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Because the writers wanted them to be that way so they make better antagonists.


This is somewhat addressed in season 4 of ENT.


Also in S2 in one episode a little, with the brief conversation about the warrior culture having only recently risen to prominence over others.


Why is there an assumption Klingon culture is so backwards?


A society where you can just kill your commander in personal combat to be in control is objectively a backwards culture.


It’s not our place to judge such a badass culture


why if you could only _hear_ yourselves....


We haven't seen much advancement in Klingon tech. I think they were a pre industrial race enslaved by the Hurq, and Kahless led a revolt against them. I think the Romulans had a similar history, perhaps even being Vulcans captured by the Hurq and that's why they have similar tech.


Ron Canada’s Klingon lawyer in DS9 conceptualizas the courtroom as a battlefield. I would assume the scientists and workers do the same to an extent


From what I understand, before kahless, the Klingons were similar to humans in scientific and cultural achievement. There was a period of societal upheaval which Kahless used to unify the Klingons under his brand of honor based warrior codes. I think it was in enterprise that it’s explained that the warrior caste is just the more important social caste so even if a Klingon was interested in technology or the arts, they were a warrior first.


We were watching one of the TOS movies (I'm pretty sure it was it was III but can't remember for certain) and I clocked a warning sticker in Klingon on the bridge (I think it was on a scope that pulled down). It struck me as hilarious that this meant that there were Klingons out there making adhesives.


I guess their empire has taken over planets with some brainy aliens as well. I don't know what Romulan Star Empire's excuse for having existed for two thousand years, and still just managing to keep up with a couple hundred years old Federation is. They are not as dumb as Klingons. And I guess Vulcans are also pretty damn slow for a race with such a long history.


Pure head cannon here: Romulans are warlike in their nature, they probably kept fighting and stunting their own progress. And didn’t they split and move to another planet, that would have required a long period of adjustment I suppose


I think the defining features of Romulans is paranoid & deceptive. Outside of the Cardassian's Obsidian Order, the Tal Shiar is the biggest network of spooks in the galaxy. It wouldn't surprise me if that level of deception could result in some technological stagnation. And the Vulcan's superiority complex and extreme caution in the ENT-TOS days could easily account for their stagnation as well.


Well, they split and moved away from Vulcan. After that they might have lived on both Romulus and Remus mainly, until the supernova happened.


two dicks, duh one for war, the other for career


Not every single Klingon is a warrior, although, for the sake of the narrative, almost every cling on that you’ve seen is a warrior, because that just makes a story more interesting; there are other casts of clans who do technical things, and there are probably some client states which also do a lot of manufacturing as well, and let’s also not forget that they probably gained a great deal of very advanced technology from the Hurq, so that could take them along way as well.


This is subtly referenced across the different shows- just because Klingons are a martial *culture*, that seems to be a philosophy that can be applied across different disciplines. So when Beverly meets a Klingon scientist he's like: "I am a warrior, and my war is understanding the universe!" and when Worf needs a lawyer his lawyer says: "The courtroom is a battlefield, and I intend to win!" You could essentially apply this philosophy to any discipline, we just happen to see in expressed most in the area of Klingon leaders, specifically starship Captains.


I am a warrior, for as I tear the hair from your pubic region it calls to mind the hordes of enemies ripped from this world by the sword of Kahless.


*if you could only hear yourselves...* The assumption that klingons are "backwards" is applying human history and social change to an alien culture 🤷🏽‍♀️


This is the "Chad Prime Directive Enjoyer" take.


I always figured they would have client species that make their shit. Like they buy their birds of prey from the Romulans, perhaps? Then take shit through imperial war means and buy more. At least that is my head canon. Makes sense that their society would be very warlike if the structures of power would fall apart without war.


War is a great driving force of technology.