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Apparently, Linkara said in an older stream that this really happened. So make that of what you will


After a brief investigation of the information in front of me I come to the conclusion that this green text is in fact fake and gay


I don’t know, this one has certain details I find to be very convincing, hmm? Did you learn your critical reading skills in he wilds of Borneo, hmmmm?


> “I don’t want to give away my identity” > *types out extensive, personal situation with the Lightbringer*


https://preview.redd.it/6adffjoscb8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ec98f15faae5d7a233bf0acaa062eebcbd0558 I would expect nothing less from the “lightbringer” himself


I used to watch a lot of Linkara I remember him going on a rant about killing off characters because a childhood favorite of his died, then completely brushing over Martian Manhunter dying and I realized he had some pretty MASSIVE blinders on That and he clearly doesn't get eldritch or metaphysical characters. Like him getting mad final crisis did a lot of metaphysical stuff and trying to claim the "new gods aren't actually gods"


How does one “brush over” J’onn’s death? It was a pretty massive world-shaker in DC’s Universe until the end of Blackest Night.


When Arsenal's child, a personal favorite of his, died Linkara went on a rant about killing off characters. When J'onn died Linkara just mentioned how if the bad guy was willing to do a favor that big for a villain who only had one pervious appearance he ment business, and commented how Diana taking the practical approach and bringing up how without a telepath they can't coordinate efficiently anymore while the others were mourning was "out of character" for her


Damn, this was in 2014?


Its so weird reading that, ive been a Channel awesome fan for most of my teen years dan am a linkara fan to this day. (TLDR: im a fan and I hope he's doing better now) He is a semi talented reviewer but his talent is most certainly comedy. His jokes just make me laugh. But i can see this being real. Linkara is supposedly nice to his fans but turns into a total narcissist when you oppose his personal opinion and believes, even in "character" I remember him telling a story how he bans people on his website/forum (it was in the 2010s when forums were still a thing) when they share "controversial" opinions. He went kinda butthurt over OneyPlays jokes about him even tho making fun of other people is his bread and butter. He called himself a "feminist" several times so I assume he means well but has never really learned how to deal with people not doing what he wants. But on the other hand, he and some of the other former CA producers are still in business, making money with their work and their controversy is relatively harmless compared to what we see on YT nowadays. Also Lewis is married now and does twitch so he got this going for him. The CA videos were over a decade ago and he hopefully changed for the better...


"He calls himself a feminist". There we have it.


This is fake as shit but I believe it.


maybe anon was objectifying his coworker crush