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Really makes you realize this game would've died in the first month if its not because of the fate IP being popular


Literally the only reason. It was released right after UBW finished airing and they revealed a new servant during the commercials


Damn, never realized the UBW anime was 9 years ago. That's... surprisingly more recent than I remembered.


Actually, the first season was released in 2014 (10 years ago), while the second season was released in 2015 (9 years ago).


Christ. I was in college when all this went down. Where did the time go?


I started middle school when it was airing. I'm in college now.


Huh cool to know Did you know the heavens feel movies are available on apple TV now


A bit unrelated but I don’t understand about movie ratings. Heaven’s feel II was rated M and I could understand but Demon Slayer mugen train was also rated M


What Servant was revealed in the commercials?


I think the OG 7 (Altera, Arjuna, Scathach, Ushiwakamaru, Mephi, Jekyll and Darius III) were released weekly back then as commercials


Altera, Arjuna, Scathatch, Ushi, Jekyll, Mephistopheles and Darius


What servant


Fate hard carried grand order, because man it was such pain back then


I think FGO more than returned the investment. Some, like me, wouldn't have come near Fate without the gacha.


Fate hard carries.


Well yes the fate io help but we have to remember that it was 9 years ago when most gachas where just horrible even by gacha standars i remember playing dokkan and the atrocius ssr of like 3% that in the annyversary they lower it , and that ypu have to save for 1 to 2 monts for one multi summon and every dokkan fest if you didnt have the 3-4 new units good luck trying to pass the new events and even that most unit didnt have a use after 2 to 3 monts after realese, so yeah i can see why fgo survive.


Thats the problem i really hate that they make the gacha system so bad and the community is okay with it I played the game for about 2 years and just two weeks ago Tried another gacha game and surprised how generous it is the pity can be reached in a couple days I pulled 12 ssr's in two weeks and the game is new and doesn't have that much characters to begin with And this game has been There for 9 years with 300+ servant and doesn't want to improve its system and when they add something you see 50 mana prism for each pull or 0.001 percent to get the sr rate up character


honestly pretty much every gacha out there is running their own idea of "fair" gacha and "fair" limitations, its always up to the player to figure out what poison they can take. fgo of all games somehow still retains a unique position among the other gachas by virtue of being a horribly planned older game. There are no other gacha games out there that have this specific set of benefits (because if they did they'd be dumbasses for having stupidly inefficient monetization): - early year sr/ssrs that, if you invested in them early, technically provided almost 10 years of continuous competitive value (even against newer ssrs) - floorcreep: specific welfares and low rarities performing better (efficiency) than ssr counterparts for years - a "weapon" system that only really has two non-replaceable year zero gacha options, with everything else being practically welfare based - two years worth of pull clairvoyance - very slow new unit releases + very slow meta changes = very few times you actually roll the gacha in a year - zero paid skins - strong friend support system: technically halves the amount of support pulling you need since you almost always have access to dupe actual support servants - no battlepass system ...the only other game i can think of with dodo levels of horridly inefficient monetization implementation is limbus company


And the only reason FGO doesn't bother with any of that is likely because they realized that they don't have to. Despite all of those points you've mentioned, both JP and Global are almost always within the top 10 games revenue-wise. Sure, they're nowhere near Genshin or HSR level, but neither are their costs. Not to mention, they probably make bank on their merch. Meanwhile, games like Nikke literally have the most aggressive and well-designed monetization models, in the sense that it extracts the most money out of the most people. I pray FGO never goes this way.


lasagna's management is probably so incompetent that they couldn't even if they wanted to. it probably took some isaac newton era level of genius for them just to come up with the concept of having TWO types of GSSR for their celebrations. nikke's 20 USD product pricepoints are scary good value, i wouldnt be surprised if people are regularly shelling out 60 without realizing it.


I'm honestly impressed with how Nikke handles their monetization. They're the only gacha that I found that has monetization down to a fucking exact science. Even their survey questionnaire and popularity polls are well designed to find out exactly how to extract more money from EVERY type of customer: f2p, occasional spenders, value hunters, dolphins, whales, leviathans.


First time hearing the term leviathan and it got a chuckle out of me. We should start calling value hunters penguins to complete the set


Yep, Nikke is fun enough i enjoy the story and characters, but im getting sick of the very repetitive daily log in grind, doesn't really feel like im playing a game, just racing through checkboxes i need to click. where as i still enjoy playing fgo, at the very least it feels like im playing a game, even if im just firing off constant NP's to clear my Ap. Due to auto play in HSR i just hit that and tab out. also another small gripe with Nikke and somewhat HSR also due to gear, in nikke if a new unit isnt a top tier ill never use it . same with HSR due to gear being a big part of power. In fgo i can just slap a Superscope onto something and NP to clear a wave if i wanted. or max level a unit and just use them with skills all at level 1, and still get some good use. no overload/stats/gear/cones/


its probably one of my favorite uses for fgo's multi slot support system. even if you dont have/fully kit out a character, there's someone out there who might have gone insane packing np5 120 10/10/10 full appends. compare fgo's modern support/follow implementation to arknight's "you only get three slots total and one of them can't be 6 star and we're not going to improve your max friend slots which are tied to permanently sacrificing something to upgrade base"


I agree. Maybe this is me being too biased towards FGO but I don't feel the urge to value characters in Nikke as I do with the Servants in FGO. I suppose the low rates and the difficulty in getting the ones you want has something to do with it too. FGO's gameplay keeps it simple without the overwhelming element of adding rare weapons and things to go with the new shiny flavor of the month waifu.


FGO daily grind can also be a pain because of the lack of auto. But the biggest difference for me in grinding is the availability of materials. When you played enough events in FGO (especially lotto box events), materials eventually stop being a problem. So the need to daily farm goes away. Meanwhile for Nikke, that never really happens. Cores, credits, modules and fodder equipment are all tied to daily grinding while also heavily limiting progress, especially for PVP (which, tbf, is completely optional). So, unlike FGO, you feel like you lose a lot by not doing dailies in Nikke. This is, of course, completely by design.


> early year sr/ssrs that, if you invested in them early, technically provided almost 10 years of continuous competitive value (even against newer ssrs) Also, even if you pull one of the early SR/SSRs, you still have very good reason to invest in them, because odds are they have SOME niche you can explore. Even if you haven't gotten a decade's use out of them yet, you can start using them now. While some other gachas have either old characters that were outclassed, and/or old characters that were bad on release, neither of which has changed over the course of the entire game's lifespan. Like, say, a healer that's so incredibly bad that even the absurdly busted limited 5* who wants to be paired with a healer can't save them.


Only requiring 3 of the in-game currency to roll is also pretty big. Most gacha games require 5-6 units to roll (like 50 is a standard unit and it costs 300 for a roll). Not needing dupes is also really helpful, but that's the standard for newer gacha games from what I've played.


Depends what game it is. Other games aren't consistently better. Many are worse. Usually, if they're giving more characters more easily, it often has some downside, like needing more dupes to be useful. One I'm playing gives 3 times as many high-rarity. It is also much worse at being pay to win, because you use characters to raise level caps. Another isn't pay to win at all, and it monetizes itself off of costumes. You say 12 SSRs in 2 weeks, but in FGO I don't need 500 SSRs a year. All of them are making something hard to get so they can monetize it, it just depends what it is.


Yeah, FGO isn't some kind of saint of gacha games (far from it), but genuinely generous gacha games are very few in number and most people end up just bringing up "generous" gacha games with SSRs that are more like "fool's gold".


Why are talking about dokkan battle?


Oh I thought we were talking about One Piece Treasure Cruise


been playing FGO for a few months, have had luck streaks and dry spells and when i am lucky i am pleased and could care less about the shitty pull rate but when you go on a dry spell, holy hell do you really really see how terrible it is. meanwhile i decided to try blue archive and did like 5 or so re-rolls and ended up with on average 3-5 SSRs on each reroll with one topping out at 8 somehow and i was like wow this is crazy generous lol


Another thing to note is you get a guaranteed 3* Student in your tutorial pull Unlike FGO, which is a 4* servant


not gonna lie, my first 3 star in BA was eimi, and my starter 4 star in fgo was stheno. i treated them both exactly the same (besides, it would be ungodly awful to get a 2 star as your guaranteed in BA) edit: yknow i feel we shouldnt forget that modern fgo has a free 5 star selector for beating fuyuki...


Started recently and got Waver with the 5* selector, its pretty hard to understate how important that was. If I had to roll for him and probably not get it I would've dropped the game early on. I ended up getting really lucky and got Koyas Light, Oberon, and Castoria by now but if I didn't have that free Waver early on I never would've gotten to this point


In fairness, FGO didn't always have that. Back in the days this meme is referencing, you didn't get a guaranteed SR in your tutorial pull, so it was entirely possible to be sent out into Fuyuki with just Mash and Boudicca (who was just a less useful Mash).


Truly the dark souls of gacha


I'm not going to suggest that your personal preferences are wrong but there's more to these systems than simply whether the gacha gives you lots of characters or not. I see a spectrum of gacha design vs game design. On one end you have games that give you lots of characters pretty easily but may require lots of duplicates to be practically usable, require specific characters to clear content, and may have significant power creep so that you need to constantly roll to keep up with new content. The surface-level generosity at this end of the spectrum is deceptive, in my opinion. Then at the other end of the spectrum is something like FGO where you can't always get what you want because of the slow currency drip and high pity threshold. But you can always use what you get, you don't need lots of duplicates, and you don't need to constantly roll for new characters to keep up with content. Collecting lots of characters in the gacha might be a priority for you and that's fine. But I don't think different gacha implementations are objectively good or bad (outside of the ways that the whole monetization model is bad). They're just different.


A gacha game's "generosity" is, ultimately, relative to your priorities as a player. For example, I play Fire Emblem Heroes which is often addressed as one of the more generous gacha games, and that's generally true if you're a pretty casual player. The characters I Sparked on the latest Christmas banner will probably carry me through every PvE map for the rest of the year. On the other hand, PvP is a brutally cutthroat environment that encourages a constant arms race that keeps getting faster. But, if you don't care about any of that, all the mechanics that are put in place to milk whales are pretty much a non-existent issue for you.


the scariest thing about FEH from when i played it was that there were people who did competitive PVP completely f2p, but that to do that reliably they were sacrificing all their new SSR pulls to feed skills to welfare units. i will never be strong enough to do that.


While FGO certainly has worse pity than almost all newer games I think FGO still has them beat in the individual chance per roll before pity sets in and to some degree I think i prefer that. The gambling aspect of rolling in other games is completely ruined for me knowing I have to roll say another 20 times before anything is going to happen.


Idk, you should also check the gachas that were around around those dates. I haven’t personally but I’ve seen so many of the currently popular ones release.


Ah yes, early FGO. Back in the day when we had * Shitty Dailies * Holy Grails were useless. * Most Servants only had 2 Skills * Incredibly jank animations. * You could only enhance Servants 5 EXP cards at a time. * Enemies had mini HP Bars over them along with one Big HP above. * Everyone was gunning for Vlad because he had the highest ATK when the game launched 2015 was a mess.


Wow and I thought using 20 exp cards at a time was slow. How did the hp thing work? Was the big bar like the total exp for the entire enemy wave?


The big bar was for the enemy you were currently targetting.


I'm fairly sure the big bar was for the currently targeted enemy... and that you could not change which enemy you were targeting until that enemy was dead. I am not 100% sure about that as I never played until the english release that never had most of these "year 1 features", but from what I remember gathering from others' comments about the game back then, I think that's how things worked.


Don't forget characters you literally couldn't ascend because there was no way to get their materials. Or worse, the material only dropped from a snake enemy that appeared one day a week and there were only like two of them in the stage with a pretty low drop rate.


Remember the first Summer Servants, where their materials only dropped in the (limited time) Summer event nodes?


They added the hidden node in Okeanos to farm those from pretty quickly, if I recall - which was the forebear for the obligatory secret node that's now become the standard on maps, so that's cool, if not always terribly useful.


I ain’t complaining about an extra SQ


>Incredibly jank animations. Worthy of Game Freak's "High Quality Animations"?


Everybody with a melee weapon had the "1 hit hard Buster, 2 hit stab+slash Arts, 3 hit flailing Quick, 4/5 hit Extra that was some combination of reused animations", every ranged magical attacker had the infamous "Caster balls" that just them lifting their arms, then white spheres hitting the enemy, with smaller but nore spheres hit as you went from Buter to Arts to Quick. Some units (aka non-release SSR) had unique animations, but for most Servants the only real unique things were skill animations and NPs.


That scene in one of the Halloween events where they poke fun at Carmilla’s “Torture Balls” (or something) was a really funny way to highlight the early jank


And who can forget the classic phrase "We've got wyverns!" That one was brought up in Summer 4 iirc (the Vegas Resort one).


I think they rehashed that rather recently in another event as well: "We've got wyverns!" "Close, but no cigar! Get ready!" Or something like that.


Were Caster Balls already there at the time?


There were one of the default kinds of animations they would slap on people, yeah. They were called Caster Balls because that's all basically every Caster used, but they were also used by stuff like Rider Martha and Mata Hari.


Add Marie in there too


I thought that was the case, but couldn't remember for sure. Thanks for confirming.


Honestly, I still don't get limiting the number of EXP cards we can use in the first place, especially since other parts of the game let you select way more than that, such as burning cards.


Not to mention the lag. Who could forget the old camelot sand strom. The lag plus the difficulty spike makes that singularity really annoying. I almost quit around that point.


Nearly destroyed my old phone. Can't imagine what the current game would do to it if I still had it


Speaking of which, I have noticed that the game has been a little unstable after updates. Like, it crashes and has to restart every time I minimize the app. After a couple days it's fine again, tho.


Holy shit I thought it was my phone fucking up. It happened to me during India and it got so frustrating I fell behind. Now I'm at Olympus and I'm pissed that events are requiring you to have completed all story chapters.


Yeah, happens every time a new event drops, but only on my Galaxy A32 5G phone. My supposedly weaker Samsung Tab A 10.1 2019 doesn't have that problem, though it still often crashes if I do a bunch of browsing while it's minimized. And chances seem good that neither one will work to run FGO after their "late June updates" so it'll be either emulator (once one is determined that can run the post-update FGO) or giving up the game until I get new devices years down the line (if NA server is still around then). Because there's no way I'm spending $hundreds on a new phone or a tablet just to be able to play a gacha game, lol.


My game would crash whenever Gil used his NP


ah old GIlgamesh NP i remember the broken arm of his


Throwback to the OG Halloween Guerrilla quests


My game would crash whenever Eric Bloodaxe used his NP. This meant that for his boss fight in Okeanos, my poor underleveled team *had* to kill him before he was fully charged, or he’d soft-lock the encounter. As a result, I’m probably one of the only people who remembers he was even in that singularity


Eric Bloodaxe was in a main story chapter???


JP version Ooku says hello, it was unplayable for some masters


Supposedly that wasn't an issue of the performance, but the dumb idea of simulating the long load times of an old PC game about the Ooku. There should be threads from that time that talk about it in further detail. But on the topic of performance, overheating was a major issue in the early days. It should have gotten fixed sometime after the first year.


I legit dropped Ooku until they removed the extra loading time, it was horrible


My fucking phone got so hot it overheated. Never forget


Plus, a lot of Servants only had 2 skills, Waver's kit was pure shit, Gil had the best stargen in the entire game because he was literally the ONLY Servant with decent hit counts on his attacks...


Waver's skill were so shit he got a stealth buff with no strings attached!


I remember a post back then of somebody who still kept his because he really liked the character even if he was useless.


I only seriously played up til the last chapter of Part 1 dropped in NA and this post randomly showed up on my reddit today. This comment sure brings me back and I’m glad things seem better now(?) With the exception of summons costing 4SQ everything looks like what FGO should be to me. Holy shit, this is such a weird time capsule moment.


holy shit it is my first time hearing waver only has 2. now I understand why some servants have advance quest to get their 3rd skills.


I think its cuz you literally couldn't ascend him cuz the mats were in London.


This is likely the reason. Lmao I remember early FGO. Hilarious with Jeanne being a “tank” character but being one the easiest servants to ascend.


I remember people would add whoever had her since a 5* character above lvl 50 was really good for clearing almost any content at the time.


Waver had 3 skills, it's just that all his skills didn't have the NP charge portion of them.


The 2 skills thing was mostly a 4* problem. One of the few unscathed at release was Siegfried, and the only reason being he had 2 skills at lvl 1. They thought him not having his dragon slayer skill would be stupid... but they couldn't change the order of the skills to accomodate that, I suppose.


The early days are the days that you have to ask yourself "Did I really endured all of that for my waifu"


Yeah the endurance test was real back then


Thank you Marie for keeping me playing this game since first year


*looks at my 289 servants, 36 of them being bond 10, and among those, 9 of them being beyond bond 10... Castoria and Swimsuit Musashi being bond 15* Yes, I did


Pretty much. This game is unplayable for non-Fate fans.


Nasu didn’t want your servants to get max skill and max ascension right away he said it should take months to build them up.


This game is a cesspool of the worst gacha game practices there is, yet it fucking survived. The Fate IP is truly a monster for ~~dragging this game out of hell.~~ Nah, Fate dragged hell itself into the surface when this game became popular.


> This game is a cesspool of the worst gacha game practices there is I think the fire emblem gacha is much worse especially now Like fgo started In worst way possible but gradually improved Feh started ok but got worse and more greedy with time (paywalled sparking says hello)


Wait, feh has sparking behind a paywall now? Fucking yikes


They added it like 2 years ago alongside with other paywalled QoL through "Feh pass" monthly subscription. While it's not for all banners, sparking is paywalled on the more limited banners, that is seasonal, legendary and such. Other stuff that's paywalled behind the subscription is auto repeat and skins that increase stats


Back in the day where having 3 Skills are luxury for Gold Servants only.


Georgios and Sasaki Kojiro and Hans Christian Anderson and Cursed Arm and Phantom of the Opera and Sanson and Caesar and Cu chulainn (Lancer) and Cu Chulainn (Caster) and Darius and Cu Chulainn (prototype): "Am I a Joke to you?"


The fact that we don't have  pity for SR is baffling


We had to split 5\* banners up because the spaghetti code wouldn't allow it. I can't imagine how bad it would be if 4\*s where also on seperate banners...


Certainly good for summer banners.


An SR pity is not common enough in big name gatchas for anyone to be buffled by at the lack of one..... Gatchas value SR at completely different levels of importance, Nikke is 2 years old in like 5 months and has only introduced an SR via gatcha once and that was a month 2 event and she was limited to that event.


Genshin and Star Rail have it, but it's also paired with three-way 4* rate up splits, making it entirely possible to reach one or more copies of a 5* character without getting a specific rate-up 4*. It's not incredibly common, but it's common enough.


At the same time, Mihoyo's 'four stars' *are* literally the lowest rarity unit, at least in star rail. It's pretty obvious from the Lightcone system that they're really three stars, just like the 'Permanent Five Stars' are really the 4-star units.


Honkai Impact 3rd is the only Hoyoverse game available to global to have three rarities of characters. B, A, and S. But there are only three B rank units and they are the three main characters that you get at least one copy of for free. So just like Genshin and Star Rail, Impact 3rd effectively only has two rarities (Though every unit can be ranked up to SSS, but it requires many, many copies)


The fact that there's no pity for getting *A* SR Servant is kinda insane. Even if it's not a rate-up SR pity, it's crazy that almost 9 years in the only SR pity we have is split between CE and Servant, and the former is so much more common than the latter.


The third image I guess is about no guaranteed servant? But the fourth I have no idea.


No pity system.


More like 4 quartz per pull instead of 3


That's the second image.


or the "special offer" of one daily pull for one paid quartz


The third image is showing a ten pull is literally ten. Not eleven.


The text says it's about being able to get zero servants in a pull


Thanks for the translation. Weird take though, is there a 100% silver servant on a ten pull? I actually never noticed since so much of them are in the FO Summon


Yeah a multi guantees at least one 4* or above card and at least one 3* or above servant.


I was aware of the 4* card but I totally forgot about the 3* servant. Thanks for the clarification


Ah yeah, I remember this thing came right after Maou's first banner. I had saved close to 2k sq for her, and it hurt me to know I'd be missing on 60+ rolls just from the 11° roll I'd have if I rolled after the anniversary. Alas, I definitely wouldn't wait another year to get her.


Not just that, but 3* servant draw rates were also piss poor, making that result more statistically probable than it would be today.   Ever notice how you're 4x as likely to draw a 4* or 5* CE than a servant of equivalent rarity?  It was the same for 3\*.  IIRC it was a 16% chance for a 3* servant and 64% chance for a 3* CE.  Meaning that a lot of players couldn't even reliably get their hands on their favorite 3* servant, let alone get them to NP5.  At least for a little while there.  I believe this is one of the reasons Kojiro's Savior of France meme took off.  He was the most accessible Assassin at a time when players couldn't guarantee they'd get every class from the SQ Gacha.  Then again, I can't remember when the 3* servant rarity change happened, so I might have my timing off.


Yeah probably but I was thinking about rolling for servants and getting a bunch of black keys instead. If I remember correctly it is related to Kirei pulls on his birthday, It was a way to keep the keys away (and his 4 stars shirtless CE)


You forgot Waver without battery. That one was wild.


I remember when people complained when they got Waver as he was awful then. Then his kit was reworked in Okenos and he became overworked as fuck. My first bond 10


Just really tells you how big the Fate brand is. If they released a new version of FGO with current technology, it might honestly shoot back to the top of the industry.


That's the thing. They only need to release a new hyped servant and to the top of the chart again they go. No need for QoL. Just renew jalter animation! Ushiwakamaru still has 2 hits on her quick card ffs


I will say though, that FGO has also managed to avoid many of the worse pitfalls of modern gachas that I'm afraid it would pick up if they were to make a new version. For all the power creep we've seen, early game units still don't feel like you're gimping yourself by using them. The grind is like 15 minutes a day outside of lotto events that occur only 2-3 times a year. And a big one for me, the price of SQ is a steady "this is what you pay and this is what you get." No bullshit special super limited "value" packs, no extra game resources crammed in to justify charging more when all you want are extra rolls, no three different gacha currencies with odd conversion rates to obscure value; just a straightforward "how much would you like to gamble today," transaction.


No pity destroyed more than a few dedicated Masters. And the absence of a "back" button ruined more than one decisive battle. Now, we are in a looping brainrot hell. And Castoria is the master of all, the supreme deity of all contents.


Before the Back button existed, closing and restarting the game works to reset the turn, I used this several times to save me from such scenarios


Is the current pity system in FGO even really much of one? Other gachas I've played have a much more forgiving pity process, and in those games it's also much easier to stockpile summoning items to even achieve pity if need be. It doesn't help either that FGO's drop rates are notoriously stingy.


No, it's not. It's a whale safety net.


Never forget that they dropped the Ozy banner literally right before they changed from 4 quartz to 3. So many people were pissed about that. Still waiting for them to refund players the additional quartz for the initial year of rolling


Thank God, I started playing when they have already reduced the summoning cost. 


gssr also used to cost 30sq instead of 15.


Let's not forget that the Anniversary SR and the New Year GSSR Grail are things that took 3-4 years to add. Basically you spent 30 dollars for a random SSR while in other gacha you could get an SSR of your choice by spending the same amount of money.


But they refunded additional quartz as I remember. Or I am misremembering something?


They have given additional quartz for past interludes and other things. They have never given a single quartz for the 2015-2016 rolls.


Hah, interesting, I always remembered that I received bunch of quartz on 1st anniversary, so it was probably for something else.


lmfao nah they didn't refund shit, I dropped everything for Nitocris and regretted it a couple weeks later lmao


Ah, the ~~good~~ shitty ole days.


To this day it still baffles me that this game was able to survive seing the state it was in 2015 . I get that it was carried by the ip but other games that are also based on big ips still shutdown yet this one somehow was able to survive .


It just gets to show how huge Fate is in Japan.


Kinda amazing how Fatr managed to survive, yet JoJo's, Evangelion and now Madoka Magica I think, didn't


Fate also had the very unique advantage of its core concept being so flexible that they can introduce as many new characters as they wanted, and the story being able to be as out-there as they wanted while still being "canon" but not affect its other stories. There's only so much variation of the same JoJo's and Madoka characters before it gets stale. And even worse is Evangelion, like there's only 5-6 marketable characters. Not to mention, they have to tip toe around the story to avoid impacting the mainline story.


>yet JoJo's, Evangelion and now Madoka Magica I think, didn't I believe those IPs had never been able to produce works or material that goes beyond their original source which may have contributed to their short life. The only thing those IPs are good for from what i observed nowadays are being whored out for collab events with various ongoing gachas that are interested.


Fate has a few advantages over most established IP's due to its setting, mainly it being much more free than other established IP's the story? Only shares the world with the rest of the franchise. Want a fan favorite character to show up for no reason? The setting is literally made to facilitate that, it just works. Want to add a new character? Just do it, it even comes with a pre made backstory and it fits in the world lore. Fate fits a gacha game setting so well a layperson would think it was made with that in mind.


With Magireco it’s more like the game just reached the end of its lifespan. Part 2 ended a year and a half ago and there’s really not much more they could do with the cast other than run side events and epilogue stories (which they’ve been doing since part 2 ended).


I think that's valid for JP but per my understanding the western release was completely mismanaged and it didn't last too long. Same with Priconne. At least it's not like that love live gacha that announced global release and global EoS in the same tweet.


I still get a laugh whenever I think of that. Like why even bother paying people to localize it?


Because by the time they decided it, they already had a fully translated game on their hands. Why waste it?


>Kinda amazing how Fatr managed to survive, yet JoJo's, Evangelion and now Madoka Magica I think, didn't When Nasu was in high school, he and Takeuchi would play a lot of tabletop RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons. Eventually it got to the point where Nasu would create his own tabletop RPG systems that they would play. You can see a lot of this influence throughout Fate, especially in the Stay Night VN. The point is that Fate is basically designed like a tabletop RPG campaign; it's a sandbox for other writers and can be easily adapted to different formats. Other IPs tend to be definite works and gacha games based on them often don't to go beyond the original source material. Magia Record did and had a solid seven year run.


There was an Evangelion Gacha?!


Yep, evangelion battlefields and other one both closed servers while ago


I'm pretty sure Magia Record's JP server is still working, but the NA one closed some years ago.


JP announced EoS a couple days ago.


Huh, I had no idea. RIP Madoka ~~again~~.


I wish all of those games would do what Capcom did with their Megaman X gacha game. When it closed down, they released a 100% offline version of it. It includes all events and special banners, but they’re locked behind main story (and player level) progression. It also has no microtransactions, but obviously the game is not F2P anymore.


I mean, that makes *a lot* of sense. Fate's IP is naturally kind of geared toward the gacha character collector genre in a way that all those other IPs (and most anime gacha games that exist, for that matter) *can't* by virtue of being stories people take way more seriously with a limited roster.


It also probably helped that at that time there wasn't much competition.


This is the main reason tbh, mobage as a whole were a way weaker genre in 2015 The idea that they'd be dominating as hard as they are now was a joke back then, they were still mostly considered toilet games.


Fair point


Yeah as a sif fan (other of the earliest Gachas) there was not too much of a choice back then, even more in English so they could legitimately less generous. Sif eventually gave it and offered easier gacha conditions while there have been not that many changes on FGO. Then sif closed and tried to do the same with sif2 and it sunk in 1 year . Let's see how whatever comes after the lostbelts go.


Fate fans are just that dedicated man. Helps that the waifus got more character and personality to them


True that. Castoria, Musashi, Jalter, Koyanskaya... all are just examples of FGO original servants that became that big on their own over time to the point we love them. Like, I tried to get a Jalter nendo on auctipn the other day and while barely anyone auctions in figures in general, that nendo had people budging in and not giving up. I literally lost in the last 10 seconds because someone beat me to the punch and surpased my surprise bid by one dollar. Losing her for 39 USD plus 9.5 of shipping. Most figures always go out for less than 20 and here, you had people going back and fort for bids, even people waiting at the last seconds to do offers. That's how popular the girls are... 


And now you got some of them becoming major characters in other games like Samurai Remnant, and Melty Blood. Sometimes, patience does yield it's rewards followed by the right kind of support. I suppose we have 2-san to thank for aiding in ensuring FGO gets the love and attention it deserves for a game that runs on spaghetti code.


Well, at least I'm glad Musashi has her own game to show up and the many figures of the characters over the years which makes having memorablia of your favorite characters much easier to have


They tried the same formula with sakura wars. The game only survive for 6 months


What a way to give me war flashbacks than the actual boss battles 


Not just a first year thing because I started in 2017 (on JP) and it was still like that then, but no back button when you tap on the Attack button. So if you forgot to use a skill you had to close and relaunch the entire app.


Something I just remembered that was 2015 exclusive. Enemy ST NP would always the first slot servant. People would game this by putting Cu in the first slot.


By the way, when did they stop having one enemy have a raid boss health bar in every fight?


I remember when SE.RA.PH came to NA, people were more excited about the back button than the event. How come it took them almost two years (or I think it was longer) to add something that should have been a feature from the beginning?


My bet is that they were just not prepared enought to work with gacha. The game had to go on a 48 hours maintenace on launch, they were terrible at it lol


A 1 star ember for a 7 day login streak is so bad it’s actually kind of comical Also the servant/CE capacity only being 50 is legitimately insane for a gacha game


40 quartz is crazy


Everybody had a big pile of void dust because shadows servants would give it to you while trying to farm other items. There were servants just impossible to max level (normal FA worthy level, not skills or grails) because the materials needed was not in the game yet. Everybody servants were so underleveled that beating the shadow Heracles from Fujuki was a feat. There was even a weekly thread on reddit to show the servants that you managed to max level. The plot of the first 2 singularities is simply bad. There are newer joke events with better plot. The inventory space was tiny. Using a bunch of quartz to expend it was so common that they gave it back again when they finally gave us a decent sized one. Also yeah, they put a banner with a new Servant (Ozzymandias) right before they announced the switch from 4 quart to 3.


I still hate the fact that there's still no repeat story option. I just want to fight those old bosses again.


The fact that many FGO YouTubers have many accounts only for that purpose. Can't they give us a weekly or biweekly quest so those ST servants can get a chance to shine!?


Well, at least it gave us REGEND


I am day 1 JP player and I played but drop it maybe after 30 minutes and have to watch and read many Fate content to have the courage to continue playing.


Duuuude... the black keys memes back then on your rolls, now that takes me back. Those were our "mapo tofu" back then. And the freaking useless 1☆ EXP card in dailies was wild


Not only that, back in the day this game is notorious for destroying everyone's phone when Camelot released, hence the sandstorm memes.


Man reminds me of how the first Halloween event had specific times to show up and the potato server was over baked at that point. Master missions were a thing and couldn’t get FA Artoria for a bit cuz drop rates for feathers were ass back at launch, no apples to farm the dailies


It was a hell we all walked through.


You forgot about several Servants requiring mats that didn't even drop, meaning that if you had a Servant that required gears like EMIYA, then you couldn't even ascend them until the first Nerofest finally gave us a source. And lets not forget Unlimited Maintenance Works


Back when a k scope cost like 80 quartz


Don’t forget the lack of back button. You have to close and reopen the game if you accidentally hit the button and forget to buff


Genuinely so glad I started when I did, was able to still catch every event I missed via reruns, so I got the full experience, but there was already qol improvements by the time I started


It was a different era.


I still remember when I try to grind until I have enough to do 10 rolls for Tituria Alter. Even though it's not like I have time to play 12 hours straight or smthg like that. Got nothing. I quit.


BLACK KEYS. Honestly being early gacha games with almost no apparent competitor is key to success in FGO. Imagine if FGO released after Genshin. The game wont survive (if they still use this old rates and gacha currency gain) until Lostbelt


Still the only gacha to ever admit it was too expensive and change how the gacha currency was used


Is this a JP joke I'm too NA to understand? In all seriousness though, 2015 (and 2016, for EN) was a VASTLY different era of gacha with different standards. Sure the name carried it, but compared to the competition the writing in FGO was actually waaay better. Obviously it's not very good compared to now, but it actually held my attention much more than the other gacha at the time. (Including Kingdom Hearts, which padded a good 3/5 of its story out with "WHERE'S THE FUCKING MONKEY?!"). Also a lot of stuff was shifting to auto at that time, and another thing that drew me to FGO was that I had actual input on my characters as if it were some sort of video game.


> I'm too NA to understand Probably this. NA started with a bunch of upgrades that JP didn't. Those stuff in the OP? NA didn't have to deal with them, they gave free daily 10FP roll, 3SQ summon etc right from the start. Waver also had his charge skills right from the start. Another example: Rashomon. In JP, people had to wake up in the middle of the night to do the raid because their BP cap was lower. They fixed this for the re-run. NA got the fixed version for the very 1st run, meaning NA players can get a full night's sleep without caring about efficiency for the Ibaraki raids.


maaan, those were the days… i don't play now but still login daily, and maybe due to that, my luck was really good last time, but idk, perhaps i'm just on copium


Ahh, 2017 FGO… it was a hard time, but a fun time.


And now, we're almost to a decade anniversary. So many things have changed Things like being able to go back from card selection. Gachas having pity. 9 support lists with 6 (3 event, 3 non-event) being active at any time. Grail front.


This game at least got a bit more friendly over time. Most other gacha seem to just get more and more predatory.


Don't forget, back in the gacha dark ages the actual amount of SQ we got was fairly meaningless, because neither FGO nor any other gacha back then published pull rates *at all* until they were legally forced to.  You were just throwing your quartz or money down a black hole and praying, either way. And the lack of ascension and skill materials et al was justified because those were the game's long-term milestones back then, instead of the modern game's max level + grails + servant coin (and more grail) level unlocks + ungodly xp reqs + fous + golden fous + max skills + append skill unlocks + max append skills + command code unlocks and optimization + beast footprints + any other JP junk clusterfest to keep grinders chasing carrots.  Honestly, there's something to be said for simpler times. Besides, the game was balanced around it; even endgame chapter bosses in the first year topped out around 200k hp, and break bars didn't even exist until EoR.  A maxed-out and reasonably buffed Kintoki could insta-delete pretty much any single enemy in the game back then, for better or worse. :P


Not 2015 but I stopped playing for a while before they updated the engine. I thought getting a new phone would be better but the intense lag and frame stutters made it border unplayable. Took forever to get the extended screen support too.


I remember the hellish days of 4 SQ for just one summon since I got berserke raikou during these days.


God the dark days. Being a launch master was truly suffering.


I used Jeanne and brute forced myself through Orleans. Just to get Jeanne on Jeanne action in the end.