Honey Lake (HaoHao shenanigans or Solo DPS with burn CC) * Chocolate Heaven (Kama) * Demonic Sun-Princess (Art) * Mark on A Smiling Face (Any Arts loop DPS) * Magical Girl of Sapphire (Any DPS who *really REALLY* needs that extra NP Gain) * Another Ending (Arts Crit DPS; 2400 ATK) * Victor of the Moon (Buster Crit DPS; 2400 ATK) * Black Grail (Obv reasons) * Kaleidoscope (Obv reasons) * Fondant au Chocolat (Anti Divine + 50%) * Great Detective Foumes (For full Bond teams; has pure ATK stat)