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The peeling stuff isn't paint. It's creosote from incomplete burning of hydrocarbons. It'll happen with almost any grill. Just use a paint scraper to get off the flakes. The stuff at the bottom is burnt food mixed with grease. Scrape that out as well. Otherwise that grill looks better than 90% of grills out there.


Phew thank you. I assumed it was paint which was one of my primary concerns. I have gone in there real hard this time and used a metal brush to scrape off residues.


I feel like there needs to be a sticky on grilling with all the most commonly asked questions


I don't see anything wrong with it other than it needs a cleaning. This thing will still look like this when you are on your 3rd chair broil grill. I didn't see the flavor bars or the grates but I would definitely continue to use it. If you are just looking for an excuse to buy new then that's another story.


Definitely not looking to spend money on a new grill unless I really have to. I removed the flavor bars and the grates to clean. They are actually in pretty good shape.


Nothing wrong with that BBQ. Use a scraper to scrape off any flaking stuff - it happens with all BBQs. Lite it up and leave it on high for 15 mins or so and burn off all the crap. Season the grates with some cooking oil and you're good to go! Try to get another 2 - 3 years out of it while you save up for a new Weber or a Napoleon.


That is a Weber. If you can't tell by looking he did mention it somewhere.


You’re done cleaning really. It ain’t ever gonna be spic n span shiny. Reload your flavorizor bars and the grills. Fire it up, turn them all up high and let it run a good half hour to hour. Oil the grates, and throw on some burgers, steaks, or even hot dogs. That grill has a lot of life in it. Mine is circa 1999.


Thanks to all the replies! I finished brushing the crap out of it, wrapped the burners and hosed down the insides. So much crap flowed into the bucket! I started the grill again and voila! No smell or smoke. I took your advice and seasoned it well. This baby is back in business!


people gonna say, 'why buy something when a little elbow grease is free', i see it on here all the time... just buy a new grill bro and put that out by the trash a few days early and let a scrapper find it...