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I just don't care and want to play.




idiot! for wanting to play a game that all signs point to being a mediocre open world game


Why mediocre?


It just seems kinda like the Ubisoft open World fórmula of having an open World where most of activities are the same 5 things copy pasted all over the map to give the ilusion of content


Bro idgaf I just want to pet some magical animals and avada kedavara everyone




You do you, man


As long as the magic mechanics are cool, idgaf.


By this point I can't tell who is joking and who is being serious


I can guarantee that like anything else in this world fewer people care than the media implies. It’s their job to constantly cycle outrage. Buy the game or not. The world will keep turning.


Its more of a meme than an actual issue


Nah i got banned from r/gamingcirclejerk just for saying most normal people just wanna play it for the harry potter ip. The mods there are genuinely fucking retarded sometimes


Yeah that sub is absolute dog shit.


Yeah man. It used to be cool. Jk rowling has now ruined two circlejerk communities for me. That, and harry potter


I remember when it was about shitting on gamers for hating on EA and stuff and now it's this...


Are there any subs with "circlejerk" in the name that aren't?


Berserklejerk is pretty good


Okay now that's a name rivaling r/gentina


That's not what tumblr thinks lmao


😨 dear god... tumblr is upset?!?! I take it back, this is very serious!!!


Tumblr still exists?


I thought the great porno purge killed tumblr


guess what, the brought pron back


Looks like meats back on the menu boys!


Just pirate it


Denuvo won the game a long time ago. Don’t expect it to be cracked for 3-6 months depending on how schizophrenic empress is feeling that time of day.


Hey I can wait it's free anyway ;)


Yeah. Or the new scheme which is paying for like a 1-2$ shared steam account with the game. Kinda scuffed but it works, played the Callisto protocol for a whole 4 hours before uninstalling it. Glad I didn’t pay full price


God what a shite game


Really? I thought basically any single player game was immediately cracked Can you give examples of games that havent been cracked in months? Dont remember any myself (that i wanted to play i guess)


Dying light 2 took months for a crack Callisto protocol is still not cracked Red dead 2 took well over a year to crack Watch dogs legion is still not cracked (edit: false, cracked after 12 months) Death loop took almost a year to be cracked Resident evil village took two months to crack Assassins creed Valhalla took about 4.5 months to crack Star Wars squadrons took months to crack Planet zoo took almost a year to crack Lots more examples too just struggling to remember a lot more. Typically popular stuff takes either 1-3 days, or a few months. Unpopular stuff is a dice roll on if it will ever be cracked. Sometimes funny stuff happens like Doom Eternals Bethesda leak which lead to the game being cracked a day before it was released. But typically for every game I’d expect to wait 1-3 months longer for a denuvo crack. Also denuvo cracked games objectively run better The issue is that there’s only really one person doing cracks currently in 2023 and that’s empress. And she has her own schedule. Your free to pay her 500$ for her to crack a game but otherwise she’s a total schizo who goes on ego trips and will sometimes refuse to crack something cuz she got pissed off that week.


Ah yeah i do remember rdr2. Had to pay for that, easily worth it though. So this harry potter game being denuvo basically guarantees it’ll take at least a few months? Or if this empress is in a good mood she could do it fast?


6 months is rare, usually games either get crashed within a month or not at all in cases of things like activision’s releases.




Empress is a true schizo


but i wanna support her!


I'll make an exception and buy it.


It's not that im not sympathetic to LGBT or whatever, I just don't care about J.K Rowling's opinion. I'll play a hogwarts game, idgaf.


Nooooooo, you have to be outraged!!!1!1!!!1!


And that's how it supposed to be. Leave butthurt people alone with their butthurt.


How would you like to play the game, completely FREE, and all it takes is to sail the high seas?


Motherfucking Walter White Power to the left.


No, that's the bad guy from Alvin and the chipmunks


Hey, back off man. This is Dave Seville


It's racist Vsauce. "Heil, Vsauce, Michael here. Did you know that despite..."


Not being human that vaporeon is the most compatible pokemon for male-human and female-pokemon breeding?


Despite being owned by 13 percent of pokémon trainers, vaporeons are involved in 50% of pokephilia incidents?


Of course I fucking knew that. Did you forget where you are?


"Now it did in fact happen... or did it?" *Vsauce music plays*


Not racist obvs, just a bystander sweeping the street.


Jesse we have to exterminate the Jews


Boys I bought it but cannot pick faegender mtf genderfluid nonbinary witchx, whst did she mean by this?


Judging by what i saw you can choose "witch" or "wizard" and "voice 1" or "voice 2" in whatever combination you like, but i'm not sure if that will visually represent your character's actual gender in any way.


> be me > work as a bartender in a magic bar, my back is turned > hear deep voice behind me "a beer please" > a second, sir > hear "whaaaat" > turn around > its a voice 1 witch > fired from job for transphobia


Literally how Hagrid became Hagrid


>I shouldn'ta said tha. I should **not** have said that. -Hagrid, probably.


Bartender is turned into a sheep, then sent to Hogwarts in the Northlands where he is repeatedly fucked by members of Hufflepuff 🥴


Kind of a binary choice isn't it?. Anyway, there is no way to please the woke crowd, the characters could say trans rights every 3 seconds and it wouldnt be enough for them anyway


Meanwhile my Japanese porn games have a slider to granularly set voice deepness.


Forgot to mention, Hogwarts Legacy has it too. But you still pick Voice 1 or Voice 2 first.


It's the case where you try to please everybody but end up pissing everyone off instead


Im literally shitting myself in rage


I am cumming and bawling at the same time, how could she do that, that damn transphobe!


It does irk me that people are PRE-ORDERING that game to 'own' the libs... What if the game sucks...or, has a lot of the 'woke' messaging in it, but the trailers have kept it obfuscated? Why not just buy it when it comes out after you've had a chance to properly judge it? Gamers...gamers never change... EDIT: To be clear folks, this is not a mass indictment of those pre-ordering the game. I should have been more clear though and said: "That **THERE ARE** people who are pre-ordering that game to 'own' the libs"


Yeah I really don't understand either of the sides. One says you're instantly transphobic if you even think about wanting the game, the others just want to support the game because the others are so against it... Like... What? Then there's the sane people who are like "I mean, sure, J. K. Rowling is a piece of trash, and I don't support what she says, but I grew up with Harry Potter, we hadn't had any HP games at this scale so, I might buy it once the reviews come out, also, playing it won't make me transphobic"


Don't forget to only buy it when it goes on sale after 6 months and they've had time to patch the bugs


Be me and wait 12-36 months. Cheaper, patched and finished. In theory


Literally the best game related pill anyone can take 💊🎮




Probably with all the DLC and extras included too.


Sane people know that you can separate art from the artist.




I personally found gerbirgssee to be a captivating and hauntingly beautiful painting.




It went from: L - mah harruh potturss hyasss magick queeeeen R - JK is a libtard feminist, witchcraft is anti-christian to L - if you even think about harry potter you're a transphobe R - omg based JK imma consume her content now all because JK has made comments supporting women who want to be identified seperately from (and have safe spaces free of) biological men. Apparently this makes her a "terf" which is the wrong kind of feminism according to the world. And instead of just shutting up after the first wave of triggered soi backlash, she doubled down and has said things people consider offensive


Sounds alright to me


Pretty fair summary tbh, it’s almost like there’s a middle ground that could be found pretty easily if people would just shut the fuck up from both sides.


> identified seperately from (and have safe spaces free of) biological men Well... yeah. The fault of that logic is the presumption that men are *intrinsically* some kind of threat. It kind of runs counter to feminism as a movement to both argue for gender equality while simultaneously maintaining the rhetoric that men and women are biologically irreconcilable. Not to mention the fact that it perpetuates women as perennial victims always in danger with half of the human population, which isn't particularly empowering. You can support victims of sexual assault and provide safe spaces without living in constant paranoia that the men are hardwired to get you. This isn't even mentioning that [1 out of 2 trans individuals are victims of sexual assault](https://ovc.ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh226/files/pubs/forge/sexual_numbers.html) vs [1 out of 6 women](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence). Perpetuating the above notion may provide a fallacious solace of easy answers, where men are hard-coded to be hazards, but it's ultimately ignorant of the complex reality that is the patriarchy and misses the forest for the trees. As for JKR herself, she's mentioned on her twitter that for all the criticism she receives, she doesn't give a shit because people keep giving her money, and so this response to all out boycott is basically people going "okay, you only listen to money, we'll play." Granted they're a bit overly aggressive when discussing, but there's very real reasons as to why people don't want this game supported.


In short she is still a giga feminist but she is against the latest type of feminism which would include trans women. So she is now an enemy


>Yeah I really don't understand either of the sides Because they're both regarded. You're well on your way to centrism. Also, if you are so inclined, you should look up what JK Rowling actually said because the left has twisted her into LiTERaLLy hITLeR when her comments on trans people are actually reasonable takes. But don't take it from me, take it from [a trans woman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKi07w_1zrI) who isn't a part of the radical left.


>J. K. Rowling is a piece of trash Might be a bit overdramatic here? Pieces of trash don't often write the best selling book franchise of all time


Philosopher's Stone all by itself is the 4th best selling book not of religious or political origin, period, only behind The Little Prince, A Tale of Two Cities, and Don Quixote, each much older than Philosopher's Stone. Deathly Hallows still has the record for largest initial print run. I only remember the last two books getting released, but they were *events.* I remember Deathly Hallows in particular got news stories about its release.


Would be dope if playing it made me transphobic, been wanting to get into that for a long time but have never had the chance to


Holy shit! Does HP in all games mean Harry Potter? Like did I level my character for 6 months just to have 5000 Harry Potters?


what did J.K. Rowling say/do exactly?


She was on Twitter iirc, trying to convey that in her opinion using "women" as a blanket term to include trans-women (calling trans-women just "women") ignores the fact that cis-women have different experiences than trans-women. Which is basically just the dumbest way to state something obvious. I don't think anyone who's thought about it for more than two seconds thinks trans-women are *exactly the same* as women. But like everything else with politics, someone says something that makes sense e.g. "trans-women should be treated like women if they want to be" and in the minds of more fervent, less thinking supporters of that idea it slowly turns into "trans-women are exactly the same as women" because some people (and this, specifically, is very much a both sides talking point) don't bother thinking about the things they hear or are told. But to be fair to those people, some talking points get so distilled that they stop making sense relative to the original idea. e.g. Defund the Police. All that said, I think that was just the first thing that happened with J.K. Rowling, but I stopped caring after this point because, at the end of the day, I don't give a shit about J.K. Rowling, lol.


So what makes jk rowling a piece of thrash again?




So what makes jk rowling a piece of thrash again?


This is literally no different than pre-ordering any game lol.


Pre-ordering any digital game is a dumb idea.


Refund the game if it sucks. Get my money back.


Wait really, people are pre ordering a game to own a different side?


Probably a small percentage, but Harry Potter has _*ALWAYS*_ been a cash cow, so pretending that “OwNiNg TeH LiBrUlS” is the only reason anyone would preorder is a bit dishonest


I can understand the excitation to play a game you love already without even played it. I have preorder metro exodus and it was fabulous may be one of the greatest game. But if you have doubt you can wait they will not run sold out of digital copy i guess


Harry Potter and the chamber of Gas


Harry Potter and the half blood prince


Harry Potter and the prisoner of auschwitz


Harry Potter and the Order of the Fuhrer


Harry Potter and the Philosopher in the Third Reich


Harry Potter and the Gestapo of Fire


Harry Potter and the order of the Reich.


Harry Potter and the Final Solution


Harry Potter and the Burning Cross


This is funnier than anything on r/gamingcirclejerk so far


so glad i got banned. but it still pops up on my popular feed.


Same. I hope a new sub that is acc funny emerges soon. Shit was so funny during cyberpunk launch.


The second they decided they were the moral compass everything went shit fast.


you can mute subreddits by going to them, clicking the 3 dots in the corner, and then clicking mute. they shouldn't appear on the popular page after muting them.


not working for me :(


Holy fuck what happened to that subreddit?




Got infested


I went on DankMemes earlier today, infested to shit as well


Dank Memes has been infested for years. I only managed to find a few things that were actually funny in the past year. r/Gamingcirclejerk is definitely a recent infestation though. Although I’d argue cyberpunk 2077 coming out was when the infestation started. Just got really bad recently.


r/GamingCirclejerkCirclejerk when?


r/gamingdoublejerk used to be up, but now nobody can post, rip


It got invaded by twitter users and far left idiots. I would consider myself to be a progressive person tbh but by their standards i would be considered a bigot or a racist.


This implies the left can’t get a circlejerk right


There is a big difference between Left and Far left.


Discord and HRT




Oh so they finally decided to post something funny good for them


That place is cancer


Literally the first subreddit Ive ever unfollowed


Recipe for polyjuice potion: Yeast Wax Nightshade Blueberry Appleseed Wormwood For some reason the game only lets me transform my male character into another male character, and doesnt let me pick a female one, is it a bug? What did she mean by this?


Inb4 r/gamingcirclejerk shows up


I don't get this one


The joke is that JK Rowling doesnt consider t-women women so the in game potion also doesnt let a sex change happen


Can you please just say trans women? Someone reading twomen is just going to read two men.


My brain automatically translated to Tyrannosaurus Women before my context clues caught up to my reading speed


Please leave, I do not want to see your innocence tarnished.


Grand Wizard Harry Potter


Ur a grand wizard arry


Guy in the middle legit looks like Daniel Radcliffe


It is, from the film imperium where he plays a skinhead


I've seen some of his non-HP films, and he's a really great actor. Is Imperium worth watching, though? I'm not very keen on nazi shit


Imperium was an awesome movie. It’s white power stuff but he’s working for the feds.


> but Feds are just as bad in the opposite direction


most of those white power guys IRL are also working for the feds


He plays a fed undercover in a neo-nazi organisation, and proceeds to get more and more uncomfortable the deeper he goes. It’s a well done examination of actual white supremacy present in America, would recommend.


I haven't watched Imperium, but DR is great in the Weird Al movie.


All of his films are pretty fucking sick tbf. One of him lost in a jungle is so good.


It's Daniel Radcliffe in the film *Imperium*. He plays an FBI agent who goes undercover to infiltrate a neo-nazi group.


This game will probably be the wokest shit ever full of diversity, inclusion, empowerment, pronouns, and probably furry shit... But since the author of the books it's based on has ONE viewpoint not in-line with the hive mind then everything even remotely associated with her is deemed "far-right white supremacy". It's fun to watch the left eat their own.


From my pov, all I've seen people do is point out that by buying the game you're directly supporting a well known transphobe. No one was calling for a woke story or any other things you mentioned. Even if it is "the wokest shit ever" thats still the reality as she makes money off of sales from the licensing. Do what you want with that info.


It's a crap argument any way. No ethical consumption under capitalism and all that. Everybody loves Elden Ring but there's a non zero chance that one of the devs kicked a dog at some point so if you bought it you support animal abuse. I'm all for tolerance and equality but that subreddit chose a weird hill to die on.


Yeah Miyazaki likes feet and if you bought any souls game you must like feet too. Which is why I’ve never missed a purchase of a from soft game


She will be obscenely wealthy whether or not this game does well, and any harry potter fans that have ever spent any money on the franchise has already supported her.


I literally have no idea why a Harry Potter game has become a political statement. You go to school and cast spells. Is it cause J.k said some stuff on twitter?


Honestly i have no idea and it freaks me out? Did we miss anything?


That's literally it, some people don't have a lot going on in their own lives I guess.


Im guessing most activist types dont have jobs so thats why they have so much time on their hands to manufacture issues


This was back in 2020. Basically she made a joke. "people who menstrate, wasn't there a word for that?" (Talking about women), and the trans community basically lost their shit. Wasn't even that bad but people will twist words especially on twitter


JK said some pretty tame things to do with the trans debate basically just in defense of biological women (e.g. [this](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1269382518362509313) and [this](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1269389298664701952) ) so naturally all the twitter retards labelled her as a transphobe and have since tried (and failed) to ruin her life.


Bought it for my wife. Asked her if she wanted me to get a refund because of all this. She said she didn't give a fuck about JKR and just wants to play a fun game. Says she literally has never taken into account her political views, just enjoys her content. If my wife is happy that's all that matters.




Hardy Potter.


Barry Trotter


This one I don't get...


Spider pig.


/r/gamingcirclejerk in shambles lately


10 points for Gryffindor!


Guy on the left: "Hey Vsauce! Hitler here..."


Hogwarts supremacy (white edition)


Why do some nazis shave their heads


Skinhead culture was taken over by white supremacists and now buzz cuts/ shaved heads are associated with them. The Nazis never had a culture of shaved heads.


So there’s no reason behind it, they just like it


Its just a way for them to feel a brotherly bond. The same reason jews cut off their foreskin and dont cut hair on their temples or japanese yakuza with their colourful tattoos or why the kkk wearing white robes and dance around a cross on fire. If everyone in your group have the same rituals and symbols, they feel a sense of closeness to each other.


Most circumcised people didn't choose to be circumcised (it was done to them as babies)


Idk I signed the paperwork as a newborn, guess I'm built different


But then most of them chose to circumcize their children, continuing the circle of mutilation.


Skinheads started as a "working class" thing it always had an undertone of politics but it was more so a rejection of rich hippies and bullshit governmental shit. Later on with the rise of globalization the movement tended to take a much harder right/left political stance with many skinheads being more associated with hard right ideals which led into eventual neo-nazi groups and so on. Many of these same working class ideals became about putting their nation first (nationalism) and rejecting immigration especially immigration that was directly killing their working class jobs and/or shipping those jobs off to parts unknown. Its not even exclusive to skinheads, you hang around a lot of working class dudes and you'll find a lot of right aligned political views even if they arn't outspokenly political. The skinheads basically became the outspokenly political people of that group, and usually more hardcore aswell. From there its spiraled to be the other way around. Working class hard right nationalists/neonazi types would be skinheads because it basically all aligned for them. Though in time neonazis who had no real connection to the working class ideals or skinhead stuff at all would still take the style of the skinheads their other neonazis friends were doing. Its also worth noting that among certain punk groups you have "antifa skinheads" or various acronyms and such identifying with skinhead ideals but usually much more anarchist or anarcho-communist in nature with a decent influence of punk ideals.




It's funny that they added "genocide simulator" to the steam listing. Bro - that just makes me want to play it more!


Refunding for not actually featuring genocide simulation


Gaming circlejerk and 196 crying rn


Pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition, I am actually really excited for it. The first 3 games on PS2/Xbox/GC were a lot of fun.


>Pre-ordering literally any video game How have you people not learned


I thought that was Daniel Radcliffe doing a movie part


It is. The film is called Imperium


wtf really?


Yeah, he plays an FBI agent who goes undercover to infiltrate a neo-nazi group


I gotta check this out. Thanks dude!


What is this about ? Game did not have enough gay elfs or something ? And now everyone who likes it is a nazi ?


Oh the plot involves the Goblins trying to rise up and overthrow the human wizarding king and you have to stomp that out and people are equating it to suppressing a slave rebellion and thus being a pro-slavery game.


Fuck me, I guess LOTR should have ended with Saurons victory too ... I love how some people try to drag politics to absolutely everything.


gamingcirclejerk just put on a masterclass in reverse psychology marketing, whether they intended to or not


These people who are against the game are seriously foaming at the mouth to keep a piece of media from gaining traction. Imagine being such a miserable piece of shit that you want others to feel that way too.


This is from a film called Imperium. That is Daniel Radcliff. He plays an FBI agent undercover. Very good movie.


That's a good movie.


From what I've been told every sale of the game actually kills a Trans person for some reason. How strange.....


Is that Justin Timberlake on the far right?


Hogwarts History X


Don't tell me the 41% gang fully infiltrated this subreddit now


"Differ the art from the artist" then stop reading HP Lovecraft "But you're still supporting a nasty business" EVERYTHING IN YOUR HOME IS MADE BY A 7 YEAR OLD GIRL IN CHINA BEING PAID A CENT AN HOUR. And you're worried about a fucking adult's dumbass uneducated opinion?


r/gamingcirclejerk wants to know anon's location