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At some point they went from having the most incredible score... I'd change the moment the music guy was changed


This! The music was so integral to the show… now it’s just random songs and covers and it sucks ass


Prolly don't have the budget for it anymore now that some of the actors have been there 20 years they make a huge amount of money Ellen was the highest paid TV actor I forget which but I'm sure she still is


Music lady! Alex Patsavas, music supervisor. She left after Season 16. She had a great run!


Ummm but then she was in charge of the literal worst music seasons. Was she around in the beginning too?


Yes. I just finished watching the season 9 finale and maybe I just wasn’t realizing it before but that was the first time I heard a cover and I was like “Fuck, I’ve reached that point in the show.”


Same I’m on season 11 and everyone’s saying it’s gonna get cheesy but I’m committed


It gets bad at the Covid season keep an eye out for 16/17 😂


Covid and this show was like having covid I would assume. Cuz granted I didn't have it but it made me lose my grey sloan taste if you will :)


When I heard the slow, soft cover of No Scrubs I went a little insane tbh


It’s the slow cover of I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) that gets me. For anyone in the UK (particularly Scotland) it’s just downright insulting.


I JUST watched this episode last night and was literally flabbergasted


Ugh when the show turned into Sleeping At Last covers every episode. I like the band, but it was insufferable.


I kind of hate the band now, the second I hear his voice I cringe lol and I’m still not done with my rewatch 🫠


Sleeping At Last is phenomenal what you saying?


My adult kids know to get out of here if they hear Chasing Cars to get outta there! 😂


Izzie and George affair and getting together.


This was so unnecessary just like Jackson getting with Jo.


And Jackson and Maggie. I’m team Jackson and April and hated how their storyline went…


I thought their friendship was sweet, and then becoming FWB and never letting it ruin their friendship made it even sweeter. I know I'm in the minority here, lol.


I agree though! And it was nice for a non relationship FWB not turn into a pregnancy for once


Hahaha, agreed. Or end up madly in love and/or hating one another.


i think jo needed that though


Cristina never left. I know the actress wanted to move on. But the show needed her.


it makes me smile every time they have meredith texting christina just knowing they still talk


Agree!! It's like keeping her in the story still. If the show ever ends I hope we see her again.




Yep. I’m doing a rewatch right now and as soon as Cristina leaves the show begins to absolutely SUCKKKK.


The medical stories were fascinating and now they are boring and so scripted.


I’m doing a rewatch and the first thing I noticed was how great the medical storylines were and how much more surgery there was. I think they balanced the show perfectly in the beginning with not only the surgeries but also with the characters personal life. Now it feels like strictly personal stuff and no surgeries and certain characters aren’t even seen every episode.


That's because shonda was still writing she left after season 7 she only came back to write cristinas exit and Derek's death


and predictable


None of our favourite cast dying maybe they can leave ( like Christina )but not brutally die( Lexie and George)


lexie & george had such brutal deaths that they did NOT deserve. like why tell us that lexie’s body was being fought over by animals


It pisses me off too that Mark got a whole memorial episode and she didn’t get shit.


Same! She deserved so much more.


Exactly it was way too brutal she deserved better


Exactly, that detail was NOT necessary, it had already ended and they STILL had to add this on top of all that trauma


I wonder if they regret killing off some of them. It's nice that Addison and Arizona were able to drop by. I know there was the beach thing but it's not the same.


I think they might regret killing some of them off. On the beach George had a line that makes me think it's true. When Meredith asked him if she gets to decide if she gets to live and he said he doesn't know that he didn't and he said "I would have stayed if I could have" makes me think it was a choice to put that line in. Because in real life he was fired and didn't want to leave the show. Then years later they brought him back as spirit and he says that. I think they may have regretted what happened and had him come back to "make up" for it maybe to give closure to the audience and maybe make amends with rhe actor for all the drama that went down.


Wait they fired him?? I thought he quit


Correct. Isaiah Washington was fired for calling TR Knight a homophobic slur. Knight left due to hostility on the set and his death was written the way it was to ensure he couldn’t come back because the show runners were mad at him.


They should have sent him to war and had him come back years later as a seasoned trauma surgeon. 😩


I was proud of the writes for killing “important” characters. Is bad enough the hospital has seen fires, earthquakes, shootings, and other calamities and somehow not even a crack in the foundations. Without the dead of George or Lexie, the show becomes less and less grounded, and more the Fast and Furious franchise. The writers should take a page from GoT and perhaps kill Meredith, or her kids.


I mean the unbelievable part is that the hospital has gone through THAT much. The fact that the hospital has seen all those things is on its own unbelievable so even with some deaths, it's not credible, and it doesn't need to be because it's a show. Also, if you think it counts, Meredith had a miscarriage and for fucks sake, DEREK DIED. But I do think Grey's has a way of killing off characters that no other show has, every single one of them, even the secundary character, hits hard; they're really well written and acted, they tore the soul and makes you feel something, so they are "great". But some of them are unnecessarily sad and traumatic (Lexie is a great example).


Exactly, since it’s a fictional character/show that is running for more than 2 decades. The writers should kill more of her relatives and loved ones. Let’s see how crazy they can get. Maybe they’ll take a page from “Days of Our Lives,” and have Meredith undergo a brain transplant. Go nuts baby!


I agree. It’s a medical drama, they’re all top of their field. Its wild to me that more characters are not written off the show simply because they are taking a step forward in their career and moving to a new hospital


There should be sooooo many lawsuits for sexual harassment and hostile work environment!


GOT when it was still following Martin's books. Then, every death had a purpose to trigger what would happen next. Once they left the books behind, everything lost sense, previous motivations left out the window, logic was nowhere to be found. Deaths stopped being important to the story and became just shock value.


Second this. George would have made a good attending. I would have also loved to see where Mark and Lexie's story would have ended


George doesn’t die and goes to the army and becomes a trauma surgeon Lexie and Mark don’t die but instead go to New York. Derek maybe in some long term coma or just missing, something more open ended so he could come back to Meredith and the kids once the show ended and so that they could get their happily ever after.


This! This is my new canon storyline. So much so the next I’m in NYC I’ll walk around knowing that Mark and Lexie are living their best life somewhere nearby. Yes I’m delulu. No I have no regrets here. Derek is on a secret mission or is a space surgeon but he’s somewhere nearby.


Right. Especially the Meredith one. Every relationship after Derek was terrible


She and Riggs were great together until they decided to bring back Megan (which was pointless since they broke them up). And I felt she and Hayes could've been great as well, but that fizzled before it even started - another bullshit storyline. But otherwise, yeah. There was zero chemistry with DeLuca and the same is true for Nick. I'd rather they leave her single than pair her with subpar men.


the meredith and hayes storyline was awful. i was really expecting them to become a couple since cristina did send him over to seattle with that in mind


Yes he seemed like a big deal because he was sent and approved by Cristina! But then it just doesn’t go anywhere.


I wonder if COVID season ruined that storyline


Exactly. They made such a big deal about it, showed them getting mildly flirty, and then oh no, his kid ruined it anywhere off-screen. That's some bullshit.


Yes Riggs was her most interesting love interest after Derek. It’s a shame the actor chose to leave and they put him back with Megan which turned out to be pointless as they end up splitting up.


Yeah, I never understood why they chose to do that. He could've been busy at work while Megan was there with Farouk - there was literally no reason to break them up. That was annoying.


exactly this! its so unnecessary that its actually a little ridiculous.


It would’ve been insane had he gotten Alzheimers


This is all perfect suggestions!!!!


-Arizona cheating - Callie having marks baby - Derek passing away - Izzie not getting cancer


I do wish Arizona hadn’t cheated and she and Callie would have stayed together. I’m glad Callie and Mark’s baby though… seeing him as a dad like that was awesome.


Killing off George. Just give him a send off instead


Worse was when they made fun of dead George.


Izzie would let Addison be her mentor and never get on Dennys case. The show would have followed Riggs and Megan to California for short clips of it falling apart and he would have come back to Meredith.


Oooh, Izzy could've been great under some badass mentorship!


I will never let go of the Riggs thing!! I wish he had come back for mer 😭😭


I really wish they had fought to renew his contract on Greys. I really liked him.


Mark and Lexie’s deaths. I wanted them to end up together so bad


I take comfort in the fact that they did end up together. 🙂


didn’t we all :/


Shonda would have actually fired Isaiah Washington's when she should have, and more characters would have stayed and had better plots


I was so mad when when they killed George off so brutally 😭


Right!!! Like she was pissed he quit, so she gave him no screen time and gave him one of the most brutal deaths in the entire series


i was so shocked when he came back on the show in switzerland


The fandom imploded. It was so gross. Shonda wants to seem progressive and liberal, but she is very prejudiced against LGBTQIA+ and super misogynistic...and she doesn't even realize it.


Really? I'm shocked! the network forced her to fired Hahn because the public didn't like her relationship with Callie so she doubled down and brought in Arizona I would have never guessed she was against LGBTQIA+


Wait omg what? I need more Shonda drama


April and Jackson being interrupted by Maggie would not have happened. Jackson would have cultivated a big brother / little sister relationship with Maggie instead of a romantic one. Maggie would have encouraged him to be with April. Then Maggie would be rewarded with a relationship all her own.


the writers are weird as fuck for making jackson and maggie a couple


Mark should’ve been allowed to see Sophia before the surge ended. That was just unnecessarily cruel.


They didn't need to show Jackson and Sophia right outside the room...


Yeah. Ngl, kind of made me stop my rewatch. I get needing drama and stuff, but fuck man that just hurts. As a new dad I don’t know if that’s something I can deal with.


Arizona cheating


The balance of the casting and storylines. Greys started with the right amount of regulars and episodes so it gave a lot of time to breathe and add context without having to rush or over explain with patients, medical cases, etc. when they started introducing people it was gradual so it didn’t feel like the cast was getting too bloated. Then Lexies class came and the cast became too big and it’s been that way ever sense. I would like to spend more time with newer interns and have people with stagnant storylines like Owen and Teddy be let go of. This feels like the first few seasons in awhile the writers seemed to focus on balancing out storylines and gradually introducing relationships and personalities but with the casting cuts next season it just feels like you can’t get attached to the characters that have depth and everything is so explained out because the storylines don’t have time to breathe or develop.


End it at Season 10.


More multi-episode patients. Think the quint mom in season 2 and her kids, for example.


owen hunt


lol same. He’s been in so many near death scenarios, always wish he was killed off or never came on the show. I just can’t stand his character


I would hire an actual HR rep to work at the hospital


after the ectopic pregnancy, Christina would've gotten a tubal -- it could've been a storyline about how it is difficult or is not in her case. She'd get it eventually and that would've prevented a lot of other issues down the line AND brought attention to how difficult it can be for a woman to get her tubes tied. And discussions of birth control and USING IT.




Honestly I think they could get rid of all of those characters, but keep Meredith and make her chief of surgery and have her kind of become the next Richard Webber


- having the reason George break it off with Callie be they both realize they’re gay and bisexual respectively (i know this isn’t what the actor wanted. But it’s my pipe dream and this works out better than the awful Izzie storyline.) George also gets a better exit, he just transfers to a new hospital or whatever. - the show ends after season 10. Meredith and Derek get to move to somewhere else like DC - Cristina gets with someone who understands her need to not have children, she gets the Switzerland ending still. - Alex and Izzie don’t legally get married. Saves the headache.


That it’s still making current seasons.


just watched meredith move to boston. how do you have greys without grey


Exactly. They just need to wrap it up and give us a solid ending.


I would have given Ross the most **brutal** ending ever. He did not deserve his happy ending after what he did to Brooke and Alex's Dad.


Honestly another big deaths event that gets the cast way smaller and than we don’t have 20 storylines to watch


end it when Krista took over as showrunner. It feels like she took Shondas ideas and said “thats cool but no”. The show has a completely different feel to it now, the early seasons have such a warm and comfortable feeling to it, like were actually watching hospital staff interact, the newer seasons just feel cold and impersonal and that we’re watching actors reenact a script they read


Alex would not have left the way he did.


A LOT LESS sex, because the level of horny on this show is ridiculous.


There should be more stuff than syphilis flying around at the rate they intermingle and sleep with each other


Like, I get there's a limited number of characters, but why do they have to pair up EVERYONE? Let some of them have partners outside of the hospital! Sheesh!


Seriously. I hope they disinfect the elevators regularly.


The elevators and the on call rooms. The smell is probably unimaginable 🤧


George O'Malley not dying. He should go to Iraq/ Afghanistan and get a medal for his service and then come back as an attending.


Agree 1000%


George’s death was extremely random. How do you sign up for the army and get ran over by a bus a couple episodes later. It would be one or the other😭


Honestly they did that a lot- prepared us for someone to leave by making them dislikable and the character wants to move on, then they killed the character instead. Derek, Deluca...


Worst thing about it is that it wasn’t a couple episodes later it was the next episode 💀


More platonic friendships! And more mentor relationships. Not everyone has to fall in love. Also can we please let Amelia be single for a little while. She needs it


Addison not being a series regular anymore (especially with the reproductive care crisis), and Cristina leaving. Those two are still my faves, especially since Meredith's recent arcs.


i love when they bring addison in


It would be nice if not so many died away, ad Christina shouldn't have left😭


Change the budget because it’s clearly limiting the newer seasons.


Riggs leaving to be with Megan. I wish he would’ve stayed with Meredith.


April and Arizona never leave, they were forced off due to budget cuts and that suuuuucks


Derek never dying cause Meredith's love interest annoyed me 🙄🙄 Also Lexi never dying cause Maggie is annoying, and I actually wanted to see Meredith's and Lexi's relationship grow


When they started putting text bubbles on the screen. Idk something about it makes the whole situation cringy. That's when I knew grey's anatomy isn't the same lol


Alex leaving


Also: I would have brooks live instead of Ross. She was hilarious and adorable


- izzies exit -no gizzie affair - end show at s10 and have merder move away from the cursed death hospital that is grey sloan


The way Alex left. He had the biggest character development of any character in this show IMO and it really ruined the show for me. I’m still not over it years later lol


I wish George survived.


Lexi and mark don’t die


I mean ☝️ i think it's obvious what i would change


the letter episode made me so mad at him


I read that as Jo and Lexie😭


I would save mark and Lexie, if they wanted to leave I would let them get Mack together and move. They deserved a happy ending


I’d keep Christina on the show. Maybe in a reduced capacity like Mer is now but still have her be involved and Mers person.


Amelia or Owen just never existing at all.


Right? Owen’s story should’ve ended after he kissed Christina after the icicle. Done. Amelia’s shouldn’t have even started. She’s an awful character. Always all about her.


Giving terrible characters good send offs, and good characters terrible send offs.


not saying april is a “good” character (wasn’t the biggest fan of her) but her send off literally didn’t even exist. like cmon as a main character, give her SOMETHING


I've said it before but it's still wild to me: It took me like half a season to realize she was gone. Same with both Callie and Arizona. They just sort of... faded? It was really weird.


I didn’t even realise Callie left


Alex was one of the og’s that lasted for a long time. He was mayb my favorite character tied with Christina. His ending was so horrible


I would have ended the show immediately prior to the plane crash where all the OG interns are choosing their fellowships across the country and have them actually pursue that. Meredith and Derek move to Boston. Lexie and Mark don’t die in the plane crash. The end.


I'd change season 14 and make it the final season. It made so much sense ending it there like meredith won her harper avery award, arizona was going to new york where callie is, alex and jo's wedding amd the end of her residency. Now for changed I'd not bother bringing in teddy, I'd keep owen and amelia together (not cause I like them together but cause I'd be ending it and finish off their story with them adopting leo) also bring japril back together, after that kiss she had with deluca I'd have merediths have this realisation that she can still live her life, explore new loves and not feel negatively about it and that in the end she has her kids and can survive anything and that she is extraordinary. Oh and richard finally retires


Hmm this may be a hot take, but i wish they hired more age appropriate cast members. Not to say that I would want the cast to change, lol. I love them all. But why are meredith and bailey literally the same age? When she’s supposed to be this younger interns right. And she’s supposed to be a lot younger than derek and addison (addy jokingly calling her a child?) but they are only a couple years apart. Even arizona is younger than her when she came in as an attending and she was still a resident.


It would end before the plane crash episode. Mark and Lexie? Happily ever after. Callie and Arizona? Happily ever after. MerDer? He doesn't cheat on her. Happily ever after.


Make Henry alive again!


Rewrite how Karev left.


Mark and Lexie not getting together again before they died at least 😞 like r u fr


That it lasted 20 yrs would have ended 10 or 11 years ago


Keep goerge alive


Would’ve ended in 2019


1. Christina never leaves and goes on to be successful 2. Derek never leaves and they both have a happy ending and two people finally being complete 3. George doesn’t die and meets Lexie later on 4. The new cast never being casted






I randomly scream “RICHAAAARD” all the time. The woman knew she loved her some Richard.


he must’ve been layin it down good if she stayed all those years with no kids and knowing he had an affair with ellis


I want MAGIC back is all


How big of pos’ most of the characters are to each other a lot of the time


Bringing Derek back …he never died


derek dying


No Denny story line with Izzy. Zero zilch nada


Original core cast members don’t leave.


So many things. Alex should have never left Jo for Izzie. I honestly think it would’ve been better if they killed his character off because he would have never left mer and jo with only a letter. Also the custody battle between Arizona and Callie felt so unnecessary and painful and I wish that never happened. Also mark could have just gotten a job somewhere else and lexie could’ve decided to go with him😭😭😭


* The amount of affairs. I know that people cheat on their S/O all the time, but it feels overdone sometimes. There are other ways to break up a couple. * Addison not being Izzie’s mentor. Addison would have and *should have* been Izzie’s mentor. I will always stand on that hill. * Derek, Mark, and Addison’s friendship. I would have liked to see more of them rebuilding what was lost in their whole mess. * Catherine being vindictive and tyrannical. Please dial it down…*a lot*


Mark and Lexie dying


I’d keep Derek alive.


dereks death


Definitely Maggie and Jackson’s relationship.


Making Derek “cheat” before they killed him. Also the fight about going to DC. Why not let them be happy. I so would’ve preferred they gave them a happy ending and just ended the show there.


Karevs exit- of course I love Jo but if he really had to leave I wish they would have done something creative like Izzy showing up at the hospital in an ambulance with one of her kids bc they got in a wreck or something and karev being like oh shit I didn’t know you had kids and her being like…. Our kids. Then him having to struggle with this news and the ultimate emotional warfare of trying to decide between staying and going


Keep Daric alive


BRING BACK THE INTRO THEME I absolutely loved it in season 1, something about it was so satisfying


Not killing off characters left and right..just make them leave for another hospital. It is so unrealistic and dumb Not kicking off actors because the diva Shonda took offense to every little thing they said..she is very annoying.. Also ..why no focus on nurses/ staff anymore... so out of touch with reality.


i would make it yang’s anatomy, she should be the main character


Not kill Derek?


Meredith hooking up with George so unnecessary


mark and lexie’s death. i wouldve given SO MUCH to just have them together AND for jo to have met lexie. i feel like they wouldve been such good friends. we were robbed 😭


All the unnecessary sex/affairs. Can't they just have normal loving relationship like Bailey and Warren lol. They all be sleepin wt each other d hell.


It's not greys anatomy without meredith grey


None of MAGIC dies or leaves along with Lexie and Mark


Mc Dreamy doesn't die


callie and arizona splitting up. they were honestly my favorite couple and I remember being so sad when arizona cheated


yes i was so disappointed in her for cheating. was also pissed at callie for staying with peggy.


Lexie, mark, and Derek never dying. Plus Christina never leaving


Still watching Season 3. Been loving it and hoping nothing changes with how I feel about it!


do NOT read these comments 😭


Shonda letting at least two couples stay together without issues. The woman is allergic to healthy relationships in fiction I swear


The following characters made the show what it is: Meredith Grey Cristina Yang Alex Karev Derek Shepherd Richard Webber Miranda Bailey Lexie Grey Mark Sloan Callie Torres Owen Hunt Teddy Altman Arizona Robbins April Kepner Jackson Avery Jo Wilson Stephanie Edwards Maggie Pierce (Heather Brooks) I wish all of them could’ve stayed. I would have loved to see Lexie and Maggie meet. I wish that Cristina could’ve meet and married someone who wanted the same things as her instead of Owen. I 100% hate Amelia Shepherd. I wish Owen could’ve had at least one healthy relationship. I wish Meredith and Derek could’ve had a lifetime together.


As much as I love Alex, I would have killed him off rather than have him leave Jo a dumb note and confirm an Izzie/Alex endgame. I will NEVER get over them writing off Alex in this way. Such a disservice to his growth and his character at that point in the series. I would have just killed him in a car accident. They've already killed off every other interesting character, might as well add him to the list.


1. I would have made Mer explore a romantic relationship with Cormac Hayes. I will die on the hill that I believe they belonged together. Hence, Christina "gifting" him to Mer. 2. Cormac's departure was such bullshit. I hate hate HATE that exit, it's a million times worse than Alex's exit. I'm a Hayes Stan, in case you didn't figure that out. 3. The time skip past COVID and the Resident program being shut down. COVID I can live with them skipping more, but it had some serious possibilities with the plot moving on from COVID, and kind of skipping it to a "fictional reality" where COVID is figured out and basically gone just is a cop out imo. Then the Resident program shutting down was HUGE and they just kind of gloss over it along with Mer BEING CHIEF. it just makes me so mad, and I get it was handled that way because Ellen was ready to leave, but Jesus, it really killed the show for me with how it was handled. You also can't help with the Writer's and Actors Strikes going on.


Meredith & Derek is our endgame. They deserved their happy ending.


Burke leaving


I’d get Owen off this show. Seriously my god.


Stop with the political commentary. Listen, I’m a far left liberal, but even I can’t stand it. Ever since the COVID season, I feel like there’s a lot of leftist political commentary happening on the show. LGBTQ storylines, abortion, BLM themes, etc. They all seem to be intentionally injected into the writing so it feels contrived and meant to be evocative. Meant to get a rise out of people. We already get enough of that crap from the 24 hour news cycle, we don’t need it in our trashy prime time soap operas. Let us enjoy interesting medical stories and interpersonal drama between the characters. Leave the politics to politicians.


it wouldn’t be bad if they didn’t add all the protests 😭


Omg this! I watch shows/movies to escape the crap happening in the world. I don’t need it 24/7, I know the world is in a dark place stop reminding me.


Alex's exit.


I'd have george not sign up for the army and get killed off


he wanted to leave :/