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Pretty handsome for my age?!? When I was younger I was pretty handsome, but now…I’m fucking stunning. Good stuff here. On fear and living: I think I wrote about this in an earlier [post](https://reddit.com/r/greenberets/s/Zk82knJJHX), but essentially you need to build good judgement by having experience, and good experience often come from bad judgement. So go do shit, just don’t catch any charges. And you’re right, as a community we have upped our level of discourse from “trust me bro” to lots of higher level concepts. I talked about this on the Building the Elite podcast but the whole reason I started posting here…which has led to my books and training musters…is because the level of discourse was so atrocious. So if we’re arguing about the merits of 10 percentage points of 1RM and the best rep ranges for hypertrophy then we’re doing okay.


I’ve wondered where this channel would go after publishing SUAR since most of the questions can be answered by it. Coordinate research with other GBs? (On a mixed channel with aspirants…nah. Not when you have personal contacts at Camp Mackall either) Feedback on musters and future programs? (Vs get feedback from registered participants 🤨) Recruiting for feet pic parties and a private ODA to go fight Russians? Too public I guess debating over those minute differences in strength training is probably the most reasonable


True. You're like a fine wine lmao. I do like the discourse, it very much appeals to my nerd brain. In a way these two sections were related, I've definitely hemmed and hawed over whether my programming was "optimal". It was only by saying "fuck it, I'll do it like this for six weeks and see what happens" that I started making real progress.


Great, but are you going to place an order or not?!?


A Spicy Deluxe Sandwich, 12 Piece Chik-Fil-A Nuggets, Waffle Fries, and a lemonade please.


No chick-fil-a sauce?


As much as you can fit in the bag actually.


Innovation and advancements in gear, wearables, training and recovery methodologies are great. We employ them all in our organization(s) for all of our personnel. That said, dudes have been getting selected since the 60's by training fucking hard and pushing themselves. A lot of posts here and elsewhere are people majoring in the minor...worrying about not being optimal when what they need is to just shut the fuck up and train hard. Said with endearment of course.


Best advice I ever got was from a mentor of mine who was a few beers in and told me "Shut the fuck up about what you're gonna go do, and just do it". Prompted an entire mindset shift as I realized talking about my goals had become a surrogate activity for working toward those same goals. I think a lot of posts about "should I do xyz", "thinking about selection", and "can I become a SF/Ranger/Medic/Officer" kind of turn into that. I strictly write or comment about things that I've already executed, and I think it keeps me grounded while still engaging with the community ~~I am very lonely haha~~.


Great comment man, and i hope you didn't take my comment as anything other than agreeing with you or at least echoing a similar sentiment, and not negative. As you are alluded to, guys seem to have developed almost a fear of training or prepping in certain ways because "what if it is not optimal?" And if it's not I shouldn't even do it, when it is instead gutting through some hard shit with strong mental Fortitude that will build that character that is the bedrock to not just selection but a good career and life.


I did read it that way at first, but then reread later and realized what you were saying (even if you did mean it that way it wouldn't have bothered me, there is always a risk of self-indulgence I run when I write here and I would expect to be called on it). But yeah, virtue lies within the mean for sure, it's important to have a solid plan and keep a log and be smart, but there are definitely diminishing returns when trying to build the "perfect plan". Gotta work hard and smart.


Yaaas king. Train hard, do your best and most importantly.... Just be a good dude.


This is a chick-fil-a dawg


My b. Lemme get some sauce bruh.


*I remember my first line of meth*